death of a bachelor
27 posts
wes knox;  6teen still trying to figure out who i am, but thank god i am not who i was.
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wesknox · 7 years ago
the temper trap | sweet disposition
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wesknox · 7 years ago
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wesknox · 7 years ago
“Been staring at this paper for a good hour now and my mind’s absolutely blanking. Doesn’t really help that the neighbour’s bitch has been barking for twenty minutes straight. Think that’s God’s way of telling me it just shall not happen today. Too bad. Time to order food.”
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wesknox · 7 years ago
grindr date | self
But Wes at that date. Dude. I feel like Collin's a super nice guy in his 20s but not so much wes' type, but he's not bad on the eye and probably insisits on paying for Wes' dinner. And they get a long well, but really, Wes is not so interested in hearing about Collin's day or what he does for a living, so he's a little quiet and doesn't give away too much about himself, but Collin tries and he's charming, flirty and is very obvious into him if his compliments and looks are anything to go by and Wes hasn't been given compliments and been looked at that way for a long time, so he's somewhat enjoying the attention, the fact that someone WANTS him and when Collin pays and leaves a tip, he's already made up his mind that he's going to go home with this and fuck his brain out. So when they leave the restaurant they take a stroll on the beach, waves making wind and sounds and so when Collin asks if Wes is seeing someone at the moment, he hates it and stays qiuet because he automatically has to think about Jake, stupid Jake who makes out with girls at parties and who doesn't call or text him for weeks after they kiss and stupid Jake for never saying what he actually wangs to say, who left him when he wanted him to be there, but all that's leaving his lips is 'I wouldn't be here if I was' and he shrugs and that's that, and then they talk other things until suddenly Collin's like. 'That's me' and they stand in front of his door and Wes pushes his fists into the pockets of his black skinny jeans 'Nice' and Collins said that he was nice and that he enjoyed tonight and when he kisses wes' cheek, it wasn't enough for wes, because if Jake could kiss someone else than s could he, and so before Collin can pull away, he quickly presses his lips onto his
Collin would respond to the kiss but after a while pull away all like 'Wow that. Surprising' and he chuckles and wes actually feels so nervous for some reason so he joins in and Collin goes 'do you' and he points with his thumb behind his back to the door 'do you want to come upstairs?' And wes can only nod and so they do go upstairs and collin's apartment is nice and neat and actually resembles the person he's got to know from tonight, super clean with photos all over the walls that wes looks at when Collin fetches them something to drink and it's not that Wes was interested but what else was there to do. When Collin put their glasses down on the small sofa table, Wes didn't even pay any attention to it; he goes straight to kissing Collin again bc Collins was a fantastic kisser, he notes, and Collin is once again quick to respond, hands on Wes' hips and then they're making out slowly and Wes pushes Collin on the couch who looks up at the younger with big eyes and Wes grabs Collin's face and moves to straddle him, blue eyes locked with his brown ones, kissing him deeply and lazily and he feels Collin's hands on his hips and it feels good. They probably make out for a while until he can feel Collin's hard on and it feels so good to be this wanted, you know? And so they start to undress each other, kisses all over but when he's suddenly eye to eye with Collin's most precious body part, he can't do it. Which he doesn't understand, bc Collin has a sixpack, and smells nice but maybe he doesn't resemble the boy he loves enough or whatever it may be, Wes pulls away 'I'm sorry I can't do it'
And Collin is probably still in such a haze and slowly lifts his head to look at Wes 'What do you mean?' And wes puts his face in his hands and presses his palms into his eye holes and he just. Why. Why can't he do this. Yeah. Jake. That's why. And he gets up and quickly puts his clothes back on and then Collin snaps out of it 'hey, where are you going?' And wes is busy buttoning up his jeans and Collin, 'no no no i'm sorry did i do something?' and Wes looks at him for a moment and he realizes what a shit move this is, leaving collin now with blue balls so he leans down again to kiss him 'no, you didn't' and then he looks for his shirt and collin goes 'you are seeing someone, aren't you?' and wes snorts bc god he doesn't want to talk about it 'it doesn't matter' and then he puts on his shoes and collin tries to be like cmon seriously, after all this and wes apologizes before leaving
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wesknox · 7 years ago
real talk over ice cream | wyle
I think wes wouldn't tell it on his own, like i think kyle would have to notice something's wrong
