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Tips On How To Stop Suffering Fro Back Pain (2)
Tips On How To Stop Suffering Fro Back Pain (2) was originally published on: http://www.wellnessinmotionchiropractic.com/
Tips On How To Stop Suffering Fro Back Pain
When it comes to back pain, the intensity of symptoms can range anywhere from dull and tolerable to acute, agonizing pain. The condition can also affect the upper, middle, or lower section of the back or even all three areas. Fortunately, the advice in this article will offer insight into the nature of this condition.
To help prevent or alleviate back pain, try walking each day. Research has indicated that walking helps relieve back pain, whereas doing specific exercises meant to alleviate back pain may actually make the pain worse. Although your back may hurt, it is important to walk briskly for three hours per week to obtain relief.
Many claim that strengthening the abdominal muscles can actually help to prevent against back pain and even relieve existing back pain. This is because the abdominals stretch around your side and back and aren't just those "washboard" muscles in your lower stomach. If you strengthen this group of muscles, you can prevent back pain.
Learning to lift properly can save yourself a lot of back pain in the future. Learning to lift from the knees instead of just bending over to lift will greatly reduce the strain on your back. This will keep your back from being over exerted and help you keep your back from developing pain earlier.
When dealing with back pain, it's always a great idea to ensure that your weight is distributed evenly when standing. Do not put more weight on one leg than the other. Of course, you cannot avoid this while walking, but while standing, maintain good posture and even weight distribution to help with back pain.
Try physical therapy. If you think that your back pain has been caused by some recent trauma to your back, a physical therapist can help you strengthen your back so you can get full function back again. It can also be helpful to have someone supportive helping you with your back.
You can become a victim of chronic back pain, simply by practicing poor posture. To avoid this type of pain, focus on sitting straight at work or school and keep shoulders back while walking. In these days of technology, we rely on computers and end up with poor posture. Surfing the net can be the biggest culprit of all, when it comes to increased back pain!
Placing moist heat on the effected area of your back is going to help you manage your pain. This method has been used for many years and has proven to be quite helpful in the management of pain suffered in many areas of the body. Apply it directly to the skin and the tension should be reduced.
Whether your discomfort is confined to a single area of your back or affects the upper, middle, and lower areas, following the advice in this article will offer you some degree of relief. Remain positive and remember that there are a variety of options available to diagnose, treat, and possibly even prevent back pain.
Tips On How To Stop Suffering Fro Back Pain (2) was originally published on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
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Does Back Pain Have You Down? Read This! (2)
The article Does Back Pain Have You Down? Read This! (2) was originally published on: http://www.wellnessinmotionchiropractic.com/
Does Back Pain Have You Down? Read This!
Back pain can be a difficult condition for anyone to live with. People are left in great pain as they attempt to do normal everyday activities that are necessary for survival. Back pain sufferers can rejoice, though, as there are some methods to ease back pain. The following article features tips on back pain.
The type of shoes you wear can help to alleviate back pain, so try to get some of those comfort cushioned shoe soles to help out. Those types of soles with the gel inside of them are a great pick. If those are a little too pricy for you, just try a pair of shoes that are more comfortable for you to wear.
In some cases, back pain sufferers find that acupuncture is a good treatment for their ailment. The jury is still out on acupuncture, and it might be a little too pricy depending on how available it is in your area, but thousands of back pain sufferers swear by the results of the needles.
What you're sleeping on might be responsible for the back pain you're dealing with, so always thoroughly check your mattress to see if you should make a change. Maybe you can get by with a memory foam mattress pad, or maybe you will have to replace the entire mattress. Either way, it's important to take care of the issue to take care of your back.
If you are experiencing back pain regularly, give pineapple a try. Bromelain is a natural enzyme, found in pineapple, and it has been shown to reduce inflammation. Back pain is often caused by inflammation around the lumbar area. Adding pineapple to your diet is natural, and just might provide you with some pain relief.
Ice or heat your back as needed. Some people only respond to coolness on their back, yet others respond to heat. Try alternating coolness and heat to see which helps your back pain the most. It may be that both work at different times for you, so experiment until you find the right combination that gives your back the most relief.
Accepting that your back pain is a necessary part of life may cause serious damage, so have it looked at right away. Most people consider back pain a normal aspect of daily living, but it could very possibly be some type of injury that will evolve into greater problems if left untreated. So, try to have your back pain evaluated as early as possible.
In order to help prevent back pain from occurring, make sure you use chairs properly. For example, many office chairs have controls for adjusting the height and position of the seat back part of the chair. Utilize these controls to ensure you are getting the most comfortable, back-friendly position possible when using these chairs.
Furthermore, back pain can be difficult to live with. When people who have back pain try to do normal activities, they are often met with excruciating pain. Back pain sufferers can ease their pain with the right methods, such as the ones found in the tips of this article. Use them to ease your back pain.
