welived · 6 years
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HARPER: why?? didn’t you slept well? HARPER: :((( come on HARPER: i’m not / that / bad, plus my singing is amazing  HARPER: WORST SONG EVER? HARPER: i’m on the verge of never coming over again rn 
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JJ: you’re kidding right? JJ: mmm, if you say so JJ: yep, you heard me - WORST SONG EVER JJ: please like you could stay away from me that long ;) 
*✧·˚. — snap : favourite — .˚·✧*
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welived · 6 years
Okay, so he didn’t really have an explanation for why that girl had been sending him those, lord knows not responding didn’t send a message. But he was a little more taken aback than anything that Raine hadn’t taken the time to really look. “Raine…” He flipped open the conversation again, showing her. “I never read these. You’re the one who opened the message. I never respond to her…” Stepping closer to her, he shook his head. “I just know that when I want someone in bed with me… that’s you. And when I want someone to do mindless shit with me, well… that’s you too.” Biting his lip, he shook his head. “There’s no one else. Not now. And there hasn’t been.”
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The brunette was flooded with guilt as the male turned the phone around showing that he hadn’t responded to the girl’s messages. Chewing on her bottom lip, she met his gaze not really knowing what to say. She could feel her chest tightening at the male’s words.”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to doubt you, it’s just...Well, I guess it’s my own insecurities, I’m still wondering what you’re doing wasting your time with me.” She shook her head looking away from him, she’d shared more than she wanted to.
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welived · 6 years
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Feeling Owen’s arms encase her waist from his position behind her made her stomach flutter. It was strange how, even after a year of being reunited, and countless years of dating before then, that the male still managed to have the same effect on her that he always had - somehow she thought it would but, here she was, with those same butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Leaning her head gently against his, she sighed deeply as a content smile came to rest on her face. Iris laughed lightly in response to his words then shook her head. “You’re ridiculous.” She mused before turning around in his arms to face him and leaning closer to nuzzle her nose against his. “Adorable. But, still ridiculous.” She laughed lightly, delivering a soft peck to his lips. “I’m sure they appreciated the company nonetheless - how’s Isaac doing?” Iris asked, brows drawing together, concern lacing her features for her beau’s best friend.
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The male still felt odd with how content he felt with the raven-haired female. His friends had joked that the honeymoon period would wear off but the wizard wasn’t convinced. “I’ll take that.” Owen joked with a grin, his heart swelling as the female nuzzled against his nose. Laughing he pulled back slightly before placing a small kiss on the tip of her nose. “He’s not too bad, I mean, he isn’t great but Violet is helping him through it.” A frown was planted on his face as he thought about his friend’s struggle. “He knows we’re here if he needs us but I think Violet has got it covered. I’m just glad he’s got someone there for him other than me and Jean.” 
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welived · 6 years
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“Shut up I would never get bored of you.” Micah laughed along with his girlfriend, smiling contently. “Though I don’t know how you’d feel about nights crashing in the back of my car when the rest of the guys decide to have an all-nighter.” He laughed once again, scratching the back of his head. “Hey, I figured that if I actually got you a puppy you’d shut up about me getting you one.” The male smiled, eyes sparkling as he peered toward the woman, biting down on his bottom lip. “She’s all yours, I’m hoping she can keep you company while I’m gone.” A slight sadness settled behind the smile he held.
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“Mmmm, good answer,” Missy replied smirking at the male. “Yeah, that doesn’t sound the comfiest, maybe if you get a bigger car,” She joked with a light laugh. Running her hand through the puppy’s fur, the female held her close to her chest before looking up at the male laughing. “True, but I’m sure I’ll find something else to annoy you about.” She teased with a wink. Walking back over to Micah, she stood at his side and wrapped her free arm around his waist as she placed her head on his chest. “What did I do to deserve you?”
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welived · 6 years
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Marcus blinked quickly as he peered toward the raven haired woman, his tongue darting over his bottom lip as he tried to swallow through the dryness in his mouth. “Wow- That- Thank you, back..” The male laughed lightly, hand combing back through his dark hair. He had never really received a compliment from someone so beautiful before, nor had he been called handsome by anyone other than his adoptive mother. So that was a strange feeling. “Sure.. I have some spare time to stick around and do something.. I’m Marcus, by the way.” He offered her yet another wide grin.
