wcnderlandmuses ¡ 4 years
She felt a tug, a pull that she couldn’t deny. She hadn’t heard from Henrik since their… disagreement so it surprised her that he was calling to her now. They hadn’t exactly parted on good terms and Nyx had tried her best to go about her life as normal. It had been hard, at first, but she’d gotten used to it now. So hearing from Henrik again after so long? It shook her to her core and that wasn’t easy for someone to do to an angel. Part of her was tempted to ignore it. To leave him be and carry on with her life as she had been but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about him if she did. Not now that he was in her head. Sighing quietly, the angel closed her eyes, hesitating a moment before disappearing on the spot only to appear in front of him milliseconds later. “Hello, Henrik,” she greeted, her tone more polite than it usually would have been. Her heart pounded in her chest. Or… her vessel’s heart, at least. She hadn’t seen him in so long she thought she was over the way she felt around him but… seeing him again, it was clear that wasn’t the case. It still didn’t erase the fact that she wasn’t sure what to say to him now. “You look dreadful. Are you okay?” she said with the bluntness only typical of an angel.
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He just about gave up. She wasn’t coming. Why would she? Or maybe, he was praying wrong? Could she even hear him? It’s not like he could call her on a mobile. He wished, at least then he’d know for sure she was ignoring him. Henrik sighed ( miserably ) out of everyone, even those who he did worse things to, it was Nyx he felt the most guilty about. Take that whatever way you like, Henrik hated himself for the way he spoke to her. After all, Nyx was actively his first real friend when he returned to the living, just as he was hers. They guided each other and discovered things together. Maybe that’s why he was silently heartbroken when she took back her wings -- he loved her, even if he was yet to realise it. “Oh shi---” He’d stood up to go distract himself when she appeared, making him jump backwards. “Nyx.” There was a faint smile. Relief, she heard him, she was here. “I...” A pause, in any other situation he’d probably say ‘thanks’ with a tone full of sass, but there was a time and a place -- this wasn’t it. “I’m fine. That’s-- that’s why I wanted to see you. I’m fine now.” His eyes were so sad, he couldn’t hide it even if he was trying to. Her monotone towards him hurt, but he could understand - he didn’t blame her. “I wanted to apologise to you, for everything. I was hexed. Emotionless and-- cruel. It’s no excuse,” it was, but he wasn’t trying to use it as one, Henrik was just trying to explain. “Nyx, I didn’t mean any of it. That’s not who I am, I’d never hurt you like that.” Shaking his head, he sighed quietly. Henrik was desperate for her to believe him, to forgive him not to peacify his own mind, but because it felt important that she knew she hadn’t deserved his words, that she didn’t deserve to be hurt. He took a step towards her -- but only one, he didn’t want to invade her space. “I understand if you can’t forgive me, but I really needed you to know that I’m so sorry.” 
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 4 years
He didn’t know how the hell it had happened. He’d been in heaven for months, pretty much losing any hope he’d had in the beginning that he would ever get out and go back home. At first, Dean thought it was all just a trick the angels were playing on him, giving him false hope just to keep him on his toes. And in a way… he didn’t care. Even if this was just a temporary trick, he was going to try and make the most of it while he could. He recognised Mystic Falls easily so, instead of hanging around and wasting time he was convinced he didn’t have, Dean made his way over to Astrid’s place. If there was anyone he wanted to see while he had the chance here, it was her. Her and the kid. When he got to her door, he let out a shaky breath, nervous to see her again and partially feeling selfish for doing this. Especially if he was going to be snatched away and taken back to heaven - which, he was fully convinced was the case even though it wasn’t. He knocked on the door after a moment, letting out a breath and shoving his hands into his pockets, bouncing slightly on his feet in his nerves. The door opened and he all but melted. It had been so long since he had seen her that it hit him in the chest and it took everything in him not to reach out and grab her so he could hold onto her again. “Hi…” the hunter said quietly, his voice catching in his throat. “I, um… I dunno how this happened, but…”
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It had been a trying few months, there was no denying it. No denying she’d fell into an isolated hole, at least when it came to herself. Of course, she had Alice now, she had to be okay for her, show her that the world could be wonderful and all those things she now considered bullshit. Astrid even thought about moving out of town, leaving the shelter to Sam and going somewhere new to start over -- but of course, she couldn’t turn her back on all her connections. They helped her keep some form of normality and sanity. Who knew heartbreak could hurt this much? Or maybe, it was just the last death in a very long line of those she loved that tore the last stitch in her heart. Naturally, trouble found her even when she tried to stay out of it, fresh horror stories that she was yet to tell anyone about. They didn’t need to know. She didn’t want to share. It was Adrians weekend to take Alice, she and Piper were basically the best of friends now. Her day had been quiet, as per. Phone on silent, music on and fresh from the bath about to binge some lame series when someone knocked at the door. She sighed, thought about ignoring it even as her feet padded that way. There probably wasn’t anything that could have prepared her for who she saw on the otherside, though. Any colour instantly draining from her face as she tensed up and leaned back. “No...” Not again, she thought -- she couldn’t do this again. The last time she saw him? It hadn’t been him at all, just some shapeshifter freak trying to toy with her heart and it had worked. This time around she could swear she saw softness in his eyes that she’d argue only he could have, but it couldn’t be. Could it? “You’re not him.” Her voice was barely over a whisper, heart pounding in her chest and a sting in her eyes that she was trying to force away. “What do you want?” Wow, it hurt to look at him, she’d have closed the door if she wasn’t silently mesmerised, all she had was memories, little videos -- seeing him ( or whatever this thing was ) in-front of her? You bet she felt frozen to her spot. 
