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.........विमुद्रीकरण और GST एक वरदान?
देश मे आत्म हत्या को उद्यत किसानों और नौजवानों को सरकार की विमुद्रीकरण और GST की घोषणा ने बचा लिया अन्यथा देश की आबादी 125 करोड़ से घटकर 100 करोड़ ही रह जाती ! वजहे स्पष्ट है किसान कर्ज मे आकंठ डूबे थे वे फांसी लगाने के लिए रस्सी हेतु नये कर्ज की व्यवस्था नही कर पायेऔर नौजवान अंतिम संस्कार सामग्री पर 28% GST का बोझ अपने परिवार पर डालकर उन्हें कर्ज मे डुबोना नही चाहते थे परिणामतः दोनो वर्गों ने आत्म हत्या के कार्यक्रम को स्थगित कर दिया l यह है उपलब्धि एक कर्मयोगी,ईमानदार और सच्चे देश भक्त प्रधानमंत्री की l यदि देशवासियों ने अब भी प्रधानमंत्री के निष्ठा पर प्रश्न उठाया तो यकीन मानिए मोदी जी मुर्दों को भी श्मसान घाट से ज़िन्दा घर वापस लौटने का कोई न कोई जतन जरूर कर देंगे l
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What does sound Moody's credit ratings report recommended demonitisation and GST a healthy step for Indian economic. I'm little confused every fraudulent agency comes out support to India's government obsession move of demonitisation and GST. Ratings agency Moody's has paid Rand 11.7 billion (INR Rs 54421743373.29) in penalties for it's role in US 2008 financial crisis. It has been fined for issuing false credit rating that eventually let to the resulting market crash.
A probe has found that Moody's issued high ratings to sub prime home loans which later collapsed in 2007. In some cases credit ratings firms gave out top grades to junk deals in order to secure business from the banks.
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........... मायने नोटबन्दी के....... भाग 4............
भ्रष्टाचार और काले धन के प्रतिगामी के व्यक्तित्व व विकल्प तलाश मे देश के नागरिकों ने स्वयं की हिफाजत की प्रत्याशा मे बन्दर के हाथ छुरा थमाने की गल्ती की है, नाक तो कटेगी ही। दर्द मे चीखने, तड़पने और फड़फड़ाने से पीड़ा का शमन संभव नही दर्द निवारक दवा ही आखिरी कारगर उपाय है।विमुद्रीकरण काले धन और आतंकवाद पर नियंत्रण के उद्देश्य से किया गया होता, तो काले धन संचयन,हस्तांतरण और व्यवसायिक लेन देन के स्थान और मद पर प्रहार होता। विश्व बैंक सम्पत्ति डाटा और CBDT ने 2013 -14 मे ही समस्त स्रोतों को सरकार के संज्ञान मे लाकर सूचना उपलब्ध करा दिया था। फिर उस आख्या पर कार्यवाही की बजाय विमुद्रीकरण के आत्मघाती पथ पर चलने को प्राथमिकता क्यों दी गयी? विश्वस्त हूँ यह आत्मघाती नही सामूहिक लूट का फैसला था। सियासत मे जैसा दिखता है होता नही,जो होता है दिखता नही ।
यदि मोदी सरकार ईमानदार होती काले धन पर कार्यवाही के प्रति, कर्मयोद्धा होती दायित्वों के प्रति तो CBDT( central board of direct tax ) और विश्व बैंक द्वारा तैयार रिपोर्ट जो कि संसद पटल पर रखी जा चुकी है उस काले धन सम्बंधित रिपोर्ट पर संसद मे बहस कराती। रिपोर्ट मे स्पष्ट उल्लिखित है कि कालेधन उपयोग के अंतर्वाह और नि:स्त्राव अधिकता वाले स्त्रोत है केमिकल और केमिकल उत्पादन, भूमि परिवहन, कृषि,विद्युत, पेट्रोलियम उत्पादन,संचार, खनन, मशीनरी निर्माण और अन्य व्यापारिक सेवाएं। रियल इस्टेट, सोना और आभूषणों के क्षेत्र मे अगणनीय सम्पत्तियां अर्जित की गई है। मेडिकल, फैशन, कानूनी पेशे पूर्णतया नकद लेन देन पर निर्भर है कालेधन खपत के यह प्रभावशाली क्षेत्र हैं। अमेरिका, इंग्लैंड, चीन, मेक्सिको, हांग कांग, नीदरलैंड, स्विट्जरलैंड और सिंगापुर जैसे देशों के आयात और निर्यात अवैध धन पर ही आश्रित है। आखिर क्यों इस रिपोर्ट पर संसद मे बहस कराने से मोदी सरकार बचना चाहती अम्बानी का तीसरा नेत्र तो नही भयभीत कर रहा है ? सरकारी उपक्रम ONGC को आवंटित तेल खनन को अम्बानी को हस्तांतरित करने की पोल खुलने का भय तो नही सता रहा है या रेलवे को तेल आपूर्ति करने के ठेके मे किये गये घाल-मेल का भूत निकल कर सार्वजनिक होने का भय ?