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The male’s awkwardness just made him all that bit cuter to Cassandra. She normally preferred confident people, and just liked to play with the awkward ones but there was something different about the male stood in front of her. The raven-haired female couldn’t say just yet whether she’d play with him until she got bored or whether she’d keep him around a little longer but she knew given the chance, he’d keep her attention for a few weeks at least. “Great! Do you drink or is there something else you’d rather do?” She asked gesturing for the male to follow her as she made her way over to the door getting ready to get off at their stop. “Marcus, I like it. I’m Cassandra, or Cassie, whatever you prefer.” 
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welived · 6 years
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ELLIOT: i actually have to play with her? ELLIOT: she has toys can’t she just play with them herself ELLIOT: kids are so dumb ELLIOT: i already fed her, gave her a biscuit and everything ELLIOT: she’s just a brat ELLIOT: i’m definitely having a dog instead of a kid
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JAS: yes elliot, you have to play with her JAS: she’ll get bored playing by herself and then she’ll start crying or something and you don’t want a crying kid on your hand JAS: yes they are but are you dumber for agreeing to look after her? JAS: wait what did you feed her? JAS: and you do realise she isn’t a dog, right? JAS: she’s a kid, she probably doesn’t know any better JAS: same man
(1) new snap |
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welived · 6 years
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SADIE: hey that’s no fair you’re not allowed you use the original babies against me SADIE: i would never replace you all SADIE: i love you all equally, you a little more but shh, don’t tell the boys SADIE: morgan is too chill to care about anything lets be honest SADIE: really though are you made because you’re going to have to get over that SADIE: there’s no way i’m taking bear back
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HAYDEN: okay, so i found morgan and he may not look like it but he too is unimpressed.  HAYDEN: you better not or you may have a riot on your hand HAYDEN: i’d like to say the same but well me and the boys are pretty tight HAYDEN: i mean, fair point HAYDEN: nahh, you’re too cute to be mad at
*✧·˚. — snap / baby❤️ — .˚·✧*
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welived · 6 years
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A wide smile crossed the young woman’s face as Owen entered the room, her eyes lighting up almost immediately as he moved toward her. Placing the tray down, she then willingly moved into his arms and hugged him back, lips puckering to leave a soft kiss against his cheek. “I just wanted to surprise you.” She explained smiling wide as she gently nuzzled the top of the tiny pup’s head, in return receiving a tiny lick from the animal. “Did you have a nice time with the boys?” Iris asked with yet another smile as she moved away from him, attention drawn back to the fudge.
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“Well, you definitely succeeded with that.” He smiled softly at her as he placed a kiss to her forehead. Not being ready to have her out of his arms, he placed Nugget back on the floor and moved to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “Yeah, it was good to see them but if I’m honest I just wanted to get home. I couldn't be arsed. I just want to chill out here with you.” 
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welived · 6 years
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Iris knew it was almost time for Owen to return, and her gift for him was almost ready. More fudge. Honestly, the raven haired young woman was surprised that he wasn’t sick of it yet. Hearing the door open and his voice enter their tiny home, she immediately looked down at the tiny pup at her feet, nudging him gently with her foot. “Nugget, Daddy’s home.” She spoke excitably before the pup shot off toward the front door. “I’m in here!” Iris called out to her boyfriend, smiling wide as she placed the fresh chunks of fudge out onto a cooling tray.
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A grin made it’s way to the male’s face as their dog nugget came bounding his way over to him skidding across the floor clumsily. A laugh fell from his lips as he bent down to pick the pup up. Giving Nugget a fuss, Owen made his way into the kitchen following Iris’ voice. The first thing he could smell as he entered the room was Iris’ famous fudge. “Something smells gorgeous and for once I’m not talking about you, babe.” He stated smirking while he walked over to her to pull the witch into a hug.
