207 posts
So this is a side blog of mine where I post all things Westallen and Klaine. My own blog is similar to this but here, there will be more opinon based things and theories as opposed to just gifs like my blog is (but that's not to say there won't be any gifs here!) I have no real anti ships for them with the exception of Spallen, Kurtofsky (this is a big no for me) Blainofsky, and Kalter. If you see anything that's "anti" for any other ship (for example, Snowbarry) it's more of a criticism of the fans who exhibit problematic behaviors as opposed to actually disliking the ship. I do enjoy Snowbrary as a friendship, and would do it in an RP but canonically? I'm sorry but I can't get on board with it. I'm respectful of the fact other people ship it but only if that person is respectful to me and my ships. I also don't ship Supercorp but again, that's more to do with the fandom. The reason why it's "Westallenklaine" is because I feel that Iris and Blaine are both held up to ridiculous standards that their white counterparts aren't held to (Blaine is Filipino if you aren't aware), and they are both ships I am very passionate about. I'm open to any questions people have but if you want to know my main blog, please ask off anon.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
westallenklaine · 6 years ago
“I felt empty without Killer Frost”
Oh you mean you felt empty after losing Killer Frost despite spending a good deal of season 3 trying to get rid of her and even doing so far that you used Julian because you thought he could help cure you of powers and you kept a piece of the stone for the same reason? You felt so empty that you went on a rampage through Central City, which involved almost killing cops, kidnapping Julian and partially maiming him and then terrorizing a man all because you didn’t want your powers. By the end of season 3 after trying to kill your friends your team mates, you decide to go “find yourself” because you accepted KF was a part of you but then end up working for a meta human trafficker because she needs you as in Killer Frost to be muscle all so you can get technology to keep Caitlin in charge and KF suppressed. Oh and you have no consequences for any of your horrible actions and you have not once apologized to the women you affected. Then you all of a sudden lose “Killer Frost” and are now willing to do anything get her back that you don’t give two shits that Cynthia almost died because of your actions. God there is nothing you can do to make the team kicki you out of STAR Labs. Also you are a doctor so I hope you prescribe the wave rider to the people who you have made lose body parts. You are a train wreck and need to leave.
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westallenklaine · 6 years ago
I’m rewatching The Flash and I still don’t understand how The Flash turned Caitlin keeping a piece of the philosopher stone about her hurting Julian for what Savitar did to him than about her keeping the stone knowing damn well it would mean Savitar kills Iris…I’m watching her feel bad towards him and apologize to him like, where’s Iris’ apology? 
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westallenklaine · 6 years ago
It’s me again!
It’s your weekly reminder that snowbarries completely miss the point of a scene for breadcrumbs to “validate” their ship that never has/ never will happen
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Barry was upset because HE LOST HIS POWERS
Do we not remember what Barry was actually doing when he got his powers back
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He never went to save her
She came back to the team
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westallenklaine · 6 years ago
Killer Frost/Caitlin needed this with Iris in s4 It would’ve solved so many problems
This is what Killer Frost needed in s4. This needed to happen in 4x06 or soon after with Killer Frost to Iris West-Allen & Cisco & Ceclie. This would’ve allowed for fresh start going forward. Given much-needed closure & turnaround for retcon from evil for no reason to join good guys for no reason. Iris West-Allen deserved this kind of deep meaningful apology and honestly, Killer Frost and Caitlin Snow deserved this kind of writing for their characters because giving them no accountability for their actions terrible writing & disservice to characters & story. Acting like s3 didn’t happen, like it was all Savitar’s fault and Killer Frost had no responsibility in her actions, that Caitlin keeping the stone & becoming a criminal human trafficker isn’t MASSIVE THING is only a disservice because it makes them look bad, sells them short, sells the story short and honsetly shows how little the writers care if can’t follow through and develop characters. Iris was put through hell in s3 and she chased after KF and Caitlin campaigning them. She deserved this and was owed it if KF was going to join the team. Same with Cisco. 
