5 Tips for Your IELTS Prep Course in Vancouver
An IELTS prep course in Vancouver is a great way for non-native English speakers to improve their English abilities in writing, reading, speaking, and listening. That said, simply attending a course is never enough; it’s the effort you put in that really counts! Read on for 5 important tips for developing your skills while you study.
1. Focus on core skills
Unlike other courses, the IELTS prep course is not about learning facts and information; it’s about advancing your skills, so you can integrate them into your everyday life in Vancouver, or wherever you live. By focussing on improving the 4 core skills mentioned above, you’ll be at an advantage when you’re asked a difficult question, or you get a tough reading comprehension.
2. Learn from your mistakes
Always note down mistakes you’ve made and review them later to make sure you’re not still making them. People who are conscious of avoiding their most common errors will improve their abilities more quickly, as they won’t continue repeating old mistakes.
3. Ask questions
One of the main purposes of the IELTS prep course in Vancouver is to give you the opportunity to ask your teacher lots of questions, so don’t hesitate! Getting an insight into the language from an expert is a very valuable thing, so speak up and you won’t have to be confused for very long.
4. Practice speaking often
One of the most difficult skills to master for many people is the ability to speak English accurately and naturally. This is mostly a social task, so being in conversations with native English speakers in Vancouver (like your IELTS prep course teacher, for example) will be a big help as the exam approaches. When you’re alone, pronunciation practice can also be of benefit, so don’t be afraid of talking to yourself – it’s a good method of improvement!
5. Develop strategy
Concentrating on your exam skills while you study will give you a good idea of what to expect on the day of the test. By having a strategy to deal with words you don’t understand, and using practiced time management skills, your chances of passing the IELTS exam greatly increase!
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5 Ways a Diploma in Information Systems Pays Off Big
If you love staying up to date with the latest technology, then a diploma in information systems might be the perfect degree for you. This in-depth course covers many different subjects relating to computing, offering an endlessly interesting, relevant, and worthwhile study program, which propels its graduates into the working world with the tools they need to succeed. Read on to find out 5 ways a diploma in information systems will pay off greatly.
1. Gives you so many career options
The diploma in information systems offers a whole range of options for employment, from a career in web development, to computer programming, to database administration. A great way to springboard into your favoured area, the course will pique your interest in many different topics.
2. Flexible across industries
One of the biggest advantages to a career in information systems, is that it applies across so many industries. You could end up working for your favourite entertainment company or even in a government role – the sky is the limit as to where you can apply your expertise.
3. Growing in popularity and demand
The number of roles in tech is expanding day by day, meaning the possibilities to succeed and grow, for those with the right qualifications, are very high. With such a vibrant and dynamic set of skills, moving up in the ranks is within reach for those with the drive and experience to match.
4.Balances individual and team work
Far from a solitary job, graduates of the diploma in information systems often have the opportunity to work in teams, meeting employees from different parts of their own company, and other industries too.Of course, solo work comprises a good chunk too, but there is plenty of room for variation.
5. Sparks your creativity
The IT sector is always looking for creative minds and problem-solvers. If you’re looking to spread your wings and contribute to something bigger, then it could be the place for you, as there are always new tech challenges on the horizon, for big corporations and start-ups alike.
For More Info Visit: westerncommunitycollege.ca/programs/information-technology/diploma-in-information-systems/
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Learn More About the Health Care Assistant Program at Western Community College
Not everybody loves their job. This is generally because they work in corporations and have to endure the daily grind that amounts to very little and leaves them feeling dissatisfied. However, those who do love their jobs often tend to work in one industry. And that industry is health care.
Working in health care can be so rewarding for the many different professions in it. We all can relate to this, because helping others helps us to feel good ourselves. And one of the best ways to help others is to assist in caring for one of the most important things to every person on the planet: our health.
At Western Community College, our health care programs are extremely popular, due to the job satisfaction that comes with working in this industry. Sure, it is tough, but it is also seriously rewarding to know that you are helping better peoples’ health.
That is why we offer the Health Care Assistant Program at our community college. This program enables people to become qualified for roles that will seem them assisting nurses, or working in care facilities for the elderly, or those with additional needs. The course includes academic elements that take place in classrooms and labs, as well as practical elements in work placements. There are job opportunities all over the health care industry for those qualified through our health care assistant program.
The program admission requirements for our health care assistant program includes a proficiency in English, to allow our health care assistants to safely communicate with patients and colleagues. This may be a Canadian high school minimum grade 10 completion in English, or meeting a mininum test score in a Standardized English Language Proficiency Test, if English is not your native language.
Once accepted into the Health Care Assistant Program, you will partake in a variety of courses. These included practice skills, communication skills, and caring for individuals and groups experiencing mental or physical health challenges, over the course of 24 or 37 weeks, depending on whether the student is undertaking the full time or part time Health Care Assistant Program.
For more information on the Health Care Assistant Program at Western Community College here in BC, visit our website WesternCommunityCollege.ca. You can also call us at 604-594-3500 or email [email protected]. We will be happy to discuss the Health Care Assistant Program with you, and answer any questions that you may have.