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 4 years
She had been inside with Joshua, the two of them preparing lunch while Jett and Johanna played outside. However, what she hadn’t expected to see when the two of them took everything outside into the garden was her husband neck deep into a hole that definitely hadn’t been there earlier. “Uh oh,” Joshua muttered from beside her, quietly observing the scene before munching on his sandwich, comically looking between his parents to see what would happen next. With an affectionate roll of her eyes, Vic moved well out of the way, taking a seat with Joshua at the picnic bench a little further away in the garden from the hole and started laying out the lunch she had made. Her brow arched as she listened to their daughter list off the items they allegedly needed. “I think that sounds like it’ll definitely work.” It wouldn’t but she was happy to play along if it helped ease their daughter’s mind. No matter how extreme the method was. She reached for one of the sandwiches she had made, one without the crusts, and passed it to Joshua, who was still sitting quietly and just watching the scene like he was waiting for something to go wrong. “Heck yeah, I say we get rid of this thing once and for all,” Vic answered with enthusiasm. Really, she would just be glad for some sleep with being woken up by Johanna’s tantrums. “This monster’s not gonna know what hit it. Right, Johanna?” She paused. “And then you can both come and get some lunch after your successful monster hunting.”
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Jett climbed out the hole and stood up, clapping his hands together in an attempt to remove the stray dirt. It was only now he was out of the hole did he realise just how deep it was. Wow, he almost felt lucky Victoria hadn’t come out and buried him alive inside it. Fixing this wouldn’t be cheap, which wasn’t an issue -- the issue would be the time it took to straighten back up. “Oh, I have to read it? Why me?” Peering down at Johanna, he shook his head. “I think you should do it. You know what to do and I don’t... And you want this done right.” He argued, stealing glances between the two blondes and Joshua. “We all want this done properly, no messing it up.” Jett made a gesture for Vic and Josh to agree once he noticed Johanna seemed to be considering it. “You’re right, daddy - you would only mess it up.” She spoke, so seriously that Jett couldn’t help but raise an amused brow. “Right then...” Hands up in defence, he backed off. “Go ahead then, I’ll supervise... Then we can eat.” And thank god, he thought, he was starving. Taking a seat on the bench, he was careful not to sit too close and get dirt on Vic. “You hear that? I just got dragged by a ten-year-old.” He muttered, so Johanna didn’t hear as she prepped her items in the places she wanted them. “I tell ya, if this works, we’re all going to bed at 7pm and nobody is getting back up till at least 9.” Well, one could certainly hope -- but it seemed highly unlikely. “What’cha say, baby Jay? You think you could sleep in, in the morning? Just this once?” Jett asked, and though Josh didn’t reply, the mischief on his face told him all he needed to know, making him chuckle in response. “Daddy, hush! I’m ready.” Scolded again by his eldest, he buttoned it and nodded for her to begin. “Yeesh, she’s like a mini you when she snips like that.” He whispered to Vic teasingly. 
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 5 years
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 5 years
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 5 years
It had been a long and miserable emotionless road. The hex his mother placed on him reached a new low when his family tried to fix him. They should have known Esther would have another failsafe. Freya put him to sleep but as she broke the hex, it shattered the warlocks mind, trapping him inside fragments of all his worst memories. Four months went by, Freya worked tirelessly to fix what she broke and find the real version of Henrik in order to pull him out and wake him up whole and not a broken mind. Of course, she succeeded, but it took Henrik a week to fully get back to himself and feel a semblance of normality. He had a hell of a lot to apologise for and he’d been trying, with his family at least, who all insisted he had nothing to be sorry for. The warlock disagreed and when he found himself alone without a babysitter, he felt it. All of it. Everything he’d done and said to everyone he cared about. And that’s when his favourite tiny blonde came into his thoughts. The way her face twisted and verged on tears when he was being overly cruel. “Shit.” He mumbled, sighing quietly. “Hey, Nyx. So- I’m not sure how uh- how this works. I just pray, right? And you can hear me?” Scratching the back of his neck. “I have a lot of explaining to do. I just- I want you to know that what I said, I didn’t mean it. I was hexed and just- out of my damn mind. And I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Henrik pressed his dingers against his eyes and slouched. “Are you there? Please. I really want to make this right.” 
