watermelon-melody · 6 hours
all the “weird” content on tiktok feels so fabricated and performative. whereas on tumblr you’ll meet someone who will casually admit they eat paint
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watermelon-melody · 7 hours
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ok this dni has me sobbing
proshippers are the ONLY thing on the list
this person doesn’t know what they are
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
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One of each to be exact (I mean what were you expecting from an ex-office worker)
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
when you get this ask, you have to answer with 5 of your favorite songs and then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers, it's a legal requirement, we will arrest you if you do not follow /j
Go on, arrest me, I'm waiting. I don't have any favorite followers and you're already played this game, so here we go:
Metallica - Ain't My B*tch
Psychostick - Numbers
Huey Lewis - The Power Of Love
Billy Idol - Eyes without A Face
Hungarian State Opera Orchestra - La traviata: Prelude to Act I
It was hard to pick them because I have too many of them. But I'm really into rock, metal and old songs from previous decade!
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
Spoke to a gen z person the other night and apparently the young folks don't know about the very legal sites from which you can access public domain media (including Dracula, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and other Victorian gothic horror stories)?
Like this young person didn't even know about goddamn Gutenberg which is a SHAME. I linked to it and they went "aw yiss time to do a theft" and I was like "I mean yo ho ho and all that, sure, but. you know gutenberg is entirely legal, right?"
Anyway I'm gonna put this in a few Choice Tags (sorry dracula fans I DID mention it though so it's fair game) and then put some Cool Links in a reblog so this post will still show UP in said tags lmao.
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
You wrote about murder?? Murder is illegal?? You wrote about this dude killing someone and you didn’t even say ‘murder is bad’ at the start of the book, wht wtf, wtf is wrong with you? I can’t believe you condone murder, I can’t believe you’re pro murber, oh my fucking God don'ttalk to me when ou literally kill people, freak. I’m calling the cops, what the fuck, I’m shaking and crying.
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
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I love drawing in my free time 🥲
Sebastian ☕️
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
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a lil doodle compilation of the SDV Bachelors i’ve done through the year.
Shane, Harvey, Elliot
Sam, Sebastian, Alex
✨check out the Bachelorettes here!✨
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
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SLEEPOVER TIME!!! I need more friendly interactions!
Part 2!
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
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The A.S.S trio remastered. This time, i wanted to add some details about the designs that cannot be fully appreciated. And some hc's.
- 22 y.o
- has a secret tattoo.
- Emily gave her an undercut, but you can only see it if her hair is tied up.
- she still has her blue bow, but it's tied very at the end of her hair (like a mini ponytail.)
- did her piercings herself.
- her aesthetic wants to resemble both, Seb and Sam, but still being her own.
- she was probably into Haley at some point. But as she got to know her better, she lost interest.
- adopted a stray black cat, which lives secretly in her room.
- she ripped her leggings on purpose.
- very into goth music and fashion.
- Rasmodious secretly gave her her sword. But she never knew it was him.
- sarcastic, a little passive-aggressive, and competitive.
- has dark humor, she likes to tease Sam that she will use him as a sacrifice one day.
- 24 y.o
- has a bracelet with a small toad charm on it.
- has a tattoo on his arm, but it's rarely seen (since he never takes off his sweatshirt.)
- smells like motorcycle oil almost all the time.
- he's wearing socks with cute frogs on them right now.
- probably wears glasses from spending so much time on the screen.
- paints his nails with black marker when he's bored.
- probably the most mature of the group.
- hella shy.
- 24 y.o
- hyperactive asf.
- has many skate bruises and scars (like the ones on his face.)
- his skate tricks never go his way. His clothes are always dirty and torn because of this.
- Jodi gets tired of getting him new clothes or sewing up the broken ones, letting him walk with what he has (he doesn't mind at all.)
- very talkative, outgoing, and sloppy.
- the golden retriever of the group.
- smells like deodorant. Too much deodorant.
- Mikey from TMNT personality.
- He probably tried to integrate Alex into the group sometime, but for reasons, he couldn't.