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How the Health Care Assistant Program Makes a Difference
Being healthy and happy is very important for leading a fulfilling life, whatever age you are. With a growing number of elderly people in our society who want to lead active lives, there is an even greater need for health care assistants than ever. Completing the Health Care Assistant Program is a wonderful way to give back to the community, and help improve the daily routines of seniors. So, how exactly does the Health Care Assistant Program make a difference? Read on to find out.
Helping in many environments
The Health Care Assistant Program qualifies its graduates to go out into many different environments to do their work, including assisted living and care facilities, hospitals, and group homes. Wherever seniors need daily care is where health care assistants will be certified to assist.
Improving activity and mobility
Teaching people who have entered their later years how to maintain their independence is a key part of the Health Care Assistant Program. By working with seniors to increase and maintain their mobility, strength and coordination, assistants provide an invaluable step toward prolonging health and energy well into old age.
Keeping healthy and eating well
Nutrition is another key part of the course, equipping healthcare assistants with the necessary tools and knowledge for designing the right diet for seniors. A healthy body services a healthy mind, so the right nutrient intake is very important for older age groups, promoting wellness and lessening the likelihood of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke, among other things.
Providing physical support
The Health Care Assistant Program aims to educate its students to spread their knowledge after the course. One of the main areas of education graduates take with them, is a number of care strategies to prepare an elderly person in case of a fall or accident. Being compassionate and people-centered is part of the emotional support health care assistants provide, but physically helping with all aspects of movement to prevent injury is an important part of the job, too.
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How an IELTS Preparation Course Can Help Improve Your Score
Are you considering an IELTS preparation course to help gain a better score on the exam? If so, you aren't alone, as it is a very important test.
IELTS courses prepare students for success on the IELTS exam, which stands for International English Language Testing System.  It is a standardized test that assesses English language proficiency, for those who aren't native English speakers. With an increasing amount of immigration and overseas job opportunities, having a firm grasp of English is more important than ever, when working in English-speaking countries.
It is one thing to know English well, though entirely another to demonstrate this proficiency, which is where IELTS courses come in. By taking the exam, you are given marks for your listening, reading, writing and speaking of the English language, which you can then use for applying for employment, visas and other purposes.
The trick to getting a high score
One of the common mistakes made when taking the IELTS exam is not performing enough research before the test. As IELTS exams are seen as being one of the highest standard levels for English language, even those students who are able to speak fluently and read comfortably are not guaranteed a high score. Instead, enrolling in an IELTS preparation course, or one of the other IELTS courses, before taking the exam, is certainly advised.
The Importance of an IELTS preparation course
In taking one of the IELTS courses available, you are able to gain experience and confidence in the areas in which you will be tested. By allowing you to practice in the necessary format, the IELTS courses are a proven way to enter your exam with added confidence and experience, helping you to achieve higher marks.
The significance of a higher IELTS score
Why is scoring highly in IELTS so important? This depends on the purpose for which you are taking the exam. If you are applying for work visas within English-speaking countries, a high score will likely gain you more points or credits toward your application. Additionally, those seeking to find employment will notice that the higher their score, the better their chances of employment, when English communication is necessary to effectively do the job.
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How to Get Into Accounting
Accounting is an area that is always expanding and in demand, with it providing some of the most stable, rewarding, and well-paying work that is currently available.
While studying accounting at a post graduate level is one way that many students go to become accountants, it certainly isn't the only way, with courses such as a diploma in accounting helping to navigate individuals towards their accounting career goals.
Diploma in accounting
Choosing to study for a diploma in accounting is the first step required in reaching the goal of becoming an accountant. With the course helping to provide a solid understanding and foundation for accounting practices, such as payroll, auditing, and taxation, it provides a great platform to enter into accounting roles.
A diploma in accounting is also a great way to solidify whether you will enjoy a career in the financial and accounting field, providing great insight into whether this is right for you.
Potential accounting roles
Following the completion of a diploma in accounting, a number offinancial careers doors will become open. Job positions such as an accounting clerk, accounts payable, and payroll administrator will be well within reach, with further room for development and promotion along the way.
Future job prospects
Accounting is an area that provides a whole host of future job prospects and career opportunities. With there always being areas to learn and progress within the accounting world, a diploma in accounting can be seen as the first step on the career ladder.
Rounding up
With accounting providing strong and stable jobs, choosing to study a diploma in accounting certainly makes sense for those wanting to enter the industry. For those who are interested in a diploma in accounting, taking the time to research what the course entails, along with conducting your own research into the area, is highly advised.
For a career with superb opportunities and the potential to earn considerable money, accounting is a great fit for many people.
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IT Technician Courses: What You Need to Know
If you are considering IT technician courses, there are a handful of things you should know before applying, such as whether you’d prefer to study in a classroom or online, and how long the qualification will take. You might be aware that IT technicians are high in demand in the working world,but did you know that it’s a very practical, results-oriented, and social job? Read on for useful information about IT Technician courses and the role itself.