I think he probably would
I mean, depending how broken up about it wes is
But it seems like it’s rather apparent
He would be behaving different for sure
More quiet and absent
Yeah I think at first Kyle would probably assume it d been the late night
And hat he just didn’t sleep much
But he knows him since they were in nappies basically and e can tell when something’s wrong
And he’d be like. ‘You better start talking before your sulking face is ruining everyone’s mood. I at least want to know’
AND i can see it so clearly ok, them at the ice cream place and wes looks somewhere else, biting on his lip bc he always does it whenever he can and his hands play with his phone, making it go round and round with his thumb and middle finger and he squints his eyes a little bc of the sun before he mumbles 'Jake'
Omg listen. LiSTEN. Kyle is so. He’d snort unamusedly and just go. ‘Of course. What a surprise. How’d he fuck up this time’
'Made out with some bird' and saying it out loud actually hurts even more tbh and he shrugs for good measure not like kyle could see right through it anyway 'I saw it on instagram this morning'
Omg Kyle is so annoyed let me tell you like. What is this guy doing what are both of these guys doing. And first he’d go a little confused and be like. What this dickhead actually posts his snogs on instagram what kinda sleaze is he and he goes ‘on instagram??? What do you mean???’ Before he rolls his eyes bc it’s not important anyway, is it? And he just goes ‘honestly wes. You’re giving him too much credit’
I knew kyle was going to be confused about that but wes didn't so he quickly explains 'his roommate posted it in his story or whatever' not like it's important but still he wants to correct kyle's assumption but i think at kyle's comment he wouldn't say anything and just keep on looking whatever he's looking at
Bc honestly what is he supposed to say to that
I think Kyle would wait for a moment to have wes answer but when he doesn’t say anything he kind of does this?? Gesture that I don’t know how to explain where he like widens his eyes a little and shakes his head a little and brings his hands out to say ‘so?’ And then reclines back and sighs this annoyed sigh and just goes ‘have you ever. Thought that he might be a dick? That you’re just so infatuated for some weird reason that you’re not seeing that? Because honestly, it just fucking seems like he’s stringing you along st this point.’
Wes would finally look at kyle at that. 'No I didn't bc honestly I'm the dick who fucked him over and I can label myself pretty fucking lucky he's still talking to me after all this. He's just. Confused. Or I don't know'
Oh my oh my Kyles so fed up of all the excuses and would just go ‘maybe you’re not that fucking lucky if he’s just a dick.’
'He's not, you've barely spoken to him'
Wes. You need to know. That your great best friend doesn’t need to talk to someone to judge them hard lmao. But he’d just roll his eyes again and go ‘I’ve seen oenough of the shit he’s pulled on you since then and he seems like a dick to me. He punched you in the face’
Honestly wes would open his mouth to protest that he deserved being punched but it's so useless to even try with kyle 'That's a long time ago'
And well. They're even especially bc kyle kinda returned the favour
Lmao Kyle would just be like. Look completely unimpressed and raise his eyebrows a little like. ‘Your nose still looks crooked’ even tho it probably doesn’t
Wes would roll his eyes 'I deserved that, Kyle' and he'd be so done with this subject bc wes appreciates kyle so much okay but he needs to underatand that wes fucked up that time
And honestly wes doesn't even want to discuss the past, he just wants to be miserable
I think Kyle would also be pretty done but bc he’s getting frustrated that wes doesn’t see it his way and would just. ‘Alright that’s it. We’re finding you a hookup tonight.’
Wes would moan at that and then put his face in his hands and message his temples 'I don't want to hook up' like some little kid
But really it did cross his mind earlier just to get his mind off jake and that stupid girl
There’s no saying no to Kyle he’d just be like well. There’s no question. And he’d probably get his phone out to make a tinder profile right then lmao
Wes would be like 'what are you doing?'
And when he sees Kyle downloads tinder he's like, 'if anything try grindr, on tinder there's barely any good looking people' hELP
Kyle would give him the longest unimpressed stare but he’s actually so fond and even though he’s being a little harsh he just wants to protect him and make sure that he’s fine and he doesn’t think this Jake guy is making him be fine and then he’d give a little laugh and download grindr and yes.
But dude, wes would be so picky about swiping right on any guy and he probably doesn't even take it seriously
Oh don’t worry, Kyles not actually letting him swipe
Of course not???
He’s also in charge of the messages
Wes gonna try to get a hold of this phone
After like five minutes he’ll probably go like ‘okay you can have a date with robert, collin or joe tonight, who’s it gonna be?’