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 5 years
This certainly wasn’t how Jett pictured spending his day, knee-deep in muddy sludge, tearing up half the garden all in an attempt to appease Johanna. She’d absolutely insisted that there was a monster under the grass that crawled out on a night and knocked on her window. Just a typical childish nightmare, but one that was slowly progressing into sleepless nights and daily tantrums. Jett for one couldn’t take it anymore so his solution? Play along. He told Johanna he saw the monster and he knew how to get rid of him. Apparently pouring glitter on the grass wasn’t enough, Johanna made additions to the story he’d told her and of course, it involved digging up the garden. With nothing better to do and more than enough cash to get it redone, Jett gave in. He dug down and down until Johanna was satisfied it was close enough to where the monster slept and out she came, armed with a box full of things. “I know. I know. You don’t need to say it, I had a bad idea and she made it worse and for two people with the same brains we really do make a couple fuckin’ idiots.” Jett grumbled towards Victoria, flashing her an apologetic ‘sorry I’ve fucked the garden up’ smile before Johanna came closer. “Okay, what’s in the box?” Almost shoulder deep in this damn hole, he rested his elbows on the grass. “Magical fairy dust, feathers, um, lipstick...” Jett lifted a brow as she rooted through. “I thought we were trying to get rid of him not turn him into a drag monster?” He made the protest, but was silenced by his ten-year-old who held up a single digit as she continued looking through the box. “Holy water. Salt. The bible and a cross. But you only really need the salt and this,” she handed him a page. “Sprinkle the holy water as you read this and it will give his spirit peace.” She looked between her parents expectantly. “What? I googled it.” Johanna added. She hadn’t got it quite right but if she believed she had, Jett would go along with it. That aside, he was impressed with her research. “You’re so my kid.” He chuckled, jumping out of the hole and looking towards Vic. “What do you think, mom? Should we axe this garden monster and have a good night sleep tonight?”
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 5 years
“Good point. That definitely takes the pressure off a little bit,” she laughed, her lips curving into a smile as she felt herself relax just that little bit more as the minutes ticked by. “Well…” she started, glancing across at him and briefly looking back down at her hands as she mentally prepared herself for a confession she would have been reluctant to make less than an hour ago. “I’m a strong believer in giving credit where credit is due and…well, I’ve been on a couple of first dates and this is definitely taking the lead so far.” She paused to offer a shy smile when she looked up at him again, her shoulder lifting in a slight shrug. “You’ve been a pain in the ass trying to get me here but nobody’s ever put this much effort in before and I think that speaks volumes.” Letting out a soft laugh, Vic shook her head in denial. Cheering had never been a number one hobby for her. It was something to do to pass the time and put on college applications under the many extra curricular activities she took part in when that time came. “I wasn’t that good at it.” No matter how often people used to tell her she was good or that she should have been captain instead, she tried to play it down. Cheerleading wasn’t for her. At all. “Well, it’s like you said…if conversations weren’t about fashion or makeup, it was practically Chinese. It got to a point where my Chinese was too high a level for them to understand and I guess I didn’t really fit in. Not my thing at all.” At his own admission, Vic’s brows rose and she pulled a face. “Yikes.” Now that was a surprise to her. She had seen him in passing during soccer practice and he seemed pretty good. It was always just an assumption on her part that he actually enjoyed it and wanted to be on the team. Rather than dwelling on the negative side of what he had said, Vic tried instead to turn it into something positive, using it as a chance to learn more about him while he was being so open with her. “So what is it that you want for yourself? If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be?” His next words took her off guard and the way he looked at her with nothing but admiration on his face both scared her and made her heart skip a beat at the same time. It was a feeling similar to what she had felt at that party when they had talked for hours. A feeling that maybe Jett wasn’t so bad after all. That maybe she actually liked him a little more than she was letting on. And it was scary. Falling for Jett Lockwood had never been part of her plan. “Everybody needs someone they can be real with otherwise they’d explode. I’m glad I can be that person for you.” She paused to draw in a slightly shaky breath. “I like the real you.”