Does Back Pain Have You Down? Read This! (2) was originally published on: park ridge chiropractors
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Acupressure and Migraines
Acupressure and Migraines is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center Blog
Acupressure and Migraines
Acupressure is a completely non-invasive treatment option that has a high success rate among migraineurs (people who suffer from migraine headaches). It has a proven track record as a successful pain abatement technique. Acupressure is also efficacious in reducing both the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are over 800 vital energy points in the human body. These points lie along meridians that run throughout a person’s body. Chi, or life energy, flows along the meridians and through the energy points in healthy people. Chi that is blocked or overabundant near particular energy points causes illness and pain. Acupressure massage applies pressure to these energy points in order to release chi and stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. The energy points are massaged with the fingers, thumb, or occasional blunt object with medium pressure in a circular pattern. The simplest acupressure a migraineur can learn is an all-over head massage. This technique just requires the practitioner to massage the scalp as though they were washing their hair. Sit with the elbows resting on a table to prevent arm strain and the head resting lightly in the hands to perform head and neck acupressure.
Moderate pressure applied to the GB20 points offers the best relief for migraine pain. They are on either side of the neck, approximately one inch to each side of the spinal column just below where the skull and neck muscles connect. GB20 also goes by the more romantic-sounding Chinese name “The Gates of Consciousness”.
Migraineurs seeking to relieve their headache and neck pain should practice deep breathing while using the thumbs of both hands to press firmly on the GB20 points for one to two minutes. If this is painful at first, home practitioners can start out by pressing and releasing the points in five to fifteen second intervals.
Acupressure and Migraines is available on: chiropractor park ridge IL.
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Accident Injury Claims Done Right
Accident Injury Claims Done Right is available on: https://www.wellnessinmotionchiropractic.com
Accident Injury Claims Done Right
When dealing with a car accident, finding and hiring a qualified attorney can help you a great deal. They will help ease your mind through dealing with all the legal aspects of your situation while you focus on coping with the pain and suffering of such a traumatic event. There are lawyers out there ready and willing to make sure that you are compensated for being hurt in a situation that you may not have had any control over.
Never hesitate after an accident when seeking medical and legal help. Many people don’t know until much later that they even have an injury after a car accident. They are usually so scared and rattled that if they feel okay enough, they go home and sleep it off and try to reestablish normal activities the next day. Or, if they are in pain, they might seek the advice of family and friends who may tell them not to worry, that it is just neck pain and it will go away with time. This is all really bad advice. There could be internal injuries that over time could become major or even life threatening problems.
A very serious problem that is often overlooked is an internal head injury. Just because a car crash victims head is not bleeding, does not mean that they are okay. Closed head injuries often occur some time after the accident and can go unnoticed and often occur when a car crash victim’s head is sudden thrust into a hard surface (steering wheel, dashboard, back of the front seat) at rapid speeds. These types of injuries often do not penetrate the skull and can be overlooked at first. These types of collisions result in internal injuries within the brain.
Even whiplash can cause a closed head injury. Other types of closed head injuries include bleeding from the head or face, confusion, lethargy, loss of hearing or fluid drainage from the nose or ears.
Another, more traumatic injury caused by car accidents is permanent or temporary paralysis. Paralysis occurs when the vital nerves that control various body parts are damaged or severed. This happens when there is a traumatic impact to the neck or spinal cord resulting in parts of the body not being able to retain the same mobility or sensations that they once had.
When paralysis occurs, it can be an extremely difficult time for the victim and his/her family. They are faced with life long challenges and may need constant round-the-clock care for the rest of their lives. Temporary paralysis occurs when a nerve is pinched or inflamed. In any case, seek help quickly. Don’t hesitate. You may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries. It is important that you contact a qualified car accident attorney today and get a case review.
Accident Injury Claims Done Right is republished from: http://www.yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge/
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Amazing Headache Home Remedies For You
Amazing Headache Home Remedies For You was originally seen on: http://wellnessinmotionchiropractic.com/
Amazing Headache Home Remedies For You
Having a headache might just be one of the most painful things that can happen to a person. When you have a really bad headache or migraine people scoff and say, what? It's just a headache, suck it up! I cannot count how many times I have heard things like that from people. The truth of the matter is that a headache or a migraine can be crippling. They can affect your entire life, your relationships and your career. The worst part about getting a headache or a migraine is trying to treat it. Most of the medications on the market don't work at all and those that do are like $250 per pill, yeah, PER pill! Who can afford that kind of money, I know I can't, no matter how bad of a migraine I get. That is where headache home remedies come in. These babies can fix you up in no time. Don't laugh, it is totally true. Why do you think that those old wives tales have hung around for so long? Because they work! Many headaches are due to inflammation and there are some great headache home remedies that will take care of this problem quickly and simply and most importantly for very little if any, money at all. Do you have a Willow tree in your yard? If so then you are in luck because the bark of a willow tree is one of the best headache home remedies that you will find. Simply chew on the bark and you can get rid of headache pain and even fever. This was being used to treat migraines and headaches before Jesus was born, and it still works today! This is one of the most used headache home remedies around and it has lasted all these hundreds of years because it really will work to cure you of your headache. And the best part about using willow as your remedy or in your headache home remedies is that it is all natural. It is not a toxic chemical like many of the drugs that are on the market today. By chewing some willow bark you will be able to stay healthy, not destroy your stomach and liver and get rid of your headache or migraine all at the same time. All willow trees will work for these headache home remedies, whether they are white, black, purple or violet. They work because they all have salicin in them and by chewing the bark you are releasing this handy dandy chemical into your bloodstream and it goes straight to work to reduce the inflammation causing your headache or migraine. This is actually what aspirin is, but this is the real deal, whereas aspirin is synthetic. S in reality when you are using willow bark in your headache home remedies you are using natural occurring aspirin, only this stuff works even better! If you suffer from a headache often but it is not the serious or scary kind like a migraine then you may not need to take anything like willow bark for your headache home remedies. You may be able to get off with something a little more palatable like tea. Chamomile tea has been known to do wonders for people in many different situations and for many different reasons. Chamomile is a great way to relax and many a headache is caused by stress alone. By taking some time out to relax and unwind you may be able to eliminate your headaches completely. Chamomile tea is a great way to do that. And the caffeine in many teas can also help you with your headache or migraine trouble. Did you know that many headache medicines actually have caffeine in them? They do, read the boxes the next time that you go to the supermarket.
