wendiyu · 3 days
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I believe in Santos Dumont supremacy, fuck the wright brothers
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wendiyu · 3 days
new blog who dis
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hey there! i'm wendi yu, a travesti monster from Northeast Brasil who makes trouble out of words and images.
i make ttrpgs and have released 3 of them so far:
here, there, be monsters!, a punk response to monster-hunting Urban Fantasy media from the monsters' point of view. available in print and pdf from SoulMuppet;
Marvelous Mutations and Merry Musicians, a weird fantasy about mutated musicians touring the post-post-apocalyptic not-wastelands and getting in trouble. available in print and pdf from Exalted Funeral and as a pay-what-you-want pdf here;
and Apotheosis Janitors, a satire about creating a cult and getting rid of the evidence that your deity was once mortal. available as a pwyw pdf here.
i've also worked as a freelance writer, sensitivity reader, artist and designer for other games. i'm currently available (and looking) for work, so hit me up if you're interested!
i have a master's in contemporary media and culture, and i'm currently doing a phd in the same area. other times, i've been a screenwriter, poet, filmmaker, designer and editor.
for more info, you can check my page or wen_di_yu at the social network formerly known as twitter!
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wendiyu · 3 days
i hate when i’m insanely anxious about something to the point where i can’t sleep and then whatever im stressing about passes and im like “oh that actually wasn’t that bad!” and then i learn absolutely nothing from this
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wendiyu · 4 days
thank you weird trans women forever
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wendiyu · 6 days
i think a lot of comfortable liberals, esp in the imperial core, balk at the critical analyses of politically conscious people because they are genuinely fearful to grasp the degree of mundane cruelty necessary to fuel the current ruling order. it offends their sensibilities. it is disturbing and it disturbs. it would require grappling with the reality that they benefit from it, and it would require active effort to try to comprehend the genuinely incomprehensible level of bloodshed which maintains the status quo. when, for examples, liberals ask such questions as "well, during 'the revolution,' what about how [x tokenized demographic who is vulnerable] will be harmed?", they do so because they refuse to accept the reality of the mundane and normalized level of violence essential to the state of affairs.
the reality that must be contended with (and, certainly, the unignorable, compulsory reality for the vast majority of the peoples of the world) is that the state of affairs is saturated with more blood than anybody in their single lives could possibly wrap their head around. comfortable liberals seem to want to believe the world is, on some level, good, or at least neutral. undoubtedly there are good things in this world, but that is true in such a trivial sense, like saying "the sun will rise the next day," that it amounts to nothing more than trite aphorism in the face of unimaginable cruelty.
the gears of this system are oiled with more blood than we will ever know. genocide and devastation and war and extraction and exploitation and slavery and humiliation are the norms of this system. this system innovates the most imaginative cruelties in service of shaving fractions of pennies off of costs to elevate profits and consolidate capital. to have any kind of real, or, genuinely, even optimistic understanding of the world requires contending with this reality of status quo.
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wendiyu · 6 days
Don't you worry about my pronouns. My pronouns are pretty standard. Worry about my adverbs. My most frequent ones are "omniously", "haphazardly" and "obliviously".
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wendiyu · 7 days
btw if this is from where i think it is, it's a great film (Lunacy, by Svankmajer)
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wendiyu · 7 days
re: lrb it's always funny when people who are mad at me for calling stardew valley colonialist or whatever (when they don't call me a pedophile) are like 'wow you must be miserable only playing ideologically pure games' like i don't have 400+ hours in civ vi and 1,000+ in eu4. like people can't imagine being critical of a thing as an intellectual experience that can lead to deeper engagement and not a visceral outpouring of rage at Problematic Media
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wendiyu · 7 days
Really the kicker about discussing colonialism intrinsic to certain fictional tropes/archetypes/genres/what-have-you is that white bitches et al get SO mad about it. "Ohh so I'm not allowed to play farming sims? Wearing a silly hat makes me a fascist now?" I was just exercising critical thought but yknow what? Just for you? Yeah it does
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wendiyu · 9 days
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wendiyu · 11 days
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À Meia Noite Levarei a Sua Alma (1964)
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wendiyu · 11 days
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wendiyu · 12 days
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wendiyu · 12 days
fucking hell i forget that some people violently hate polyamory and are way too proud of admitting it :/
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wendiyu · 12 days
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real, rb if you're a d&d enthusiast or sex pervert (or both like a True Linux User)
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wendiyu · 12 days
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wendiyu · 12 days
Well well well. How the wheels on the bus have gone round and round
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