westanalivingdeadgirl · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Crew Headcannons: When the crew meets Angel’s abused friend
Featuring: Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Angel, Nifty, Sir Pentious, and Alastor
Tw: Mentions of abuse, blood, murder, mentions of drugs, mention of death by drug overdose, insecurities, panic attacks, ptsd, self esteem issues, possessivness, protectiveness, safe spaces, etc….
A/n: I wanted angst today if you read it without looking over warnings sorry not sorry 😞
Angel Dust
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-After another exhausting day at the studio Angel just wanted to go home and drink himself to sleep, he didn’t expect to be bulldozed into by a panicking demon in tears.
-Had it not been for the birthmark on your forehead he never would’ve realized it was you, “(Y-Y/n)? Babycakes is that you?”, he’d ask in shock.
-You’re to overwhelmed to even realize who you’ve run into but the moment he hears your desperate whimpers for help he’s overcome by a strong protective desire to save you from whatever is happening.
-When you were both alive he treated you like family, kept you safe, and treated you like his little sibling. That wouldn’t change even after death.
-Sure enough your attackers have found you and threaten both of you if you refuse to comply, you’re in tears and rattling like a wet puppy in the middle of winter.
-Angel takes a deep breath and stands up, a pair of his arms wrapped around you tight in a comforting embrace while the other pair whip out his guns and begin to fire away at your attackers.
-The sounds of the screams and bullets overstimulate your frenzied mind and you faint in his arms, Angel doesn’t notice until your attackers are dead and he frowns seeing you bruised and cut up.
-“C’mon dollface, let’s get you somewhere safe.”, he whispers picking you up bridal style, “Out of everyone in the world why did you have to come down to Hell? If anyone deserved a pair of wings it was definitely you.”
-Angel carries you back to the Hazbin Hotel and shocks everyone while holding your unconscious body.
-“They need help Charlie. Please help them.”, Angel begs softly, laying you down on the couch of the waiting area.
-Angel explains who you are and what he’d done, Charlie doesn’t condone violence but she’s proud that he protected you.
-Angel stays by your side for the rest of the night until you’ve finally woken up, now calm you recognize your old friend and hug him while in tears. Angel begins to cry himself remembering how close you two were when you were both alive.
-“It’s okay (Y/n), you’re safe here I promise.”, he swears to you, he waits until you’ve calmed down to take you downstairs to meet everyone.
-Everyone notices you awake when Angel enters the room, “Everyone this little sugarcube here is (Y/n), my best friend from when I was alive. (Y/n) meet the gang.”, Angel introduces everyone one by one and they welcome you wholeheartedly. Charlie is so excited to have you and practically lunges at you for a hug until she notices the way you tense up and flinch.
-Angel steps between you two and just offers Charlie a sad smile which she seems to understand. She steps back and lets Angel calm you down, “It’s okay (Y/n). Here you’re safe, none of us will ever let anything bad happen to you.”, Angel promises, cupping your ears out of habit just like he did when you were both alive.
-It was something you did when you were overstimulated, he remembers how much comfort it would bring you so he does it for you now. Helping you calm down before slowly and calmly continuing introduction.
-This is how you became the Hazbin Hotel’s third guest, with Angel Dust supporting you the whole way.
Charlie and Vaggie
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-Charlie can be very overwhelming, her happiness is contagious but to someone as traumatized as you it’s a bit much.
-She wants to help you heal, like everyone else she believes you deserve to be redeemed and join the angels in heaven. Charlie is always looking for you to spend time with you and help with your self confidence.
-Vaggie does her best to act as a mediator between you two, she’ll remind Charlie to be calm and considerate of your triggers.
-Vaggie is usually very cold to new people but she senses something in you that she can only describe as “innocence” that lets her trust you. She takes it upon herself to train you in self defense, that way you’re safe no matter where you are.
-Charlie does her best to include you in every activity or conversation going on, she doesn’t ever want you to feel left out or unloved.
-After your arrival Angel told her everything about you, how you were neglected by your parents, the abuse you suffered by your ex partner, and ultimately how you died. The way you were found dead and alone in some forgotten alleyway of your home city after overdosing left a pit in her stomach and heart.
-Charlie vowed to herself that she’d make you feel at home, and that you’d never feel loneliness again.
-Vaggie does her best to help Charlie through her mission to befriend you, you’re so quiet around the hotel that almost nobody can find you except for Vaggie.
-Often times Vaggie will find you on the roof of the Hotel building just staring up at the red starred sky of hell, she’ll join you, sit with you in silence just so that you’re not alone.
-Eventually you find yourself lost one night in the Hotel, you begin to panic unsure of where you’d taken a wrong turn. Your mind races and the corridors begin to spin and you get dizzy, your legs give out and you feel weak until the distant call of your name pulls you back to reality.
