watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Jackie Mitchell: Aberdeen's Finest ©S.E. Sturgill If you haven't checked out Jackie Mitchell's music, you're missing out. You can find him on: Google Play Music iTunes YouTube Facebook at "Jackie Mitchell Music" I'm fortunate enough to play percussion for him and sing backup vocals. He's pretty great!
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Lightbulb ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Alexxxya Done in charcoal ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Angela ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Lisa ©S.E. Sturgill A friend allowed me to draw her. I'm most satisfied with the hair in this picture. I drew each long strand individually. I think this drawing took me somewhere around 4 hours. I know I need some work in the nose, but I wanted to accent her big eyes.
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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A Daisy for You ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Practicing an eye ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Mt. Ellinore ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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La Rosa ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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O Canada A postcard I made for a Canadian friend ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Banana Hammock ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Super Addy ©S.E. Sturgill
Special story about this painting:
This is most likely my favorite of all the work I’ve done because it has the most meaning. Addison (Addy) is a young girl who suffers from a brain development disorder.
During pregnancy, her mother was told to have an abortion because something would be abnormal. Her mother opted to keep the baby because she knew she would love her no matter what. Up until Addy was two years old, she was developing like a normal child. Then it all came to a halt.
Her brain never developed past the age of two. Her motor skills plateaued, her strength never grew, her speech didn’t develop, and she stopped being able to swallow on her own.
Addy was then hoped to a feeding tube and would be confined to a wheelchair while requiring around-the-clock care. Despite these setbacks, Addy was able to battle with her mother over diaper changes and laugh and smile when teased and tickled.
Today, Addy is 10 years old and still hasn’t developed any further even though her body continues to grow. Her mother can tell that she longs to run and play with her peers, but she cannot really control and coordinate the use of her limbs due to lack of muscular strength.
Some may say that this is a case where abortion was necessary, but her mother has cared for her like no one else could and wouldn’t trade a single moment for anything in the world. Addy has brought joy to everyone around her as well as visited and inspired classrooms of children to rally support and empathy for children just like her.
Addy has served to teach children to not fear interacting with children with disabilities. When being stared at in grocery stores, her mother encourages children to meet Addy and tell her story: you cannot catch a disability by playing with, or loving, a disabled child.
This painting depicts Addison blasting off in fight from her wheelchair, no longer worried about lacking the use of her legs. In this painting, she’s no longer confined to a feeding tube. Addy is wearing one of her mom's signature homemade tutus. She’s flying off to be a super hero for all disabled children. Teaching them that they all have stories to tell, smiles to give, and smiles to create.
She is, and will always be, Super Addy!
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Songs From The Wood ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Hydrangea ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Sometimes Things Get Messy ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Bleed to Love Her ©S.E. Sturgill
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watercolored-eyes · 7 years
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Ripple Effect ©S.E. Sturgill
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