wayne-loxley · 2 years
“London, believed to be the city of dreams and joy. ” He scratches at his raised brow, finding slight amusement at the memory of past visits to the place. It definitely wasn't a favorite place that Wayne had visited, but it wasn't particularly boring. Which was only thanks to encountering some old friends that he served with. Most of them still rocking the buzzed cut. Something which can't be helped with so many years of exposure. “And yes, awfully cloudy. I can see why though, why you enjoy the stars so much.” He stares at the horizon, fingers caressing the grass below. “I met someone who was into astrology... Definitely not the best person to have arguments with. ” —It felt more like a scolding though. Something awfully one sided and quite humiliating.
“Perhaps it’ll Butters' new thing. stargazing.” He observes the canine as it barks at the sky, practically smiling at how pants. Despite the age of the Benard, Wayne can't help be jealous of how free it lives. While of course, their species are quite different. The similarities in their lives get him thinking.
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It’s not hard to recognize that the male has little interest in being there, be it because he had no desire to interact with her or simply that he had better things to take care of, Meilani couldn’t know. It was enough to have her second guessing her presence, wondering if she should excuse herself for troubling him despite the fact that it had been him that had joined her, if only for the sake of the animal. “Pleasure to meet you.” Instead of returning displeasure, she’s offering a smile as he shakes her hand, the picture of perfect manners her parents had carefully crafted.
“I-” It’s a seemingly simple question and yet it feels intimate, pressing at pieces of herself that she kept closely shielded, her mind offering the gentle reminder that people couldn’t read the secrets beneath her surface just because it feels as if they could. “More often than most, I suppose.” The frequency was largely dependent on her mind, providing a welcome distraction and way to clear her thoughts on the days they were tormenting. “I grew up in London.” As if such isn’t apparent in the accent that clings gently to her voice. “I never really got to appreciate open skies quite like this.”
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
Professionalism, whether he wanted to portray it or not, had been thrown out the window. Along with the crappy feeling from that client that had feasted on his sympathetic mind. The once lingering thought of his ruined blazer and whine-stained button-up now long forgotten. Leaving his mind to be filled with the shared laughter and the new music bringing a new light to the once ’dull’ laundromat. “ Great choice. ” He had no idea who this was exactly, but it didn't push him away from the joined hands.
“ right— left. ” He hummed with the directions, letting his eyes rip apart the movements of their shifting steps. “ step, behind, back... ” He repeats, letting the pattern build and print behind his irises. It was definitely a different tempo than a waltz but— bearable and memorable. “ I’d never thought I would learn a new dance in a laundromat… that says a lot, especially after I just shaved my face in here. ” Wayne chuckles, noting the way his face ached from the smile he’s held for the past couple of minutes.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
Reminding himself of the date, he nods, shoving away the claws of darkness that were beginning to entangle his depleted mind. “ Of course, I should have known better. ” — Excitement, a word that seemed to be positive but felt rather deranged when it came to his family. After all, when browsing for family ( except for his sister ), he didn't enjoy it. The whole aspect of trying to feed into their expensive tastes with the already expensive crap they didn't have left a bad taste in his mouth. And when he would show any ounce of dismay from their reactions, the ‘ don't get excited with me ʼ would leak out. “ That’ll be perfect. He can wait for it anyway. ”
“ It’s quite beautiful. I’m glad it's being put to use rather than let it sit there, collecting dust. ” A smile, quick as a flash, twitches at the corners of his lips. “ How long have you played? ” If he had the choice as a child, he would have continued to pursue music. His love for the classical instruments nearly at par with his love for his Saint Benard, Butters.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
‘It’s a coincidence.’ — That’s what he ( kind of ) wants to say. However, with a squint — whether it be seen as thinking or being blinded by the fluorescent lights — he swallows down the words. Choosing to do a much saner ( and nicer ) response instead, and blew the urge of harsh words away with an exhale of cigarette smoke. After all, he’s got no reason to be an asshole to others, especially when he’s the one having a somewhat shitty day. “ Call it luck. ” He offers a smile before waving his hand, dusting the cloud of his thoughts away.
