Please, stop eating fish. The world’s stocks of seafood will have collapsed by 2048 at present rates of destruction by fishing. This means the ocean will be empty by 2048 if people don’t stop eating fish. The fishing industry is the biggest killer of animals in the world, more than 1 trillion fish die each year. Please ask yourself if your fish consumption is worth the total extinction of all marine life. Please stop eating fish and alert everyone you know what will happen if we don’t. 
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villain: im going to kill everyone if you don’t stop me tbh. hero: if we kill this villain then we are just as bad as him me watching: just kill him omfg…..
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I love the sound of the innocent laughing.
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“Real life isn’t that diverse!!!!!“ 
do you ever consider that maybe that’s because you grew up in a white middle class neighbour and went to a white middle class school full of white middle class children just like you and maybe there was only one kid who felt brave enough to come out as something other than cisgender heterosexual and then they probably surrounded themselves with other lgbtq+ people if they could 
your idea of real life is your skewed little outlook from your upbringing so quit whining about diversity because there’s characters you don’t see yourself in.
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Here are some tips on how to further use your voices about the election results and hopefully make a change. 
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Active ways to cultivate positive body image:
(Because oh my god, it’s so hard, and everyone’s all like stop feeling so bad about yourself and it’s like how???) 
Be naked. A lot. Sleep naked. Have sex naked. Eat cereal naked. (Or naked and wrapped in a sheet. Favorite thing.) 
Follow beautiful, confident, (un-photoshopped) body-positive babes on the Internet. Unfollow anything that makes you feel insecure. Exposure is key. You’re not going to get it if you don’t seek it out, because the media sucks and wants us to feel like shit about ourselves so they can take our money. (Some hashtags to follow: #effyourbeautystandards #bootyrevolution #blackisbeautiful #transisbeautiful #wheelchairlife #fatkini #fatshion)
Lingerie. Next best thing to being naked. 
Self care, babe. Different for everyone. (Me? Showers, books, shaving my legs, nature walks, dark lipstick, good playlists, clean rooms, candles, sexy time.) 
Get ready in your underwear. Boobs = happiness. 
Self portraits. Be pro-selfie. Take a million selfies. Take sexy selfies. Take no makeup selfies. Take bad angle silly selfies. Take artsy tripod selfies. Take everything-is-on-point selfies. You’re gorgeous; document your gorgeousness. You don’t even need to post them. 
Stop with the self deprecationnnnn. Pleeeeaseeee. It’s hard to control your thoughts love, I know, but you can control what you say. NEVER insult yourself out loud. Dare I say compliment yourself out loud? (And if you can, do your best to try to body-positive-ify your thoughts too.) 
Sex (including solo sexy time), wine, and chocolate. In that order. 
Share the body love. Compliment your girlfriends. Cultivate a nonjudgemental, supportive, lift-each-other-up “we’re so cute” friend group. Everyone’s insecure. Compliment your besties. And strangers, too. Be that person that makes everyone feel good about themselves when they’re around. 
Good luck gorgeous. It’s a battle. We gotta unlearn all this societal bullshit.
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Actual Goddess. 
Shot by my love, productofthe6
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please please please teach your children to cook while they still live under your roof. even the most elementary things can’t be overlooked. because i just had to show my 24 year old boyfriend how to use a potato peeler and now i need to lay down for an hour
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Tarzan is one of the most…underrated candidates for a lesbian remake. Like come on. 
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You are witnessing the artwork of a vine
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You’ve heard of Grand Theft Auto, now get ready for
stealy wheely automobiley
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i respect every single individual out there protesting for all the right reasons
for the ones taking it to the extreme by lighting things on fire & destroying property, please fall back
y'all making everyone else look like animals which is not the message that’s meant to be sent
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Today I was talking to my dad and I referred to myself as his son(I’m genderfluid btw) and he said “Today’s a Son day huh?” And I was like “yeah” And he was like “huh, I thought today was a Saturday, not a Sunday” And I just laughed for like 5 minutes
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