welcometotheweb · 3 months
"Well, help." The stranger in front of her didn't exactly seem like press -- like some nosy reporter that would whip out a camera any second, to catch her from the worst angle possible. "I twisted my ankle, and I can't get back to my car. Which would be nice." Nice being an understatement, with the rising heat and sun. Squinting at him through her sunglasses, Sofia is hopeful that he doesn't just dip elsewhere.
"It's just half a mile down the road.", she adds, "So not a long way for a man like you." An attempt at being charming, that makes her bite her tongue right after. "So if you could please get me back down there?"
Running without her late husband, a bodyguard or her son, or whatever colleague had some time for her to spare, had seemingly been a bad idea. This was the first time she'd gone for a run alone in years, and Sofia was sure she wouldn't do it again for another few.
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"Pretty please?"
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—it was only a few months ago that he was able to start working out again, properly, like he did before anything occurred. after the accident, there had been a lot of restrictions; both by being physically unable to complete, as well for medical reasons —he had worked consistently for over a year and a half to overcome any issues. now, nearly three years later, it was like the accident had never happened, for the most part. for someone like him, who had always used exercising as an outing, a distraction from his bad habits, it was crucial to be able to do it again.
he either ran very early or very late when trails were less busy. always preferred parts of the park that were not as favored amongst joggers; meaning he was far less likely to run into someone else.
looking up from having just checked his time, he caught someone waving him down. now, he is not a bad person, per se, but part of him thought of ignoring them. he inwardly debated until he was closer, and noticed the woman who sat on the bench. damn it, he was gonna play good Samaritan, after all. “uhm, sure…” he responded, switching to walking as he made his way closer to where she was seated. “what do you need?” the hitman inquired in a polite tone.
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welcometotheweb · 3 months
going for a run with.. from.. @alexcalder
Sofia's arm scratches across the pavement so hard, that even the usually so composed woman finds herself releasing a gentle screech. Her first clear thought goes towards possible press running around, but this part of the park is empty at this time in the morning, and she manages to get herself back together and onto a bench before anyone can suspect a thing.
Her ankle -- her ankle is the biggest problem. "Fuck." Again, she's not quite as composed as she's supposed to be, out here, this close to the election. "Oh, goodness." She can tell it's twisted, bruising up, swelling, and she's too far away from her car to properly get there on her own.
Just that her phone has no signal, and her husband isn't there to run with her anymore. Too bad.
"Come on. Why do I even own this thing.", she scolds the screen, but no signal reaches it. But -- there's a guy approaching, and Sofia waves her hand wild, hoping it's not some kind of creep. "Excuse me? Do you have a minute to spare, per chance?"
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welcometotheweb · 3 months
pool day with @esmexavila at sofia's place
"See, told ya I'd celebrate the fourth of July with you." Sprawled out all over one of her creme-colored loungers, Sofia takes a sip of her self-made pomegranate cocktail, and adjusts the sunglasses on top of her nose. The pool is a nice addition to her house, shielded by walls and sun sails, all chosen carefully by her interior designer. One perk of inheriting money of people you never liked -- spending it on fun, extra things, never made her feel bad.
The brunette analyses her freshly painted nails -- blue, matching the color of her equally marine bathing suit. "Did you do anything special for the holiday? I got so plastered by the end of our party that I couldn't even do as much as glance at screens the next day." The following day had been full of advil, sleeping, and closed blinds. Which indicates a good party.
"Leo threw a party here with some friends -- and cleaned it all up before I even got home." She wags a finger in Esme's direction, before pushing the bowl with cut-up fruits closer to the younger woman's lounger, "Husband material."
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welcometotheweb · 3 months
Send an emoji below + three (3) different characters / muses that my muse must pick from! Some choices are considered ns / fw.
💍 - fuck, marry, kill. 💎 - unsex, divorce, revive. 💋 - hug, cuddle, kiss. 💫 - fight, tickle, insult. 🦋 - befriend, adopt, ignore. 🥊 - pinch, slap, punch. ✨ - summon, banish, absorb. 🔗 - handcuff, tie up, pin down. 🦷 - lick, suck, bite. 🗳️ - vote for, vote against, run against. ☕ - get coffee with, go out to dinner with, steal their food. 💤 - sleep with fully clothed, sleep with in underwear, sleep with naked. 💰 - rob a bank with, hide a body with, rat out to the cops. 🚦 - be stuck in an elevator with, be stuck in traffic with, be stuck in the apocalypse with. 🎉 - hang out with, party with, ghost. 🔛 - make love to, have a quickie with, be rough / kinky with. 🍪 - make cookies for, make a five-course meal for, burn all their food. 🔪 - protect, attack, fight side-by-side with. 💬 - SEND IN YOUR OWN THREE OPTIONS NOT LISTED ABOVE!
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welcometotheweb · 3 months
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** CHECKMATE ** ⟨ marisa tomei, she/her, 58 ⟩ We just saw ⟨ sofia chiara leto ⟩ entering ⟨ the white house ⟩. I saw her in the newspapers - she's Julian Berkely's ⟨ chief of staff ⟩, and i think she's ⟨ a democrat at heart ⟩. Though she's known to be ⟨ cautious ⟩, ⟨ blunt ⟩, or ⟨ argumentative ⟩. However they’re also known to be ⟨ polished ⟩, ⟨ upfront ⟩, and ⟨ loyal ⟩. – ⟨ as tortured and loved by sol ⟩
shiny heels and leather purses. reading glasses and stern gazes. mother, but single. harvard graduate. openly bisexual. the greatest joy of every republican parent. avid stargazing and chocolate milchshake enjoyer. winter supporter, spring hater.
tw: loss of a family member
One thing that Sofia misses about the house of her parents, is the enormous window in her bedroom. Her mother always scolded her to let the blinds down, to let nobody see in -- but Sofia liked looking down at the city as it lived and breathed, and she liked the thought and idea of getting to change it one day. If there's a chance to run, she takes it. Her parents aren't awful, they mostly let her by -- just try to push her in some directions, and break out into awful fights when she rebels, and doesn't follow. Harvard is a compromise: an Ivy league, and she's setting her parents up for failure. It's a deal -- she's going into politics, and her parents seem fine with it, until she starts publicly speaking out about topics they can't stand, until she breaks values, and promises, and shiny pictures. No family meeting passes without arguments and discussions, without fights and screaming and just so much unresolved tension. Her husband doesn't make it any better -- and she can smell it, that when he dies, they're gleeful. It's nothing that pushes her down, though. She's on her way up, and there's nothing that can hold her back. If there's one thing Sofia does, then it's sticking to her words and promises now -- the ones she makes in public, and the ones whispered in conference rooms, mostly to Julian Berkely -- Everything will work out. We got this. There's an offer, when she's stuck with her job for a while: I go up, but you go with me. She finds herself in Berkely's team, fighting for future president. Being chief of staff. It's an honor, and a joy, to finally work with him, side by side, and now she's the gleeful one, when her parents come crawl and apologize. And Sofia says Fine. "If you vote Berkely for president 2024."
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