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"Her? So you have a little experience then? Tell me, love, who is she?"
Wat's curiosity couldn't help but be peaked over Felix's adorable little musings to himself. Felix was cute. Like a little puppy. An innocent curious little toy. He grinned at the squeak, the crack in the boy's voice, feeling the blood rush to his face. He rubbed at Felix's groin a little more, licking along his neck.
"Come on, darling, you don't want everyone to see how handsome you are?" Wat teased, looking him in the face now. He pushed his other hand up his shirt and quickly, though not harshly, Felix found his back pressed against a tree in the quad. Wat pressing his body against him. "You don't want people to hear the sounds you make when I suck your cock? How good I'll make you feel? How jealous they'll be?" Wat smirked, his thumb teasing a nipple under the shirt, his hand stroking between them.
“Absolutely there are feel good moans,” Wat chuckled a little, grinding his thumb into the back of Felix’s neck. “Haven’t you ever had a good massage?”
Wat’s look turned a touch softer when Felix asked for assurance he’d still be invited home. The vampire took Felix’s face in his hands, turning the boy to face him. Teaching the kid was one thing, but he suddenly felt some pity towards him.
“Yes, of course. Now, I must be honest with you. This sex game is usually played naked.” One of Wat’s hands roamed down Felix’s chest before slowly grazing and then cupping at his cock, watching the boy’s reaction carefully.
“And involves lots of touching.” He moved to kiss at Felix’s cheek and neck, “And kissing… And if we play out here people might see you naked. Is that something you want?”
Felix gasped a little at the feeling of Wat’s thumb grinding into the back of his neck “No..I’ve given massages but I’ve never actually gotten one myself” he admitted with a little chuckle. “But, I guess when I would give her massages she would moan.” he spoke a little more to himself
As Wat grabbed his face, Felix’s thoughts were soon silenced as he stared at the man with a little bit of a surprised expression. “Naked huh..?” he trailed off stiffing up a little as he felt Wat’s hand move down his chest and stopping, cupping his cock. He couldn’t help but let out a little squeak in surprise but soon began to relax a little as the professor began to kiss over his cheek and neck.
“I-…Maybe it would be better to play at your house instead of outside” he got out, his voice cracking a little. He was now feeling a little bit embarrassed that he felt himself start to get hard in Wat’s grasp.
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Wat chuckled at her statement, her utter lack of desire to entertain the conversation further. Maybe, once upon a time, they would have been great lovers, powerful and striking fear into the hearts of entire landscapes. In his worst days, perhaps. That part of him that came out, wanting to burn the world to the ground, too. He knew the desire for vengeance, the bloodlust and rage it took to carry it out. He knew what it was like to go after some weak doe eyed innocent as well.
"You don't know." Wat concluded, taking her dismissal of him as proof he was getting under her skin. Just a little. He liked that. No, really, he loved it. But he knew he was playing with fire.
If she had returned to kill Layla, the girl would be dead already. She'd stopped after hurting Jody, landing him in the hospital. Layla had been ill, hurt, but never on death's door so close as Jody nearly had. Only because the damned fool had drank most of the bottle in one sitting.
"You're not half as crazy as some," Wat spoke cryptically again, moving away from the table, but this time there was a hint of respect in his voice. "Not nearly as careless, granted. But you had to know what you were coming back to. That your little deception wouldn't have lasted. It never does. We all get found out." Wat took a dramatic breath, smiling at Winter, despite her looking at him or not. "In the end..."
He took his leave, buttoning up his suit jacket as he called out over his shoulder, "Bonne nuit, Madame Du Bois."
“Murder and blood rituals, I expect?” Wat said off handedly, perhaps giving the indication that he knew far less than before. Or giving up on the sincerity of their conversation all together. Here he was, offering a branch of understanding and she was, maybe he should have seen this coming, tossing it away. Mocking him over a small show of vulnerability.
“You and Jody could both do with learning things in this world aren’t so very black and white. Just because people aren’t with you doesn’t mean they’re against you. Or that you don’t have your reasons for wanting to murder people. Or actually murdering people. Or that I expect you to suddenly become obsessed with why I know the stupid saying about the stars, falling and rising and all of that. That’s not your information to have.” Wat shrugged, shaking his head.
“I know you’re fucking up your chances by continuously biting off hands offering to reach out to you…” Wat paused for a moment, “Which does beg the question why you choose to come back here at all…”
Winter smiled cruelly, murder and blood rituals were only the half of what her family, what the Sang Vide were capable of. No, he knew of them, but must have been exaggerating his knowledge. With her opinion made, she knew this attempt of Wat’s, whatever it was, was coming to a close. She had better things to muse over, such as the odd reactions Jody was having to her spell work.
