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“Another Saturday Night” by Sam Cooke
StarDate 16201903 and I am being engulfed by a waves of “whatever” and “whocares”.This not the first time dealing with these two and most likely won’t be the last. I dofind that the timing of their arrival a bit disturbing but nonetheless “their here!” and have to be dealt with accordingly.
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So due to my unearthly ability to absorb other peoples misery as if it was my own, I end up with a monsterous sinus cold and miss the last class session. The one in which the class showcases various designs for the Myriad recruitment flyer. Did/Do I have a flyer? Yes, in fact I do and a decent one at that. Was I able to showcase it? No. But I’ll show it anyways.
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So it begins...
I overlooked a date for an assignment, now I’ve got to break my workflow in order to take care of it. Only problem is I can’t find my glasses. I’ve looked almost everywhere and still can’t locate them. 15 minutes or so and nothing, zilch, nada. maybe under the bed or couch? So I get down, reach on top of my head pull my glassses down and look under my bed. Bingo !! I get up, wipe of my glasses and start to put them on and......CLANK.. After about 10 seconds of complete and utter amazement. I politely take off the pair I was wearing, and put on the ones I had looked for; only beacause I had looked for them.
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I Don’t Blog...
No I don’t blog so don’t get excited. This is simply a graded part of my work this semester. So, I will type some thoughts every now and again. Ok, that about does it for me. Peace
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