
날 지켜줘
💘it’s this kind of stuff that would make me cry irl
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this part was 🔥. love it.
honestly this part and this drama is currently my little little litttttttle source of strength for work/society/people. hold my head up high, be like that!!! i can do it.
don’t cry. stop crying. not worth a single tear.
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girl/woman/female politics, u’ll never understand how hard it is to be a girl.
people are the worst
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yesss, somewhat my take on romantic love and marriage!!
i think many people have marriage as the end goal, then look out for a suitable person (sparks,chemistry,character, stability and all) to have that marriage contract with. NOT WHAT I AM GOING FOR.
i choose to believe in “fate” where it will happen like crazy even if one isn’t looking for it. each other or no one else.
it should be really fateful and not something where any suitable person can fill up the role in that r/s, right?!
this is also how i would fall in love / fell .
too idealistic, i know. but i’m an all-or-none kind of person.
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watched a movie which made me think: that’s all women want in a man. this is all i want from u

idk why but as a female, i relate to this scene in that when i really really like someone, i just want to run away even though i may want to be with him too.

and one of my favourite type of love stories - as little children they crossed paths but were too young to be aware or remember.

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the heart wants what it wants.
i guess it is such a sad/shocking feeling when one realises someone has entered the heart. we didn’t intend on liking, it just happened somehow.

and this scene 💔. i could feel it. imagine falling in love only to find that he has eventually left. (that’s not what the scene in the show is about by the way)
please, let me be the one to leave first
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