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“Yeah? Okay. Good. That’s... Good.” He grinned, a little like a Cheshire cat or a child who’d just been handed a big bag of sweets. At least he now knew they were off to a good start, he’d been worried that maybe she was only here to get him off her back. So hearing her say that actually gave him some hope that he stood a chance with her. Truthfully he could completely understand her reluctance, he didn’t have the best of reputations, some may even say he had one of the worst. Fighting, drinking, being a typical lad, he was a bit of a wild one, he knew, but underneath it, he was a good guy and he wanted her to see that. “I like the fact you didn’t feel like you had to pretend to fit in. You’re too smart to act like another airhead.” He’d always known it, even from being kids, Victoria was a smart girl. “Good yikes?” Jett wondered, curling the edges of his lips upwards. It wasn’t that he hated soccer, he just didn’t care much for it in the sense of perusing a career. His mother alone wouldn’t allow it, to be honest, she wanted him to apply his brain to much bigger things. “Oh, loaded question there, Vicky... Let’s see,” he paused in thought. “Something... Challenging. I’m really into archaeology and actually, science, too. The idea of discovering something new.” Jett rubbed at the back of his head and chuckled, a little unnerved by his own confession. “I mean, on the flip side, I hacked into the FBI database when I was thirteen because I wanted to see if I could find out if aliens were real. True story, honestly. So, technology could be the way to go for me. I don’t know, I haven’t decided but I’m not as dumb as I make out, I have options.” Bowing his head down, he felt like a bit of a dork, but he didn’t really mind if she knew. He wanted her to know, actually. Who he really was, what he enjoyed. Jett chose not to comment on the fact she liked him, he just looked up and gave her a smile that said thank you. “How about you, huh? What do you want for yourself? English lit? Next Shakespeare or Agatha Christie?” It was a question based on some observations he’d made, she always had a book of some sort with her. Besides, those few hours he spent with her, it became obvious she loved to read.
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 5 years
As soon as she was upstairs, Vic headed into Johanna’s room in time to catch the girl jumping into bed and snuggling down under the covers, book already picked out and left on the bedside table for her mother to read. Smiling, Vic picked up the book and perched on the edge of the bed, settling against the headboard and smiling as their daughter cuddled up beside her ready to read the book with her. Despite her earlier comment to Jett about reading the story quickly, Vic made sure to take her time, even going as far as giving the characters different voices and acting out certain pages while she revelled in the sleepy laughter that came from Johanna. She could never rush something like this. Not when she cherished every moment she got with her daughter - even more so when she reminded herself just how lucky she was to have ended up with this life, and how idiotic she had been to ever go ahead with giving Johanna away. No, she took her time with the story and by the time it was over, Johanna was fighting to keep her eyes open. Smiling affectionately, Vic stood up and leaned over the girl to tuck her in, kissing her forehead softly and once more afterwards for Jett. After saying goodnight and switching on the little girl’s nightlight, Vic ducked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her before poking her head into Joshua’s room to make sure he was still asleep. With a smile still on her face, Vic began to head downstairs, stopping in her tracks when she noticed the rose petals scattered in a trail that she didn’t hesitate to follow. As she stepped into the living room, her eyes finally rose to look at Jett, laughter bursting out of her instantaneously at the sight of him with a rose between his teeth. Her hand quickly clapped over her mouth to muffle her laugh and she shook her head, eyes shining with amusement. “Wow…” she chuckled, biting her lip. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted you more,” she teased, stepping forward but coming to a halt when she finally noticed the candles and the rest of the petals leading to the sofa. Not for the first time since she had known Jett, he has surprised her into speechlessness and her expression softened as it became less teasing. It was things like this that made her question what exactly she had done to deserve him. In her eyes, she certainly didn’t. She really was the luckiest girl in the world to still have him in her life and to be able to share the rest of it with him by her side. His voice snapped her attention back to him and she smiled softly at him as she stepped forward, reaching behind her back to unzip her dress and let it fall to the floor before lowering herself onto the sofa beside him. Her head lifted to press a gentle kiss to his lips and she reached out to rest her hand on his chest as she moved back slightly, pressing her forehead against his as she moved to nudge his nose with hers. “I love you more than anything, do you know that?”
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His already present grin split even further to the point his eyes squeezed and displayed the slight crinkles around the edges. He chuckled, putting the rose aside without letting his eyes leave her silhouette for a second. “Back at ya, baby.” Jett knew she was obviously teasing but his tone let her know that he wasn’t. She was still as beautiful as ever, it was difficult to keep his hands off her even now and he imagined, just as difficult in all the years to come. A quiet groan threatened to bubble up his throat and make an audible sound when she took her dress off, but he just smiled wistfully and lifted an arm, ready to wrap around her once she laid down. Jett enjoyed the closeness and used his arm to snake around her, pulling her just that little bit more into him before relenting into giving her back gentle strokes of his fingertips. “I know, but I don’t tire of hearing it.” He smirked, eyes closed as he captured her lips much like she had just done to him. “I love you too. I mean,” pausing, he dipped his head down to the crook of her neck, planting a soft kiss against her skin. “You still knock me off my feet and make my dick hard so, count for something, right?” His face upturned into a mischievous smirk as a laugh rumbled through his chest. He imagined she thought he was going to say something romantic, which was why he was so amused. “Sorry, sorry.” Jett chuckled, lifting his head back up, he took his hand from her back and gripped her jaw, gently so, crushing his lips against hers in a kiss much more heated than the previous two, like he was attempting to steal her breath away. He parted only to breathe and skim his fingers down the valley of her breasts and around to her ass, which he squeezed as he smiled against her lips. “I love you more than anything, too. Sometimes it still scares me,” he admitted, looking her in the eyes. The idea of not having her at his side almost crippled his heart, he wouldn’t know how to function anymore, truthfully.  “I just mean, I couldn’t be without you, so when we’re old and grey and a little bit nuts, in our old people rocking chairs watching our grandkids play outside, you should know... I’m still going to love you as much as I do now. And, I’ll absolutely still be trying to cop a feel or two.”