Winter kept her cruel smile in place through Wat’s ranting. It only fell when he described the response she’d been hoping he would give. Was she wrong? No, she couldn’t be. She’s decided he knew nothing. Damn this mystery.
Winter remained silent for a long moment after he finished speaking. Part of her blamed the mystery of what Wat knew, part of her imagined she was just annoyed and insulted by his view of her actions, but deep inside, the truth she didn’t want to admit to even herself… was that Winter didn’t know why she’d been compelled to come back either. Why was she still here?
No matter what swirled in her mind, Winter wasn’t about to let Wat see it. She let her gaze casually move to the window looking under water, her callous nature and casual confidence back in place as she said, “I used to find people like you amusing, now you bore me.”
She sipped on her black lemonade, refusing to expand on what she meant. Her words and body language were a clear dismissal. He would be getting nothing else out of her tonight.
#trust me: winter#Feel free to add your say or Winter's inner monologe but I feel like that's a good place to end it?
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“I never stopped feeling for you, I just stopped letting it show.”
— Unknown
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Shakespeare Leather bound volumes 1752
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Pls someone free Mat from his lil laundry room recording hole
[ x ]
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“youre so mean” if you guys werent fucking stupid i wouldnt have to be mean to you. change starts with you
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some angst idk y’all i like crying
“ i don’t want you here. just go. ”
“ you ‘didn’t mean to hurt me?’ yeah you did. like it or not, i know exactly who you are. ”
“ why won’t you even look at me? ”
“ i’m not angry at you. i’m angry with myself for trusting you. ”
“ i wish you’d stop trying to destroy yourself in some misguided effort to feel worthy. ”
“ i know it’s not fair to say this, but i don’t have anything without you. if i don’t have you i have nothing. ”
“ you can’t love me. not the way i need to be loved. ”
“ i’m broken. and i don’t need anyone to try to feed me white lies about it. something inside me is broken and it isn’t just going to be put back like it was. ”
“ sometimes being broken isn’t about trying to put things back together like they were before. it’s about picking up what pieces are left and building something new. ”
“ okay, so you’re a monster. so am i. lets be monsters together. ”
“ because of what they/you did i’m damaged. ”
“ what the hell is wrong with you? ”
“ what the hell is wrong with me? ”
“ i can’t fix you. you can’t expect me to know how to fix you. ”
“ yeah, i’ll be here. i’ll be here when you’re ready to stop running. ”
“ my world is just falling apart. it’s like everything is just crumbling around me. i don’t know what to do. i just want it to stop ”
“ you’re the only thing that makes sense right now. everything else is just— the world is so loud. and the only time it feels quiet is when you’re here. ”
“ i don’t know how to talk about shit okay? it’s too hard. but i do care. i need you to trust me that i care. ”
“ stop punishing yourself. you wanna make up for what you’ve done? get off your ass and do something about it. ”
“ whatever it is you think was going on between us, you’re wrong. ”
“ it didn’t mean anything to me. ”
“ you should move on. i did. ”
“ i feel like i’m one bad day away from becoming everything i’ve fought against. ”
“ stop pushing me away. i’m not going anywhere, asshole. and as soon as you get that through that thick skull of yours, the better. ”
“ i don’t need you in my life. i don’t want you in it. ”
“ i can’t trust myself. if i let myself get comfortable enough, when i try to be happy, people get hurt. ”
“ people like me don’t get to have peace. ”
“ i’m not the person you want. i know you think i am. but it won’t take long for you to realize this is a mistake. ”
“ you want the truth? the truth is when i love people it burns inside me like a poison. it infects every part of me until it feels like they’re in my goddamn soul…and then i fuck it up. and it’ll destroy us both. ”
“ i’ll always choose you. that’s the worst part of it all. i’d choose you over and over, even though i know you wouldn’t do the same. ”
“ you never had to be perfect. you just had to stay. ”
“ will you please just stay for once. just. don’t walk away. ”
“ if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more. ”
“ just tell me something real. tell me something i can remember no matter what happens to us. ”
“ when you look at me, i feel seen. i feel like you see past everything i’ve always surrounded myself with to try and protect my heart. no one has ever looked that deeply at me. ”
“ how can you uncover so much about someone, make them let their guard down and lay themselves bare to you. and then just throw it all away? ”
“ if you walk out that door don’t bother coming back. ”
“ why are you so afraid of trusting this— trusting us. what’s making you hold back? ”
“ will you still be here? will you stay even after you’ve seen all the ugly parts of my heart. ”
“ i don’t care how willing you are to die for me. i want you to fucking live with me. live for us. ”
[ DISCOVER ] for one muse to find the other crying alone.
