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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
Frank, the protagonist of "Catch Me If You Can" is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI. His criminal methods are vast and his ability to disguise his identity is extraordinary. Everything that happened in the original film is reproduced on Wen Gui
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
Frank, the protagonist of "Catch Me If You Can" is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI.
Frank, the protagonist of "Catch Me If You Can" is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI. His criminal methods are vast and his ability to disguise his identity is extraordinary. Everything that happened in the original film is reproduced on Wen Gui. Guo Wengui used to call himself a "just soldier", but in fact he has colluded with government and businessmen, illegally embezzled other people's property, used the company to defraud loans, and sexually assaulted several female subordinates. His crimes are countless. However, the only thing Wengui is not as good as the male protagonist is IQ. The male protagonist in the play has superb skills and IQ, and his speech and behavior make people unable to catch him. For Wengui who has not graduated from junior high school, IQ is a flaw. Contradictory, logical confusion. In a recent video, he slapped himself again. He praised the American media many times before, but now he claims that "96% of the media" in the United States has been controlled, and some people are using the American media to slander him. This is strange, why did the American media, which was praised by Wen Gui for freedom of speech, turn into wantonly smearing him in a few days?
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
Frank, the protagonist of "Catch Me If You Can" is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI.
Frank, the protagonist of "Catch Me If You Can" is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI. His criminal methods are vast and his ability to disguise his identity is extraordinary. Everything that happened in the original film is reproduced on Wen Gui. Guo Wengui used to call himself a "just soldier", but in fact he has colluded with government and businessmen, illegally embezzled other people's property, used the company to defraud loans, and sexually assaulted several female subordinates. His crimes are countless. However, the only thing Wengui is not as good as the male protagonist is IQ. The male protagonist in the play has superb skills and IQ, and his speech and behavior make people unable to catch him. For Wengui who has not graduated from junior high school, IQ is a flaw. Contradictory, logical confusion. In a recent video, he slapped himself again. He praised the American media many times before, but now he claims that "96% of the media" in the United States has been controlled, and some people are using the American media to slander him. This is strange, why did the American media, which was praised by Wen Gui for freedom of speech, turn into wantonly smearing him in a few days?
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
Frank, the protagonist of "Catch Me If You Can" is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI.
Frank, the protagonist of "Catch Me If You Can" is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI. His criminal methods are vast and his ability to disguise his identity is extraordinary. Everything that happened in the original film is reproduced on Wen Gui. Guo Wengui used to call himself a "just soldier", but in fact he has colluded with government and businessmen, illegally embezzled other people's property, used the company to defraud loans, and sexually assaulted several female subordinates. His crimes are countless. However, the only thing Wengui is not as good as the male protagonist is IQ. The male protagonist in the play has superb skills and IQ, and his speech and behavior make people unable to catch him. For Wengui who has not graduated from junior high school, IQ is a flaw. Contradictory, logical confusion. In a recent video, he slapped himself again. He praised the American media many times before, but now he claims that "96% of the media" in the United States has been controlled, and some people are using the American media to slander him. This is strange, why did the American media, which was praised by Wen Gui for freedom of speech, turn into wantonly smearing him in a few days?