अब भी कोई वजह और विकल्प है जो भ्रम मे डाल सके की विमुद्रीकरण समानान्तर और अवैध धन पर प्रतिबंध व आतंकवादी घटनाओं पर शिकंजा कसने के लिए किया गया था?जब काले धन उपयोग करने वाले संस्थानों पर संसद मे चर्चा तक की जहमत नही उठायी जा रही तो लगा�� और प्रतिबंध का दिवास्वप्न ही सबसे बड़ा भ्रम हैl यदि आतंकवाद कालेधन पर निर्भर होता तो उसकी गतिविधियां नगण्य हो जाती स्थगित हो जाती। सरकार के हाथ मे देश की समस्त इंटेलिजेंस सर्विस है जैसे: राष्ट्रीय तकनिक अनुसंधान संगठन (NTRO), RAW( Research and Analysis Wing ), IB( Intelligence Bureau) , NCB(Narcotics Control Bureau) ,JCB( Joint Cipher Bureau), DIA ( Defence Intelligence Agency ), SID ( Signal Intelligence Directorate) । इन संगठनों की सक्रियता के बावजूद आतंकवादी घटनाएं बढ़ने के क्या अर्थ हैं ?कहीं ऐसा तो नही बढ़ते आतंकवादी घटनाओं के पीछे NCB की सक्रियता अधिक हो और आतंकवाद से जुझने के पोशाक मे किसी अलग ही प्रहसन का मंचन हो रहा हो ? अब तो यही कहना प्रासंगिक है:
दिल के फफोले जल उठे सीने की दाग से l
इस घर को आग लग गई घर के चराग से ll क्रमश:
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Review of demonitisation
Sounds of demonitisation ....... Part 2. ..
When anyone objected to rectifying the parallel and illegal money, but the master of the art of disguising our prime minister have been searching huts to hunt out illegal money. How long will he be engaged sucking blood of the marginalised society. When Modi was taking jibe that the former PM was perfect taking shower with raincoat in bathroom, it may have been describing own qualification instead of Man Mohan Singh. According to the report of the credit sussae agency, ethnic in our country's capitalism hence 55% of the country's capital has been grabbed only 1% people. About 13million people of the country have created and deposited parallel, shadow or illegal capital.Even slingshot of Modi not effective to reach over and nabbed it .There are a total of 1.3 million people who have collected a thick part of the black money, which have been calculated from 100 crores to lakh crores.Yes it is less in liquidity converted into land, silver, gold, hundi, stock equity and fake companies. Through the medium of business establishments, more has been changed. About 1.17 crore people have black money of Rs 1-99 crore. During the crisis of money they did not fall in the queue of ATM. These people have given financial benefits to the bank employees. All this has been regularized to redistribute its illegal wealth by giving gifts to bank employees up to 15-20% on their original funds.
According to the documents of Swiss bank organizations, till 2011, Indians had deposited a total of $ 1.9 trillion (Rs 94 lakh crore) in Swiss banks. There is no data available after this. The illegal money available in the country is about Rs 84 lakh crores. Only 13million people are suppressing 60% and the remaining 40% of the money is with 1.17 crore people's custody . In May 2011, India signed an agreement with the United Nations Convention against corruption (UNCAC). According to this agreement, the Swiss bank will provide the details of the amount deposited by the Indians after 2018 to the Government of India in 2019.