Amazing Headache Home Remedies For You is courtesy of: https://yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge
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What do you need to know about skin disorders?
What do you need to know about skin disorders? is courtesy of: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Service Blog
What do you need to know about skin disorders?
In today’s world human life is full of stress and anxiety. There is a seemingly endless struggle to succeed and due to which we most often become oblivious to our health, appearance etc. While on the one hand we ourselves are reckless in maintenance of our body, on the other hand our environment is getting all the more deteriorated day by day. These primary factors have lead to several skin or derm disorders among individuals. This article will be making its readers acquainted with some of the common and harmful skin disorders along with the manner in which they are caused and can be effectively cured.
1. Eczema- a very general skin disease that leads to skin irritation, dryness, itching and even cracking of skin with bleeding. Eczema is known to be of four types. These are – Atopic Eczema (can result in scratching of skin and skin infection), Allergic Contact Dermatitis (leads to skin irritation), Irritant Contact Dermatitis (dry and irritant skin esp. hands) and Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema.
Cause- an individual can be affected by Eczema due to different reasons like heredity, environment, age etc.
· The Atopic Eczema is more of heredity transfer.
· Allergic Contact Dermatitis is due to things like cologne, jewelry and other ornaments.
· Irritant Contact Dermatitis is caused by contact with chemicals that harm the skin like poor quality detergents etc.
· Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema- appears on the scalp of infants.
· Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema is fully curable within a few months with creams and oils.
· Irritant Contact Dermatitis should be treated with moisturizers to avert dryness of skin.
· Allergic Contact Dermatitis can be treated by keeping away from the elements that cause it.
· Atopic Eczema needs steroids and emollients for its cure.
2. Vitiligo- a disease of skin pigmentation leading to appearance of white spots on body.
· Causes- Accurate causes of the disease that inflicts most of the Americans are not known yet. However, the studies hold heredity and weak immune system to be the causes behind it. High concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide in the environment and the deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals are even estimated to be the reasons for the disease.
· Effects of Vitiligo- the disease does not lead to any discomforts like headache, pain etc. but it hits different areas of body of different individuals. It starts from less and expands gradually. Vitiligo like skin Eczema is mot contagious.
· The disease can be treated in several ways like pseudocatalase cream, pigment transplantation and skin grafting.
3. Psoriasis- is again a very usual skin disease particularly in United States of America. The symptoms of Psoriasis are appearance of lesions with white scales on them on the skin, weakening of skin and joints.
· Causes – heredity or genetic reasons are attributed as reasons of the disease. Due to it the defective immune system the skin cells mature within a relatively much lesser span of time than usual. The skin cells in this case grow within three to four days contrary to their normal duration of 39 days. These cells form lesions on the skin and do not fall off.
· Treatment- Topical treatments are preferred in case of Psoriasis though the disease is more or less incurable.
Besides these three derm disorders there are few others which are not mentioned here. However, the only precautionary measure to skin diseases is to maintain healthy eating habits and hygiene and also be a little more careful towards your skin.
What do you need to know about skin disorders? is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center Park Ridge
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A Workout For People Who Don’t Want To Work Out
The following blog post A Workout For People Who Don’t Want To Work Out is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center Blog
A Workout For People Who Don't Want To Work Out
There's good news for people who want to watch their weight without giving up watching TV. Now there's a new workout for couch potatoes and people who think they're too busy to find time to stay fit.
With time at a premium, many Americans are turning to creative forms of exercise. In a recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive for the North American Spine Society, three out of four people said they used the stairs rather than the elevator at work, 58 percent said they started parking their cars far away in parking lots and almost half reported walking while on the phone.
At the same time, however, 46 percent of people described themselves as couch potatoes--a major contributing factor to being overweight. Many adults say they have procrastinated working out in order to do other activities, such as watching television, sleeping in, doing household chores or working.
Approximately three in four adults say they would exercise more if they could fit it into their daily routines, however, and a majority of adults say they would exercise more often if they could do it at home. Among noncouch potatoes, 80 percent would like to get more exercise, but say they don't have the time.
Meanwhile, more than 4 million Americans suffer disc problems. One out of four Americans over 30 will have recurring back pain, and one in 14 will seek medical care for back or neck pain this year, totalling almost 14 million visits per year. Back pain is the second most common reason that people visit a physician. Back and neck pain result in more lost workdays than any other condition. Due to absenteeism, medical and other related expenses, the cost of back injuries exceeds $80 billion each year in the United States. Exercise is one way to avoid back problems.
That's why it's important to find time to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. In addition to things such as climbing stairs and parking farther away, there are a number of fun ways to make your daily tasks opportunities to exercise:
• Feet Alphabet. This exercise can be done anywhere you are sitting, except while driving. It should not be hard to find a place. Simply write the alphabet in the air with each of your feet and ankles. You can do the letters in capitals or small letters and, for that matter, in any language you would like. Doing this two or three times on each ankle will begin to strengthen the ankle and maintain or improve motion.