-“(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you okay?”, the voice asks and you’re greeted by the fuzzy image of Charlie and Vaggie in their pajamas.
-You flinch back from their proximity and Charlie realizes that she’s triggered you again, she shuffles a few feet back and sits on her knees, extending her opened palms out to you.
-You struggle to catch your ragged breathing but notice Charlie taking slow exaggerated breaths, this is part of her exercises for when you’re overwhelmed.
-You mimic her, taking deep breaths to steady your nerves. Vaggie smiles seeing you use the lessons they’d taught you, once you feel a bit more relaxed you place your hands in Charlie’s and she gently holds them.
-“You’re doing great.”, Charlie speaks softly, gently rubbing her thumbs over your knuckles.
-“Good job, slow deep breaths.”, Vaggie adds on.
-Eventually your panic has stopped, you feel better now that you’ve been found. When you’re ready you stand up and blush with embarrassment, “I-I umm…I got lost. I forgot where my room was.”, you explain.
-Charlie and Vaggie both smile at you, they stand up and help you back to your room. They don’t judge you, they don’t make fun of you, they’re just happy to be there for you.
-You slowly open up to them and Charlie is ecstatic when you do, just like that you’ve grown to trust again.
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-Wise old Husk, the only person with good advice out of the whole Hotel.
-Husk is good at listening, always had been always would be. He was a demon that certainly intimated you at the beginning but now you two were almost inseparable.
-Husk had a hard time bonding with you, you were too shy to talk to him at first and you didn’t drink alcohol which was basically his job and the way he bonded with people.
-Angel is the one to break the walls down between you two, the amount of faith and trust Angel had in Husk was what lead you to reach out.
-The first night you sat at the bar you just asked for a cup of water and some advice on how to be a better you. Husk was shocked to even hear your voice but a soft smile pulled at his lips, it was finally his turn to offer you some help.
-You spilled your heart out to him, about your past, your fears, your deepest insecurities, and he listened. He listened intently, eyes focused on you with a soft concerned gaze, and a tired smile.
-“All my life I’ve felt like a burden, unwanted, unloved, abused in every way. I want to change but just when I think I’m over one issue another comes up.”, you groaned slamming your forehead on the counter.
-Husk could only laugh in amusement, the more you spoke to him the more he was able to figure out your problem. Husk had a gift, one that helped him at his job, he could almost read anyone like a book and at moments like this it helped.
-He gave you good advice, great advice honestly. Husk said, “Everyone has trauma, whether you choose to let it define you or not is all up to you. You ain’t a kid who comes off to me as someone seeking pity. You’ve got what it takes to be great, you just gotta let the shackles of doubt and insecurity fall off and quit letting them hold you down.”
-After that talk Husk sees a change in you, you’re a bit more confident with each chat you have with him and it makes his heart swell with a sense of purpose. You talk to him more and he’ll never admit it but he really enjoys your talks.
-Now Husk keeps an aray of sodas in the bar fridge for whenever you come to share a drink or talk to him.
-“Just gotta be prepared for my favorite guest.”, he’ll always say, Angel takes great offense to that since Husk never says anything so kind to him.
-Now whenever Husk isn’t behind the bar he’ll be close by you, offering you his tail to play with when you’re stimming and scratching at your hands or biting your nails.
-Will often share long talks with you where you listen to him, you stare at him with wonder and awe when he talks about his past. Sure he’s not the proudest of it but at least he learned from his mistakes and if he could keep you from repeating his biggest sins he was more than happy to talk with you.
-You once called him gramps without realizing it and it made him so happy that he purred, he didn’t correct you or bring it up he was just happy to know you were comfortable around him now.
-When it comes to preening his wings you’re the only person he goes to for help. You’re always excited to help him and play with his wings, just another opportunity for you two to talk.
-His cat like tendencies come out more around you and everyone notices, he’ll splay himself over your lap for wing preening, knock over stuff for you to catch or just yell at him about, and only seeks your attention when he wants it.
-You’re fun to have around and a great listener, he can’t help but gently squeeze your shoulder and hum, “You’re a good egg kid.”
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-Nobody will ever comprehend how you managed to actually befriend the insane housekeeper! The sight of you two together is so strange that people have to take a second glance to see if you’re insane.
-Nifty learned that you had a special gift for cooking, she discovered you baking one day when everyone was gone and was practically drooling with excitement.
-She loved to bake and cook and now she had someone to do it with, just like that you’ve become one of her favorite people.
-Nifty looks for you to help her clean out of reach places for you, she’ll usually be standing on your shoulders dusting and cleaning away at the ceiling tiles and tall windows.
