we-are-underwater · 4 days
Median culture is feeling so comfortable in your identity as a system because it explains your experiences so perfectly sometimes, but at other times…feeling more like you’re just one person with a very fragmented identity and unstable sense of self.
— ☁️✨🧸
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we-are-underwater · 4 days
Always kinda silly to me when people are like “Why do people need a flag for everything”, “Why do people keep coining random terms”, “why does everything need to be plural”, etc etc etc
Because people enjoy creating, people like pretty colors, putting words to experiences of themselves and others, finding pieces of themselves within theory crafting.
I mean that’s it really, there’s joy in creating and sharing it. There’s joy in crafting labels for experiences that fit you, having something that works for you, and having it work for others too! There’s a joy in finding information you think is neat and relates to your experience and sharing it with others simply because you liked the way those things fit together.
It’s not that complex, if you don’t wanna use the flags or the plethora of new terms and micro-labels that people make, then don’t! There is literally nothing wrong in letting people have fun.
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we-are-underwater · 4 days
Prompt #2,024
When Headmate A, a gateway headmate, goes back to their original world and body, Little B follows them. Now, Headmate A must figure out how to get Little B back home, all while balancing the unique troubles of suddenly being a system in their own world/body.
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we-are-underwater · 4 days
Proposing a Tag for Trauma Survivor Systems
🎵 I would like to propose we start a tag for all systems who are trauma survivors. Whether you're a fully traumagenic system, mixed origins, traumabased, have some alters who are fully or partially traumagenic, are non-disordered but have been impacted by trauma, or whatever else. System origins don't matter. Whether you're formally diagnosed with OSDDID or not doesn't matter. It would be supportive of informed self-diagnosis and of those trying to figure out if they might have OSDDID. Just a tag for systems who have dealt with or are dealing with trauma, free from the hate and vitriol that make up an inexcusably large portion of the current tags for trauma survivors. Because it is fucking exhausting trying to scroll the tags for trauma survivors as is.
I'm proposing the tag "#survivor systems" for that.
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we-are-underwater · 6 days
i should probably update how the plurality questioning is going since yknow, thats what this blog was made for.
i kind of decided i should step back a bit because it was feeling stressful again. I've seen posts giving the advice that it's good to take these things slow and it's always a good reminder!
i have a hard time sitting in uncertainty, especially when it comes to not knowing or understanding myself. i don't really need to know who i am right now. i can just be me.
i am still working on visualization & headspace development every now and then, and talk to Critter. just trying to put less pressure on myself when it comes to this.
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we-are-underwater · 6 days
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Is this anything. was thinking about it while doodling and this happened. may as well post it ig
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we-are-underwater · 6 days
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we-are-underwater · 10 days
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Systember 9: Blurry!
We tried our best to represent bluriness and identity confusion in this piece, with a hint of dysphoria here and there. Sometimes it really is hard to figure out who is who, and all we have are maybe some features--but they're blurred and hard to make sense of.
Please do not use our art without our permission. Feel free to ask to use for icons and similar things, but we have the right to say no.
Program: Firealpaca Approx. Time: 1h Original Date: 10.09.24 Commission/Trade/Collab status in bio/pinned! Art Of: N/A (System Member Artist: Jayfeather)
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we-are-underwater · 13 days
Writing on being Plurallet, touching on themes of Neurodivergence, Nonhumanity and Transness
This was written sometime time December 23/January 24 but typed up now. Some of my feelings and the way I would describe things has changed but I'm just going to write it up as it is
I'm not multiple people per se, just not one. I'm more like 3 rats in a trench coat who are also part of a hive mind. One brain bleeds into the next. Just enough of different people that me from 2 weeks ago feels like a close friend and me from five years ago like someone I once knew but not me. Just enough different people that me 'us' feels correct but not because there are multiple of us just because there are multiple of me.
Like a mirror fractured in the middle but the cracks never reach the edges. So you can see your reflection many times but it's still one mirror.