• Doing the Dishes Neck Circles. This exercise is easily done while doing the always fun task of washing the dishes. As you are standing there at the sink, slowly rotate your neck in a clockwise position, trying to extend the tip of your head out as far as possible. After three or four rotations, repeat the exercise in a counter-clockwise position. Remember, these rotations should be done slowly and in a pain-free range of motion. Besides increasing the flexibility of the neck, these exercises can pass the time of doing dishes.
• Overhead Laundry Toss. Put the laundry basket directly in front of you and have the washer or dryer directly behind you. Grab a piece or two of dirty clothes, reach over your head slowly and drop the laundry into the washer. Again, start with dry clothes, then progress to wet clothes from the washer into the dryer.
• Remote Wrist Lifts. This can be done on any Sunday afternoon watching multiple football games. Simply take the remote control (use the biggest one you have from the pile of remotes) and, while sitting watching your favorite team or movie and with your arm pointing toward the TV, aim the remote at the ceiling, moving your wrist only. Hold it there for 10 seconds, then aim it at the floor, again only moving the wrist. Repeat this three to four times during every commercial. Be careful not to accidentally change the channel when doing this exercise or it may irritate people who are watching TV with you.
These are just some ideas from "The Couch Potato Workout: 101 Exercises You Can Do At Home!" by Joel M. Press, M.D., president of the North American Spine Society and medical director of the Spine and Sports Institute at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. "The Couch Potato Workout" describes numerous practical and functional exercises people can do to build strength, balance and flexibility as part of their normal daily routine.
The following post A Workout For People Who Don’t Want To Work Out was originally published to: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
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Musicians Injuries
The article Musicians Injuries was originally seen on: www.wellnessinmotionchiropractic.com
Musicians Injuries
Ouch! Does it seem like every note you play on your guitar or musical instrument results in pain? Maybe it’s a nagging ache in your neck and shoulder. Perhaps you’ve had long rehearsals for that important gig or recital, and now you notice severe pain and loss of strength in your elbow and wrist. Or maybe you are trying to cope with hands that are increasingly numb and clumsy. Well it’s all part of being a serious musician, right? You’ve got to keep practicing – too much depends on it! Sound familiar? Guitarists and instrumental musicians are a special risk group for repetitive strain injuries, with sizable percentages of them developing physical problems directly related to playing their instruments. In fact, “RSI” or repetitive strain injury in musicians was around centuries before the term was recently coined for computer injuries. Incorrect posture, overuse, stress, insufficient rest, excessive force and incorrect ergonomic technique all contribute to chronic pain and injuries that spell the end to careers. For many musicians, repetitive movement injuries are more feared than stage fright or an unresponsive audience. If they are also heavy computer users (my category of experience!), their risks are further compounded. Doctors and therapists have long known that musicians are notoriously hard to convince that playing should be reduced or stopped to allow time for injuries to heal. Many guitarists and musicians are afraid to find out they might have a severe injury, and much prefer the head-in-sand approach of ignoring the pain and pushing on. This is a disastrous policy for a musician – if it hurts, it should be checked out! As a systems accountant consulting to small business, I spend most hours of my working day in front of a computer. Not surprisingly, this has resulted in several serious repetitive motion injuries over the years. In similar fashion to the approach of many guitarists and musicians, I spent a long time trying to “ignore the pain and push on”. It is only in recent years that I have discovered the optimum program for managing the injuries and avoiding future repeats, with regular chiropractic care well and truly established at number one on my list of priorities. WHAT IS CHIROPRACTIC? Meaning “done by hand”, chiropractic is a method of restoring good health through adjustments of the spine. The basic chiropractic premise is that the spine and nervous system control the body completely. Any interference to nerve function by spine misalignments can therefore result in poor organ function, resulting in any number of seemingly unrelated diseases and ailments. Chiropractors generally subscribe to the theory that technically, they don’t ‘cure’ anybody, but simply help the body to heal itself. In the past, chiropractors traditionally had trouble gaining the respect of medical doctors. Although basic philosophical differences between medicine and chiropractic still exist, chiropractic care is now considered mainstream and is routinely recommended by members of the medical profession. WHAT TREATMENT DO CHIROPRACTORS GIVE? Ever wondered what happens at the chiropractor? Perhaps you’ve heard they’re just “bonecrackers, not doctors!”. Not so. In the US and many other countries, the educational program for chiropractors includes training in the basic medical sciences, including anatomy with human dissection, physiology, and biochemistry. Thorough training is also obtained in differential diagnosis, radiology and therapeutic techniques. This means, a doctor of chiropractic can both diagnose and treat patients. (This separates them from non-physician status providers, like physical therapists.) As with all healthcare practitioners, chiropractors follow a standard routine to secure the information needed for diagnosis and treatment. When the source of pain involves musculoskeletal structures, chiropractors manually manipulate or adjust the spinal column. This typically requires the chiropractor to bend and twist the patient into various positions, which may cause some patients (myself included!) to tense up. Other more gentle methods, such as the activator method, deliver a high-speed, gentle, thrust to the vertebrae via a small rubber tip. Atlas orthogonal chiropractors focus on the atlas bone (the first bone that the spinal cord passes through). Using x-rays and precision measuring equipment, the atlas bone is gently realigned without using manipulation techniques. I can personally vouch for this chiropractic specialty, which worked like magic on the most recent and severe of my repetitive neck injuries. Many chiropractors also use water, light, massage, ultrasound, electric, and heat therapy