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This would have cut down on a lot of animosity towards KF and Caitlin. At least it would have for me because this where it comes from. I didn’t have issues with Caitlin before s3 happened. Like sure there is minor things like no female friends & elitism and classism with Jax but on the whole I didn’t hate Caitlin or get annoyed with her. I enjoyed her. Having this unresolved has killed that because its hanging over both characters. Because writers just built on it with human trafficking second time Cailtin was willing to join Amulet after we saw all the victims and their suffering. After Caitlin’s quest to get KF back took a ugly turn☹ I don’t want to dislike characters I want to be able to enjoy the show. I was pissed at Barry in s3 gor Flashpoint & was vocal that. But he faced fallout, was sorry, learned from his mistake & I’m not mad anymore. It’s not a kind I rant about anymore unless it connects to something else I dislike. This why you deal with negative stuff so everyone can move on. Like Black Siren! Like Harry owned up stealing Barry’s speed and Iris getting hurt.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
Nora: I’m your daughter Nora from the future.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
Proper Characterization
So I found this fic on A03. It’s a SB fic but it’s tagged Barry/Iris. To be fair this author warned it wouldn’t be kind to Iris or WestAllen so I read it to see how bad it was and boy was I in for a treat.
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This is interesting. Barry pursued Linda and Patty (after some nudging) despite his feelings for Iris. But his feelings for Iris prevented him from pursuing Caitlin? 🤔 Okay…
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Here is where OOC Iris begins. When has Iris ever given Barry an order? 🤔 Iris has never undercut Barry in front of the team. Any time she has an issue with him she talks to him privately. Why let canon get in the way of fanfic 😅
If anything Barry is the overbearing leader. Remember when he ordered Cisco to “work faster” in 4x14 and Iris gave him a look then he amended with “do the best you can”. Harry also has an overbearing style of leadership flat out yelling at people but folks clamour for him to be leading team Flash.
Run Iris Run
Iris: I would love to get behind that console again of you’ll have me
Cisco: Please and thank you
But again why let canon get in the way of fanfic 😅
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Notice the dig at Felicity 😁
Interesting because Barry/Joe and Barry/Cisco still got plenty of scenes while WestAllen was dating.
But how selfish does Cisco sound. Barry you don’t spend any time with me anymore since you found out Savitar is going to murder Iris. Like yeah. I guess Barry is supposed to let Iris fend for herself 🙄 I won’t get into the fact Iris was there BEFORE Barry Cisco/Caitlin existed.
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The authors note
Um excuse me? Did we watch the same show? 😅 Barry wanted to save his mom and in the end did go back in time to save her. The only reason he didn’t is because future him warned him not to. So no he didn’t put everyone else’s needs above his own. It’s moot anyway because in the season 2 finale he creates Flashpoint 😅
Barry has always prioritized Iris. Remember when Cold kidnapped Cisco and Barry was focused on Iris not returning his feelings? Remember when Barry chose to be there for E2 Joe/Iris over saving Jesse from Zoom? Remember when Barry chose to visit Nora’s grave over rescuing Caitlin from Zoom?😅
Just yikes….Like do you know Barry Allen at all? 😅
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
Why do you hate Caitlin?
The writers definitely hate Caitlin, but I don’t. I simply just don’t care about her. 
Her character lacks any depth and while there were a million and one story lines that could have developed her into a kickass character, all balls were dropped. I can’t get invested into her half assed story lines enough to care about her.
She turned into a villain and there were literally no consequences, no redemption arc, no anything. I keep staring at my screen confused because none of it makes any sense. Why is she a villain? Cisco had an evil doppelganger on earth 2 as well but he’s a hero. What’s Killer Frost’s origin story? Why is Caitlin only now sharing this split personality I-don’t-remember-anything-when-I’m-her characteristic a whole season after her alter ego debuted? Why did she only apologize to Joe, the person least affected by her transformation?