Modi had promised to transfer 15 lacs rupees in each account of the countrymen by dreaming them got money back from Swiss bank. It is impossible to get the money back deposited in the Swiss bank. If Modi wants, "If he confiscates Rs 84 lakh crore which has been remained in India only."Every citizen of the country will get around Rs 6.46 crore division if he wishes to give it honestly. Hoping honesty to Modi means that dreaming children by third gender . It is expected that the amount of Rs 84 lakh crore has been collected bythe people government full awareness about them. Jai Amit Shah might be an example this road map . It does not seem that the government is serious about in this matter. Why be concerned ? These Parallel capital have glorified and have brought them here too.
This demonitisation is a collective robbery. The banks had an outstanding of Rs 8.5 lakh crores loans over to corporate to houses .They weren't willing to repayment. After massive pressure from the bank barely Rs 30K crore was recovered, the banks had no capacity to accept new loan applications. In the greed of new debt, industry houses invested in Modi's for 2014 Lok Sabha election. Now Banks have balance of Rs 14.30 lakh crores deposited during demonitisation are capable in position of giving debt of Rs 7.5 lakh crore with passion. Respectively. ..
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The motives behind the announcing illegal tenders denominations of Rs 500 and 1000 on November 8, 2016 were actually the same intention or something else as said that action curtailed shadow economy and crack down on the the use of illicit and terrorism . Corporate houses had a large activities in the election of the Lok Sabha held in 2014, which was fought on the high-tech chariot. According to the rules of business corporate houses neither donate single penny nor give alms. They invest their major capital where the dividends are likely to grow at a faster pace. They prefer to look forward taking risks. Could it be an action to get rid of the debt of investors, legalising a way get their shadow money into liquidity done.
Undoubtedly, this announcement has not stopped terrorism or ban on black money. Why the country was given such a problem? Why have they been unemployed, siphoned off their wages? What was wrong that those laborers who voted for the BJP had hoped for a good day? Why was the people, who were run by the farming, daily wages, cottage industries, small scale industries and private sector, been unemployed and was left beaten them blue and black on the streets? What did you gain from breaking the fixed marriage of poor's daughters? All this was done because the power of the Uttar Pradesh should had been taken anyway from elephant? Whatever the motivation, but this step was not enough to curb any black money and break the back of terrorism.A fair review beyond the opposition, is obligatory.
In the country, the total amount of Rs 17.77 lakh crore was in circulation out of which 86.4% were in Rs 500 and 1000 denominations respectively. According to the figures, 6% of black money was about Rs 1.06 lakh crore. Assuming that this move of the government has completely succeeded on black money. Even then the flaws are worth mentioning that the GDP decreased by 3%, ie losses of Rs 4.5 lakh crore, and the cost of printing of new currencies expenditure quote of Rs 24k crore, total expenditure of Rs.4.74lacs crore, Rs.1.066lacs crore. A revenues of Rs.3.7lacs crore total deficit. A Gujarati person can not bear the loss so huge as no untoward motive is being solved. The demonitisation declaration was a reflection pressure of investors. Respectively
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पंचकुला तांडव अध्याय ....6.........
