Freddie Stewart
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wendy-arnott · 4 years ago
My Pregnancy and Birthing Story
Finding out we were having another baby was definitely a shock for us but once we got our head around the idea of another baby and after a traumatic labour and birth with Ava, I was determined this time around would be different and so the research began!
I found comfort in reading, knowledge is power and in this case I came to realise the power was all mine! I borrowed books from my sister in law who helped me through my journey so much, always there offering advice. We also made the decision to see our Chiropractor throughout my pregnancy, she also practices in Kinesioloy (she previously helped get Ava's ezcema under control but thats another journey to tell later). Together we worked in controlling my magnesium levels which my body was deficient in and which I would come to learn actually plays a huge part in controlling blood sugars. We cut dairy out of my diet which was not an easy thing for me to do at all!!
Then came the dreaded Glucose test, iv previously had Gestational Diabetes with both girls so prepared myself to have this again but no!! By maintaining my magnesium levels I managed to avoid GD this time....amazing!!
I can honestly say, this had been the easiest pregnancy of all my pregnancies!
Given my previous history and being classed as high risk, my specialist and GP wanted to induce at 38 weeks like we had done with the girls previously. I went against medical advice and declined this option to the horror of many people! At that stage there was no medical reasons for induction and in all the research I had done i learnt that any form of induction carries its own risks both physically and mentally and Ava's birth certainly backed this up so i wanted this time, which would be my last birthing experience, to be a calming, healing, empowering moment whilst obviously doing this in the safest way possible.
I wasnt naive and knew my birthing plan may need to change as the pregnancy progressed which i was prepared to do and if induction was medically necessary then of course i would agree to it.
Fast forward to the day before Freddies birth. I had been up all Sunday night with Braxton Hicks which wasnt unusual as I had been having these strong for weeks before and thought I'll mention it to my midwife at our weekly CTG the next day. She confirmed I was infact having contractions at 10 minutes apart but as I wasn't in any pain these may fizzle out or progress, it was a waiting game, a game which I was slowly getting over constantly second guessing myself!
As the day went on no change!
Come 10pm that night we were on our way to the hospital. We hardly spoke in the car, nerves were kicking in, not about the labour but at the idea of having another baby and feeling guilty. Poor Ava went to bed that night as normal but when she woke up her whole little world would be changed for good and this was hard for me to accept.
Hooked back up to the monitor, contractions were more regular and I was 3cm dilated. I refused a stretch and sweep to "speed things up" but then Freddies heart rate started to slow down, which wasn't a major cause for concern at this stage but wasnt "normal" for him so we made the decision to break my waters.
We got settled into labour ward and waited for our midwife to arrive.
1am my waters were broke, i was 4cm dilated at this stage, my next check would be 5.30am.
Contractions started coming more regular and more painful pretty much straight away, i couldn't lay down any longer and started to walk, rock my way around the room. I remember poor Darren pacing the floor worrying about us at the same time while trying to "look" calm for my benefit.
My midwife was amazing, not once did she try and make small talk with me (like my notes said) and didn't offer me any pain relief as requested. I knew if she had asked me, in a moment of weakness I may have gave in and i knew I would regret it afterwards.
3am i fell to the floor with the suddeb urge to push. Lauren, my midwife told me to listen to my body and "go with it", it knew exactly what to do and she was right!!
3.33am and Freddie entered the world, on the floor! I remember thinking wow, he's tiny and looks just like Ava....did i seriously just do that, on my own, with no pain relief. Did my birthing plan actually go to plan.....yes, yes it did!
After such a successful birth my placenta had other ideas and didnt want to come out!! After half an hour I agreed to have the injection to birth this as theatre definitely wasn't in my plan! On the last push it finally came out.
Darren left to tell the girls they had a brother as due to covid we wernt allowed any visitors.
10am that day I was at home with my girls and my SON!!
Im so proud of myself and Darren for fully supporting my plans, to have had the exact pregnant and labour i wanted. I still cant believe to this day and get goosbumps thinking about it. Did i really go against medical advice and family worries to give birth spontaneously..YES i did and i wouldn't change a single thing about the events leading up to and during my birthing experience.
My boy is now 11 weeks old and thriving. He knew exactly when he wanted to enter the world and im glad i gave him that and didn't force him before he was ready!
People look at me like im a crazy lady when i tell them my birth was truly amazing and if i could i would do it all again tomorrow!!
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