“ If I’m honest though, I was supposed to be looking for some boss. ” He lightly flicks the ash off the white stick, watching as it falls into a little glass decoration— given to him by one of the employees. “ Saw he was here tonight but he was busy talking to you. It reminded me of those, scary dads in movies. ” With a quick assumption, he believed that the obviously hardworking friend was Scarlett’s father. And even if Wayne beats him in height, the attorney doubts he can handle his rough lifestyle. I mean, he could barely handle it when he was serving. “ Anyway, what do you drink? I don’t want to be an ass and assume I already know. ”
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
He was supposed to just get some dog treats, yet here we are. The rows of liquor, which he's at least tried once, being examined by his attentive eyes. He had no business being here, nonetheless examining a bottle of Coppola Rosso like he was going to buy it. It wasn't the price that differed him from indulging, but rather him owning four or so bottles already. It's one of his favorite inexpensive reds when it comes to mixing with dishes that consist of red meats or pasta. “ I enjoy wine, not so much love it. ” He shrugs, sparing a look at the strangers bottle before returning to the eyeballing.
“ I would say wine is wine, but bosses seem to be entitled about it. ” He returns the red wine back to its shelf. “ It is a safe choice, most wine is when it doesn't exceed the twenty-dollar range. ” Any wine that was expensive in basic stores was never worth the price, at least in Wayne’s opinion. “ Do you know what blend they like? Or you could play it extra safe and get that— Stella Rosa? I believe there's a blueberry?? ” He’s tried the brand's champagne more than he's enjoyed its wine, only thanks to his sister. For whatever reason, it became a big favorite for her a couple years ago. Especially when she found out about their pink champagne.
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location: starlight supermarket  status: open to everyone (0/6)
the alcoholic beverage aisle of starlight was not often a place birdie found herself . the occasional glass of wine sipped lightly after a particularly stressful day , but a connoisseur she was not . hands carefully cradle bottlenecks of pinots and chardonnay , studying each label with a meticulous gaze . gosh , there were so many options . where did one start ?? when buying for herself , the yellow SALE tickets always caught her attention but when you’re buying for a gift surely you can’t opt for the bargain booze .
eyes take a quick flicker behind her , sheepishly opting for the opinion of the nearest person . “ you don’t happen to be a secret wine connoisseur do ya ?? “ the bottle in her palm was flashed in the other’s direction . “ it’s my boss’s birthday . this bottle doesn’t give off the impression i’m an apple-polisher or a cheapskate , does it ?? “
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
“ Of course not. Yet, it's the most familiar thing I know. ” People were evil and Wayne grew up witnessing that. Whether it be through his father taking his work home or taking him and his sister to work. The twins, one boy, and one girl, would mindlessly sit at the back of a courtroom as their father defends someone who is equally, if not, eviler than the prosecutor. But that's the work that comes with being a criminal defense attorney. “ It distorts my understanding of acts of kindness from time to time. ” He takes another sip of the awfully bitter coffee, allowing the taste to freshen on his tongue to keep him responsive.