जिस घटना ने पूरे देश को शर्म के गर्त झोक दिया , दुनिया ने फ़ब्तियां कसी, हमारे देश की निष्ठुर सियासत ने वहां भी अपनी फितरत दिखा ही दी l बलात्कारी राम रहीम को न्यायालय द्वारा दोषी सिद्ध किये जाने पर कुछ मान्यवरो के बयानो के मायने समझने का प्रयास ज़रूरी है l साक्षी महाराज का बयान "डेरा प्रमुख एक कुलीन आत्मा हैं उनको दोषी कहना भारतीय संस्कृति और पवित्र व्यक्ति को अपमानित करने की साजिश है यदि किसी तरह का उपद्रव होता है तो उसके लिए कोर्ट उत्तरदायी है " इन महाशय की पीड़ा सपाट है , यह भयभीत हैं l जब इतने अंध भक्तों से लबरेज सच्चा सौदा को बलात्कार के दोष मे जेल भेजा जा सकता है तो मेरा क्या होगा ,उद्धृत है ताकि सनद रहे यह मान्यवर भी बगैर लंगोट के पहलवान हैं दूर्गा भारती ने इन पर बलात्कार का आरोप लगाया है l सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी ने इनके शब्दों को अपनी मधुर आवाज दी है , वह राजनेता के साथ एक कुटिल और कलुषित अधिवक्ता है l आज कल भाजपा ने उन्हे मुनादी का उत्तरदायित्व दिया है , हिन्दू और मुस्लिम के नाम पर नफरत फैलाने का ढ़ोल पिटते रहते हैं , ताकि बेटी का दिया जख्म भर सके l उनका यह बयान एक गाँठ का पुरा मुवक्किल तलाशने के नजरिये से भी देखा जा सकता है l यथार्थ मायने तो निकलेंगे मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम (अमित शाह ) के बयान से l (इसके लिए आपको कालांतर मे घसीटने की गुस्ताखी करनी पड़ रही है ) रामचरित मानस के सुन्दर कांड के दोहा का वर्णन प्रासंगिक है
दोहा : सरनागत कँहु जे तजहिं निज अनहित अनुमानि l
ते नर पावँर पापमय तिन्हहि बिलोकत हानि ll43ll
भावार्थ : जो मनुष्य अपने हानि का अनुमान करके करके शरण मे आये हुए का त्याग कर देते हैं , वे पामर (क्षुद्र ) हैं , पापमय हैं l उन्हे देखने मे ही हानि है (पाप लगता है )
अब मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम के भाव समझते है , उनका बयान कि पंचकुला मे इकट्ठी हो रही भीड़ को ध्यान मे रखते हुए जज को अपना निर्णय टाल देना चाहिये था , कब तक के लिए खुलासा नही किया , शायद 2019 के लोक सभा चुनाव तक l क्रमश:
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Once again endeavoured level its best hide a multitude of sins when king of swindling our domineering PM said that during the UPA regime, there were eight quarters spread over six years when the growth rate was 5.7 or lower. As per my perception Modi's preparation on to take part in 2018 winter Olympic at Pyongyang where new game is scheduled to be introduced dubbing "biggest liar ". I am very much excited and confident our country will bag minimum two medals in this competition, Modi with Gold, Trump silver and manorogi (psycho ) Adityanath bronze be main contenders.
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BHU cane charging
Ruthlessly orders of cane charging on BHU'S girl students to silence them, steps of government condemnable and an act bidding brutality murder of democracy. This act pushed us in history remind China's leadership did in June, 4,1989 when Fang Zheng an aspiring track and field athlete became a firsthand witness and victim of the government's crack down. A tank rolled over to two young athlete's legs and lopped of them off. They wanted to Tianenmen square to voice their concerns about a range of issues to official corruption to free of the press. The same motives pushed BHU's students to protest of PM. Needs of time invoke to save democracy clutches from despotic ruler of the country who wants run government by despised character and baseless ground. Piqued by result of students union's election where ABVP completely dispelled off . Government takes way teaching lesson to those students dares to vote against their anarchist organisation. Dash it ! Have a shame!
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Babble! Caste reservation.
Delirium! Racial reservation. ... Part 3. ........ The poor mindset is not active in citing these incidents, yes, there is a small effort to portray the pretentious nature of the forces opposing caste reservation with a distorted and malicious mentality. If they're honest iota," They will skip farces try to become real portraits. Their moves , characters and faces are notorious for their selfishness. In which neither the country's prestige nor does unity and integrity matter. The protest of the Simmon Commission was reiterated in this psychology. The denial of freedom was accepted but right of the backward and deprived was not acceptable . Dalits and backward people shouldn't get the right,this greedy tendency exposed Lala Lajpat Rai with the aggressive protest of the Simmon Commission. Regret he lost his life, but the rights of Dalits and the backward were not discarded .The reason for not being able to deny the rights was clear, at that time, the leadership of these deprived people was at the hands of Dr. Ambedkar. He was a master, to give proper answers to such threats. The praise and review of their untold courage shown in the war between China and India, on 20th October, 1962, while saluting the qualifications of merit, is unfortunate. The strong and powerful Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru ,Krishna Menon, the Defense Minister of the country, Lt.General Brij Mohan Kaul, these all three divine talents. The great idolaters kept hiding themselves in Delhi, and China occupied 80,000 sq km of Indian land. Nehru's the suicidal decision of attacking on China was in the same way as the fierce orders of the demonitisation Rs 500 and Rs 1000 made by prdhan sewak. Both of these decisions have robbed and ashamed country. It's unique and rare example of calibre and talents. From April to 23rd September, 1965, the war with a trivial country like Pakistan did not even allow us to smile. When someone started thumping their own back kept on cheating themselves, the disclosure of Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant kept the poles open. The statement of Sawant: "Who win and loss does not keep matters what is important is that attacked was done for the purpose, did get it?" Now you can make your own decisions that how will the heart of those be scattered who were thumping own back for the victory on Pakistan ? Respectively
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Babble! Caste reservation.
