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The thing about The Amazing Devil is that while I don't always know what the lyrics mean, there's something inside me that does. And it reacts so viscerally to their songs that it tries to claw its way up and out of my chest and just leaves me sobbing in the dark
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That bit in Inkpot Gods when Madeleine sings “And what you hear is not silence” and it’s followed by sudden and pure silence. Reblog if you agree.
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back on tumblr after the release of ruin
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i’ve barely got the range for joey’s part so i could never do madeleine’s, and i have his part memorized anyways kccudjccjdhdhdb
i require someone who can sing madeleine’s part in every TAD song and that’s honestly about it pls i just wanna duet with someone
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Do not ignore what is going on in the Philippines.
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An human rights worker named Reina Mae Nasino was jailed and wrongfully accused for owning firearms. She was pregnant by the time she was jailed and gave birth in prison.
At this point, Reina Mae Nasino wasn’t given proper care in prison and was only given one medical visit. Reina gave birth to a girl named River but the lack of prenatal care caused the child to have a low weight and skin discoloration. Nasino also had difficulty breastfeeding her and wasn’t getting any assistance for her child. The counsels asked for the baby to be transferred to a hospital for her care but it was denied by the court.
On October 9, River died due to acute respiratory distress syndrome. She was only 3 months old.
Reina Mae Nasino was supposed to have 3 days to say goodbye but the Court Judge revised it and made it 6 hours, 3 hours for the wake and 3 hours for the funeral. She wasn’t allowed a peaceful grieving as dozens of police and jail guards swarmed the area. On October 14, Reina Mae attended River’s wake in full PPE and handcuffs, surrounded by guards because she was labelled a high profile criminal. The guards tried to cut her time with her child short as they tried to drag her away 2 hours before the visiting time was up. She was also not allowed to take off her handcuffs.
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October 16, the day River was to be buried. The funeral wasn’t peaceful or respectful as the police swarmed and guarded the area. The car carrying River sped to the cemetery, not giving time for her family and supporters to catch up. The relatives begged on their knees for the guards to remove Reina’s handcuffs so she can hold her child one last time but they refused.
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She wasn’t allowed a peaceful goodbye to her child.
She never even heard her child laugh once.
Reina Mae Nasino is not a criminal. She is a political prisoner and an activist who was treated terribly by the police and the justice system.
They killed her child.
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There are over 600+ political prisoners like her in the Philippines that are subject to inhumane treatment due to the Duterte Administration and its disregard for the poor and disenfranchised. Baby River is not the only child who died due to the lack of care by the government.
Activists in the Philippines are getting killed, red tagged and treated as terrorists.
Do not ignore this. We need to be heard.
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A Mortal Who's Afraid of Dying Young
“If life can give me one blessing, it would be……”
“Oh you shut up! ”
“Geralt, maybe you don't know what you are doing, but I do. And I'm telling you, whicher, you are not going to have it your way this time. Because I understand you better than anyone else and than you would have expected it to be.
“Geralt you've lived several lives. You understand humans. You've seen the best and the worst of humanity. You know destiny and emotions better than most of the people in the world, and you are, at the same time, one of the people who are eager to escape them. You can comment on the rises and falls of kingdoms without being cold; you can elaborate on the knowledge of all creatures without being rigid; sometimes you deeply care for your companions making them yearn for you; sometimes you violently push away your companions making them disappointed at you. Those are all because you're an old man now. Similarly, because you have come through such a long life, you think you will continue to walk on the same path and repeat the same stories for the rest of your life.
“But you are wrong. Because not everyone around you is old. Some of your closest friends, mages and other witchers, they have lived as long as you have. They have experienced similar sufferings and have escaped similar fates, just like you did. But I mean to remind you that you still have me. Of course, I do believe that you had mortal friends even before I was born, and you'll continue to meet mortal friends after I'm gone. But I doubt one of them has tried some of the things I'm doing.
“The things I'm doing - where should I start.
“At the end of the day, the reavers went up the mountain for wealth and power, and the dwarfs loved the fun of fighting and adventuring, in addition to wealth and fame. Sir Eyck of denesle - for kingdom and glory, ha, stupid but reasonable. Borch and the warriors were actually protecting the dragon egg, and maybe they also tried a little to push you back to your destiny. Yennefer came to restore her reproductive function, but gave up in order to protect a young life. We all know who you came for. I'd say Borch's promise and your respect for him also helped. But all this time, Geralt, have you ever wondered why I followed?