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
Her hand moved from his hair to rest on his shoulder when she was pulled forward, her body now pressed flush against his. A quiet laugh passed her lips and she shifted her hands, her thumbs moving softly against the skin on his jaw. “I’m going to pretend to believe that,” she teased. She quickly pecked his lips back, her smile widening into a mischievous grin at his words. “Who would’ve thought that falling in love with me would turn Jett Lockwood into such a sap?” Vic joked, her eyes softening when she noticed how he was looking at her. Looks like that always made her melt. Always made her felt like the most loved, most cherished person in the world. She was so unbelievably lucky to have this life with him, to have married him and ended up expanding their family more even in spite of the bumps in the road that led them here. “I love you, too,” she answered him, voice soft. Another chuckle came from her when she felt his hand on her ass and even though she was cut off before she got the chance to speak, Vic eagerly returned his kiss.
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It was the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs as Johanna ran from the bathroom to her bedroom that reminded Vic not to get too carried away. As wonderful as it was being parents to two young children, it was sometimes easy to forget that something as simple as kissing her husband in the middle of the kitchen wasn’t entirely appropriate. She kissed him for a few seconds longer before she could tear herself away, her arms wrapping around him as she moved to tuck her face into the crook of his neck, trailing gentle, open-mouthed kisses against his skin. “Why don’t I go up and put her to bed…?” she murmured between kisses. “And when I come back, you can love me as much as you want.” After placing one more kiss against the underside of his jaw, Vic moved back, pecking his lips again and letting go of him to step towards the stairs. “Just watch, I bet this’ll be the quickest anyone’s ever read a bedtime story.” 
“You should. It’s true.” Jett curled the side of his lips upwards. It never mattered how hard he tried, back then, even now, she always seemed to brush off comments like that. Like she was either being nonchalant about it or genuinely didn’t believe him. Alas, it was actually true, she was the only girl he ever chased, like something inside his brain just clicked one day and he knew. He just knew this was the girl he wanted to share his life with. “Mm, maybe if I knew that, I’d have walked the other way and never chased ya down.” He teased, pouting his lips in a teasing manner as he still held her close. It was moments like these that still made his heart jump. That spark he felt for her in the beginning still flickering around sending shockwaves into his brain. Jett considered himself the luckiest guy around, unable to picture a life without this woman in it, like she was the other half of his whole human. Tearing his lips from hers, he grinned and closed his eyes into the kisses she dotted around his neck. If it wasn’t for the fact Johanna was still shuffling around upstairs, he’d have advanced on her teasing motion. “Give her a kiss from me.” He smiled, still eager to cram in every gentle peck she offered him until she was the one who pulled away. Tucking his hands into his pockets he turned to her with a grin as she headed up the stairs, replying only by a cheeky wink as he watched her disappear. Whilst she was gone, Jett quickly buzzed around in order to perfect the random yet, slightly romantic idea that popped into his head. He’d quickly tidied around and then from the many roses that resided on the windowsills, he plucked various amounts of petals from them. Scattering them on the stairs and in a trail to their family sized sofa, he had also dotted various candles around them. Shutting the curtains he removed his top. Already being barefoot, he removed his jeans too as he grabbed a rose and laid down on the sofa. Keeping a keen ear open, he made sure it was his wifes footsteps coming down and not one of the kids and he then placed the stalk of the rose between his teeth, tucked an arm behind his head to prop himself up and finally caught her gaze. The devilish yet ultimately childish grin shone through and he couldn’t hold back his laughter as he tossed the rose onto the table. It was funny, really - on the one hand, he was forever trying to seduce her and on the other, if she walked over here and just wanted to lay with him? That would satisfy him just as much. Just being close to her was enough. So yeah, who knew falling in love with her would turn him into such a sap, but... Who knew he would ever find someone capable of soothing both his mind and his soul? C’mere.” With a gentle tone and a pair of lazy yet, lustful eyes, he moved around so she could lay in her usual spot with him. 
