Send Headcanons or Word Prompt Headcanons for my character.
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// Seriously. I need more than like the five things I have on my Headcanons page.Send anything you like:
- Incidents that have happened
- Tastes you think my character has
- Headcanons involving our characters
- Existing headcanons that should change?
- Blah, blah bliddy blah
- Send me stuff.
Thanks. A lot. If you do this.
DO EET. Do eet nowww.
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Bored now~
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Ah, that really sounds the same as me. I've been focusing on school work and such for a while.
Why hello.
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Hello Kyle. I'm rather good actually. And yourself?
Why hello.
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Why hello.
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Quick hey people.
How are we all?
(( I keep walking into doors lately. What is up with that? It kinda hurts.  Just... Just saying.))
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standingonthedangerline replied to your post: Okay, someone come join Bat-Girl for a while.
Alright Wendy. What do you have planned~?
Craig~ Let's see... As long as it's entertaining I don't think I actually mind today. I'm getting in the Halloween spirit.
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Okay, someone come join Bat-Girl for a while.
Don't tell me I dressed up for nothing?
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Sounds fun. Hehe. Oh well~ Things are quiet right now, but I have Bebe's party later on.
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jewflovski replied to your post: Happy Halloween everyone!
Happy Halloween to you, too, Wendy!
Hey Kyle. It’s been a little while. Hope you’re Halloween is going… well. Heh. Lot’s of candy and frights.
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I would know that episode off by heart andthisreallyreallyreallyhastohappen.
lmao. Yeah. Totally. You know... we should just start our own language.
-Clings to- <3 Haha! welcome!
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” I’d Probably Re-Watch The Episode Over & Over & Over, Until I Can’t Take It Anymore…Which Probably Wouldn’t Happen.
Scanner, Printer! Printer, Scanner! They’re Both The Same To Me. I Think But Yeah…!
-Glues Self To- Omfg. Dank You! ;//v//; <3333 “
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If they did that it'd be super awesome. There'd be so many feels.
And oh... I probably should have said scanner huh? Me and my derps. I'm glad you're okay! I hope it stays that way!
<3 <3 -Big hugs-
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” They Should Seriously Do A Episode Where Wendy & Kenny Talk Or Something. I’d Be So Happy.
Oh And We Have A Printer! But I’m Just At My Grandpa’s House Because Of The Hurricane & etc. “
-Hugs- ;//u//; <3
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I know Harley Quinn and Bat girl are enemies, but trick or treat! And you better be coming to my party tonight...
Only the best British candy for my one-night Halloween enemy~
And of course! Wouldn't dream of missing it."
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"Yes! Go Kendy! :L Wish I could draw. Shame about your printer, but I'm sure the drawing rocks.
Also... asdfghjk You're okay!"
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wendy-voiceofreason replied to your post: wendy??
“…..” // lmao Anon is killing me with feels.
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” Oh! I Drew It! I Finally Drew Kendy! But…No Scanner. :I “
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Trick or Treat~
My dad came back from a trip to England so...
Some British candy!
I guess just pick what you want... I've not tried a lot of it yet." 
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Okay, I'm all dressed up
As sexy Bat-Girl
Someone find me a good party to go to. ...I was persuaded to dress up, so I hope someone has something fun for me to do.
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Well, hey Karen. Sure I'm cheery. It's been an alright day. Things are good. What's up with you?
Happy Halloween everyone!
Happy Halloween to you as well. You seem cheery~
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