-Somehow you learned the ques for Nifty’s masochistic outbursts and would warn people before it happened. This was a great help since she was so unpredictable.
-Nifty will always spend time with you because she likes you that much, she’ll ask you to help her in the kitchen or ask to dance with you all the time just so that you never feel lonely.
-In your eyes she’s like a little sister even though you swear she’s older than you, you’ve accidentally called her Sis several times and now you can’t call her anything else.
-Sadly Nifty is a bad influence on you, now you both find yourselves chatting away about “Bad Boys” that you see in public and open discuss what you’d do to them if you ever got your hands on them.
-Your imagination is tame compared to the wild thoughts that spill from Nifty’s lips but you’re well aware that she’s mentally insane.
-If someone ever gives you trouble you don’t hesitate to fight them anymore but you do tend to take a piece of them back with you for Nifty to add to her collection.
-Angel witnesses this one time and when he questions you for it you give him the same insane look that Nifty does and giggle, “For the collection.”, leaving him trembling with fear.
-Whenever there is any downtime Nifty will often sit on your shoulders and just let you cardy her around, she’s so light that it doesn’t bother you at all.
-She even knits you a blanket that you often sleep with at night, she’s a weirdo but at least she has a good heart.
Sir Pentious
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-The absolute oddball of the group! You aren’t sure how or when this delusion little snake man appointed you an honorary eggy boi, no matter the situation he is by your side.
-He has a difficult time expressing himself but makes up for it with grand gestures that always seem to make you smile.
-“(Y/n) dear, would you perhaps wish to partake in a movie night with the egg bois and I? We can build…what are they called again…Ah yes blanket forts for your security. I will protect your fort from any invaders during the duration of the film.”, he promises, flashing those big ol sweet red puppy dog eyes at you.
-You still can’t understand his speech sometimes but you get the gist of it and that’s all that matters.
-He likes to ask you to teach him modern slang, it’s so funny to hear him try to use the terms correctly but he usually messes up.
-Once asked Cherri to let him ‘rizz’ her up and came back with a black eye, you couldn’t breathe from laughing so hard.
-In his own unique way Pentious is helping you feel at home, he gets being the oddball and doesn’t want you to feel like that.
-The best at making you smile and laugh, always willing to do anything with you and the gang.
-Asks the Egg Boiz to follow you around the Hotel if he ever thinks you’re mad at him, will cry fountains if you are mad at him.
-Eventually you cave and both apologize to each other before heading off to make poor decisions together.
-Your body runs hot because of your Demon form and being cold blooded Sir Pentious coils his body around you to soak up your excess warmth. (HE’S HEAVY BUT HE SWEARS HE ISN’T)
-Once had you cackling on the ground when he asked you to explain what a twink was to him since Cherri Bomb had called him that during a fight.
-He’s so out of pocket but he brings you so much joy so everyone just lets it be.
-“Yo Pen I’m taking the kids out!”, You’ll shout before stealing the eggs away to do things with you.
-You two often fight like divorced parents during these times since you both swear you need the eggs more then the other.
-“Absolutely not. My minions must join me in my evil deeds today!”, Pentious yells from the top of the staircase.
-You flash him the middle finger and yell back, “It’s my day with them today so shut up and goodbye!”
-He cries dramatically and acts all depressed until you’ve all returned, always wants hugs but asks before hugging you because of your trauma.
- Overall the awkward uncle/brother of the group for you, but always loyal and ready to kill someone for you.
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-Since the beginning of your stay you felt intimidated by Alastor, you knew exactly who he was and his reputation proceeded him.
-For the longest time you thought he hated you, you were the only person he wouldn’t smile to and it left you uneasy. He doesn’t mean to be rude he’s just not sure of what to make of you.
-He has pity for you but he chooses not to voice it and ruin all the hard work you’ve been doing towards your self improvement.
-He acts cold and pretends not to care for you, and in turn you try your best to avoid him or act civil. He doesn’t mind since he always has eyes on you, the more he watches over you the more he begins to grow a fondness for you.
-He’s just another shadow hovering over you, keeping you safe as Charlie had instructed him until one day he snaps. The whole time you thought he didn’t care about you but oh if only you knew what he’d do for you and the others.
-You suddenly disappear one day, at first nobody worried but then a second day passed without a word from you. Angel was the one to sense something was off and went out looking for you with Husk, a few hours later they returned with your bloodied unconscious body in their arms.
-Everyone is in a frantic buzz trying to help in any way they can. Alastor, smiling like always, comes down from his room to see your beaten body barely breathing on the sofa.
-As if time had stopped for him, he watches as something falls from your hand and onto the floor. It’s a red monocle, to replace the one he’d broken a few days ago. You selflessly choose to get him a considerate gift only to be beaten an inch from second death.