Babble! Caste reservation .... Part 2. ... The immersed with hyperbole claimed to be most eligible in the cover of mean cunning will be pushed in the suicidal palace. Where the brave warriors will be busy searching their teeth fell down from their broken mouth . When there is an illusion of winning the battle with the blunted weapons, nothing will be gained except martyrdom. The result of putting hand in a bee hive without equipped blanket with blanket and smoke is inviting jeopardy nothing else. The moderate woman is pregnant before married doesn't question others adultery if dared ten fingers started rising in the resistance of one finger. The success of conspiracies uncontrolled the person by provoking to voice abruptly. If you go with soft voice and proper movement easy to cover the crime, but your farce statement gives light to the depths of the investigation . A review of their merit is very important so that there is no complaints that the above comment is without analysis. Now start analyses the last ruler of the Brahmins king Dahir, whose heroism has not only tarnished image of the country, but also opened door of Muslims invent in 711. The brave army and the history of the king will never be seen which surrendered to the army instead of competing with Muhammad bin Qasim. Greeting, reciting the eligibility of such army and Brahmins dynasty and bravery. And catastrophic embodiment of the third eye of his devoted God, who's ran from Somnath temple in 1024, when Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked on template and looted 20 million dinars. Their qualitative skills are also very good, which is useful at the time of breaching trust, whether they got opportunity to kill Maharaja Ranjit in 1839 by poisoning or slaying founder of Arya Samaj Swami Dayanand melting lead in his food routinely that effect of killing him gradually ended his life on October 30, 1883. His great patriotism is incomparable, even the height of the death of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi is not appeased them. On January 30, 1948, Nathu Ram, Vinayak Godse (Chitpavan Brahman) shot dead Gandhi.To glorify his patriotism pradhan sewak is determined. Another example of Patriotism, Pt. Kumar Narayan Iyyer, who had a shoes shop for exhibition in front of Parliament House, but was patriotic, between 1951-1961, stolen and sold confidential files from different departments of the government. According to unconfirmed sources, by the means of this, China has acquired India's confidential files.