[ COMPANY ] for one muse to sit with the other so they don’t have to be alone while they’re upset.
[ EMBRACE ] for one muse to suddenly hug the other one for their own comfort.
[ OFFER ] for one muse to suddenly hug the other one to comfort them.
[ SETTLE ] for one muse to comfort the other and end up cuddling.
[ SHOULDER ] for one muse to rest their head on the other’s shoulder while they comfort them.
[ CARRY ] for one muse to find the other injured and carry them to safety.
[ SECURE ] for one muse to carry the other to bed after they fell asleep.
[ STRUGGLE ] for one muse to resist being hugged but then break down and crumble against the other.
[ CLEAR ] for one muse to wipe the other’s tears.
[ BREAKDOWN ] for one muse to ask the other if they’re okay prompting them to finally stop bottling things up.
[ BRUSH ] for one muse to run their fingers through the other’s hair while they open up or cry.
[ NURSE ] for one muse to tend to the other while they’re recovering from injuries.
[ TRUST ] for a scenario where sender’s muse is the only one receivers muse will let close.
[ COAX ] for scenario where receiver’s muse knows they’re the only one sender’s muse will let close.
[ CALM ] for one muse to subdue the other during an outburst.
[ CLARITY ] for one muse to help ground the other back in the present (i.e. after nightmare, breakdown, battle etc)
[ PREVENT ] for one muse to stop the other from going too far during a fight.
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William’s little butt gives me life
Hey, @toomanyfandomsneverenoughtime, @jamiewintons and @agir1ukn0w come here love his little butt with me.
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Felix tilted his head curiously “There can be feel good kinds of moans?” he asked curiously “I guess I’ve only heard of moans coming from ghosts and stuff…” he admitted shyly
“Oh that does sound fun! I really like twister” Felix smiled as they walked toward the exit of the cells and took a deep breath as they entered the cool night air. “Mm, it’s much nicer then down there, that’s for sure” he giggled a little before looking at Wat “We can play the sex game outside?” he asked “Can I still sleep in your bed tonight if we play it outside?” he asked
“Absolutely there are feel good moans,” Wat chuckled a little, grinding his thumb into the back of Felix’s neck. “Haven’t you ever had a good massage?”
Wat’s look turned a touch softer when Felix asked for assurance he’d still be invited home. The vampire took Felix’s face in his hands, turning the boy to face him. Teaching the kid was one thing, but he suddenly felt some pity towards him.
“Yes, of course. Now, I must be honest with you. This sex game is usually played naked.” One of Wat’s hands roamed down Felix’s chest before slowly grazing and then cupping at his cock, watching the boy’s reaction carefully.
“And involves lots of touching.” He moved to kiss at Felix’s cheek and neck, “And kissing... And if we play out here people might see you naked. Is that something you want?”
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Mathew Baynton and Kelly Robinson on set of ‘Across The Sea’
Phil Howes / ‘Boo Bop Boo’ Website
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Carol Ann Duffy, from The World’s Wife; “Medusa”
[Text ID: “And here you come / with a shield for a heart / and a sword for a tongue”]
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Winter was undecided. He seemed to know them but refused the call back. His refusal could have been taken at face value, that he knew and detested the family she was born into and the fate tied to her blood. Or, it could have been an act. Perhaps he didn’t know the words, didn’t know the secrets he professed to understand. Perhaps this was an act to get information out of her.
She leaned back in her seat, tapping her finger on the arm of her chair as she weight which option she believed to be true. Even if this was a trap, he wasn’t wrong about her family. The DuBois were one of five french families tied together in the Sang Vide coven, a massive group all tied together by blood and vessels. The DuBois in particular could sometimes be seen as ladder climbers within the group but none could compare to their academic prowess in magic. There was a high standard of perfection placed on themselves. Those who stepped out of line were publicly renounced and carried high prices on their head. Layla had such a price on her head, offered by her own mother.
The Nowaks were secretive, The DesRosiers judgemental, The Lanthier delusional, The Goupils laughably naive, but none were as exacting and viciously ambitious as the DuBois.
“What would you like me to do,” she posed, gathering her walls back up, “Open up and cry about it?” She couldn’t trust Wat. Either he was digging for information she would not give, or he had more information than she’d ever imagined. No matter which was true, she would need to keep her eye on him and her guards up.
“I’ve had centuries to get over lacklustre parentage. I didn’t have a family, I had a coven,” her tone made it clear she thought the later was far better. “I won’t become some simpering whelp because you claim to know the dark sides of powerful people. How do you think they became powerful?” She’s accepted and embraced the dark sides of her bloodline centuries ago. She couldn’t come back from that.