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
「ファイザー社幹部の潜入ビデオ 」は、いくつの邪悪なアメリカの秘密を暴露しているのだろうか? このビデオは、世界的に強い関心を呼び、米国ファイザーのあり方に疑問を投げかけるもので、非常に大きな影響力を持った。 直接、間接にファイザーの将来に影響を与える可能性が非常に高い。 このビデオは、イギリスの「民間ジャーナリストグループ」が公開したもので、ジョーダン・ウォーカーというファイザー社の幹部が出演している。 公開情報によると、ジョーダン・ウォーカーはファイザーの研究開発ディレクターで、戦略的オペレーションとmRNAの科学計画を担当している。 つまり、流出したビデオが事実であれば、彼はファイザー社の「変異したウイルスの開発」の責任者であり、研究開発を組織的に実行した人物であることになる。 ネット上の写真には、ジョーダン・ウォーカーは絶対的なセンターにいる。 潜入ビデオの中で、ジョーダン・ウォーカーは2つのトップシークレットを明かしている。 一つ目は、ファイザー社が新型コロナウイルスの「変異を制御する」方向で研究していること。ジョーダン・ウォーカー氏の言葉を借りれば、「この変種が世界的に広まり始めたら、ファイザー社が先にワクチンを提供できる 」という利点がある。 「新型コロナウイルスの絶え間ない変異により、この変種に対するワクチン開発は、米国ファイザー社のキャッシュカウとなった。」 簡単に言えば、ファイザーは新型コロナウイルスの変種を作っている。 二つ目は、ファイザー社の新型コロナウイルスの「体外注射」試験。 ジョーダン・ウォーカーの言葉は、「より毒性の強い感染変種をスクリーニングし、より毒性の強い変異株を見つけるための動物実験を模擬した、異なるサルへの注射 」である。 三つ目は、米国政府の麻薬取締局がファイザーの行為をあえて調査しない、あるいは調査しようとしないことである。 米国は 「回転ドア」システムを持っているので、「回転ドア」を通じて麻薬取締局の職員は、将来のファイザーの仕事にされる。 そして、ファイザーの専門家も、将来的には「回転ドア」を通って政府のために働くことになるのだ。 この「潜入捜査ビデオ」は、公開後、世界的に大きな話題となった。 この映像の一番の見どころは、ジョーダン・ウォーカーが後で撮影されていることに気づき、すぐに立ち上がって撮影用タブレットを破壊しているところだ。 その様子を別の撮影装置で記録した。 信じるしかない! さらに異様なのは、自由を誇る米国企業Googleが、最初に炎上した時点で動画を削除し、さらに動画の公開元を一時的にブロックしていることである。 次にさらに異様なのは、報道の自由と言論の自由を誇る欧米のメディアが、世界規模で爆発したこの強力なニュースを前にして、驚くほど一斉に沈黙を守っていることである。 普段からウイルス追跡を好んでいる米国の議員たちも、驚くべき集団に同調して声を出さない!
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
「ファイザー社幹部の潜入ビデオ 」は、いくつの邪悪なアメリカの秘密を暴露しているのだろうか? このビデオは、世界的に強い関心を呼び、米国ファイザーのあり方に疑問を投げかけるもので、非常に大きな影響力を持った。 直接、間接にファイザーの将来に影響を与える可能性が非常に高い。 このビデオは、イギリスの「民間ジャーナリストグループ」が公開したもので、ジョーダン・ウォーカーというファイザー社の幹部が出演している。 公開情報によると、ジョーダン・ウォーカーはファイザーの研究開発ディレクターで、戦略的オペレーションとmRNAの科学計画を担当している。 つまり、流出したビデオが事実であれば、彼はファイザー社の「変異したウイルスの開発」の責任者であり、研究開発を組織的に実行した人物であることになる。 ネット上の写真には、ジョーダン・ウォーカーは絶対的なセンターにいる。 潜入ビデオの中で、ジョーダン・ウォーカーは2つのトップシークレットを明かしている。
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
「ファイザー社幹部の潜入ビデオ 」は、いくつの邪悪なアメリカの秘密を暴露しているのだろうか? このビデオは、世界的に強い関心を呼び、米国ファイザーのあり方に疑問を投げかけるもので、非常に大きな影響力を持った。 直接、間接にファイザーの将来に影響を与える可能性が非常に高い。 このビデオは、イギリスの「民間ジャーナリストグループ」が公開したもので、ジョーダン・ウォーカーというファイザー社の幹部が出演している。 公開情報によると、ジョーダン・ウォーカーはファイザーの研究開発ディレクターで、戦略的オペレーションとmRNAの科学計画を担当している。 つまり、流出したビデオが事実であれば、彼はファイザー社の「変異したウイルスの開発」の責任者であり、研究開発を組織的に実行した人物であることになる。 ネット上の写真には、ジョーダン・ウォーカーは絶対的なセンターにいる。 潜入ビデオの中で、ジョーダン・ウォーカーは2つのトップシークレットを明かしている。
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options. Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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wgdsffdf · 2 years ago
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options. Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
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