weirdolydiaprower · 4 days
Late night thought: people with broken sleep schedules like me also having broken bathroom schedules.
Like, imagine you (or favorite of your choice) taking a morning pee after lunch time, and everyone looking at you/them weird for getting up so suddenly and being like "oh, sorry, I hadn't gone pee yet today." And they are all like "freaking how???"
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weirdolydiaprower · 4 days
imagine your fave at work, not having time to use the restrooms all day because every time they try to escuse themselves, there's always something new they have to take care of (or maybe they're just too distracted to take a break).
they're well aware of their desperation, forcing it to the back of their mind so they can help their coworkers/boss/clients/customers (depending on what job they have) with whatever it is.
this cycle goes on for hours, their absentminded squirming getting increasingly harder to keep under control.
it's in the middle of one of these tasks that they suddenly realize they have to go, now. they stutter out an apology to whoever they're talking to (probably leaking a few times) and, knowing they won't make it, at least try to find somewhere more private before they lose control.
they start wetting full force the moment they get to an empty room, slamming the door shut as they slump against it in relief. their legs give in and they sink to their knees, not caring about the rapidly expanding puddle beneath them. all they can think about is how good it feels to let go.
the stream eventually stops and they realize what they've done, their face burning with shame and tears welling up in their eyes.
before they can fully panic or think of how to clean themselves off, a knock on the door snaps them out of their thoughts.
"hey, are you there?" the other person asks. "we need your help with something,"
"i-i'll be there in a moment," they reply, trying to act casual.
great. how were they going to get out of this?
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weirdolydiaprower · 4 days
An actor on a children's show trying to hide that they need to go while filming the potty training episode. Their fellow cast members end up having to use the same messages they're teaching to the kids at home on them, a grown adult.
"[Character], do you have to use the bathroom?"
"A-Ah, u-umm..."
"That's okay, everyone has to sometimes, it's nothing to be embarrassed over."
"B-But we're in the middle of filming, a-and-"
"It's important to listen to your body and go right away when you need to, even when you're doing something else."
Bonus points if the camera is still running and the producers don't realize this wasn't improv and include it in the show, saying that it'll help kids feel more comfortable using the potty if they know even grown-ups and their favorite TV stars do too, much to the embarrassment of our poor actor. (Bonus bonus points if once they run off set they end up not making it, that part doesn't make it to air.)
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weirdolydiaprower · 4 days
train omo train omo train omo train omo
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weirdolydiaprower · 7 days
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Wip but,,,,the brain worms,,,,they persist
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weirdolydiaprower · 11 days
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weirdolydiaprower · 11 days
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weirdolydiaprower · 12 days
And if you slap enough times he pisses himself without you using the hose
The part where H3rb3rt is distracted by the magazine but he's visibly desperate
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weirdolydiaprower · 18 days
The part where H3rb3rt is distracted by the magazine but he's visibly desperate
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weirdolydiaprower · 1 month
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weirdolydiaprower · 1 month
if you're still taking requests, a diapered mon like lucario lifting their leg to pee?
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weirdolydiaprower · 1 month
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have this gif of dan peeing himself `u`
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weirdolydiaprower · 1 month
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Related to my other post about power incontinence being caused by pee, imagine the power incontinence itself being an analogy for pee.
Remember that angsty Hoenn episode of the Pok/emon anime where Pikach/u gets overloaded with electricity and ends up getting sick with a fever until the excess electricity is absorbed by a machine?
Imagine a character with electric powers (or any other powers you can think of) not being able to use them for a longer time and dealing with a similar type of discomfort as someone with a full bladder who's not allowed to pee: feeling "full" and like there's too much pressure inside them, having to put a lot of effort into not just randomly zapping everyone and everything around them, and that stressing them out because it's exhausting, getting grumpy and frustrated because they just feel so awful, maybe involuntarily letting out little sparks that they hope no one will notice because it's embarrassing and they're supposed to control themselves better. Only little kids have "spark-leaks" when they only just got their powers. Plus, their powers are much stronger now, assuming the character is at the very least an older teen, than those of the average kid so just letting them out on a whim can actually be dangerous.
Then eventually being able to "discharge" (voluntarily or not) and slumping over in relief because they can finally relax and it feels so good to do so, not stopping until they're literally drained. Hopefully, they haven't burnt all the land around them in the process but they probably won't care about a bit of a "mess", they just feel so much better.
And then, of course, the clarity cringe, people teasing them about how they look like they needed that very badly and them being mortified because it makes them look so childish and/or vulnerable.
Also, the much whumpier version that I don't like in actual omo bc ouch, them not being able to discharge voluntarily and actually needing some kind of machine or another character to help them with it.
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weirdolydiaprower · 1 month
We have a voting list for this year's Omovember again 👏
Thank you @justpottytime and @stopreportingme1722 / @littleleaks172257 for coming up with the prompts!
Happy voting and spread the word!
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weirdolydiaprower · 2 months
Hnnngh pirate omo where a pirate has to go and when they can’t take the pressure anymore they start peeing off the side of the ship.
Then the captain catches them. How do they explain themselves?
Ha, that's a fun one! Pirates work hard to keep the ship sailing, there isn't always time for a break - and the side of the ship is right there, it's not like the ocean will mind! The question is, how does the captain actually react? Do they demand an explanation that probably won't come? Do they tell the pirate to hurry up and finish so they can get back to work? Do they laugh and mock them for not making it to the toilet? Or, better yet, do they saunter over and join the very bewildered pirate? All are fun!
Thanks for the ask!
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weirdolydiaprower · 2 months
if youre open to it id love to see honest john from pinocchio
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Hope i did him justice, ive actually never seen this movie xD
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weirdolydiaprower · 3 months
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The mayor should really invest in some fire hydrants...
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