“ It is just a word. ” A nod connects with the verbal agreement, his brain buzzing with the mutual agreement. “ Yet many have difficulty understanding that. ” His mother, a woman whose intelligence and wit were ahead of time, was one of many. She believed family was only blood and due to such belief, she was very harsh on the children to maintain a proper relation with their father— no matter how ʼmean he could be. ʼ Wayne can't say he truly felt like he had a family until he enlisted though. The people he had the honor of protecting with helped him understand the truth of life a bit more, the joy of it specifically when it comes down to family. “ That’s why we have friends though. They make the best family. ”
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
The Saint Benard wiggled and thumped with happiness, making a faint smile embrace the owners face… Butters was one, if not very few reasons, why Wayne maintained at least some joy in his life. The overgrown dog constantly welcoming him home with the same excitement each time that door opened. The suit that had been viciously cleaned just yesterday being dusted and sewn ( again ) with a bedazzlement of fur. “ Loxley. Wayne Loxley. ” He sighs, quiet and heavy before embracing the other hand. The overgrown puppy breaking the shake a second later by throwing his entire body at them. “ Obviously, he gets his manners from me. ”
For a moment, he seemed distracted. His eyes squinting as his eyebrows twitch in a thought that’s inevitability meant to be forgotten. “ Do you do this often?— Lay on the grass and stare at the sky, even when it’s cloudy? ” The question started as a stray mumble, as if the attorney was shy about inquiring.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
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Clubs weren't Wayne’s thing; the blasting music and crowded floor often overstimulated his brain. An organ that often feasted on any piece of silence like a starved dog, sinking its teeth into the meat of peace and wrangling it to its last sliver. Which bears the question, what in the hell is he doing here?? —It’s insane that even he, the ‘notorious’ attorney Wayne Loxley, doesn't have the answer. As the choice of entertainment tonight was a complete mystery on his behalf.
“ If you want a drink, I can put it on my tab. ” He shifts, catching the peek of blonde from the corner of his eye. Such attention shortly returned to placing the cigarette between his lips, which have been moisturized with a lovely chapstick called Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey. An all-time favorite. “ Have no business with it all anyway. ” He didn't want money— at least not at the volume he's paid. It's overwhelming and too much work to deal with when it involves legal. As even they, who are paying him, want it back.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
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as the broom was tugged from her hand , evanie’s jaw dropped and she feigned offence . she had never been the best actress and so , after a few seconds , her knitted brows softened , and instead she began swaying her hips to the silence , readying herself for the impending songs . “ i’m a country girl !! “ she responded , as if the accent wasn’t enough to tell wayne from the offset , “ surely you have something to get my hips shakin’ !! “ she had always loved the songs of johnny cash , hank williams , johnny paycheck , waylon jennings and , of course , roger miller ; her father had sat her in front of the turntable when she was young and now , in her adulthood , she searched the bargain bins at feel good records for the 12″ records in her daddy’s collection . 
it wasn’t just the classics she adored . as much as the honky-tonk pop fusion could be cringeworthy at times , she ate up the cliché and clung onto the questionable rhymes and mention of dirt , tailgates and tan lines . “ if you don’t have any i have spotify on my phone so we can get the tunes blasting !! “ god forbid anybody walked into the laundromat . that was a benefit of the waning hour , that the establishment was theirs and theirs alone ; the last thing they needed was another unsuspecting launderer walking in on their impromptu disco . those ten dollars a month on music streaming likely didn’t help her living pay packet to pay packet , scrounging in order to make rent , but it was worth it in order to blast shania to the rafters . 