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Babble! Caste reservation ... Part 1 ..... Encouraging a planned attack against caste reservations by rigors is the dangerous strategy against the interests of neglected society by the social, educational perspectives of the country. The vulgar demand of reservation on economic basis run of the caste-based mindset just a portrayal keeping society marginalised whose population more than 85 crores . Has they taken the pledge that they will give priority to their false and ruse on truth? What's frivolous misinterpretation is that the caste reservation is frustrating the talent. Those who have stolen all things from fury and hypocrisy give a cry of talent. Talent search starts with a parallel streak, rather than the depth of the gap and the height of the mountain peak. The person can do the assessment which can be established by the responsibility of doing justice, through the selection process of the fair candidates of the competition, ensure proper and suitable training of candidates before pushing them erena of competition . Even still today not an institution established in the direction of talent search. The institution of public, fair, prejudiced and casteless thinking. Who will discovered talent, who are reputed arrogance of the upper caste, foul is racial discrimination or recalcitrant view are selected at each location to your family and relatives! Seeing the caste of the country in which honor is decided, bravery is judged; seeing the caste of its caste, opulence and extravegenza is assessed, seeing its caste, it means to talk about merit, it is to comb on the fate .Where the country's population of 85 crores has been kept frivolous, frightened, inept, despised, landless, weak and neglected; With the worst racist thinking, how can a healthy competition be present there? If there is an honest initiative of finding the talent and talent in reality then there should be arrangements for all the available resources of the country to be transparent distribution in all the people of the society for a period of ten years.Let them show their talents. The distorted brain is mindset for nepotism be diminished the talent will also be available to make the country the most powerful country. If it is not capable, then its evil ally be stopped that caste reservation is destroying the country's talent. Let's say that 15% of the population aren't satisfied with the occupation of administration, court, wealth, business and affluence on 94%. Their hunger is 100% grabbing Of .respectively
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Salute to the boar
Om varahay namah(solute to boar)part 3 ......... The hunger presentation of lies in the cover of the truth has made the people so vile that their eyes are suffering from glaucoma, they are desperate to fill the world in their arms. They are thirsty, opposing others, to prove their dominance. It is a shame. The earth has strength to keep up with the burdens of such debris. This land has been given the title of mother because has power to face all. This thing stings repeatedly as a sharpened edge , why did Rama kill Ravana, the desire to expand his state or the hunger of winning the most prosperous state? According to the prevailing or propagated belief, Ravana is considered to be guilty of Sita's kidnapping . A serious, intense and unbiased research is required. First of all, analyze the theory of Sita abduction. During forest deportation of Ram and Lakshman kept on wandering they arrived in a forest , was part of the state of Ravana, where the women were completely safe and respected. They sat under tree to be refreshed from exhaustion. Where was Sita then no mentioned .They had promised always taken care of Sita where was She at this time the big question existed. Trying to illustrate . Ram and Laxman were resting under the isolated trees. Where an attractive, sedative, idyllic woman whose advanced urge Ram to romance to the sly answer of Ram. I am married, my younger brother Lakshman is also attractive much to me unmarried, he is easy to get acquainted. The woman repeatedly visits Ram and Laxman they stopped speaking untrue showing each other unmarried. Laxman finally cut off the nose of the woman. At that time Lakshman wasn't knew she was Ravana's sister Supankha. To tie knot offer was accepted or rejected their own prerogative , but what was the justification to dissolve Ear Nose cut gracefully? What will be the result of comparative analysis of this incident from today's environment? At present, the girls who are sprayed with acids, their faces are being isolated and disintegrated by putting iron rods in their virgin .The voracious and eloquent, and also this maladjusted people will be kept in the category of rejecting the marital proposal of the girl. Will also give a conciliation to rejecting the consequential proposal, which means that today is spreading horrific crime to the wolf of lewd with girls. Sexuality was also induced in Ear Nose cutting Supankha . Respectively
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Om varahay namah. 2.
Om varahay namah (grovel before boar ).2. The overwhelmed by victories in the elections they started assuming themselves above the law . It is the conspiracy legalisation of their arrogant statements.To constrain person's to use their fundamental right "freedom of expression",is backlash to the country. The eccentricity of the arrogance of running lies is giving priorities to conceit, foolishness, conspiracy, fierce, cowardice and anesthesia against knowledge, scholar, tactfulness, bravery and sensitivity. These mean cunning are active in the pursuit of the establishment of Ram's Kingdom . It is an attempt to prove the deceit killing of Ravana, a brilliant scholar, successful ruler, innocent, tactic of virtue, the glory of valor, the image of sensation, the noble Brahmin and the killer's glorification.We all the true legacy of Hindutva, how should we accept this glorifying where a fairly high total Brahmin is abused. Why should we be disloyal for a heroism ruler ! How beautiful was his benevolent rule ! Should we surrender before the oppressors? A person who encouraged murder of brahmins, can not be accepted as a respectful mannered. Whether fearing by his ordeal or terrified by criminals protected by him? Sunderkand of Ramcharit Manas :- चौपाई :- कोटि विप्र बध लागहिं जाहूँ , आए सरन तजऊं नहि ताहूँ l सन्मुख होइ जीव मोहि जबहिं , जन्म कोटि अद्य नासहिं तबहिं ll 1ll Meaning: - The millions of Brahmins who have been killed, when the killer come to shelter, I do not even leave them .when they face me, the sins of millions of births are destroyed. In which state the attitude of killing the Brahmins has been developed, how to be accepted that state! Where the Brahmins are insecure, the imagination of the security of others is useless. Imagine to the Treta era where the elite Brahmins were not safe. Such Brahmins whose death sentence was completely prohibited. In that state where Brahmin were not safe, the imagination of the security of others is a whisper. In the Treta era, other castes values don't count more than cattle. That's why sacrifice of human were being done along with cows and horses sacrifice. Imagine yourself whose sacrifice were being done when human sacrifice needed ! Respectively