and may apply supports such as straps, taping and braces. They may also counsel patients about wellness concepts such as nutrition, exercise, lifestyle changes, and stress management, but do not prescribe drugs or perform surgery. Some chiropractors also specialise in orthopedics, sports and musician injuries, neurology, nutrition, internal disorders, and/or diagnostic imaging. HOW CAN MUSICIANS BENEFIT FROM CHIROPRACTIC CARE? The benefits of chiropractic care for guitarists and musicians are widespread and numerous. Chiropractors can help with relief of specific pain being experienced at the moment, or as part of an overall wellness program, which also includes exercise, proper nutrition and rest. Many musicians understand that the position they assume while playing stresses their body, and are seeking to offset this stress and prevent further problems from developing. Chiropractors evaluate and analyse the spine with an understanding of physics and how gravity and distorted postures can stress areas of the spine, ribs, neck, shoulders and hips. Specific adjustments are used to offset these distortions. Chiropractors who specialise in helping musicians repetitive injury problems usually examine the musician patient and the instrument together. By thoroughly analysing their patient's posture, movement patterns and range of motion with the instrument, the chiropractor can detect areas of dysfunction in and around the spine. They also make recommendations as to what guitarists can do, both while playing and before and after playing, to keep the stress from returning. They teach their musician clients exercises to offset the repetitive stress placed on certain joints while playing a particular instrument. Chiropractic care is reportedly simple, yet it is profound in its ability to help the body regain and maintain its health. Bob Birch, Elton John’s bass player and background vocalist said his chiropractor showed him pictures and told him “muscle stuff” that no other doctors ever did. Certain things that he had wrong with him, like the extensive pain in the left shoulder blade that shot up the side of his head (which other doctors pooh-poohed) were explained and put right with chiropractic adjustments. Make no mistake about it, regular chiropractic care for guitarists and musicians is the way to go. If you play an instrument and want to avoid repetitive strain injuries for good, go find a musician-friendly chiropractor now!. Scores of famous musicians agree with me!
The following article Musicians Injuries was first published to: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
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Living With And Treating Migraine Headaches
Living With And Treating Migraine Headaches is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
Living With And Treating Migraine Headaches
Stress leads the list of all psychological triggers for migraine headaches and may be the most common migraine trigger of all. Understanding stress and how it effects your life could help you cope better with migraines.
Think of specific things you can add to or take away from your daily routine to reduce stress and help avoid migraine headache pain. Keep a note of the results and discuss them with your doctor.
Get enough rest. One of the best ways to do this is set regular bedtime and waking up times each day so that your body clock regulates itself. It may take 2 to 3 weeks for your body to adapt to this new routine, so it is important to set times and stick with them. Gradually, as your body begins to get used to these times your stress levels should reduce along with the frequency of migraine headaches.
Find an exercise you enjoy and stick with it. Exercise not only fortifies your body, but helps with "resting" your mind. You tend to forget all your worries when exercising. Try mild aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week.
Eat sensibly and have regular meals. Eat foods that are migraine trigger-free for you. Cut down on processed and overly sugary items. To avoid temptation, don’t have them in the house. Keep in mind that processed and sugary foods are not good for your body and can actually increase stress levels. Headaches can be caused by ordinary foods that most of us eat every day. But cutting out common food triggers from your diet does not mean that you have to sacrifice tasty meals.
When it comes to migraines, decaffeinated coffee, fruit juice and sparkling water are better choices for beverages than caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. If you choose to have an alcoholic drink, stick with single measures and alternate an alcoholic drink with water.
Dairy products can also be common triggers for migraines. Try reducing or cutting out dairy items from your diet for a month to see if this makes a difference to your migraines.
Meats such as corned beef, hot dogs and pickled herring are "cured meats," and contain an ingredient called sodium nitrate, which can trigger a headache. Instead, consider poultry or freshly purchased and prepared meats.
Identify areas of stress in your life and begin working to improve them. Share your problems, concerns, and thoughts with others. Don’t keep them to yourself. Sharing a problem can provide almost instant relief and you may find that others have constructive suggestions for solving issues. Also, have the courage to say "no" to people who place unwanted demands on your time.
Learn how to relax. If you sit down to rest, do not immediately pick up the phone, read a magazine or turn on the TV. Try out relaxation tapes to help you unwind and relax. You’ll find them at most music or bookstores. You can also search the Internet for tapes specifically designed to help prevent migraine headaches.
If you are suffering with Migraines, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps.
Living With And Treating Migraine Headaches is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
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Relieve Migraine Headaches the Natural Way!
The blog post Relieve Migraine Headaches the Natural Way! is courtesy of: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center Park Ridge Service
Relieve Migraine Headaches the Natural Way!
Natural treatment methods for migraine headaches are usually harmless and cheaper than traditional pain medications. Sure, it is possible to have negative reactions to natural treatments, but the chances are much less than with medications.
Different things work for different people. No two people are alike and a headache treatment method that works for one person may not work for another. But on the contrary, just because one method does not work for someone else does not mean it will not relieve your migraine headaches. There are many alternatives to taking medications when it comes to migraine headache relief. One may be just what you need.