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
“ That works. ” Carefully slipping the button out of the blazer, he slithers his hand into the inside pocket. A wallet, checkbook, and pen coming out the following second. It’s yet another bad habit that Wayne has picked up through paranoia and family. However, it's a joy carrying cash and having complete control of his money to avoid the possibility of forming a spending problem and not caring about numbers. “ I’ll put whatever money on it, or a check. Whatever works... How’s the condition of the piano by the way? If you don't mind me asking. ” He has one of his own at his home in Washington, along with here at Moonbeam. But he is more of a cello enjoyer.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
“ Of course, humans are more complex. By everything, I mean— everything in compositions. We are good, evil, anger, joy, ” He opens his hands, talking with the limbs in an emphasis. “ We have our highs and lows and they drive us to knowledge. To learn and develop, to understand. Which is why others study, each other… ” To Wayne, studying and reading human behavior was something not unheard of. It was a skill he seemed to naturally develop from his prepubescent years. If people didn't want to tell the truth to his face, he’d learn to figure it out and become independent. The dependency that his childhood self needed from his parents no longer. “ Tell me about it. ” He huffs, grabbing the mug to take yet another big gulp of coffee. The cheapness shone through with how watered down the batch was. “ Even after seeing many trials with families, my own seems to struggle to understand... Some dogs are too old to learn new tricks. ”
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
With a defeated shrug, Wayne joins the duo on the grass. A palm instinctively redirects the jowl to face the other as the excitement begins to boil. The tail thudding against the earth with hearty smacks. “ Be my guest, just be careful if he lays on you. ” If a person in the city asked him the question, it’d be a flat no. No need for a moment of thinking because first, it's expensive to maintain the coat of an already big dog, and second, people are naturally crowding. You see one person petting a dog and then it builds up— Butters may love the attention but Wayne finds it stressful and overwhelming. The lack of control in the situation made his sanity run a hundred miles per hour. “ His name is Butters. ” Giving the buddy a firm pat, the Saint Bernard rolls, a strong and echoing bark breaking into the starlit sky; a sign of possible agreement with the statement.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
“ I haven’t had a milkshake in— forever. I might have to take up that offer. ” He works on the buttons of his sleeves, folding and turning the fabric to his elbows. Wayne had gotten the dress shirt ( plus a dozen more ) dry-cleaned recently and doesn't want to deal with that again. Not only was it more expensive due to extensive care but the employee — who looked fresh out of high school — conned him out a couple more bucks to pocket. Can’t blame anyone for hustling though. “ Driving people mad and looking great doing it? Perfect. ”
“ … Some sort of handheld sandwich, or whatever they call it here. And coffee, a must have for me. ” Planting his forearms on the table. “ What about you? I can always take the bill too if you’d like to try something new. Or more milkshakes. ” By the end of the day, Wayne was going to steal the bill away, no matter what was said. A dine with someone at crashdown wasn't going to put a dent in his savings anyway, so what was the point of letting someone else take it? Yes, it was offered but the Loxley is known for his selective hearing.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
“ It’s okay. ” He mutters, sparing a second to flash the other a smile of reassurance before returning to the merchandise. “ You were preoccupied, no need to apologize for that. ” Just like she once was, he was distracted by something. His usual attentive listening flicked to autopilot while his fingers move through a vinyl collection, just like they would in the sea of case files. Wayne has a vintage turntable at home and often has an album or two to get him through the endless calls and paperwork. However, he wasn't looking for himself today, sadly.
“ What are your most expensive vinyl records right now? ” He finally asks, heavily exhaling through the last words. “ I’m looking to gift something for my father. He’s a collector. ” — obsessive seemed more like it. While Wayne doesn't mind those who happen to collect things, whatever it may be, his father was different. And annoying.
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Open starter Location: Feel Good Record Store
It was an odd sight for a record store, but it was definitely one of her favourite parts in the store; the piano that was tucked away in the far corner of the store. Elisa knew it was only there for show but her boss didn’t need to know that she had made sure the snares of the piano were all tuned again. Her boss also didn’t need to know that whenever there was no one in the store, she was seated behind the piano to play some music. Because if they knew, they would probably complain about the fact that she would not be able to hear the doorbell ring when someone entered the store.
They would be right about that.
Elisa looked startled at the person who had entered the store - and she hadn’t heard them come in. With a hand being brought to her chest to stop her heart from beating so fast, she finally was able to mutter a word. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.” She quickly removed herself from the piano. “I know, rude. I am supposed to greet you. But here I am now. How can I help you today?”
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
The attorney started to become a regular to the local diner. His schedule usually surrounded by later-day visits but, with the clearing of today's schedule, he chose to drop in for a late lunch and cheap coffee. The out of date phones even turned off to avoid the disturbance of the never ending work. The other money-hungry council members can pick it up for him anyways.
