Wendyanne vs. Big public Hospital  employer (need help meeting day to day expenses--please read)
I have spent almost 20 months under suspension (then finally fired in October) because of two things lining up perfectly in order to get rid of me.  My new manager was setting me up to fail because I knew much more than she did and unfortunately had to correct her when necessary (in a nice professional way). As I worked in payroll-- accuracy is paramount. So I complained to her manager about her.  In the same week, I was asked to complete a please explain as to why our senior doctors were not being paid their penalties.
The hospital was trying to save money in the Emergency Department, and although I brought up my concern with finance and HR. They insisted I follow the instructions of the medical workforce coordinator who made one excuse after another as to why they shouldn’t get the penalties.  I was honest in my responses to the auditor.
The hospital would never want the community to find out they were purposely breaking work laws, plus they could be fined massive amounts if reported to fair work. So my complaint turned into an “Independent” investigation about “my manager (really was about me), and I was found to be an employee who didn’t understand how to do things without help, and was also verbally and physically abusive.
The CEO told me that this report had to be true because the investigator was impartial. I was also told that I had no right to specifics about who said I was a bully or what I supposedly did--- because the investigation wasn’t about me.  Then I was told that I could choose any other position within the hospital as long as it wasn’t payroll. So that indicated to me that the CEO told the auditor for the doctors that I was the reason they had been underpaid and was assured that they had moved the “clueless payroll officer” into another department.
Plus, I was making my manager look bad-- and it is never a good look when a subordinate is 10 times smarter than her manager. So they were able to kill 2 birds with one stone.  What they didn’t expect was that I insisted on being given all details and I refused to move from payroll into a different department because I felt I did nothing wrong.
I ended up hiring an employment lawyer and we have been through all the steps and I’ve paid almost 50 thousand in fees (through my parents taking out loans). The hospital has increased their lies about me, saying I could not remember conversations, I had strange behaviors, and made frequent and significant errors. All of these thing were untrue, I had worked over 7 years for the hospital and my performance and behavior were never questioned except for a brief time when I had a side effect from medication.
Work continued to pay me from Feb 2017 until Oct 2018- where ; they finally came up with the “”allegations”, which were made from a maternity replacement employee who was going to be out of a job had I not been suspended.  She said I farted frequently in her face, she was afraid I was stalking her (I don’t even have a license), and she was afraid I was going to poison her drink or food). It’s very strange if this allegations were true, that (I’ll call her Jane) Jane didn’t bring this to attention of management or the police immediately, instead of waiting until I wasn’t even working anymore.  We had worked together for 1 1/2 years in the same position, so it isn’t like she was afraid of reprimand by a manager.
Unlike the so-called .into my manger-- this was done in house by the CEO and HR manager.And they just said they believed Jane and my managers word over mine.  There were no dates or witnesses to any of the allegations, even though these are supposed to be used to support bullying claims.
I am no waiting to go to court but am depending on newstart allowance only and my husband’s disability pension so have started a gofundmepage to hopefully gather enough donations that we can  afford to pay the mortgage and feed and clother our 3 children until court (earliest will be March/April).  I have a great case and their adverse action against me is visible -- I have done absolutely nothing wrong, I even went to THEIR choice of psychiatrist to see if I could go back to work in payroll == and he overwhelmingly supported my return to work and accused them of corporate bullying against me.  Yet the hospital ignored this report and said they only sent me to the IME to see if I could undergo a bullying investigation.  That was never a question, work just thought I would never agree to see one of their doctors (and my lawyer did advise me not to go); so once I went to the psychiatrist they were stuck and had to come up with yet another lie.
My husband who stays at home (in wheelchair) is constantly telling me that we will lose everything and that none of this would have happened if I ihadn’t lodged the complaint against my manager.  I know that God has a plan for all of this and is right beside me, protecting me.  But I have endured so much spiritual warfare in the last 2 years, I would not be able to hold on if it weren’t for my faith in the Lord.
I have been looking for work but so far have had no success-- so I have started this gofund me page so that I can pay  my day to day living expenses until I reach a settlement or court-- or until I am able to find a job. Believe me, I hate being home and am not lazy. I have worked full time since I was 18 years old-- at one stage I worked 65 hours a week! 
If you are able to donate, that would be wonderful. Even if you are unable, please SHARE SHARE SHARE with as many as possible on every type of social media, and pray for me to get through this without losing my house and possibly having to break up my family if that happens.
I was advised NOT to go directly to big media with this so the only exposure I am getting is from fellow believers and my persistent “nagging”. Believe me, I did not create this page willy nilly.  I gave it alot of thought and prayer.
Link to gofundme page is at bottom of post
Wendyanne Hamilton
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I almost feel as if I’m a homeless person, begging strangers for money. But my x Employer falsely accused me of horrible bulling, and theft–all in a bit to either a. Blame me for the hospital’s purposeful underpayments to doctors and/or b. so that I didn’t continue to be smarter than my manager. Whatever the reason, they expected me to quietly resign so my reputation was intact. But I refused to quit when I did nothing wrong and hired a lawyer. The hospital has gotten nastier through each process and showed that they had lied throughout my ordeal. Now they are hoping I give up or run out of money. My reputation is in tatters and I have been unable to find employment. I need help funding my day to day bills up until I am able to get a settlement from the high court but that could take a year. If I lose the house, there is a real probability that my family will be split between my parents in USA, and hubby’s in Australia. I will continue to try and find work to support the family, but I’ve been slandered in a small town–it’s as if I have leprosy. PLEASE if you can donate/share/pray, I would be so appreciative. God Bless. ❤️Wendyanne
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I almost feel as if I'm a homeless person, begging strangers for money. But my x Employer falsely accused me of horrible bulling, and theft--all in a bit to either a. Blame me for the hospital's purposeful underpayments to doctors and/or b. so that I didn't continue to be smarter than my manager. Whatever the reason, they expected me to quietly resign so my reputation was intact. But I refused to quit when I did nothing wrong and hired a lawyer. The hospital has gotten nastier through each process and showed that they had lied throughout my ordeal. Now they are hoping I give up or run out of money. My reputation is in tatters and I have been unable to find employment. I need help funding my day to day bills up until I am able to get a settlement from the high court but that could take a year. If I lose the house, there is a real probability that my family will be split between my parents in USA, and hubby's in Australia. I will continue to try and find work to support the family, but I've been slandered in a small town--it's as if I have leprosy. PLEASE if you can donate/share/pray, I would be so appreciative. God Bless. ❤️Wendyanne
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Proverbs 11-3 http://www.everydaydevotionals.co/2018/08/proverbs-11-3_31.html
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