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
As soon as Jett agreed, Vic turned to Johanna and held up her hand for a high five which Johanna returned with a happy laugh. “Thanks, Mommy,” the little girl said excitedly, wrapping her arms around her mother in a near bone-crushing hug. Vic shot Jett a knowing look over the top of Johanna’s head before their daughter moved back. “Well, you boys can stick together with you bad dance moves and we’ll stay here with out amazing dance moves,” Vic countered playfully, kissing the side of Johanna’s head before stepping aside to let Jett get to her. She rolled her eyes though there was still a fond smile on her face. “Yeah, it took me years to actually wear my hair down around you again.” She leaned back, arms folded as her eyes followed Johanna when their daughter ran upstairs to get ready for bed. Her arms moved instinctively to wrap around Jett’s shoulders as he pulled her closer to him and she pursed her lips like she was in deep thought. “The good kind. Mostly,” she answered, lifting one hand to run her fingers through his hair affectionately. “You were the kind of trouble that I couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with.” 
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With the feel of her arms around him and his hands pulling her close, his entire body reacted to that simple motion. It relaxed, as did his features, somehow, just having her close, being able to hold her - it soothed a part of his soul only she was capable of soothing. “Mostly? Mm, sounds a little fake.” He teased, leaning his head into the gentle fingers that ran through his hair. “And you,” he gave a quick jolt behind her back to entirely close the gap between them. “Were and still are, the only girl who ever caught my attention.” Jett hummed, lowering his head to give her a little peck on the lips, his smirk now obvious. “Beautiful inside and out - how could I not fall in love with you?” He leaned back with such a solemn expression that he had to just stay quiet and study her face. Of course, he knew every single inch of her, but it would never ever stop him admiring her as though he was seeing her for the first time. It was little quiet moments like these that he loved the most. The ones where he could just hold her and know that he was obviously the luckiest man on earth. “I love you.” Lifting his hands up he curled his hands at the sides of her neck and gently tugged her towards him, kissing her with a gentleness only two people in love could share. “She’ll be out like a light soon,” he mumbled against her lips, dropping his hands to her ass and giving it a squeeze. “Then I can love you some more...” Without giving her a chance to respond, he had kissed her again, the grin on his lips surely obvious as they danced against hers.
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
 victoriadcnovan :
Her brows rose at his comment but she quickly let up when he backtracked. It wasn’t that comments like that bothered her but given that he had been so determined to show her that wasn’t all he was about, it surprised her that he said it. Still, she couldn’t expect him to change the way he was just because she was giving him a hard time. “You should,” she agreed, this time actually letting herself check him out. God, she was glad he was looking down at the menu otherwise she would never live that down. Her attention was torn away from the menu and she listened intently while he gave her his answer. He had a point. He didn’t really strike her as the type of person who had many genuine friends. The people he surrounded himself with were popular and well-liked by people around school but she saw through it all. She may be quiet and enjoyed reading books whenever she got a break at school, but she observed and knew what kind of people he was friends with. They didn’t care. They just wanted to get drunk and have a good time. His words made her think back to the party they had both been at, the one that started this whole thing off after they had talked for hours about…well, about everything. Of course, they both had a few drinks in them but Vic had enjoyed it. For a moment that night, she had actually liked him. At least until she saw him at school and listened to the girls in her class fawn over him and she was reminded who Jett was. Maybe she would confess that to him. Depending on how well the date went, of course. When he confessed that she made him nervous, her expression shifted into one of confusion. She made him nervous? That had to be bullshit. There was no way someone like Jett could be nervous around someone like her. But….then again, he had been  What she couldn’t put her finger on was….why now? They had known each other their whole lives and he was just showing this kind of interest in her now? She hesitated for a moment, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her mouth before she finally nodded. “Good enough answer.” Her eyes flickered down to the menu and she hummed in agreement. “Steak does sound good,” Vic mused. In all honesty, she had never been in a date in a restaurant before. She’d been on a couple of dates before and they were just at the Grill. Nothing fancy like this date was. She didn’t have a clue where to start. “I think I might have the same but with those little baby potatoes instead of chips.” With that, she put the menu down and looked across the table at him. “I’m not gonna lie, there’s a little bit of pressure on me now that I know I’m your first date,” she joked with a small laugh. She paused, trying to think of something to say that they hadn’t already covered at the party. “Alright, speaking of cheerleaders…did you know I was actually on the squad for a couple of months when I first started school?”