“ No one can turn down free food. ” Wayne comments, shoving down the usual questions upon their whispered explanation. His coat soon finding its temporary home on the back of the open chair before Wayne joins the other, his lanky physique creating a barrier from the pestering eyes. “ I always wonder how much the gift shops earn from those shirts... And if people wear them outside more than once. ” He shakes his head, breaking into a simple conversation. “ I’ve thought about buying one before but it's awkward to be matching with strangers. And I have no suits that’d match it. ” Obviously, with the clean outfit the man wore, he would never dare wear such a tee. But its fun to imagine it, no?
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open starter  location - crashdown cafe
Thea had decided to take a late lunch after the usual rush at the Crashdown. She had an hour and a half to kill before her next interview and thought a quiet lunch was just what she needed. While waiting for her food, she pulled out Vox and began reading some more of her book. It wasn’t unusual for her to carry one around and step into her literary safe place whenever she could find the time. Reading had always been her escape and now as a adult, she could it harder and harder to make time to step out of her life to read. What was meant to be a quiet escape from reality, was soon interrupted by the unsettling starring coming from a tourist across the dining room. His I survived roswell, new mexico tshirt giving him away without any further explanation.
 Afraid he’d see the empty seat across from her as an invitation to come introduce himself, she glanced up towards the door and waved down the first person she spotted. “Please sit down and have lunch with me. My treat.” She started before nodding her head in the direction of the lurker. “Alien boy over there won’t stop staring and if someone doesn’t sit there, he’ll try to. Please save me.”
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
Lost in the endless fortress of words and random crap, Wayne lays his head down. The forehead — ached from a growing migraine — rubbed against his forearm to ease the tension. The caffeine seemed to be boosting his blood enough to bring the spell to a calm, even if it was not giving Wayne an energy boost. “ Evil is true, if not, everything. I believe... ” He slowly untangles himself from the mess of himself, nodding at the following comment. “ Yet it doesn’t get talked much about, hm…? ” His head stoops a bit, leaving him to watch his fingers roll a pen side to side. Like most self-absorbed fathers, Wayne’s didn’t believe in the lack of a healthy mindset. Which is why, Wayne has never taken steps to fix anything that may be a problem— as he was forced to believe there was no such.
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wayne-loxley · 2 years
It was rather his Saint Bernard than he who approached the stranger. The large dog suddenly dragging Wayne toward the body before sitting right beside the stranger— panting and drooling like a crazed lion. Merely forcing the hand of his owner to inquire the person about their safety. If he hadn’t, there would have been no way to move the overgrown furball. After all, while Wayne can lift decently, in no way in hell can he drag a such a dog all the way home. Especially when it’s stubborn.
“It has been quite awhile, huh?” Wayne isn’t much of a stargazing manic but he’ll feed into others without care. As it’s no place for him to judge someone’s ways of finding peace or possible meditation and reflection. “Guess my dog thinks it’s nice too.” He mumbled, watching as Butters plops onto the chilly grass. The fluff dancing about until it was finally rolled onto its back— the large tongue drooping out of the side of the large jowl after… Well, Wayne isn’t going home anytime soon.
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Open Starter. Open Location.
The evening felt like the first time in months that the weather had been decent, temperatures just above twenty degrees even after the sun had fallen, no snow or clouds to put a damper on the day or her mental state. What Meilani had deemed decent weather was perhaps still not enough to excuse her current position, lying on the cold ground and staring up at the night sky. It was late enough that she didn’t think anyone would spot her, let alone consider what their thoughts would be if they did — it’s only with the sound of approaching footsteps and a note of concern in their voice that she allows her head to roll in their direction, allowing them to properly see that she was at least alive, if not well. “I promise you don’t need to call anyone.” It was a questionable reassurance at best, the girl still not making much effort to move, gaze lifting back to the space above her. “The sky just hasn’t been this clear in a while.” 
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