werecoyotay-blog · 8 years
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Bless you, MusicalHoe.
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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you’re their leader, and even when a leader thinks they have nothing left to give, there’s still one thing. hope. give them h o p e.
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
person i love: hey, i care about you and genuinely like being around you
me: okay......... that sounds fake but alright
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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lovengirls said:have you felt the urge to draw teen wolf femslash lately? i love your style so much it is perfection
thanks! some cordia kisspering for u
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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‘Cause you’re my queen and I’m your lionheart
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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Some people want to talk about lady killers, but I’m here to talk about those Killer Ladies
for wolfbuttz with love
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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you deserved better ➢ allison argent             “nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux-mêmes.”
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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allison, kira & lydia for anon
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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Detail of Cosmic Tides by Martine Johanna
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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no one lives forever        but i’ll be remembered
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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50’s allydia au
Bisexual women and lesbians used to give violets to the woman they were wooing, symbolizing their “Sapphic” desire. In a poem, Sappho described herself and a lover wearing garlands of violets. The giving of violets was popular from the 1910s to the 1950s. (x)
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
So I came out to my dad last night...
Me: Dad, I like girls.
Dad: I see what you watch on netflix. I’m not stupid.
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werecoyotay-blog · 9 years
my favorite college experience is when i had a 7am class and the kid next to me literally poured a monster energy drink into his coffee said “i’m going to die” and drank the whole thing
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