wclfwest · 5 years
“oh, umm – “ she covered her mouth for a second, trying to eat fast but not make herself sick. “i’m not the biggest fan of the forced socialization but no one can deny how generous it is they provide all this food, for free. but i’m patrol so i can’t stay long –” 
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“Agreed,” cause really, what else was there to say? As pointless as he believed this whole mixer to be, now wasn’t exactly the time to be voicing that opinion. With his fellow council members lining the wall, there was little for him to do but nod and agree with the rest of them. Here and now wasn’t the time to start up an argument over just how much of a farce this whole thing was. Turning his lips up into what could clearly be viewed as something forced, Wolf lifted his glass back to his lips. “Super generous,” He murmured, his lack of enthusiasm and general disinterest clear from his tone. “They make you go back out after these things?”  
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wclfwest · 5 years
Hilde was tired.
Because of her particular responsibilities, everything about this party was a contradiction for her. She often was a part of the hunting party, given her abilities, and was expected too to follow the protocols of patrols.
So she was tired, and beyond that, she was forced to remain vigilant in everything she did. Her eyes were heavily lidded, her clothes were dark and about as festive as a funeral, and she was mostly keeping to herself; away from the snacks, away from the council members who had less physical responsibility and more time to enjoy themselves, and generally just insular in her own right.
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… it didn’t always help, though, and as someone meandered up beside her – whether to talk to her or just get something nearby her person, who knows – she let out a slow, breathy sigh and offered, “I hope you’re enjoying yourself, at least.”
No, no, he wasn’t. It was a shame. Effort had been placed to get this mixer going, specifically from those like her team to provide for this shindig and yet, there wasn’t much he was enjoying about it. The free booze was nice, but he found it difficult to stomach the food provided, and there was little to be desired in terms of company. If he could be honest, this, every single minute of it was pointless. Waste of food. Waste of alcohol. Waste of supplies.
 The little information the council received from this farce wasn’t worth the stress it placed on everyone nor was it worth the wasted supplies and resources they committed to it every month. The information they wanted could have easily been obtained through a twisted arm, and a threat of expulsion. A faux mixer wasn’t necessary, and it pissed him off to no end that the other’s continuously wasted a day every single month to commit to this bullshit. Heaving a sigh as he picked at the plate he’d reluctantly accepted, at her words he simply shrugged. “Yeah, sure.” He murmured, his words lacking any sense of conviction. “Having a blast. You?”
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wclfwest · 5 years
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(TOM HARDY / 40 / HE/HIM) – ( wolfgang west ) has been spotted in the castle. they said to originally be from ( brooklyn. new york ) and is often seen to be ( aggressive ) but seemingly ( ambitious ). After being in Wolfenstein for ( four years ), they’ve come to ( quietly rebel against ) the council in their own way. They work as ( commander of sector three ) and are known around these parts as ( the miscreant ). better watch your back with that one around. 
A LIST OF (AT LEAST) 6 AESTHETICS FOR THIS CHARACTER: twin desert eagles, bloody knuckles, heavyweights, broken whiskey bottles, handcuffs, mommy issues.  
Sup? Names Ryan and this is my boy Wolfgang or Wolf as he prefers to be called. I’ve had him for a couple years now and he’s one of my favorite characters so I’m super hype to be able to bring him here. Personality-wise, as you can probably guess from the headcanon’s I’ll be posting below, he’s a bit of a dick. He has no qualms about killing those that may get in his way so I don’t expect him to be liked by everyone. I don’t expect him to be liked, period. While I usually play him as the big man in charge, for this one, I’ve changed it up a bit. He’s not currently the big man up top but he’s looking to be which means despite being part of the council, he’s looking to overthrow it and get the ‘ole general out. He likes Wolfenstein but he thinks it could improve drastically, under his care of course. That said, the main thing I’ll be working on with him will be finding like-minded people who share his views and just have him work behind the scenes to reach his goals. 
Lovers? He’s straight and if your character is up to get dicked down by the wolf then he’s not saying no but’s honestly, not huge on love interests unless there’s chemistry involved and even then it’s all just eh to me. Friends? He’s been at the compound for over four years so I’m sure he’s known. If you want to plot a friendship between my boy and your character then I’m up for it, just remember that he’s an asshole. Enemies? Sure, he’ll have a lot of those. In time, I do want someone to discover his former mob connections and his discharge and attempt to use it against him but that’s in time. After all that, open to anything and everything. 
TW: abuse, gore, violence 
+ Integrity. It was a thing every soldier was supposed to have, an unwritten code they were all expected to follow. Soldiers were supposed to have integrity but when it came down to it, integrity didn’t pay the bills. When he’d first signed up, he’d gone into it with nothing but good intentions. He would proudly serve. He would bring honor to the job and serve it with the dignity it deserved. He would show everyone just how much he deserved the insignia he had pinned to his chest. He had planned to hold onto those values. He had planned on doing right but then life happens. The woman you care for gets tired of waiting around so she leaves you. The bills stack up while you’re on tour and once the tour ends you’re assed out cause while everyone says they want to help, there’s no one actually doing it. When it came down to it, Wolf had a choice. He could continue severing a country that didn’t give a damn about him when he wasn’t wearing their uniform or he could serve himself. Wolf chose to serve himself.