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Keeping his ‘cool’ was usually so easy for him. SO easy. In any situation, whether it was pressure from a parent, stress from a teacher, attention from a girl - he had his shit handled. It was as frightening as it was thrilling and intriguing to know that she was capable of making his confident personality stutter. Having known her all his life, it was a wonder to him how he’d never actually saw her before. Like really, really just... saw her. “Baby potato chips,” he chuckled, flagging the waiter to order their food, he soon turned his attention back towards her. “Nah man, no pressure. Actually, you being my first date kinda means I can’t compare notes with any others and so, even if you reject me it would still be my best date, you know?” Jett grinned boyishly, his comment hoping to both lighten the mood and actually take the pressure away from her. This could go in any direction. He had high hopes of her wanting a second date but he hadn’t yet fooled himself into thinking she would give that chance to him. “Yeah, I mean- actually, I do. I remember you sparing with the captain and being way better,” he laughed. He meant the current captain, along with her being a stupid bimbo who had slept with most of the school, she couldn’t cheer for shit. “Why did you drop?” He asked curiously, only because she had a lot of potentials, though he was thinking maybe it was because the sport, along with the team of girls just wasn’t her style. “I never signed up for the soccer team. I had to. It was a case of taking on an extracurricular activity or take a suspension for truancy.” He admitted, giving a half smile. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s alright, but-” he paused, just to frown at himself. Every one of his friends, his team, even his family - they all thought he loved it,, that he would pursue a career involving sports, but he didn’t want that. “I look the part, Vicky, but that shit ain’t for me. It’s not what I want for myself.” Sniffing in a nasal breath, he shuffled to sit up straight, a smile on his face as he finally looked back up at her. “What is it about you?” Pausing, just to admire with an open-mouthed smile, he finally chuckled and shook his head. “I feel like I can be real with you about.. real things and you’d actually understand or at least try to...” Giving a small nod, he swallowed the small lump in his throat and sat back.
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throwback thread 1/?
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
victoriadcnovan :
“Yes, when we were kids and you used to be fun to play with.” It was true that they had drifted apart since it was no longer an obligation to tag along with their parents whenever they visited each other. They were older now so family get togethers were becoming more optional which meant that Vic saw a lot less of Jett these days. As much as she wanted to keep challenging him and throwing mildly sarcastic comments his way, Vic knew she should probably go easy on him. Especially when he confessed he had never been on a date before. Though, that didn’t really surprise her much given the reputation he had built for himself. Maybe she could go a little easy on him. The fact that his first date ever was with her said something but she still didn’t want to get too into this. Taking the menu that was passed to her, Vic shot him an amused look before she opened it and skimmed over the choices. “Your first real date? You really are making an effort, then,” she commented, trying to sound like she was teasing him but she sounded genuinely surprised instead. Why the hell did he want to go on his first date with her? What was so special about her? “It’s a very nice suit. You look good.” And he really did. In fact, it was taking everything she had to stop herself from glancing up from the menu every couple of minutes to check him out. Which was probably the most surprising part of all this. Sure, she knew Jett was good-looking but she had never actually wanted to fully check him out before. “So how come I’m the first person you’ve been on a date with?”
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“I can still be fun to play with.” Jett countered, the smile on his face twisting into a look of confusion. “Wait- I didn’t- That didn’t come out right.” And there it was, the moment he realized he was in-fact, nervous. Usually making cheeky comments didn’t bother him, but he didn’t want her to think that he was only interested in one thing. At first, the idea of taking her on a date wasn’t a big deal but the more she denied him, the more respect he had for her. Like, she knew what she wanted and a guy like him wasn’t it, smart girl. Jett knew though that underneath how he appeared to everyone was a pretty decent guy. “I think you’re worth making an effort for,” he shrugged his shoulders, the comment just coming out in a casual manner. “Yeah, I might wear shirts more often,” he looked down at it and gave a small nod. His eyes scanned the menu, only lifting up when she put the question to him. The answer was as simple as it was complicated, which made no sense in itself. “Because you’re special, and beautiful.” Jett smiled at her, feeling he should maybe say a little more just so she didn’t think he was trying to charm her. Which he was of course, but it wasn’t just that. “There’s a big circle of people around me but most of them aren’t friends, not really. Friends talk. About life, about their hobbies, their family, things that matter. There’s only a couple I can do that with, the rest only care about who’s throwing the next party- which is fine and all, but it’s nice to connect with someone on a personal level sometimes. Have you tried talking to those cheerleaders? If the conversation doesn’t include fashion or make-up you might as well be speaking Chinese. It’s actually really frustrating.” Jett smirked towards her, feeling like maybe she wouldn’t believe him. He was, after all, one of ‘those’ boys, the one your parents would always want you to stay away from. “I think you’re smart, kind, if not a bit of a mystery, you make me little nervous actually, which is a new feeling in any situation, don’t mock it. You excite me, Victoria, I want to get to know that girl who hides behind her books because I think that girl.... Well, that girl and I could be somthin’ really epic. You’re the first person I’ve wanted to take on a date, that’s why I’ve never been on one. Good enough answer?” Chuckling quietly, he put the menu back. “Steak and chips, always a winner.”
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throwback thread 1/?