“Murder and blood rituals, I expect?” Wat said off handedly, perhaps giving the indication that he knew far less than before. Or giving up on the sincerity of their conversation all together. Here he was, offering a branch of understanding and she was, maybe he should have seen this coming, tossing it away. Mocking him over a small show of vulnerability.
“You and Jody could both do with learning things in this world aren’t so very black and white. Just because people aren’t with you doesn’t mean they’re against you. Or that you don’t have your reasons for wanting to murder people. Or actually murdering people. Or that I expect you to suddenly become obsessed with why I know the stupid saying about the stars, falling and rising and all of that. That’s not your information to have.” Wat shrugged, shaking his head.
“I know you’re fucking up your chances by continuously biting off hands offering to reach out to you...” Wat paused for a moment, “Which does beg the question why you choose to come back here at all...”
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Wild killed Wat back immediately, one hand moving to the back of his head as they kissed. Was he really going to do this again? Fall into the same old habits with the man who had left him after he’d turned? It had been so long ago, but he just didn’t see any reason to deny his feelings- the feelings he realized he’d always had.
When Wat moved to kiss the bruises on his face, Wild kept his eyes closed, and his hand on the back of Wat’s head, just accepting the affection, before he opened his eyes to look at him when he paused.
“Pretty words,” Wild whispered, knowing Wat would have no problem hearing them. He moved his hand from the back of Wat’s head to cup his cheek, stroking it with his thumb. “Prove it,” he smiled softly before he leaned in and kissed him again.
God he desperately wanted to believe him, he wanted more than anything to believe that things could be like they were before. Back in the 70′s when things were easier, and he was human.
For a moment Wat was afraid Wild was fucking with him. All his nightmares recently coming true (it was easy to spiral the worst case scenarios when you didn’t sleep and lived through so many) because it was no less than he deserved. But he saw Wild’s lips pull into a smile, kissing him again. He breathed in Wilder’s scent, kissing him ardently in return before pulling away slightly, as his hands began to move against his old lover before realizing how hurt Wild was.
“Let me take care of you,” Wat whispered, his brown eyes pleading, letting the implication of ‘Like I should have before’ hang in the air for a moment before Wat decided to own up to a little more of it. “You deserve better... but I do love you. It’ll take time, but I’ll prove to you: I’ve changed. I promise.”
In so many ways Wat was the same selfish bastard he’d become in the last 700 years, in so many ways he was still the same scared peasant man trying to shuffle through life. But he knew he wanted to be with Wild. He wanted Wild to love him, to believe in him. He desperately wanted to be trusted again when he’d misstepped so many times, even in the time Wild had shown up again.
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“Looks like you were getting up the courage to play something.” Wat smiled kindly at the professor. Oh, yes, he knew who this was. Who didn’t by now? Dhani had told Wat all about his cool new master, when it was new, how terrified he’d been when Leib had his heart attack... and though Dhani hadn’t talk to him, personally, about Leib’s death, Wat had seen the boy serious and angry and quiet recently. Wat couldn’t imagine things were exactly easy at home.
He glanced around to the stage, the rows and rows of seats, all empty now. Wat crossed downstage and to the piano leaning against it. He plucked at a few keys, loudly, giving the professor a little taste of the grand acoustics the theater provided.
“It’s daunting, a stage, I’ll give you that... But it’s not like anyone’s here. Just me. But I’m always here. So I don’t count.” He paused, then squeezed his eyes shut, for a moment before peeking, “Would it help if I closed my eyes?”
There were some things Leib looked forward to in his life, summer vacation being one of them because then he could go on his trips and see the world. He supposed he could technically do that now- maybe even easier than before given the whole having wings and the teleportation thing- though he didn’t have exact control over either just yet. But another thing was the theater. He loved going to the theater, and he had some time off during the day, so he had found himself at the theater on the island. The door had been unlocked, so he’d let himself in, and found himself walking down the isle of seats, fingertips running over the backs of the seats lightly before he spotted a piano on the stage.
It had been awhile since he’d played and his fingers twitched slightly before he looked around. He hadn’t met anyone there yet, and that made his mind up for him. He moved over to the stage, climbed the stairs and made his way to the piano. He rolled his shoulders and then let his fingers fall onto the keys, just running his fingers over the keys for a moment. It was like a brick wall was holding back the music, he desperately wanted to play, but it was just so hard for him to do it right now. Finding pleasure in anything was just so hard.
He sighed deeply, running his hands over his face before he turned away from the piano and found himself staring at the Method Acting Professor. “Sorry,” he said, a little taken aback. “I uh… I don’t really know what I’m doing here.”
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