Chiropractic adjustments are surely the most popular form of natural headache relief. Patients with migraine headaches have been visiting chiropractors for decades, and with very good success. As many as 80% or more of headache patients find relief with chiropractic care. Spinal problems do cause headaches and chiropractors do an outstanding job of correcting spinal problems.
Biofeedback is a training program designed to help a person develop the ability to control their autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. After learning the technique it is then possible for a person to control their heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and of course, the relaxation of their muscles.
Muscle tension can cause headaches and by relaxing muscles, especially in the neck, it is possible to relieve migraine headaches. Once the technique is learned there is no longer any need for the biofeedback equipment. The patient with migraine headaches can now produce the desired effect any time they wish.
Sometimes too much salt can cause headaches. And by simply lessening the salt intake headaches can sometimes be prevented.
Some migraine headaches are caused by food sensitivities. Certain foods can cause migraines and eliminating these foods can prevent migraine pain. Some common foods that can trigger migraine headaches are cheese, alcohol, monosodium glutamate (a food additive), nuts, beans, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others.
A very common cause of many tension headaches and migraine headaches is just plain old stress. People that get tense experience headaches from the increased tension.
Relieving tension can often relieve migraine headaches. Tension can be relieved in many ways such as by taking a warm bath or shower, lying down in a quiet dark room to rest, putting something cold on the back of the neck (at the base of the skull) or having someone massage your neck muscles and possibly your temporal region to help relieve your tension and muscle spasms.
There are many other natural treatments available to migraine headache patients including the Soothe-A-Ciser Migraine Headaches Cushion. This pillow was designed by a chiropractor to help correct neck problems that can cause headaches.
All of the above treatment methods for migraine headaches are considered safe. However, it is always a good idea to talk with your doctor before attempting to treat yourself for a health problem.
The blog post Relieve Migraine Headaches the Natural Way! is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
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Top Five Treatments As Back Pain Relief
The blog post Top Five Treatments As Back Pain Relief is republished from: https://wellnessinmotionchiropractic.com
Top Five Treatments As Back Pain Relief
The back is indeed one of the most functional part of a person’s body. Everyone basically needs to rely on their backs as the central workforce of the human body, for it is very important in almost all bodily movements and functions. Functional as it is, the back, however, is also very susceptible to pains and injuries.
Back pain can be very distressing and disabling for most people. Eight out of 10 adults suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is among the top reasons for health consultations of adults to doctors and experts.
Although back pain is a very common illness that one can easily acquire or develop, it is actually a very treatable health condition. There are a lot of simple back pain remedies that a person can perform in the comfort of his home. Also, proper health maintenance is also essential to avoid having back pains.
Most cases of back pain generally improves when treated with simple, alternative cures. However, if the condition does not show any improvement, then it needs to be consulted immediately to a doctor.
The following are some back pain conditions that require one to immediately consult a doctor:
1. If the pain is intense and constant. 2. If the pain causes numbness and weakness in the legs. 3. If the pain goes with sudden weight loss. 4. If the pain causes bladder or bowel complications. 5. If the pain is accompanied with fever or abdominal pain.
For non-serious cases of back pains, the following are five simple treatments that are known to provide back pain relief:
1. The power of heat and cold
It is said that heat and cold are among the best mediums to treat back pain. A hot bath and a cold compress are sure to give soothing relief to aching back and inflamed muscles. Most people prefer to use a cold treatment first to calm the spasms in the back muscles. When the spasms subside, a heated pad is applied on the aching back to loosen the tighten muscles.
2. The magic of pain relievers
Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin are among the commonly recommended back pain relief medications by most doctors today. These anti-inflammatory drugs control stiffness, pain, and swelling.
3. Acupuncture as a stimulating treatment
As acupuncture becomes a popular alternative cure for a number of health conditions today, it is also a perfect complementary remedy to simple back pain conditions. This type of back pain relief treatment can stimulate the body’s central nervous system to discharge natural pain-relieving endorphins.
4. Simple stretching routines
Perhaps the simplest form of back pain relief is stretching. Back pain is relieved in this simple routine as one stretches his back gently, thus, making the muscles relax. Stretching prevents the muscles become tense.
5. Move, move, move
If a person is suddenly attacked by serious back pains, he tends to crawl back to bed, thinking that it is the best way to relax the aching muscles in his back. This doesn’t, however, help in any way to remedy the pain. Instead, it is better to avoid doing the things or activities that trigger back pains, and just continue doing other tasks that are not painful.
The article Top Five Treatments As Back Pain Relief was first published on: http://www.yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge/
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Migraine Criteria
The following post Migraine Criteria is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center, Inc
Migraine Criteria
The Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society (IHS) publishes and revises the “International Classification of Headache Disorders”, now in its second edition. This book offers specific diagnostic criteria for diagnosing migraines and is currently used worldwide.
According to IHS, a common migraine headache, also known as a migraine without aura, is defined by the specific criteria found below.
The patient must have at least five of these headaches.
The headache, excluding attendant symptoms or prodromes, must last a minimum of four hours, up to seventy-two hours. Headaches that last over seventy-two hours generally require immediate medical attention in order to rule out other, more dangerous conditions.