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Om varahay namah
Om varahay namah ...... In the era of communication revolution, the sound of swines footsteps is becoming popular so fastly . In the last three years, competition has not been established only in the obscene remarks but crossed the limits too .A Signature of journalism who dared penned down the reality eventually a mob of hooligans ruthlessly killed Gauri Lankesh. I think people of this species are more concerned about vomiting crap .The obscene and derogatory words that started seems that people are feeling difficulties of being human. More than this, I feel sorry for the members of their family, how can they tolerate his words even after hearing round the clock ? Though in the once hearing, the whole world start spot him a scum . Did he expel from the house, the words of lewd give him peace? How the members hid house will bear this word. I am not able to be courageous mention the word if the word is not cited grunted by the boar , then people will be clueless that what was that word! Hence with efforts all parts of the body collecting the strengths so that I could made audacity mention his quotation "In the press club of India, in protest against the assassination of the so-called prostitute Gauri Lankesh, some of the so-called patriotic born of sex worker a broker of the media and the leftist leaders were gathered in this program. A brothel pimp Ravish looks like you are tired of doing business of your sister's glamour and flesh, do something else. A sacramental job like journalism is not liable to you . "Excerpt ends. Any civilized person can say this kind of thing before his mother, sister and daughter, if said then her mother, sister and daughter will regard him did in past ? Belief is very low, if they are not affected by the boar cultured then they will be immersed in the pool of shame. It is a result of the training of a well-organized, defamatory and destructive organization. The person who vomit this poison is in a bid keeping himself fray in the competition and increasing the scores. In the views of the democratic system differences between thoughts is a natural process, it is the soul of democracy. To impose their ideas and giving lesson to supporters as low level preparations of poisonous arrows to divide the people by caste creed and religion is treason, condemnable and inexcusable. It is not the initiative to spread the ideas , it's to oppressed, to torture, to foment, to foil, to succeed in his conspiracy,for self benefits to dismantle the country, to break the unity and integrity of the country, to remove the country's soul. It is the idea to function adverse law and order of the country and run things by ego.
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Loss of brave heart journalist
Sorry! Shame! Blasphemous! Tribute or something further? ..... Since the news of Gauri Lankesh's brutality killing has been reported, I am frightened and flustered. I am not ready to accept defeat but my heart is not willing to move forward .I have already pledged my soul before supernatural power. Every person who is facing anarchy and agony waiting for the rebirth of Gauri Lankesh. The person mortgaged his soul pray to God "O Almighty, keepers of justice, destroyer of sinners and misery if thy wants to reborn the Lankesh," the Lord please take care of she not be borned in my house. I will be happy if she borne here in all my neighbors house. Where did the mortgageer of the soul bring the mind from to get the conclusion that if he had so much power so inhuman, then why should Ghauri be murdered? Even before he had been killed the sinners who were committing the destruction of their created world. No complaints from them, who have decided to make this country a paradise, where there lies, adultery ,pride of caste, vulgarity, falsehood and persistency to prove lie as true will prevail all around. The person who dares to say the false will dire consequences might be killed.They are well known how to win and enjoy victory.Where there inmates do not started living how could be become a paradise? It's losing of one whose power is believed without tested we are sitting on the illusion . Is it not? If not, then it is a pleasant situation, if it is hidden like a coward, is so weak that these infamous, unfortunate ones can not resist the sly? At least in the blunt mind, now flame light in your brain and learn to rely on yourself; It is time to kill the pigs who have strangled the truth from the hecky. The demand of time is not ripe only for regret, blasphemy, and condolences have to come over and punish to heinous else where people do not fear, they started get rid of loving their wives, instead of loving others, your rights is going to be grabbed by hooks crooks by those cruel being who want to keep you marginalised. The person who is trying to remove the curtain from the trick is being removed from the world. All this is open before the eyes of your Almighty. I am frightened. From your inefficiency or else, otherwise no womb have strength to born a maneaters there is not much milk in breast of a mother who can feed up to a kid can create a roistering feeling. The door of your liberation will open on that day when you will desire a boy born as brave heart as martyrdom Bhagat Singh was in your home lioness as Gauri Lankesh like pens warrior whose roar give wicked trousers Miles away already wet .