“Am I really just that stupid - risking my life for a song? I am the only one of all these people, who made a fuss when heard the death warning. Do you think I'm too bold to understand my role in this? Or do you think I'm too weak to survive on my own without you?
“Geralt. I haven't lived to your age - maybe I never would. However, based on all these years with you by my side, I can try my best to guess you - guess what were your thoughts behind your actions. But I will never have the same way of thinking as you, and my understanding of the world and destiny is not similar to yours. I have only this one, short life. I can only experience a limited amount of stories in my life, which makes me cherish those you hate. Do you know what that means?”
“It means that when I see your pain, I will really try to change the path under your feet and try to make your next story a little different. Maybe you can finally find something pleases you, then I will be satisfied. I will have weaved my story, I will have participated in your story, I'll write our story, and I'll preserve the story of this world and these times.
“But hear this, witcher. This is no stupid dedication, it's where my selfishness lies. I have been you companion for twenty-two years. Apart from the superficial reasons - the most fundamental reason is that I want to build a kind of eternity, and I want to shape an eternal world belonging to me. Not only because you may live to the day when people forget all the truth, but also because in the future when even you no longer exist, the world I shape will be more important than the real history. It's not a conspiracy, it's a protection for you and me, for magic, for monsters, for legends, for those who are different. Do you understand what I'm trying to express?
“Hmm. ”
“I believe you have something to say.”
“I am sorry, Jaskier.”
“You are forgiven.”
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I'm gonna customize some mugs with these patterns(๑•̀㉨•́ฅ✧
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the romantically charged tension between me and the imposter who i vouched for because he killed the dude who kept using slurs
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Part of Your World pt.1/4
Jaskier is a sea witch who finds Ciri crying by the edge of the ocean. She’s lonely and desperate to find her Destiny so Jaskier offers to escort her to him. (Based on a guest prompt on AO3)
Jaskier swam as hard as he could towards the surface. He could see the sun sparkling through the water, calling to him, begging him to breach the waves and bask in the warmth of its glow.  He loved the surface. The people were always so interesting and the music. Sweet Kostroma, the music. The mermaids could sing well enough underwater and yes, Jaskier wasn’t one to turn his nose up at joining in with their choirs, but the music of humans… Oh ho ho! It was something else indeed.
He broke free and dived through the air. He didn’t quite have the grace of the mermaids, but having eight tentacles flying out behind him instead of their delicate fins would have that effect. Still he was faster than any of them, and he was stronger too. He had also inherited his mother’s magical talents. Unlike the mermaids, he could transform into human form. So really, who was winning?
He crashed back into the ocean before bobbing back up to up at the beautiful sky. The sun was high and shining bright. There were wisps of clouds drifting through air. Jaskier was always entranced by the clouds. Water… in the air.
Fucking magic!
And they never stayed still. They were always changing, just like the ocean. Sometimes they were light and fluffy like something out of a fairytale, but Jaskier loved them when they were swirling and dark, calling on the storms. He loved storms. Most of the mermaids were scared of the storms, except the mermaid warriors who protected their underground palaces. Jaskier, delighted in the chaos, the way the ocean pushed and pulled everything in it. There was a certain thrill about just relaxing and letting the current take him wherever it so pleased.
Keep reading
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“reblogs aren’t important you’re just whiny”
yeah because when you see this
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tell me you don’t get annoyed.
tumblr’s algorithm only cares about posts that are reblogged, it doesn’t count likes. posts don’t get promoted or circulated when they only have likes (the way instagram functions), only reblogs matter for increasing reach on tumblr as a platform.
support content creators.
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on lazy days we just lie on grass fields 😴🌻🌾
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that’s the cutest fucking thing i’ve ever seen
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Tis a bit rough around the tweening, but!!! Purp Boy!!!
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fall playlist
twin size mattress by the front bottoms
white teeth teens by lorde
like real people do by hozier
hey there delilah by plain white tees
the love club by lorde
carmen by lana del rey
achilles come down by gang of youths
the night we met lord huron
we fell in love in october by girl in red 
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When Gang of Youths said "You crave the applause, yet hate the attention, then miss it, your act is a ruse"......yeah
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yes i do
To the bisexuals, to those who unhealthily project themselves into fictional worlds, to those who wear vintage sweaters, to himbos, to anyone with dyed hair, to people who know the song achilles come down, to anyone currently listening to Hozier in a field and crying, to those who draw on their shoes, to people who obsess over whump, and to people who’s bedroom walls are painted yellow-  do you want to be my friend?
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Fanfic writers after watching “Rare Species”:
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