waterfullofbubless · 4 days
its so sad how many people are dropping like flies in the evan/ahs fandom
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waterfullofbubless · 4 days
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Images above by Bine G.
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Images above by Lina T.
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Images above by Kati H.
All above images found on DawnThieves.com
More photos from this website! You may recognize some of these from years ago in the therian community as common images used to show off how someone's theriotype looks, usually without credit. Finding these at their source and being able to credit their photographers and find more images of these individuals feels so special. It's like finding old pictures of myself in a scrapbook I discovered at the bottom of a closet in my house.
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waterfullofbubless · 4 days
This Pinterest cup>
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waterfullofbubless · 5 days
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this is me if you even care.
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waterfullofbubless · 5 days
Nonhuman expressions of affection are great. Purring. Exposing weak points as a show of trust. Head bonks. Preening and chewing. Nuzzling. Biting. Intertwining tails. Feeding each other. Little chuffs, chatters, beeps and squeaks. Fluffing up of feathers, fur or other things. Dancing to impress. Cleaning their fur, scales, feathers or skin. Sharing body heat. Ears pointing toward those you care about to show your full attention is on them. Slow blinking.
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waterfullofbubless · 5 days
Reblog if you wouldn’t mind compliments based around your theriotype(s)! :D
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waterfullofbubless · 7 days
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summerween aesthetic 🖤
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waterfullofbubless · 7 days
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waterfullofbubless · 7 days
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waterfullofbubless · 8 days
Decided to paint a shark today
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waterfullofbubless · 8 days
Im kind of tired of this mindset in the fictionkin community, so yeah!!
Shouts out to fictionkins who don't act like their source counterpart.
Shouts out to fictionkins who do like the "fanon version" of themselves, and relate to it more than the canon versions.
Shouts out to fictionkins!! All of y'all! Even the ones who don't act like you'd expect!!
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waterfullofbubless · 8 days
I know I didn't even post on this blog yet, but I'm thinking of making another one... probably also not a secondary side block, but another main one.
I wish to have another one for my kins and more casual life of mine, so I'm probably gonna do that also.
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waterfullofbubless · 8 days
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waterfullofbubless · 8 days
Hello fellow creatures!! Today I shall give you...
Alterhuman memes‼️🌿🍄
Funny pictures for all of Tumblr to enjoy!! I tried my best with these, and I hope that y'all like 'em
Have fun!✨✨✨
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I hope you liked them!!! :D
I actually have more, but Tumblr's picture limit won't allow me to show them off, which is why I have now made a second post!! Here's the link if you wanna look :3
Have nice day!! 💖💖✨
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waterfullofbubless · 9 days
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What it’s like having therian friends
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waterfullofbubless · 9 days
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waterfullofbubless · 9 days
in honor of pride month, i'm going to have twice as much gay sex as i normally do
since i'm ace, this is very easy. zero doubled is still zero
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