And wes wants to protest again, he does, bc he does not want a date with any of these guys 'I don't-' but then he remembers jake and that blond and he just thinks that hey, one date can't hurt right just to get his mind off of jake, 'collin sounds nice, i suppose'
Yes Kyle would just set that right up and be like ‘good choice. Probably’ bc hey as long as for one night wes isn’t pining over this Jake person
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wesknox · 7 years ago
kissed a girl | jes
Bc like. Esther comes up to a sulky Jake and it’s hey and yay and they don’t do much talking before they’re already kissing. And it’s probably starting near the bar but then after a moment or two she grabs his hands and pulls him away and looks at him over her shoulder with this coy look and hey, she’s pretty and it’s actually making Jake smile bc it is making him forget for just a moment and that’s nice and he can still get with girls and things like these. Fucking major feelings he has for a boy are easier to not notice when you’re kissing. So they’re leaning against this big ass tree now, a little ways away but still prettt much by the dance floor, and his back is against the tree and half their faces are lit up and the other side cast in darkness and his hands are on her hips where she’s standing between his legs and her hands are around his neck and their kissing is lazy and slow but also a little messy and it’s like. It’s good in that sense bc there’s been a few drinks and let’s just fck everything else
And Trevor’s having fun with this girl that Jake brought and she’s a good time and he probably starts by snap chatting a video of her doing a silly dance or smth like that and then a couple other things that he deems intersting enough and he makes a documentary type thing out of it and he films benji and Emma fighting but bc they’re far away and you can’t actually hear them he makes up what they’re saying himself and is absolutely ridiculous about it and then probably the next one of Lucas alone getting himself a drink and anyway. He goes up to Jake and this girl and he probably got them earlier when they were just talking a little and Lucas was kind of standing next to them, and so he obviously has to get the progression of that. So he walks up to them and the phone camera is right on them and he’s laughing all like ‘heeheey. Someone’s getting lucky tonight. You two. An unusual pair but seeing you all shmoozed up, I’m thinking it doesn’t look all bad’ and after pulled away from her Jake like just rolls his eyes but there’s a smile on his face and holds his hand up to the camera and esther is probably giggling a bit and putting her face into jakes shoulder and Jakes just ‘alright, thanks.’ In a tone that suggests Trevor’s supposed to fuck off but it’s a little playful and is probably shoving the camera away from them
I can see wes having breakfast, a muesli or somewhat and he opens instagram while he eats and he's flipping through the stories as he does yknow and he at first flips through it and actually swipes right again to go back and then
Then he turns the volume up and watches
Bc he thought he had seen jake but he wasn't sure but there he is, yes, it was jake
And trevor's voice and then jake's pulling away from that girl and his heart literally skips a beat when he opens his mouth, his mouth that looked red from the kissing and wes studied him and went rigid before the video ended and the story of some else started playing
He actually feels like crying tbh and he can feel his heartbeat in his throat and fuck he feels like throwing up so he swipes right again to watch the video AGAIN and this time he looks at the girl and wes knows he's never seen her before but she was pretty, just jake's type and a GIRL
So he gets up, pushing the char from the table with a loud noise and a hand runs through his hair before he moves to lean against the kitchen counter and he watches the video again, chewing on his lower lip, leg fidgeting from nervousness
And he doesn't know what he's supposed to do so he watches it a fourth and fifth time until unwanted tears blurred his vision
And it sucks so much, this feeling in his chest
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wesknox · 7 years ago
poetry slam | jes
But i was thinking that maybe wes mentioned /soft/ explicit things and he didn't even think it was that obvious but maybe that was enough for jake to leave
I think tbh that would’ve been enough for Jake to leave to be entirely honest
He’s a softie about this still
He would’ve just felt very put on the spot for some reason
He’s exactly like. What if people know. WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY AN ITRATIONAL HOUGHT but nothing about this is rational
He’s just like. Feeling hot yknow the kind of hot when you feel like your hearing goes bad bc all you can focus on are your thoughts that promise bad things
And I think he just shoots Kyle and Ronnie this look looking like a deer caught in headlights
And they’re not even looking at him they’re looking at Wes but he’s sure they have these knowing faces which is ???