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Condolence to brave heart journalist
With the cowardice Gauri Lankesh brutally assassinated , she was liberated from life with the enthusiasm that they probably succeeded in suppressing truth, but they forgot that innocence journalism is a seed which is only after planting a plant It enlarges itself, strengthens its roots, leads to depth in the soil. It develops the twigs and leaves, the flora and the fruit that are planted in the bunch, and this is the key. The dream of real journalism is slit the throat of corrupts system and destroy the seed of the vampires eventually be fulfilled I assure you brave heart. I offer my deep condolence to Gauri Lankesh with the hope and faith, the flowers of reverence that your sacrifice will not be allowed to be lost. Life has to end one day. But every soldier in the pen will want to be martyred like you rather than an anonymous death. This is the difference that the soldiers of the border in the life of a pen soldier . The soldiers standing on a border programed to identify their enemy, but the pen soldiers don't , their enemy are cowardly, foul, the sleeve snake. l salute you last with tears moist eyes!
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Groaning of reservation
Moaning of reservation ! ...... This is a period when history of UP will be known as the monger death of children in the hospitals. These moments have made the people so insensitive that instead of expressing sympathy towards the victim families, instead of expressing their interest to attach with bereaved they started indulging something like this "When the people are recruited from the reservation, children's deaths in the hospital and the train accident will be continuously done. If he had lost their own kid in these accidents who would have died due to the lack of oxygen before them even he would turn his face away from the ruthless truth and blame to the reservation. An attempt is being made to abdicate fraternity, harmony and condolences in exchange of poisonous environment, it is undoubtedly condemnable. This tendency can be fulfilled someone's personal interests. He feels proud, will celebrate the festivity of the victory but country will loss it's 's harp's string which produces the smiling melodious music of equality, liberty and fraternity. The sacred sentiments of keeping the unity and integrity of the country intact will be defeated for that the country has been glorified. It will lose that legacy which is the identity of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.Those shoulders will be downed which dare to say before the world that I belong country is land of Buddha and Gandhi.The broad chest be shrunk which is revered name of the Buddha. We are also ready to louder your voices. Let us bring these savages to their real place, who have taken advantage of the reservation and played with the lives of the neonatal brutally massacred them , and recruited with the help of reservation. Dr Mishra Principal of BRDMC, Gorakhpur, who killed 418 innocent adolescents just in August month. Reservation beneficiary. Dr. V B Singh, CMO Varanasi, whose killing Official data has not been accepted by the government so far. When on Saturday the oxygen was disrupted for 30 minutes in the hospital, it is possible that he had summoned Pawan Dev with his worship, and used his alternative oxygen during interrupted oxygen period. If an inefficient person who has taken advantage of reservation, the job is grbbed by Dr.Jai Singh CMO Bulandshahr who swallowed 37 kids . Dr. O Uma Kant Pandey CMO Farrukhabad, who has claimed lives 49 adolescents . Recruited by the reservation, Kalki Avtar Prashant Trivedi principal Secretary, Health and Family Welfare, whose protection is being prevailed by above . Or talk to Yarmraj Sidharth Nath Singh on whose order kids name are being cut off from the book of life, this is also the produce of reservation. It will be pleasant to discuss the scum which is reserved came to the job and the state's Avatari dragged the nappy under the lungi of the Chief Minister and made the whole world criticise sense of India , the name is Shyam Bihari Upadhyay who was FSL director. He was appointed the reservation quota . It was no wonder the silcon oxide was certified PETN.Pl take task tightly and come forward for the end of this racist reservation otherwise allow the stool to pass through the anus .
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