Pain Descriptors
In order to be classed as a migraine a headache must include at least two of four different qualities of pain:
1) The pain is one-sided; the headache is primarily on one side of the head. 2) The pain is not constant; it throbs, pounds, or pulsates. 3) The pain must be of moderate or severe intensity, to the point where the sufferer is inhibited in daily activity, potentially to the point of being temporarily disabled. 4) The pain is increased, sometimes only slightly, by routine physical activity like bending over, climbing stairs, or moving quickly.
Side Effects
Headache pain must be accompanied at least one of four common side effects:
1) Nausea 2) Vomiting 3) Photophobia – sensitivity to light 4) Phonophobia – sensitivity to sound
Secondary Exclusions
Appropriate medical testing, such as a MRI or CAT scan, and/or a physician’s exam must be conducted to rule out other conditions that may have caused the headache.
These criteria have helped simplify the diagnosis of migraine for many. However, because migraines are historically associated with extremely high levels of pain, people suffering from moderate migraine may not realize that is what they are experiencing.
Migraine Criteria was originally published on: https://yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge
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Acupuncture, Is It A Safe Alternative?
Acupuncture, Is It A Safe Alternative? is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center, Inc
Acupuncture, Is It A Safe Alternative?
Among Asian countries, acupuncture is a very popular alternative pain relief means. It has been slowly gaining a following in western countries. Although there is a lack of scientific evidence to explain the efficacy of this treatment, people in the medical field are suggesting this form of treatment to their patients..
Acupuncture is an ancient Asian medicinal art devised 5,000 years ago that involves the use of thin, cylindrical needles that are inserted into specific portions of the body called acupuncture points. Acupuncture points are said to be scattered all over the body and corresponds to different parts of the body. The aim of using acupuncture is to restore health and well-being. Acupuncture is also said to reduce pain and/or induce anesthesia.
Licensed acupuncturists explain that when the needle is inserted into an acupuncture point, there is an increase in blood flow to the area. Meridians along the acupuncture points in the body are stimulated as the blood flows around the body. Acupuncture has been proven effective for a number of ailments including: nausea, chronic pain especially in the lower back area, neck pain and headaches. However, acupuncturists are unsure as to how this helps alleviate pain, they find that when they insert needles in certain acupuncture points, the pain goes away. It is because of this lack of explanation that some health professionals raise eyebrows on this form of alternative pain relief method.
There are several ways that acupuncture works to reduce chronic pain. One is to work through the meridians, and increase certain energy centers in the body. As an example, if someone has chronic pain, we would want to stimulate the kidney centres in the body; kidney meridians. If someone has a specific musculoskeletal pain, let's say just a spot in the shoulder, we may want to inject just a couple of needles touching each other, and use electrostimulation to reduce inflammation in that area.
Acupuncture is a generally safe treatment to administer to a patient's body. It has a very low risk profile and a particularly high success rate. However, the biggest risk factor lies on the person performing the procedure. The acupuncture practitioner must be well-trained and licensed to work on 1a patient. They must know where the acupuncture points are in order to know where the needles should be strategically inserted. If an untrained person inserts a needle into the spinal cord, or the lungs, there is bound to be a problem to come up.
Unlike other pain reduction and pain management treatments, acupuncture is fairly non-invasive and non-habit forming. It requires no prescription medications which may cause dependence if used continuously in high doses. Unlike surgery, you don't have to be cut open during the procedure, and bleeding is very minimal. Not only does it alleviate pain, it also increases the body's energy level by stimulating the meridian points. It brings the body into homeostasis and allows people to feel better with very little to no pain at all.
Acupuncture, Is It A Safe Alternative? is available on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
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Making the adjustment: How chiropractic care helps your newborn
The post Making the adjustment: How chiropractic care helps your newborn was first published to: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Service Blog
Making the adjustment: How chiropractic care helps your newborn
Birth is a physically stressful experience for your baby, especially if the delivery is natural or assisted. The force of being pushed through the birth canal can leave his tiny body out of alignment, not all that unlike the misalignment that causes millions of Americans to seek chiropractic care each year.
What does this misalignment mean for your baby? Research suggests it may be responsible for common conditions like irritability, colic, and feeding problems in infants. Chiropractic provides a natural approach to alleviating these conditions and keeping your child healthy.
Why does your baby need a chiropra
Doctor? Chiropractors diagnose and treat subluxation. A subluxation is a misalignment of the spine that occurs when one or more of the vertebrae move out of position and put pressure on spinal nerves. This pressure interferes with the ability of your nervous system to effectively transmit nerve impulses to various parts of the body. When the nerves can’t transmit messages well, your body cannot function optimally. As a result, you develop symptoms that depend on which nerve is being irritated or compressed. A chiropractor is a doctor specially trained to locate these misalignments and correct them through gentle manipulation.
When your baby is born, his body must rotate and flex as baby finds his way through the birth canal. This traumatic process, though completely natural, can result in misalignment – especially of the cervical vertebrae. For your baby this could mean feeding problems, fussiness, colic, or sleep disturbances, in the short term; and in the long term, if undetected and left untreated, the consequences could be lifelong, hidden damage to a child’s nervous system.
The only way to tell if your baby’s symptoms are related to subluxation is to visit a chiropractor. A Doctor of Chiropractic can examine your child to determine if a spinal misalignment is affecting your baby’s wellbeing. If so, he can perform gentle adjustments, as light as the touch of a finger, to correct your newborn’s subluxations and relieve his discomfort. The result is a healthier, happier baby.