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welived · 6 years
Closed Starter || @thechxsenones
Owen had spent the morning catching up with his two friends Jean and Isaac, he always enjoyed seeing them but today he couldn’t help but keep glancing at the clock on the pub wall, counting down the hours until Iris finished work. He wanted nothing more than to just have a day chilling at home with raven-haired beauty. As soon as the clock struck 2pm he was on his feet saying his goodbyes before apparated home. “Iris?” He called out as he pushed the door to the living room open.
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welived · 6 years
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JOANNA:  😉😉😉 JOANNA: excuse me?!?! awful? i think you meant beautiful JOANNA: well next time i’m definitely skipping over your name in my contacts JOANNA: rude af we’ll see how you feel when i don’t answer
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JJ: whatever helps you sleep at night babe JJ: is that a promise? JJ: exactly what I thought, you wouldn’t want to hear it either
*✧·˚. — snap : favourite — .˚·✧*
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welived · 6 years
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ALVARO:   hm, do you really hate me though. ALVARO:   i doubt that. ALVARO:   you can somewhat hold me accountable for getting drunk. but look, i still think you should’ve been there to keep an eye on me. ALVARO:   so irresponsible of you to have stayed home. ALVARO:   i would serenade you once again, but i sorta lost my voice, i think the singing of last night had something to do with that …
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JJ: with a passion. JJ: how do you always turn it around and make it my fault? JJ: anyway can you really blame me for not wanting to go to the party that my ex was throwing?  JJ: thank fuck for that, i think my ears would start bleeding if i heard any more.
*✧·˚. — snap : favourite — .˚·✧*
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welived · 6 years
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CASSIE: I don’t hate you, sharing disney shows that CASSIE: i did it was sad CASSIE: but babe CASSIE: you’ve got a friend in me
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JJ: no, you hate me. JJ: you know how much I like sleep. JJ: love sleep. JJ: stop. JJ: please. JJ: no more. JJ: i can't take it.
*✧·˚. — snap : favourite — .˚·✧*
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welived · 6 years
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HARPER: slept like a baby!  HARPER: hEY, don’t judge disney songs. they’re are the best. HARPER: i can’t help it that you don’t like them HARPER: also; a whole new world is my favourite
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JJ: well I'm glad someone did JJ: next time I'm getting my own back JJ: they are. you're right. i like them just fine, just not at stupid o'clock or sang off pitch with a drunken slur. JJ: worst song ever. It's got to be make a man out of you
*✧·˚. — snap : favourite — .˚·✧*
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welived · 6 years
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      a shaky breath left celeste’s lips as her hues turned puffy & red. the brunette never knew HOW sam knew her so well; how he knew   e x a c t l y   what she was feeling in any kind of situation. celeste didn’t wanted him to know that she was HURT, pretty badly, she didn’t wanted to worry him, what so ever. yes, they were exes; & yes, celeste still loved the man who was sitting next to her. ❝ where… –– where are you going?  ❞ she sniffled, her eyes following him & got out of the car whenever he did. her CURRENT boyfriend was not too happy with her; & celeste got the physical lesson.
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"Where do you think I'm going." He kept his tone gentle, which proved more difficult than he would like, not wanting to take his anger out on her and knowing exactly who deserved the brunt of it. "I can't believe you're still with that jackass. It's the last time he's going to lay a hand on you. Stay in the car and lock the door." He leaned across to place a kiss to her temple as he placed his keys in her hand.
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welived · 6 years
She needed to pull it together before Sam realized that she had been crying while she sat in the car and waited for him.  Andi reached up and tried to wipe her eyes clean but the movement was slow as to now bring attention to the fact that she wasn’t looking at him. But there was no fighting her friend when he gently took her chin in his hand and turned her towards him. “Sam.” Her voice cracked and she reached out to make a grab for his arm. “Don’t.”
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He paused for a moment as he felt her touch, glancing down at his arm where her hand lay causing him to sigh. "No, they don't get to carry on getting away with this. Making you cry." He ground out between clenched teeth as he attempted to hold back his anger. "You deserve better."
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welived · 6 years
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MATTY: today has been the longest fucking day MATTY: i just got done with a shoot MATTY: i missed your face MATTY: lemme see it
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IZZY: how much of my face?  IZZY: why was it so long? IZZY: did the shoot go well? 
*✧·˚. — snap / shithead — .˚·✧*
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