-Before he knows it he feels his face contort into his full demon form as the lights begin to flicker from his rampant powers.
-Angel steps in front of your body just as Alastor’s tentacles begin to reach for you, Angel glares at the demonic creature in front of him and explains who did this to you. “It was (y/n)’s ex. Him and his gang in the drug district hunted (y/n) down and attacked them.”, Angel growled, not once wavering to the hideous antlered creature before him.
-Alastor said nothing, vanishing into the shadows to find those who did this to you, he’s not seen again for the rest of the night. His radio show comes on in the middle of the night with a new batch of anguished screams and cries echoing throught any radio in hell. A cruel reminder to never mess with the Radio Demon or those he protects.
-Alastor returns late one night, taking time to cool his head before returning to the hotel, he’s surprised by a certain smell coming from the kitchen.
-It’s a smell so reminiscent that he finds himself salivating, he’s quick to wipe away his drools and scurries off to the kitchen to see who it is.
-“Nifty dear it’s late shou-oh…it’s you.”, Alastor’s stunned to see (Y/n) awake cooking. The kitchen’s a mess, pots and pans and knives everywhere all while you’re slowly stirring away at the pot.
-You turn to Alastor with the coldest look in your eyes and the deepest frown he’s ever seen, he wants to say something but he’s interrupted by a loud growl from his stomach.
-He laughs it off still flashing you that signature smile of his, before he can say anything you serve him a plate of jambalaya and take a seat on the floor.
-“Hope you like it.”, you whisper, gently rubbing at your bandaged neck that was bruised from being choked half to death.
-Alastor desperately wants to say something to you but for once he’s stumped, he hates your frowning, hates the way you’re reverting to your old self, but he’s also insanely hungry. He takes a huge spoonful of jambalaya into his mouth and if you’d been watching you would’ve noticed the little dance he’d done upon the first bite.
-Before he knows it he’s so engrossed in eating that he doesn’t notice you’ve slipped away until he’s finished his plate, “(Y/n) my dear, you have a gif-“
-Only the red monocle remains in the spot you once sat, Alastor sits alone now in silence and for the first time in a while he feels his smile drop, he’s unsure what to do or how to help you. How can someone so powerful help someone so weak and broken?
-Guess even the radio demon needs help sometimes.
Part two coming later
“Stay tuned.”
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“You know me. We have met before” IM SCRNEKWAKAOAO
Bro don’t walk, run to spotify
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But institutional racism is imaginary, right?
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In Germany we called them containers
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Muslim brothers and sisters
So I found this app called Scan Halal where you scan the bar code of your food and it tells you if its halal or not. It’s a free app too. Pass this on so others can see and worry a little less about their food/snack choices
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Jesus fucking Christ how sick can someone behave? I hope that karma will get persons like this
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I would literally do ANYTHING to see Repo! The Genetic Opera come back I would sacrifice literally everything I love it so much it’s not even fair.
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I just needed to make sure more people saw this.
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Oh my goodness gracious this is absolutely adorable
*dry food crunches* Ridiculously small kitten: “Myam myam myam. Njam njam njam njam njam njam njam! Myam myam myam nyam nyam myam. Mmmam. Mrrrrram. Meep!”
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Pls I beg you and everyone else to do this.
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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Oh my god its so beautiful. I can't thank you enough for this I'm so happy right now 🖤🖤🖤
500 Followers Gifts
Hello again! After a lot of procrastination involving mostly reading and watching Beastars, I finished all the requests. Btw if anybody knows where @debbieiszero​ is, please give them a call, I haven’t been contacted by them at all and if things keep like this I’ll have to find someone else to grant their request.
So, without further ado, here are the requests:
1.- Jack and Charlie standing back to back holding up finger guns for @whatifwedo
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2. Crowley and Aziraphale looking at each other in the eye, Aziraphale with his index finger under Crowley’s chin and looking all toppy, Crowley all surprised and wide eyed for @tee-aitch-official ​ 
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3. Caius from the volturi when he meets his soulmate a.k.a. me in a really surprising but fluffy or romantic way for @westanalivingdeadgirl​​
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4. Eileen is a ghost who sometimes visits Sam in his dreams. For reasons, when she appears to Sam, she’s wearing something resembling her mother’s wedding dress. For @wendibird
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Apparently I badly want to go on my “stop making fun of plague doctors, they were ahead of their time and doing the best they could with the primitive equipment they had available” rant.
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I worked for ALDI and I can't wrap my head around the concept that Americans think that aldi is an good workplace that treat its employees right.
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no internet interaction will ever again reach the high of chaos of the “does germany still exist?” officialgermangovernment: “Yes” “thanks” 
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Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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