werti23 · 4 months
Can you try doing exercise. Like sit-ups or push-ups
I guess I’m more out of shape than I anticipated
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werti23 · 1 year
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Reblog if you wanna be a DUMB MUSCLE JOCK !!
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werti23 · 2 years
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6 packs in 6 weeks. Do each move for a minute 4 times a week.
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werti23 · 2 years
Max was a college student who liked to learn new stuff all the time but was not muscular, instead he had the shake of a thin twig. He was thirsty for knowledge and really loved his life... that is until one day he was walking back to his dorm but was then knocked out unconscious, not even registering that someone was following him.
He woke up not remembering what day it was... last time he remembered it was Monday but now he couldn't be so sure as he was definitely not in the coldness of England anymore instead being in a very warm place.
'you're finally awake' said a voice in the corner of the room. Max looked at her immediately... he just realised now that he was naked and tied to a chair 'what the fuck is this you pervert, what's going on?!' Max was angerly shouting at the figure who was hidden in the shadow thus the figure was not able to be seen by Max.
'oh dear... I do like your anger it will fit the new personality that you will soon come to call your own', she chuckled. 'Max again shouted in anger 'what the fuck is going on, why am I naked and tied to a chair?!' The woman then responds: 'oh yes... I didn't explain you you why you're here... my name is Penélope, pleasure to meet you sweetie, I am in my early 30's and I run a company that... well takes care of people like you by unlocking their true potential... at the same time while filling a quota for our major customer'.
Max looks confused, the woman smirked and continued: 'yes, I see you're confused but soon you won't be when I'm finished with you... see I intend to turn you from your little nerdy self into a full on Jock that follows the mantra 'young, dumb and full of cum'... in fact you've got all the correct characteristics, you seem to have a beginning of anger issues, you jerk off almost every day twice to three times a day, all that you're missing is the muscle and all that you need to lack is those brains you have tightly hidden in your skull... but not to worry I will soon take care of that'
Max shouts: 'I will never become a Jock! You can do anything to me but I will not give in!' the woman chuckled again 'ah yes, there we have it... resistance... I enjoy turning people like you into Jocks... it's sooo hot to see resistant nerds like you eventually embrace heir true nature... oh yes I'll have so much fun with you...'
Penélope then walks out if the shadow holding a syringe, she comes up to Max and injects him with the substance, Max tried to stop her by trying to dodge the syringe somehow but to no avail, Penélope injected the serum right into the boys balls to which he shouted in pain from.
'there we go, first step is over and now... my dear Maxy... there is no going back for you... oh yes... once we're finished here you won't be Max... your new name will be Maxy...' she bites her lip seductively and gives a seductive wink. All of a sudden Max's dick got hard... in fact it started to increase in size stopping at about 11 inches, 'the bigger the cock the dumber the jock' she said while chuckling. Max's body started to change, well chiseled abs popped up out of the slim body, his arms began to inflate also and they were no longer twigs but full on shredded arms from working out even though Max had never worked out. A beautiful v-line leading all the way to his massive cock was now visible, his legs also gained on muscle as well as his face, his acne melted away and his face became far well defined.
'oh but i never told you what our client takes care of now did i?' said Penélope, Max panting and moaning managed to squeeze out a 'n...no y... y... you didn't...', well since you'll be too dumb to remember anything, I might as well tell you... our client is a major porn company... they have been lacking models... as such I am here... essentially a talent agent discovering major... 'talents'... for the company... I have been observing you for a while now Maxy... as I said you fitted everything... but you just missed on two check marks... you weren't muscular and you were too smart... after this you will just become a mindless blissful drone pumping your sperm out to make content so that people like your old self... the nerds and other non-musuclar and above the average or average intellect people can blow their loads to... I actually think you might enjoy the next bit... which is the mental transformation...'
Penélope presses a button and a flesh light appears and slighters is way onto Max's 11 incher, it then starts pumping his cock. 'next is the edging bit... you'll be edged so fucking much that your mind will eventually break... by tomorrow all that you'll want is to cum... yes you shall spend a night here being pumped by this machine and by tomorrow morning you'll be begging me to let you cum...'
Penélope then gave Max one last smile while Max just looked full of dread at what this night is bound to bring him. Next day Penélope arrived back to Max, but even before entering the room where he was in she could have heard Max shouting out, his shouts resounded throughout the building and it were the shouts of an animal desperate to get what he desperately desired, and the words he kept on repeating were 'AH FUCK, FUCK PLEASE JUST LET NS CUM... FUCK I NEED TO CUM!'
Penélope walked inside the room, Max was in tears and look like and absolute animal, the fleshlight was still pumping his dick and was leaking with a lot of precum. 'how are we doing Maxy? you ready or do we need to keep you in for another night?' Max then started to shout desperately 'NO PLEASE! I'LL BE OBEDIENT... FUCK I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I WAS STUDYING ANYMORE... ALL I WANT TO DO IS JACK OFF, FUCK, IMPREGNATE AND MAKE FUCKING CONTENT OF ME CUMMING.... FUCK I REALLY NEED TO FUCKING CUM!!!'
Penélope then stopped the fleshlight while Max once again desperately shouted in anger at the fact his orgasm was once again denied, she took the fleshlight off of his throbbing dick which was fervently pre-cumming at this point, she then look Max in the eyes and wiggled her boobs in front of him a bit almost hypnotising Max 'whats your name you stud?', she asked, Max replied 'Maxy!' Penélope then said 'what is your life's goal?', to which he replied 'i just want to cum all the time... I never want to experience this again, I just want to cum, cum, cum in front of the camera so that I can give pleasure to my audience and so that they can admire my hot... muscular jock bod!'
Penélope then smiled and started to stroke Maxy's wet dick, the amount of precum on his cock turned her on, she started stroking and stroking, Maxy started moaning and moaning, she went on faster and faster until Maxy in all his joy and pleasure finally came onto his hot abs cementing his fate as a pornstar while Penélope just looked with pride as to what a stud she had created licking some of his cum that was left on her hand. Now Maxy was no longer thirsty for knowledge but for pussy and he would get it in any way he could to satisfy his lust
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Image of Maxy from his Instagram feed
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