- gets very invested in whatever catches his attention.
- fingerguns to flirt.
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
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watermelon-melody · 10 hours
Sooooo ummmmmmm this is something that's probably going to piss a lot of people off, but I feel like I really need to say it.
If you get a message from an account claiming to be a Palestinian fundraiser, it is a bot. It is a scam. You need to report & delete the message and encourage others to do the same.
I know because I get messages on this account DAILY. I have a very high follower count and I'm pretty active and I interact with my followers a lot, and apparently that all adds up to one big bot magnet.
Bots following and messaging this account was a MASSIVE problem before Tumblr fixed its new account policies. I used to spend literally hours blocking and reporting the hundreds of bots that I would get following me each day.
I learned a lot about bots and how to identify them. The easiest way is with no avatar, "untitled" in the blog description (BTW if your avatar is still set to default PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD change it because you run a substantial risk of being accidentally blocked & reported as a bot).
One of the dead give aways of a bot was what I call "word salad" names. Three seemingly random words strung together making no sense, always adjective, adjective or noun, noun. If you reported a lot of these bots, you'd notice the same words kept showing up.
Nowadays, I am bombarded with fundraiser requests and sometimes, they don't even bother to hide the fact that they're a bot. The avatar is default, the blog title is "untitled," and the blog name is a classic randomly-generated word salad.
However MOST of the requests I get come from at least semi-legit looking accounts. There are pictures, a name, a story. Never mind that I've gotten that message three times from different accounts.
Sometimes, they claim to be vetted, but the whole vetting system essentially adds up to "trust me bro." There is no way of guaranteeing that this account isn't just lying about being vetted, claiming to be vetted by a false person, or are using the identity of a real Palestinian to scam people.
Previously, I've seen a lot of people getting attacked for raising questions about these fundraisers and getting attacked for being racist or for harming Palestinian families in danger, like Tumblr isn't a website famous for its scams and the words "The Arkh Project" "All or Nothing" or "Miss Officer and Mr. Truffles" mean nothing to you.
I personally have been scammed by people claiming to be charities on Tumblr before, specifically, The Leelah Project which used the name of a trans teenager who died by suicide to swindle people out of their money.
Luckily, there are actual, respected charities out there you can give money to if you want to help the cause:
Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
Palestine Red Crescent Society
United Nations Relief Works Agency
Islamic Relief
World Central Kitchen
Médecins Sans Frontièrs
One of the hardest things to accept about the situation in Palestine is that realistically, there is very little that your average outsider can do to change it. However, these large, well-respected and trustworthy charities are out there doing the hard work to keep people alive, and should be where the donation money is going
These scam bots feed on people's naïvety and need to believe that they are making a difference, and even worse, feed on the fear that by ignoring them, it somehow makes you a racist doing direct harm to a refugee family, when in fact they are using the suffering of Palestinians to take away money from those in need.
As far as fundraisers that don't send out random asks for donations, I honestly don't know. You'll have to do the work yourself and approach with much caution.
Be careful out there.
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watermelon-melody · 11 hours
better example, probably
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I am so sorry if someone else just saw your screen.
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Is this what they were trying to do with Sam's hair?
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watermelon-melody · 11 hours
when you get this ask, you have to answer with 5 of your favorite songs and then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers!!! :3
in no specific order
Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
White Wedding - Billy Idol
Eyes Without a Face- Billy Idol
Hot in the City - Billy Idol
Shock to the System or Mony Mony - Billy Idol
(guys I think I like Billy Idol)
anyway its gonna be impossible to pic my favourite followers so i'll just send to moots
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watermelon-melody · 17 hours
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"Sam is probably my only friend in this town..." emergency sleepover time in the mountains after local small town emo and skater boy played too much solarion chronicles and lost track of time
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watermelon-melody · 18 hours
whats the difference between outlaws and inlaws
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watermelon-melody · 21 hours
next to all the other fictional countries like genovia n shit
if you pick one of the other country options, tell us which one :)
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