Rank Up! { Citizen }
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Look at that, it’s her first selfie.
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The small step is noted, but Lapis stands her ground for a moment, just staring at the other Gem, hoping that her hands aren’t so noticeable in their trembling. Jasper isn’t that much stronger than her, right? She has a chance in a fight, right?
But the look in the large Gem’s eyes suggest downright murder, if anything. Rage, anger, pulsing in the way she clenches her fists and looks down at Lapis as if she’s dirt. The hatred there doesn’t shock the blue Gem, but it sure does scare her. It burns wherever the larger Gem looks, like laser vision.
Honestly, she’s a little surprised at the fact that Jasper’s not just pounding her now. Grabbing her or roughing her up, but nothing’s happening. It’s just pure fury, which sets Lapis on edge as she waits for something, anything, to happen.
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“I held you back for ages, if I recall correctly. I would say I’m more than capable. Either that, or you just let yourself go.”
“You trapped me.  You, a worthless, useless, piece of garbage.”  The fury in Jasper voice only continued to grow as she listened to Lapis.  Was the other Gem intentionally trying to enrage her further?  Did she have some secret here that would make her capable of holding Jasper back again?  No, oh no no no.  There was no way this Quartz would be fooled again, not into being tied down by something like Lapis.  Never again.
The larger Gem took a step forward, though not enough of one to indicate she was advancing.  Jasper knew that Lapis would try to run and, if the infestation here seemed to enjoy cruel taunts as much as she expected, there was a chance she could actually get away.
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Lapis would not be allowed to escape.  Jasper would rather crush her own gem into shards that couldn’t ever be used again than let her go. But she had to stay calm about all of it.  She had to stay in full control, prevent herself from just letting go and destroying her chance for a slow and wonderful revenge.  Finding Lapis had been the first step in everything.
It was almost like Jasper didn’t know where to go from here, but thankfully Lapis kept talking and proving her with plenty of ideas as for what to do next.  This place may have given the Quartz a measure of freedom away from that watery hellhole, and that was more than enough.  Stay calm, stay in control.
“Oh yes, it was rather nice being with you though, trapped down there beneath the waves day after day after day.”  Her tone was shaking too, though there was no fear it in like she felt she was hearing in Lapis’.  Just rage, nothing more and nothing less.  “How could a Gem not grow to enjoy that?  That constant desire of wanting to break you with my own hands, yet you delicately holding me back as though you were capable.”
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Chomp, chomp. “But it tastes weird.”
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“You know you’re supposed to eat it, right?”
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The burst of water, needless to say, dampens her spirit. The disappointment is visible in the slump of her shoulders, but the water is still welcome. The feeling of it soaking her hair makes her feel a little bit at home, even if she’s gained the attention of an onlooker.
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“Ah, yes, I’m fine,” she says, frowning a bit. “I got my hopes up, I think.”
@waterproofwillpower (continued from here)
The busted hydrant caught Rex’s attention just from the sound of the water gushing out of it, and he prepared to skirt past it so as not to get his legs wet–no doubt that water was cold as ice in this weather–but found himself pausing when he saw a woman laughing as if praising the water.
Admittedly, not the most unusual thing he’d seen since arriving–hell, he saw weirder back home–but it did draw his attention long enough that he lingered to see what she was doing.  The urge to take out his phone to snap a picture and ask Raven who she was rose, but he quelled it.
And then he couldn’t stop a rather loud snort when the hydrant doused the poor woman in the face.
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“A-are you okay there, miss?” he asked as he approached, though he still happened to be giggling slightly.
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“Uh- no, actually, I’m fine. I was just...”
She purses her lips, squinting a bit. “Curious.”
“This? I figured my car could use a good wash and before now, I’ve never gotten decent supplies for it.
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          How much of that means anything, I don’t know”.                Followed up by a flat tone back. “Was there something I could help you with…?”
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good golly i haven’t been here in a while
okay, i’ve been busy with another ring and all, but hopefully starting tomorrow, i’ll get replies done! i’m on thanksgiving break starting tomorrow after all...
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I love Lapis and I should get help because of it.
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pls bring back lapis
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めがね (^0_0^)
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Woop, winter clothes for lapis!! I dont even know what tourist wear or I would have drawn lapis in that too. But lapis is cute in winter clothes!!
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Formally Annoyed
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She is such a miserable character
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Lapis Lazuli
originally a sketch i made back in September
i totally regret doing this because i had to transfer the traditional drawing with a low ass phone camera quality with my photoshop 1 and a mouse, that’s why this is kinda sloppy but whatever.
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Sarcastic Lapis is excellent.
Credit to reddit user /u/Wolvenfire86 sourced from this thread.
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