I would have loved to see her struggle with losing Ronnie, her “promising career in bioengineering”, her mother’s negligence, her father’s death, her PTSD from Jay, her darkness that pushed her to become Killer Frost, a a tiny bit of remorse from attempting to murder all of her friends. You know what I don’t want? Another relationship with some generic white boy.
So, yes, I’m not a fan but I’m not an active hater. I mostly hate her stans and the crackship that somehow exists in 2018. I actually like KillerVibe and it would have been nice to see an Iris/Caitlin friendship (which they conveniently forgotten about after the wedding) but I don’t think that can start without a proper apology for y’know, teaming up with Savitar and trying to kill Iris.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
It's probably a continuity error. I think they didn't expect to write Ralph as a character so they put his name down as one of the deceased as a nod to the DC comics. It's the same reason why Linda's actress and job changed from when she was in Arrow on the TV. I think they might explain it as being a Flashpoint thing but tbh, only Barry and Eobard will remember him saying 'Ralph Dibny' and if it was Flashpoint, he probably wouuld've been mentioned in s3 when Flashpoint was happening, so I don't think it's ever going to be brought up again. TL;DR: likely a continuity error as they put the name in as a reference but it can be explained by Flashpoint
I’m rewatching the Flash, as I do every week lol, and in season 1 episode 7 there’s a part when Dr. Wells is listing all of the people that died when the particle accelerator went off and one of the names he lists is Ralph Dibny. The part is at 33:38 if anyone is wondering. I just thought It was funny. I wonder if it’s a continuation error or a flashpoint thing?
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
Unpopular Opinion on Caitlin Snow
I have really grown to dislike her character. Why? Well for one she has to be talked into or begged to use her powers to help others. For example when it came to Barry dying Iris has to beg Caitlin to save Barry and when Iris is about to disintegrate and die Caitlin also has to be begged into saving her. She kidnapped Julian in hopes to get rid of her powers. She has been offered help by her friends several times. You know the same friends she tried to kill when she went full blown Killer Frost. She teamed up with Savitar and to try and help have Iris killed. She has done nothing to stand up for Iris. Yet Iris sticks her neck out for Caitlin all the time. Caitlin had no problem using her powers freezing the mirror and making it snow. She froze Barry on Earth 2 to trick Grod into thinking he is dead. Yet she has to be begged to help save people and when she does she normally ends up getting her ass kicked. Then her friends made her a serum to take to get rid of her powers. Instead she doesn’t take it and turns back into “Caitlin Snow” in Killer Frost form. Instead of apologizing about trying to kill Iris she gives a half assed apology to the death of HR which she is partially responsible for. She then goes off for six months and only returns when Cisco needs her help. Yet everyone welcomes her back with open arms as if she didn’t try to kill everyone. She also has to be triggered by puppies to make KF come out but she had no problem to agree for KF to be used as muscle for a human trafficker. She doesn’t tell the team about Ammunette until after one of her henchmen comes and attacks. Anyways Caitlin needs to leave she is stupid because she hasn’t learned from her mistakes, she has done absolutely nothing to atone for her crimes and she still gets coddled by people in her fandom. Then the fact Iris has stuck her neck out over and over when Caitlin hasn’t done the same is what makes me not like them as friends.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
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Just think of the fun things we could do…
                                                                                                    ((( ‘Cause I like you… )))
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
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Does this bother you guys like at all? That Barry Allen from the tv show doesn’t look like Barry Allen from the comics? He looks more like Stephen amell who plays oliver queen in arrow, comic Barry is blonde with blue eyes and looks like he spends a lot of time in the gym meanwhile tv show Barry Allen has brown hair, light green eyes and looks like he really doesn’t enjoy hitting the gym all that much. Does it make you mad that they went a completely different route, that they strayed from the comics?
This is not Barry Allen hate at all I’m just wondering, because a lot of people have issues with casting so I’m just trying to get as much info as I can.