Finding willing clients the minute he went looking, it wasn’t hard to get his team roped into his act as they too were sick and tired of being paid pennies. Working their side hussle for a couple years, the jobs ranged from extortion, gun running, and even drug trafficking. If the client was willing to pay, Wolf was willing to do it. Nothing was ever too taboo. So into the money was he that if the offer was too good to pass up, even purposely botching a government-sanctioned mission was something the man was willing to do. In the end, it was his greed that got caught. While he himself would blame it on working too many missions back to back, the truth was you could fuck up but so many times before people started paying attention. He’d forgotten just how hard it was to get to where he’d been. A SEAL screwing up a mission? Unprecedented. A SEAL botching multiple missions?  Either the man in charge was wildly incompetent or something was up and since a man in the SEAL’s wouldn’t be wildly incompetent, the powers that be deemed something to be up. Having been watching Wolf for up to a year, it was when the latest mission went up in smokes and earned not only the man himself a bullet in the stomach but his teammate’s various wounds as well that they decided to step in.
Waking up in a hospital surrounded by his superiors, Wolf was given two options. He could accept a dishonorable discharge, spend five years behind bars and allow them to sweep all of his bad deeds under the rug or they could go along with their year-long investigation into his dirty deeds, they could air all of his dirty laundry to the press and while they themselves would get dragged through the mud so would he, so would his family, so would his friends and so would their families and in due time not only would he wind up in jail but so would his team as well. Seeing no other way out of it, Wolf decided to get hauled off to jail. Why drag everyone else down when it could just be him?
+ The mob was easy enough to fall into. He had the skills necessary, and he was willing. After jail, the majority of his assets had been seized. Left with nothing and no way to rebuild, the money they offered him was more than welcome.  At first, it had started with extortion. Knock a few people on their ass, collect your money owed. Easy work and an easy way to build up trust. As time went on he went from simple beat ‘em up jobs, to the real pay. Turns out being a killer for hire wasn’t much different from being a soldier. You get your orders, you shoot who you need to shoot and then you get the hell out of dodge and leave your mess for others to clean up. For Wolf, it was simple. Kill and get paid. Don’t kill and don’t get paid. Needing to make a living for himself, he wasn’t about to not be paid. In time, having proved himself to be a loyal enough man, he went from being an occasion associate of the mob to being hired full time. Taken on as the personal bodyguard to one of the big boys, work for Wolf became a hell of a lot easier and a lot more lucrative.
Following the family around and basically acting as a glorified babysitter, it was while on a so-called ‘family’ vacation with his charge that the world ended. Zombies became a thing, his charge had his neck ripped out in front of him, and the family he was supposed to be protecting? They wound up having their innards torn out. With no one left to protect and no reason to stick around, Wolf got the hell out of dodge. Having read enough comics back in his youth to put two and two together, knowing he had a better chance of surviving if he stayed out of civilized places, Wolf used the skills he’d learned while serving to survive out in the wilderness. Keeping himself away from civilized places, it was pure luck that Wolf came upon Wolfstein. Though the castle was hard to miss, he had believed it to be abandoned and as such, he’d avoided it. It wasn’t till times had grown particularly hard that he thought to give it a chance and upon doing so, he then found his new home.  
+ Momma’s boy. You’d expect a guy like Wolf to have a tough life. You take a look at the guy and you’d expect the hard-ass father or absent father story. You’d glance at him and expect the dead mommy cliche or the druggie mom background. Whether he likes it or not, he’s got the face of a guy that’s had it hard. The type of face you’d see and automatically know you couldn’t push some sob story onto cause they’ve already seen it and lived it. To some extent, people’s assumptions of Wolf aren’t wrong. He did have a hard life. While his father was around, the man did have a habit of knocking his son around. It was expected. People don’t willingly sign up for an elite military program at the age of eighteen unless they’re running from something. Mr. West? He was certainly worth running away from. However, it wasn’t all bad. After every hit, after every bruise or black eye came a soothing hand to make it all better. Every time his father knocked him down, there was always someone there to pick him back up,
She was his world. She’s his only regret. When the deal came there was no chance to say goodbye, He’d been away from home and they weren’t going to take him back to say his goodbyes. He got some cuffs, and then he was placed behind bars. From there it was shame that kept her from visiting. He needn’t assume that it was that, she’d told him so herself. Gracing him with but one phone call during the five years he was locked behind bars, it was in that call that she aired all of her grievances. Perhaps she’d known her time was drawing near and she hadn’t wanted to leave the world without having said her piece but his mother had made sure to let her child no just how she felt before she’d taken her last breath. Losing her while locked up, he couldn’t even attend the funeral. When he got out and attempted to pay his respect what remained of his family snubbed him and refused to tell him her location. His mother had left the world ashamed of him, and hating him. It’s that thought that haunts him. He can never make it right. He can never fix that wrong.
+ Living in a broken world there’s a lot of things people crave. Good food, shelter, good sex, maybe some booze but above all it’s companionship. Wolf wanted a friend. A true friend. A true companion and it was by pure chance that he found it in Surge. Finding the Dogo Argentino was in his eyes pure luck. Blessing’s from God weren’t a thing in his book. No god would allow the world to turn to such shit and no god in their right mind would do him a solid so finding Surge? Luck. Sooner or later he was just bound to have his coin land on heads and finding Surge just happened to be that moment. If there’s anything in this world the former SEAL has come to love, whose life holds just as much value to him as his own it’s Surge. The dog eats before him, he gets pampered first, and if there’s ever a situation where his pup’s life was in danger, Wolf wouldn’t hesitate to jump in front just to save that dog’s life. The apocalypse is hard. It’s easy enough to survive once you get the hang of it but Wolf wasn’t truly living too he met his dog.
+ Everyone has something that defines them. Everyone has something or another other’s use to identify them with and for Wolf, it’s his classic desert eagles. They were his weapon of choice before the apocalypse and even now when most are using the same firearms as a way to make things easier, he continues to use his pair of eagles. They’re a comfort to him. The hefty weight in his hand. The general feel. He couldn’t see himself using anything else. He’d prefer to never have to use anything else and as long as he continues to secure his own ammunition for the gun, he sees no other reason to stop using what’s most comfortable for himself.
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wclfwest · 5 years
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