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An au fanfic blog for a MegaMan Battle Network and Welcome Home crossover au! [admin/writer: @easterartist]
Last active 60 minutes ago
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welcome-to-the-homescreen · 10 months ago
Chapter 1-
“.. what are you doing?”
She jumped at the voice, almost yelping as she fell off her chair. Her head quickly snapped to look at the voice, her tense as she almost had panickedly closed the laptop she was using.
She swallowed nervously when she spotted the other, a shaky smile growing on her face as she exclaimed,” Neako! W-what are you doing here??”
She mentally facepalmed at her stutter, and the dark haired male across the room rose a brow at her and crossed his arms. He tilted his head,”.. I'm here because I heard you've been cooped up in your office for days, Erana… You didn't answer my question, what are you doing?”
She fidgeted, glancing away and towards the coding on the screen of her laptop. It was almost complete, she just had a couple more codes to put in before it was ready.
“... I'm.. making a new netnavi..?”, She explained, her nervousness clear in her voice.
“... You're.. making a netnavi? Isn't that Dr. Hikari's job?”, He walked closer, leaning over her shoulder to look at the data she had been working on.
“Well.. it is.. but, Neako.. I found something that I think will make a great netnavi! Hang on-”, She pulled out a second laptop, one seemingly older than the one she was using. She opened it and typed a couple of things, before turning the screen towards her coworker,” Look!”
He looked at the other screen, raising a brow at how old the website on the screen looked in design.
But he paused, reading the information with growing interest. “... ‘Welcome Home’..? Erana , What is this? It's practically ancient.”
She pouted, rolling her eyes,” It's an old website for a Puppet show said to take place in the late 1960s to early 1970s! It so fascinating! And then I found some odd codes that looked similar to Netnavi codes! Some were glitched ,but I managed to recover enough to hopefully make a netnavi out of them!”
His expression morphed into surprise, looking quite alarmed by that,” there was something similar to Netnavi codes on there? Are you sure?”
She nodded, grinning,” Mhm! Almost exact other than the glitches! If this works, then that means there was a possibility of netnavis existing before netnavis now! Isn't that exciting?”
He hesitated, clearly unsure by that,” … you might be making a virus, Erana. Old codes similar to Netnavi codes is unheard of! We need to talk to Dr. hikari about this before you complete-”
She patted his shoulder, waving off his concern,” It'll be fine , Neako! These are different than virus codes! I double checked and everything, I promise! Besides, I want to surprise him with this. Please don't tell him!” She clasped her hands together, begging.
He stared at her for a moment with a reluctant expression before he sighed, relenting,” fine, I won't tell Doctor Hikari… just.. if something starts going wrong , terminate the codes. Please. We can't be having another virus or darkdroid on our hands..”
She cheered, hugging him,” oh thank you! I promise! Oh I'm so excited!”
He rolled his eyes fondly, chuckling as he patted her back,” yeah yeah…. Oh, and make sure to take a break! You've been seemingly working on this for days.”
She let him go, practically beaming,” I will! I just have a couple more codes to write and they'll be done!”
He put his hands in his pockets,” Hopefully�� well get to it. I'll go get you some food and drink.”
She grinned, turning to finishing writing the code,” Thanks, Neako!”
He sighed,” no problem, Erana.. I'll be back.”
With that he left, the automatic door sliding shut behind him.
She brushed her dark purple hair out of her face, her fingers then going back to the keys. They move across the keys, quick in typing the remains of the codes.
She, inwardly, hoped that this wasn't going to end in failure. This has to work. If it didn't… it would be countless hours of work wasted…
He wasn't where he was before.
Not only that, he felt.. different. Changed somehow.
This place.. it was dark, just like where he was before. But it felt different too. Fuller. Less alone.
Home wasn't with him like they were before. He didn't know where they went. It made him.. sad. Yes, sad was the right word to how he felt.
… Where was he?
After a quiet moment, something else changed. The area grew brighter, turning into a pleasant green color.
He blinked, finally able to tell he was after all this time. This place now had bright glowing lines shooting through it at different speeds, and there was a strange floor…
He tilted his head, observing the change quietly. This place definitely was different than before now..
“Hello..?”, A hesitant voice spoke up, followed by a small square thingy appearing in front of him. He could see someone in the square, although they looked.. strange. Not like him or his friends. She had dark purple hair tied up in a pony tail, lower than he was used to seeing ponytails. And she was wearing a light blue button up under a strange white coat. The coat was in buttoned , and looked like it had some kind of card attached to it's pocket. She had colorful eyes, hers a green color.
He keeps his head tilted, his dark pupils expanding.
The person sweat dropped, a clear nervous expression on her face. She smiled sheepishly,”... C.. can you hear me? And.. see me..?”
He kept his pleasant smile that was always permanently on his face, nodding his head,” I can hear you.. i can also see you..” His voice was the same. Monotone and soft.
Her eyes widened, and her nervousness seemingly vanished. She clapped happily, cheering,” YES! I DID IT!”
He tensed at how loud she was, not used to loudness after being in a near silent place for so long.
She didn't notice him tense, her eagerly starting to do something below her side of the square,” Oh this is fantastic! The fact it worked is incredible! Okay, I need you to answer some questions for me, ok?”
He blinked again, and he started to feel confused. But he nodded again,” okay.”
She looked back up, her expression eager,” ok! What is your identification and function?”
He stared blankly at her for a long moment, which made her pause. She started looking confused too.
After a long tense moment he responded,”.. I don't know what those mean. What do they mean?”
She acted as if she was about to fall, and a shocked expression formed on her face,” What do you mean you don't know what those mean? You should, I programmed you to know!��
“... Programmed..?”, He asked , and his expression almost slipped from the pleasant expression he always had.
She let her head fall forwards and out of frame, an upset groan leaving her,” maybe i didn't do it after all… what do you know?”
He perked up, happy to share what he's learned from his friends,” oh! I know my name, my friends’ names, my neighborhood, how to count to ten, different bugs my friend Frank taught me about-'”
He continued listing off things he knew and learned, and as he did her head slowly lifted back up into the square. Her eyes were blown comically wide, her mouth agape.
He finished listing the things, and a monotone laugh left him,” ha ha ha. I still have much more to learn. At least, that's what Barnaby says.”
It looked like she was thinking really really hard about something, before a look of realization flashed on her face.
Slowly, she asked,” what is your.. name? Full name.”
He smiled sweetly, clasping his hands behind his back and leaning forwards a little,” My name is Wally Darling! What's your name?”
She squealed, causing him to jump as his eyes widened. She bolted out of her chair , spinning and laughing,” HOLY NET, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I MADE A NETNAVI OF WALLY! WITH MEMORIES! OH THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I IMAGINED! THIS IS AWESOME!”
He watched as she danced victoriously around the room, and he couldn't help but feel incredibly confused.
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welcome-to-the-homescreen · 10 months ago
/Ello ^-^/
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welcome-to-the-homescreen · 10 months ago
Ello, welcome to the blog!
What is this blog for: A fanfic I'm planning! It's a Welcome Home and MegaMan Battle Network crossover! Can't say too much or else I'll spoil it lol.
Imma put wally's ref here, because I most likely won't be able to describe his design in writing :3. Also this way y'all can know what he looks like in the fic!
Tumblr media
In terms of asks, you can ask me anything as long as it's not an NSFW question or you trying to be mean.
Other than that, have fun! And I hope you enjoy the fic! :3
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