I tagged a bunch of the shows ships, this is not me trying to upset anyone in any type of way I’m just really curious.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
Recently, I’ve gotten a few anons asking me why I not only can’t see snowbarry, but why I don’t even think Barry and Caitlin are good friends. This video dos an excellent job of explaining it. Honestly, there have been so many times throughout the series where it seems Barry just does not give a fuck about Caitlin. I would even argue that Iris and Caitlin are better friends than Barry and Caitlin.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
"I never see any westallen fans hating on the thousands of comics book purists who lead with racist shit like “I’m not racist.. but Iris is a better character when she is white in the comics” " We do attack those fans. They're called Snowbarry shippers because the only reason y'all ship it is because Danielle looks sort of like Iris in the comics.
tahanisaljamil replied to your post “I’m a part of an unpopular fandom as well, so I’m not inclined to…”
i’ve literally never seen a sb fan call out the racists in their own fandom, that’s the problem. they’re either batshit/racist or they ship them in silence and reblog the occasional sb edit or whatever but never do anything to combat the racism that surrounds their ship because they don’t wanna deal with it or be “negative.” so yeah, they’re all part of the problem, anon.
thanks for coming to our ted talk part 2. ( bless you for being patient enough to explain bc i’m not anymore lmao. )
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
barry changed the timeline because his father was murdered in the exact same way in the exact same spot as his mother was murdered. he also JUST got his father back in his life after he was behind bars for years. barry was grieving for what he lost. he reacted without thinking and tried fix it as soon as he realised what he did wrong. it wasn't for 'personal gain'. he was acting like a young man who LOST HIS PARENTS TO MURDERS. caitlin however didn't care. she hid her powers for months, she stole the philosphers stone even though she knew it would hurt julian since savitar possessed him. she helped savitar killed iris for no reason other htan she wanted to. she tried to kill barry multiple times, she was going to let iris die even without being ~killer frost~ barry forgave caitlin because he's twice the person she'll ever be. anon did you even watch the same show as us?
lol i think barry at least forgave caitlin cause he has no ground to stand on with the fucking the team over for personal gain deal (i.e. ronnie, julian, dante, can the list go on?)
is this a joke? barry allen didn’t kill ronnie, dante, or whatever the fuck ya’ll make up to hate on him for. 
and don’t compare shit that happened as a consequence of an action that he didn’t think through over something that was THOUGHT OUT and planned out. catrina KNEW that helping savitar would mean iris would die.. she didn’t care and helped him anway. 
so lmfao nice try but no.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
I liked Caitlin in season 1. Her relationship with Barry and Cisco was adorable. The only thing they are still getting right with her character is Caitlyn and Cisco's dynamic. I don't care about any of the fandom stuff, but her character has been terrible and all over the place since S3. Forget the mechanics involving how KF works, how did ANY of the Wests/Barry forgive her after she tried to kill Iris?!? I don't hate her, but she could leave, and at this point I wouldn't notice.
because the show is writing the killer flop arc as a separate entity to catrina snow this season. for some reason it now seems that she doesn’t have control when she’s killer ice-cube now? but at the end of s3 when she was like i g2g and find myself and sing let it go on top of a hill like elsa did… she was like i’m boTH and then the new season rolls around and it’s like jK i’m not HER i’m not me when i’m killer ice-cube… i’m an INNOCENT BYSTANDER in all of this. 
like miss me with that shit. she’s responsible for what she did to her team, what she helped savitar plan against iris and she’s just garbage. idc what the writers try and write to try and remedy it bc like the only people buying it are her five stans so like byeeee lmao.
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
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Here you go, the Heathers 2018 predictions bingo. Original idea from here
You can only lose here
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westallenklaine · 7 years ago
Watching the Heathers trailer was a wild ride though because when I saw H/Chandler I was initially like ‘woah! a plus size woman! showing skin and not being the butt of a joke! thats kind of really cool, actually!’ and I was honest to god ready to give this remake the benefit of the doubt, only for that scene to immediately be followed up by fat shaming. Nice paramount. Real nice.
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