To determine if chiropractic could help your baby, you can contact the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association to find a doctor. Members of ICPA are Doctors of Chiropractic who go on for specialized training in specific techniques for pregnant mothers, infants, and children. The association offers a Chiropractor locator on its website www.icpa4kids.com.
You want the best for your newborn and that includes optimum health. Chiropractic care provides a natural alternative for treating common newborn problems. And a gentle adjustment just may make a dramatic difference.
Making the adjustment: How chiropractic care helps your newborn was originally published to: http://www.yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge/
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How Physical Therapy Can Prevent Injuries
How Physical Therapy Can Prevent Injuries was originally seen on: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
Customized physical therapy may be a useful way to ease low back pain, which affects an estimated 31 million Americans a new study says. Researchers from La Trobe University observed that ‘many patients with low-back disorders persisting beyond 6 weeks do not recover.
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The post How Physical Therapy Can Prevent Injuries is available on: https://yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge
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A Very Effective Way Of Avoiding And Relieving Neck Pain
The following blog post A Very Effective Way Of Avoiding And Relieving Neck Pain was first published to: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center Blog
Are you one of the millions Americans who suffer from neck pain? If not, it’s very probable that you know someone who does. Indeed, neck pain is a very widespread problem because the head and neck area is very susceptible to several stresses. Besides, neck pain can be produced by muscle strains, osteoarthritis, herniated intervertebral discs. In fact, something as trivial as a bad position can produce an unhealthy alignment of the neck and spine; consequently, neck pain will take place. Thus, what measures can you take to avoid or relieve neck pain?
One of the most common causes of neck pain is a bad posture while sleeping. Well, most people have incorrect posture habits not only when they sleep but also during the day without noticing. Even when you perform a task that you may judge harmless (like reading in bed without a posture pillow) can eventually produce to neck pain or even more serious issues.
A basic suggestion is to avoid sitting in the same position for a prolonged periods of time. Unfortunately, most of us have to because of myriad reasons. We have to not curve or bend the neck forward during long periods, as the neck and back should have enough support to achieve a better posture.
As you can see, the sleep positions you take while you rest in the night are more important than you believe because they are the most frequent cause of neck troubles. Why this happens? Because most of us use regular pillows, which make you sleep with your neck at a too high or too low angle and does not maintain your spine straight; consequently, it cause neck pain, back pain, discomfort and exhaustion. This drooping sleep surface typically provokes an unhealthy spine alignment, thus the muscles of the back will attempt to balance by tensing up trying to restore a more natural posture of the spine. However, this muscle tension produces the morning stress and the neck and the back pains.
Therefore, the best way to avoid and relieve neck pain is to maintain a correct posture. That is reason why the Better Sleep Pillow is so beneficial, because this neck pillow easily adjusts to the form of your neck and brings you correct spine alignment. This pillow is made with memory foam technology, which effectively redistributes the weight of your head, neck and body, encouraging better circulation and eliminating neck and spinal pressure. Besides, it is not a problem if you prefer side sleeping or back sleeping because this memory foam pillow let you sleep comfortably in any position you may sleep and helps you wake up energized the next morning.
An orthopedic neck support pillow is necessary to have a relaxing night’s sleep without neck pain and other problems. With its hypoallergenic urethane memory foam that provides full support to the neck and head’s contours, the Better Sleep Pillow brings the most restorative sleeping experience alleviating strain on the neck and back. You don’t need to keep suffering neck pain. Just try the Better Sleep Pillow to start sleeping well and pain-free.
A Very Effective Way Of Avoiding And Relieving Neck Pain was originally published on: http://www.yelp.com/biz/wellness-in-motion-chiropractic-center-park-ridge/
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Basilar Migraines
The blog post Basilar Migraines was originally published on: http://wellnessinmotionchiropractic.com/
Basilar Migraines
Migraines can be more than just a pain in the head. Basilar migraines, once known as basilar artery migraines or BAMs, are an extraordinarily rare but potentially life-threatening variant of the classic migraine with aura.
Basilar migraine symptoms are caused by constriction of the basilar artery, which supplies blood to the brain stem. BAMs were originally thought to affect only young women and adolescent girls, but research shows that while they are primarily a problem for these groups they can occur in people of all ages and genders.
During the aura phase, basilar migraine symptoms may include loss of balance, double vision or partial vision loss, lack of coordination, numbness on one or both sides of the body, weakness, dizziness or confusion and severe vomiting. The symptoms typically last an hour or less and disappear when the headache begins, but may last as long as days after the headache pain has disappeared. Some basilar migraine sufferers pass out or lose consciousness during the aura phase as well. In extremely rare cases, they may even slip into a coma that can last hours or days.
The danger of basilar migraines is that they can lead to a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke. A transient ischemic attack is essentially a miniature stroke resulting from a temporary interruption of the flow of blood to the brain. Unlike strokes, TIAs have not been shown to cause permanent damage to the brain and most neurological problems that arise from them, like slurred speech or weakness on one side, clear up within twenty-four hours of the attack.
The basilar artery is located at the back of head. The headache associated with basilar migraines is usually a severe throbbing ache on both sides of the back of the head, as opposed to the unilateral temple throbbing more commonly associated with migraines.
The following post Basilar Migraines was originally published to: Wellness In Motion Chiropractic Center
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