weareevilregals · 9 years
Hell has come disguised as an angel many times in the entirety of my short life. But as I look at you, I can’t imagine a being so kind could be so cruel… then again, I never thought my past demons could be so horrible and yet they dragged me deeper down. Please be my heaven on this earth, because I’m on the edge of this cliff, and I don’t want to meet Satan so soon. -mich. (Harmfulthinking)
(via harmfulthinking)
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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weareevilregals · 9 years
Some nights all you can do is hope that you fall asleep before you fall apart.
What one of my friends told me one night (via rad-but-sad-teen)
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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weareevilregals · 9 years
I just want to feel like I am wanted again.
(via suicidal-lullaby) My ten word story (via suicidal-lullaby)
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weareevilregals · 9 years
Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced… . It is that absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again. The absence of hope. That very deadened feeling, which is so very different from feeling sad.
J.K. Rowling (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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weareevilregals · 9 years
If you’re happy in a dream…does that count? The happiness–does it count?
From The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy (via elliesattlers)
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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weareevilregals · 9 years
person: calm down
me: I was calm but now i'm going to throw this entire desk at you
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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               “I think that’s what makes this relationship really unique for both of them is that, I think, they probably had sexual encounters. You know, I’ve had people that I’ve flirted with. Males on the show and kissed here and there just to get them out of the picture.This is the first time it’s been like true love. I think that their hearts are … It’s more than a physical thing. It’s not a fling. It’s something that … It kind of feels like … she really does need her. To live. To be.”
                  — Amy Acker and Sarah Shahi on Root&Shaw’s relationship
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weareevilregals · 9 years
now im a pretty composed guy but jesus, popcorn really just does it for me. popcorn really just makes me go apeshit crazy. i start the bag off like a normal human but somewhere along the line, man. i stop eating it and start just rubbing fistfulls on my face. by the end of it im just fucking the bag
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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weareevilregals · 9 years
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“This is what I’m best at. Fucking walking alone.”
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weareevilregals · 9 years
And to me, the scariest thing is to be lying on my deathbed with a life full of regrets and a heart that has forgotten how it feels to be young.
my worst fear (via storyiwillneverwrite)
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