werewolfsystem · 3 years
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
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Recent faces after their loves died.
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
Dean + Charlie: you can tell me when it’s alright for me to come out (x)
bi-lesbian solidarity
hard times - paramore
taglist (feel free to ask to be added to it): @fireflies-on-an-autumn-evenin
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
Thank you, dear Castiel. for inventing the concept of ‘theoretical whore’. I have been looking for a word to define being absolutely, undeniably horny but never, ever acting on it.
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
I'm cas-kin which is why i have based my morals, my behaviour and my view of humanity entirely on dean winchester.
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
Me 🤝 My one canon compliant Castiel timeline:
Falling in love with my best friend who doesn’t reciprocate the feelings and completely ignores and never talks about my confession. We stay best friends but clearly he doesn’t care about me as much as I do him, leading me to have an internal hatred for him but also being in love with him, so I want to leave and not have to deal with these feelings but I also love them, but I know he’ll never love me…
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
Things I am not used to as a human cause I lived through two lifetimes both consisting of millions of years as an angel:
-Brushing teeth -Changing clothes every day???? Just wear same ones???? -Injuries?? Why paper cut??? Why stub toe??? -I cannot hear prayers,,, what if he’s calling for me? I can’t know, I can’t help -Food taste, this is actually a positive one -No wings, have to walk every where and it hurtz,,, -I can’t use my true voice. I want to viciously screech at threats and I cannot. -I am not a wavelength and my wavelength properties, like my blade and wings, aren’t constantly with me -Cannot leave vessel, I am trapped in here -I can’t feel others, I don’t know if I’m not being watched
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
i did not kin castiel from the ages of 12-14 to find out through tiktok of all places that he got sent to Mega Hell for being a Faggy Bum Boy
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
*Inside Dean’s mind*
Mind: we have this really messed up memory do you think we shoul-
Dean: bury it
Mind: and there are traumas, like a lot of traumas
Dean: yeah bury that too
Mind: Dean, there’s an archangel here
Dean: bury
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
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Vampire and werewolf dating
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
DID/OSDD Systems that don’t have a professional DX are valid.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have the ability to see someone who can professionally diagnose them.
We were so lucky to come from a middle class family and have to ability to see a specialist who could give us a diagnosis. For so many people though this isn’t an option at all.
Yes if someone has the ability to see someone who can diagnose them it’s good to get a diagnosis but that is a privilege many people don’t get.
Often people who are not professionally diagnosed are the ones who need the community most because this is their source to figure out what they need to do to start healing and such.
Expecting people to put their healing on hold until when/if they can get a professional diagnosis is classist and ableist.
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
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To finish off DID awareness day here are some facts we have posted already and some we haven’t!
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
Hi I’m Scarlet, host of the labyrinth system and queer nonbinary person, and we need a power wheelchair! Right now we have a manual wheelchair and forearm crutches, but they are just not cutting it.
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We have 2 progressive chronic illnesses that affect my mobility, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Ankylosing Spondylitis (quite the mouthfuls, I know). Our ME affects us by causing fatigue with prolonged exertion, so standing and walking for long periods of time can trigger us to have a fatigue episode. This can put us in bed for a day or more! ME also causes muscle weakness in our arms and legs, which causes falls. AS causes pain and restricted mobility in our back and joints and piles onto our fatigue.
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Our illnesses are progressive, which means they’ll keep getting worse. We’ve reached a point where we’re no longer safe and comfortable with the mobility aids we have now. Unfortunately our Medicaid insurance will only cover mobility aids we need to move around our own living space (and we need to leave the house sometimes!). So I am raising money to buy a portable power chair.
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The cost of the chair we will be getting, a literider envy, Is $1500. We have $250 of our own money saved up for this purpose. We will continue to try and save money, but because we’re on disability we have a very fixed income. We also have a donor who is willing to pay for half of the wheelchair. So the remaining total we need is $500 which we have raised almost half of already!
Thank you so much for reading! Please consider sharing and/or making a donation—any bit helps!
Alternative donation methods:
Cashapp: $dissociatedvampire
Venmo: @dissociatedvampire
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
help a cute black lesbian not die in abject poverty! i'm trying to catch up financially after a world of setbacks
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venmo: Serena-Manning
cashapp: $sailorsylvie
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
Just realized that both coming out day and indigenous peoples day are on the 11th this year so here's your reminder from your local queer native to not let Indigenous Peoples Day get ignored and forgotten this year. Support natives even if they're not queer this october 11th, and don't let white + colonized narratives be the main focus of the day.
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
I really, really want to buy my dad a new laptop. He’s been using the same one me and my sibling got from K-12 when we were still in grade school, and it’s on it’s last legs anyway. I’d like to get him this one, from Best Buy. Any amount of money would be a great help! It’s about $500, but it’s also not a huge emergecy. it’s still something I really want to do for him, because he’s trying to move away from contracting.
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werewolfsystem · 3 years
If any of my posts blow up please let it be this one:
Australia is currently petitioning to make it that all gender confirming surgeries for transgender individuals are covered by Medicare. This is absolutely huge as surgeries are super expensive even with private health insurance.
It doesn't ask for an address or phone number or anything so I think anyone in the world can sign for it? But I'm not entirely sure.
EDIT: yeah you gotta be a citizen, so if you're outside the country, if you could reblog this to reach more Australians, this would be amazing!
Here's the petition link:
Petition information:
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Please reblog this and spread it as far and wide as you can, this is super important!
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