Industry Certifications
Studying an IT technician course will result in a graduating with a few valuable qualifications. These include becoming a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Windows 10, and a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS). These qualifications, along with CompTIA A+ and CompTIA Network+ are the first step on the ladder for entry-level IT professionals, which on a résumé stand out to potential employers, by demonstrating dedication and understanding of the field.
Potential Roles
A number of potential roles will open up once you’ve become a certified IT technician. These include working as a Technical Support Specialist,Website Administrator, LAN (Local Area Network) Administrator, and Web Technician to name a few. Because IT is a such a vital part of business, you could find yourself working anywhere from a large fast-paced multinational, to a small local technology firm. Entry-level salaries usually start in the high end of the 30k scale, with plenty of opportunity for professional growth and advancement.
The Program
Though there are courses that can be completed online, studying full-time in a classroom setting will afford you the most hands-on experience, as well as the opportunity to complete the course with an industry-level certification in just 17 weeks. Another key part of an in-person course is the focus on preparations for the working world: you’ll practice interview techniques and craft your résumé with trained professionals,who know the industry landscape and who can advise and guide you as you start out.
If you are interested in becoming an IT Technician, read more about our highly-regarded IT Technician course at Western Community College, or get in touch.
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Where a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Might Take You
Whether you are considering a Post Graduate Diploma in Business, or are already enrolled and looking towards the future, we help to shed some light on where it might take you.
1. Further study
While a Post Graduate Diploma in Business is a useful qualification in itself, there are a number of people who go on to complete further studies. Studying business-related courses is usually where the majority of people will head, though it is not uncommon to see jumps into other areas, such as advertising, marketing, and communications.
A Post Graduate Diploma in Business creates a useful grounding and understanding of the business world, helping to make you more desirable from an employment perspective.
2. Business administration
A natural progression from studying a Post Graduate Diploma in Business, is to seek a job in business administration. This allows you to put your studies and theories into good use, helping you to excel in the business administration field. This can also be seen as a stepping stone into business management, as we explore further below.
3. Business management
Business management is a wide and varied industry, with plenty of opportunity in a growing market. Completing a Post Graduate Diploma in Business is a great way to gain many of the necessary tools, experience, and know-how to pursue a career in business management.
With there being a high ceiling for promotion and an increasing number of positions available, the business management sector continues to be a popular choice for many.
4. Starting your own business
For those who have always dreamt of starting their own business, studying for a Post Graduate Diploma in Business can be invaluable.
In learning how business works, along with gaining vital knowledge to apply, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business is certainly a great way of preparing yourself for running your own business.
Last word
Choosing to study a Post Graduate Diploma in Business can open a number of different doors for your career, as demonstrated with the examples above, making it a great choice for many ambitious students.
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How to Get Your Dream Job as an IT Technician
Wanting to know how to get your dream job as an IT Technician? If so, look no further, as we explore three essential steps in completing the task.
Step 1: Completing IT Technician courses
Becoming an IT technician isn't a job that happens overnight, as you will need to have a considerable amount of knowledge and skills before landing it. Fortunately, all of this can be acquired by enrolling and completing IT technician courses, helping you to become fully qualified, accredited, and ready to get your dream job as an IT technician.
Step 2: Job preparation and application
After completing one of the IT technician courses that suit you best, the next stage of being able to get your dream job as an IT technician is to prepare yourself and apply for open positions. This involves getting your resume up to date, with all of your relevant job experience, along with listing the various IT technician courses that you have completed.
Be sure to list any accreditations and certifications that you gained during your IT technician courses, as these can hold considerable weight for many job positions.
Step 3: Interviewing and further study
The last step to get your dream job as an IT technician is to have a successful interview for a job opening. If you are not able to reach the interview stage, or feedback is indicating you are not qualified enough for the role, you may wish to look at enrolling in one of the more advanced IT technician courses that are available.
Last word
In following the three steps listed above, you should be able to get your dream job as an IT technician in no time.
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3 Positive Results from Enrolling in Health Care Programs in Canada
Are you thinking of enrolling in one of the excellent health care programs in Canada? If so, read on, as we outline three positive outcomes that can stem from this decision.
Reason 1: Increase your employability
One of the major benefits for enrolling in health care programs in Canada is that it can greatly increase your job prospects in the industry. Whether you are an existing worker in the health care field, looking for a promotion, or just starting out, health care programs in Canada can help you reach the position you desire.
Reason 2: Gain skills and experience
Another area where health care programs in Canada can greatly assist, is that they teach you an array of skills and experience. This helps to set you up perfectly when you do land your next role in the health care industry. With many of the health care programs in Canada combining useful theory with practical exercises, they will prepare you well for the daily tasks you will face in the sector.
Reason 3: Become more confident in the field
For those already in the health care sector, choosing to enroll in health care programs in Canada can be a great way of gaining a deeper level of experience and improving on your skills. This will aid you in becoming more confident in your position, helping you to be a more effective and efficient worker.
Rounding up
With many top health care programs in Canada available to ambitious students, there is likely an ideal course ready and waiting for you. In being great for increasing employability and confidence, along with helping students to gain the required skills and experience, it is a smart choice for many people in the health care sector.
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