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
She couldn’t help but laugh loudly at his silly dance moves, laughing even more at the mortified look on Johanna’s face. She listened to the deal Jett made, reaching out cautiously so her hand was hovering near Johanna ready to catch her in case she fell from where she was standing on the chair. “Alright, how about this instead…?” Victoria started, ready to compromise between the two of them to stave off any tantrums Johanna might have if Jett kept arguing against boys. “Why don’t I ask Lewis’ mom if he can come round for dinner one night next week? And that way your dad can see how nice he is,” she suggested, looking between Jett and Johanna as she talked. Johanna folded her arms and let out a quiet ‘hmph’ while she thought about it before nodding. “And if it all goes wrong, I’ll dance with your dad so I’ll be the one who gets embarrassed, how about that?” Vic said with a grin, standing up and kissing Johanna’s cheek. Her grin turned more mischievous when Johanna spilled what Vic had told her and she gasped quietly, holding her hand over her heart in pretend shock. “I would never,” she said, glancing at their daughter and winking. “You know, when your dad and I were your age, we used to play at each other’s houses all the time. There was one time your dad put a spider in my hair because he thought it would be funny to watch me freak out.” She turned to smile at Jett. “All boys are trouble. But some of them are the good kind of trouble. Aren’t they, Jett?”
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“What? No,” Jett scoffed, the word ‘no’ coming out at exactly the same moment that Johanna screeched ‘yes’. A defeated sigh escaped his lips and when he turned his gaze back to Johanna and saw her pout, his face scrunched up. How could he ever say no to that face? “You know what, fine, but when it goes wrong, I’m going to show up in a dress at your school and do ballet.” Jett winked, forever the joker. “You know, you two always gang up on me, I can dance - Joshua will tell you so too. Boy has style.” A solid nod of his head saw to it that he wouldn’t be told he danced like a dad. “Well in all fairness, it was absolutely hilarious, she screamed like a banshee,” Jett recalled, snorting out a laugh and just smiling towards his girls. “Some of them are.” Rolling his eyes in amusement, he tapped the table. “Alright, piglet, you need to go get ready for bed.” Kissing her forehead, he picked her up off the chair and placed her down, watching her skip off up the stairs. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth,” he called after her before turning to face Victoria. With a soft sigh, he sat on the edge of the table and tugged her into his hold. “So,” Jett wrapped his arms around her waist. “What kind of trouble was I? The good kind, or the bad kind?”
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thread 1/?
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
victoriadcnovan :
Even though she had only agreed to this date to get Jett to leave her alone, Vic still figured she should probably make an effort. It took her hours to get ready, choosing to wear a black dress with slightly curled hair. Why? She had no idea. It wasn’t like she was going to let this thing go any further than one date. She knew what Jett was like and she really didn’t want to let herself get too involved with someone like him. He was better off being the annoying Lockwood kid who she had to spend time with because of their dads being friends. Still, if she was going on this date, she might as well at least try to have a good time. It would only be a few hours after all. They had agreed to meet at the restaurant, which was probably smart given the fact that her dad would probably wring Jett’s neck if he found out about this), so Vic made her way there and approached him as soon as she spotted him outside. She gave a small smile as he looked her over and began to compliment her. “Thanks,” Vic answered quietly, taking a moment to look him over too. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Her smiled turned more amused and she shook her head. Sure, she had made it pretty clear that she didn’t want to date him but she wasn’t so much of an asshole that she would just stand him up completely. “Thought about it but then I realised you definitely wouldn’t leave me alone after that. In fact, I think it might make you worse,” she joked.
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“You know I do remember a time when you used to want to be around me,” he sighed dramatically, referring back to when they were children. They’d grew apart when they got a little older, it was only fair to say neither of them really knew each other anymore. Well, Victoria knew a lot about him given his antics, but she didn’t know him, the guy behind all that - the one who actually, was pretty decent. “If you want me to leave you alone by the end of tonight, I will.” Jett smiled at her, just to show that he would back off. The pressure was on though, she was stubborn, to say the least. “Shall we?” Opening up the door for her, it was as much a gentleman move as it was to take a cheeky glance at her ass.  Once seated and settled, he caught himself just watching her, studying her face as if he hadn’t seen it so many times before. She was angelic, it was no wonder she probably thought she could do better. “Wanna know a secret?” Breaking his gaze, he sat up straight. “I’ve never been on a real date before.” Chuckling, he slid a menu towards her. “And I had to go buy this suit today because I wanted to impress you, but I’ll put my cards on the table here and tell you straight, Caroline picked it out for me.” 
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throwback thread 1/?
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
throwback thread 1/?
Jett paced up and down the sidewalk. Was he nervous? No way, he didn’t get nervous. Did he? He’d never been on a real date before, it was always just... Hookups, for want of a better phrase. He’d pursued Victoria for a while now, always getting shot down in flames which begged the question, why couldn’t he let it go? There was no shortage of girls who wanted to be around him, but there was something about her. Something that made him feel giddy that she’d finally agreed to let him take her out. Given his reputation, he thought it best to meet her at the restaurant so he didn’t have to run into her dad whilst picking her up. When she came into his sight, he stilled, his eyes running up and down her figure. “You look-” he paused, a slightly nervous laugh coming from his lips. “I wasn’t sure if you were gonna stand me up.” @victoriadcnovan
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wcnderlandmuses ¡ 6 years
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@victoriadcnovan ft. Johanna & Joshua
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