Like I was filled up with too much consciousness so now I am also us. Us is me passed through a kaleidoscope. There are no voices. only mine. but a lot of mine. No separate people but several names for one entity. My consciousness is both distinctly not human and more human than those who use that name. The humans fascinate and terrify us. Maybe all of them feel like their brains are leaking, spilling unbidden into the world outside. Maybe most wrestle their thoughts back into their head. Maybe most humans long to be stardust and moss.
I'm multiple in the way many animals stuck in a flesh vessel cannot help but be. All screaming with different instincts but never at the same time. There are iterations of me. Echos. A different person for every person I know. A squirming when two meet each other and I must recalibrate. Is me now the same me as this morning? I cannot say. My gender shifts with us or maybe we shift with our gender. We are never to be regarded internally in the third person for we are not distinct enough to earn that right.
So we flow. Gender shifting, echoing the world around us, many creatures trying to keep our thoughts inside, regarding ourselves as different people. So we float. A fractured, fragmented thing, with too many reflections to be alone but not enough to be many.
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we-are-underwater · 13 days
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Pipe Up- Chapter 2, Page 1 WE’RE FINALLY BACK!!! Pipe Up will update on Saturdays for September! We put in all the stops to bring you this chapter; please enjoy! Next > Start Reading Content Warnings If you like finally getting off hiatus, please consider supporting me on Patreon! Story, Dialogue, and Page Compositions by @saltnpepperbunny Inks and Character Flats by @tinysweetbunny Background Flats by @thetruegge
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we-are-underwater · 13 days
Monoconscious culture is feeling our identity ebb and flow because theres only two of us and we’re so often blended that when we are not, it is like a wave rising up before once again crashing down into the sea of our combined thoughts
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we-are-underwater · 13 days
Prompt #1,998
The embodiment of time has headmates of every era that ever was and ever will be, and every year that ever was and ever will be, and every second that ever was and ever will be. They live and breathe not as a single self, but as a continuous chain of selves that are born and fade away just as the moments do, always echoing in one's mind and laying the groundwork for every future decision. None of them are ever truly gone, but you never know any of them for more than the instant that they are before you, and after that passes, only Time can attest to their continued presence.
Their presence, as a whole, is like standing at the end of everything, unable to tell whether the it will begin again or simply cease to be, and all-too-aware of everything in your life that has led to the present moment – but I knew they were the only ones who could give me answers.
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we-are-underwater · 14 days
Systember - Day 4
"Happiness is overrated, I just want peace."
What is peace for the variety of people in Wanderstars? What is peace for you? I hope you find out soon what makes life bearable.
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we-are-underwater · 15 days
Systember #1: Together
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two aroaces that are completely different personality-wise but are still best friends: cadence (human) and nephes (dragon)!
this is good practice for drawing humans/humanoids tbh, we're usually not confident in our abilities to do so but i think cadence turned out fine :D and nephes always feels so complicated to color sdbhs
prompts from this post! (link) and credits to @invisible-friend-system
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we-are-underwater · 15 days
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Systember 3: Animal!
Figured that drawing one of our in-sys animal friend groups would be good for this prompt. Just some vaguely grumpy cats and some silly birds.
Please do not use our art without our permission. Feel free to ask to use for icons and similar things, but we have the right to say no.
Program: Firealpaca Approx. Time: 2h Original Date: 04.09.24 Commission/Trade/Collab status in bio/pinned! Art Of:
Jayfeather [Headmate]
Flap [Headmate]
Frostpaw [Headmate]
Jack [Headmate]
(System Member Artist: Merlin)
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we-are-underwater · 15 days
Systember Day 4: Peaceful
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Stranger spends most of its time in the parts of headspace that looks like BLACK SPACE, and doesn’t come out too often, but when he does he likes to relax in the more vibrant areas of our little galaxy. Basil always welcomes it into bloom’s garden.
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we-are-underwater · 15 days
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systember day 4, peaceful!
done same day as day 5 but uhm. we forgot yesterday :3
sorry i forgot you orion.. sad!!
this is us. vibing. sleeping. its very nice being able to chat and interact at the end of the day. in bed. :33 !!!!!
easily one of the most peaceful times 4 us :33
im not naming evfurryone here lol. but im the cat :33 !!! siff is also near front rn and hes the little notguy in white hat. :33 !!!
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