And then he kind of just turns and pushes past people and gets out bc he needs air and yeah
Okay listen. I picture ronnie looking after jake and then she tugs on kyles shirt and moves to whisper in his ear 'jake's leaving' and ronnie turns to where jake is headed and kyle following lead and when she looks at him confused, kyle shrugs and turns his attention back to wes and wes is so into it, he did not even notice jake leaving up until it was over and he got off the stage and went over to his friends, ronnie hugging him and telling him how good he was and that she was close to tearing up and kyle giving some sort of compliments as well and wes is so bashful like this costed him so much bravery tbh and his cheeks are red and he thanks them, but he immediately looks around for jake, getting on his tiptoes but he's nowhere to be seen and he bites his lips and then ronnie gives him this apologetic look, lips in a tight straight line 'he left' and wes immediately had this blank expression on his face and he actually felt so hurt and he doesn't get it, has he done something wrong?, did he not like it?, what's happening?, and his confused thoughts are well present on his features too so he goes 'did he say why?' Bc maybe there was an urgency or he was just out to phone lee or whatever other reason than jake leaving bc he didn't want to be here. And then kyle speaks up, 'nah, nothing' and wes nodded to process the info but put on a smile, 'well, let's watch the others' and then he moves to sit next to kyle and he cant focus on anything else than jake leaving and his eyes wander to the door every time someone comes or goes
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wesknox · 7 years ago
play date | jes
Them in wes' room when his roommate left for a party on a saturday and jake comes over to play on ps4 with wes and they have super good time and they order chinese food and wes changes into his boxers to get more comfortable and they probably do get a little bit touchy feely like when one beats the other at fifa or smth they shove one another or box the other in a total boyish manner but it has such an undertone to it with wes' red cheeks and the way he looks at jake and jake probably tries to hide it but hes enjoying the way wes looks at him and maybe they were play battling or idek and suddenly wes presses his lips on jake's lips so swift and hard like a peck and jake looks at him with big eyes and wes looks back at him and he's looking back and forth in those eyes and "was that okay?" And it almost comes out as a whisper but jake heard it and
But like. Yo. Can you imagine Jake just looking at wes a little dumbfounded after that and he’s looking right back at him between his eyes and licks his lips slowly as if to chase the taste of wes’ lips on his and he doesn’t even react at all for a moment. And he’s processing it but not really bc his mind is so blank and he’s trying to think of what to do here and then he’s like well. We’re here, it’s just us. This is probably okay. Just because he wants to feel his lips again so he just nods his heads jerkily and his hand comes up to wes’ waist and he fists the fabric of his shirt there and pulls him closer again and crashes their lips together, and it’s just like wes it’s not even hesitant and slow, it’s just a hard kiss and wow I’m weak
FML. Fuck me. Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me and that's probably whaf's going through wes' head at this point too and his cheeks probably give him away but its okay because /jake/ is kissing /him/ and he would've never believed this would happen again but here it is and he is god damn gonna make the best of it. He's just bathing in the sensation of kissing jake, HIS jake and feeling his lips on his and before he knows it, his hand is on jake's neck and his fingers are curled in his hair and he pushes jake's face even closer into his, scared he'd disappear otherwise and he opens his mouth, prompting jake to do the same  and wes may seem a little desperate bc he indeed is being desperate and he moves even closer, his body /aching/ to be closer to jake
imagine Jake gripping wes’ thighs to pull him close while he’s straddling him 
I imagine it and i see wes' hard on from here
Hate to do this but Jake would probably start panicking a little eventually and the spells broken and he’s like fuck fuck fuck fuck a duck, should not be enjoying this as much and then he all but flips them to get wes off his lap and stands and he’s actually so awkward with this shit 
And probably mumbles something like “homework was gonna meet idk and then yeah sorry, gotta go I’ll see you” or some shit and out he is
Can you picture wes on his bed with his boxers (with a small bulge) and some band shirt on looking up at jake with hooded blue eyes, swollen lips and his cheeks red and he looks up at him and his mind just goes sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry i didn't mean to and he curses himself for his erection but how could he nOT he was aching for jake so long and he was imagining this too long to not feel excited and he swallows down the lump in his throat and he just nods "oh okay, yeah, okay" and he wants to get up and bring jake to the door but yo jake's out faster than he can react and so he's left there with his erection and images in his mind, fifa music still playing and he turns to hide his face in his pillow in frustration and he hits the mattress "fuck" 
And then wes def jerked off 
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wesknox · 7 years ago
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wesknox · 7 years ago
green day | she
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wesknox · 7 years ago
“ I must admit, you’ve got me there. But then again, the yodel boy from Walmart is cooler than almost everything. So that wasn’t a hard one. ”
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“I prepared to hit you with some facts to emphasise my point and then this. Good we can agree on yet another thing.”
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wesknox · 7 years ago
Are you the person who says “I love you” first or the type to wait for your significant other to say it?
“So you’re telling me there’s people who have said I love you to so many ‘significant others’ that they were able to tell what kind of type they are. Odd. It’s not like eating cheeseburgers or hamburgers now, is it. I, for my part, have not said I love you to many people yet so who the fuck knows.”
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wesknox · 7 years ago
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
“Don’t even remember. When was the last time I cried? Nah, probably Kyle. The answer is always Kyle.”
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wesknox · 7 years ago
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
“Someone's nosy today. That’s for me and the last person I kissed to know.”
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wesknox · 7 years ago
Is there anyone you would die for?
“That’s.. a bit drastic, isn’t it. Since I know this is a purely rhetorical question, I’ll go with yes. Sure. I could think of a few people that are worth dying for.”
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wesknox · 7 years ago
Where was the last place you snogged someone?
“D’you need the specific time as well? Dorms.”
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wesknox · 7 years ago
Have you ever been given a second chance?
“I have. Thankfully so.”
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