"Oh, yes, I'm alright," Sylvie promised, feeling bad for worrying the stranger. Even if the stranger might think she was some sort of criminal, out scoping the area for her next crime-spree. "I'm not up to anything shady. I mean, nothing illegal, anyway." Was it shady to fly? Clumsies would probably think so. Humans! Humans! "... Does it sound better without the totally?"
"You...are horrible at lying." Bea didn't even need to question that conclusion for more than a second. And, if she had to hazard a guess, she'd say that the other woman was pretty harmless, but she knew better than to underestimate anyone. "If you don't want people to think you're up to something, I'd start by not saying that you're totally not up to something." That was a dead giveaway. Then it occurs to her that she might be lying and sneaking around to get away from someone, maybe she needed help. "Are you okay?"
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Sylvie giggled again, crouching down to sweep a ball of snow into her mittens. "You could have a point," she agreed, back straightened as she rolled the powder between her hands, packing it as tightly as she could. "But that's not going to stop me from throwing this. Brace yourself!"
"Hah-Hah, very funny. Sylv Always with the comedic timing." The tinker fairy wanted to pout but Sylvie's laughter had been contagious as ever. "Just remember next time you might not be so lucky." Talia taunted with a mischievous grin. "Besides, this isn't fair. Snow technically counts as water so you already have the advantage."
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"I know. You're right." The words left her lips paired with a sigh of disappointment. She could be ditzy, but Sylvie wasn't stupid; that was why she had came to Terence instead of just doing it, going for it, taking to the sky. So he could remind her what an awful idea it was.
Her fingertip ran down the edge of the jar, her other hand squeezing his. "I just miss it. I know you get it. I feel so... incomplete, being stuck on the ground all the time."
Terence swallowed hard, mesmerized as always when he saw dust these days. Even a glance of the substance was enough to set his shoulderblades on fire. The tiny taste he'd gotten when flying above Evermore this summer hadn't been nearly enough.
"I'm the wrong person to talk you out of using it, Syl, but once you get a 'hit' it'll be gone before you know it."
He put a hand over hers, smiling sympathetically.
"Sorry to have to be the responsible one."
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LOCATION: sylvie's place FOR: @lcngstcryshcrt ( terence )
"Would it be that bad?" Sylvie questioned, placing the small jar of pixie dust she'd kept sealed since waking up here on the coffee table before them. She figured if there was anyone to talk sense into her, Terence was her guy. He knew more than anyone the importance of saving what was left of their little stashes. So if he did happen to say it was okay, then it must be okay. Wishful thinking. "Just a teeny, tiny dash. When no one's around. Just to fly for... five minutes. Maybe ten?"
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"That bad?" Sylvie lowered both colors, staring at them for a moment before putting Rosetta's hated shade to the side, popping the other one open. "Do you want to go out tonight?" She asked, digging around her makeup drawer for an eyeshadow brush and mascara. "I'll take you to all the fun places."
It was hard to mope around Sylvie when she was always just so gosh darn adorable. No matter how awful life was in the moment she just...knew she couldn't be like that around her. It would feel like kicking a box of kittens and she was not cruel like that. "The first one, darlin'," she said, pointing to it. "The other one...Unless you're like blending the two together, the other one should be abandoned completely."
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Sylvie beamed, a sense of pride when Mabel offered up her own pun. "Not if I leave mine first," she warned, crouching down to grab a fistful of snow. "Remember, it's never too late to call for a ceasefire."
Mabel couldn't even stop herself from laughing so hard her insides hurt. There were many ways to her heart and good graces and puns were pretty much number one. "I won't mist again!" she proclaimed before gathering more snow in her hands. "In fact, I'll be so spot on I'm sure I'll leave my own watermark."
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LOCATION: one of their bedrooms FOR: @rosettafleur
"Which one?" Holding up two shades of blue eyeshadow by her face, only a shade apart, Sylvie's eyes turned towards her friend, expectant. She could practically hear some of her other friends telling her they were the same shade, but she could rely on Rosetta to see the difference. To understand. "This is important, Rosie, you're the only one I trust with this!"
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— SYLVIE MIST is a 25 year old FAIRY , based on SILVERMIST from DISNEY FAIRIES ; she is a SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR with the power of WATER CONTROL and FLIGHT and she uses SHE/HER pronouns !
FULL NAME : sylvie cordelia mist.
DATE OF BIRTH : march 1st, 1999.
HOMETOWN : pixie hollow.
ZODIAC : pisces sun, scorpio moon, cancer rising.
SEXUALITY : bisexual, possibly lesbian.
EDUCATION : high school graduate.
OCCUPATION : swimming instructor.
LANGUAGES : english, korean, very little japanese.
HEIGHT : 5'6.
HAIR : long, straight, black, with a slight dark blue tint.
EYES : brown.
TATTOOS : n/a.
PIERCINGS : earlobes.
MOTHER : n/a.
FATHER : n/a.
PETS : n/a.
POSITIVE TRATS : easygoing, quirky, faithful, sympathetic, practical.
NEGATIVE TRAITS : vacuous, amenable, unhurried, shallow, odd.
FEARS : letting people down.
LIKES : water ( duh ), the color blue, learning new things, love stories, praise, social settings, making friends, dancing in the rain, splashing in puddles, chestnuts, baths, teaching, cute animals, good music, makeup, looking pretty, compliments, evermore, pixie hollow, flying, snowball fights, clubs, honey cakes, having fun, saltwater taffy, watermelon, flowers.
DISLIKES : feeling stupid, being scolded or told what to do, getting frustrated, people ( and fairies ) who are mean for no reason, mustard, loud noises, missing out, not being able to fly.
HOBBIES : window shopping, online shopping, going out, painting, practicing new languages, following makeup tutorials, teaching herself to sew, dancing, listening to music, trying new drinks and foods, reading by the rivers.
AESTHETICS : dewdrops clinging to a spiderweb, winking at a pretty girl across the room, bare feet in a creek, sipping a mixed drink, telling your friends you love them every chance you get, clear lip gloss, suncatchers hanging in the window, unmade beds with too many pillows, collecting the prettiest pebbles, staring at your own reflection in a store window, a baby blue dress discarded on the floor, cooing at babies in the grocery store, reminding everyone they're doing a good job, twirling in the street during the middle of a thunderstorm.
sylvie is someone who always has the best intentions. she's loyal, genuine, upbeat, sweet ( until you mess with her friends ) and . . . maybe a little ditzy at times, but it's part of her charm. and she can be very charming! even in the most stressful moments she is typically able to keep her cool, going into mom!friend mode. she uses her soothing voice on animals, the kids that she teaches to swim when they're scared and even her friends whenever necessary. she is a glass half full kind of person fairy, looking on the bright side, which is why the evermore situation is a bit hard for her. she isn't used to wanting more than what she's known. though she's usually easy to get along with, she does have her flaws. she can be naive, too trusting. she can be stubborn. she can get her feelings hurt easily. and she's too agreeable. sometimes it feels likes he doesn't even form opinions of her own because they can all be traced back to things others have told her. she takes things at face value too often. but all of those things make her who she is, and she likes who she is, so she wouldn't change any of it. as much as sylvie loves evermore, and she really and truly does love evermore, she really, really wants to go home. she knows she could be happy here. and there are things about life in evermore she truly prefers! she's made so many new friends and been able to explore things about herself she never had time for before. but she also misses her friends that didn't end up in the town, and she knows that the seasons count on her . . . maybe, in another life, this could be home. but in this one, it just isn't.
sylvie is the type of friend that tells the waitress the food is wrong or asks for extra sauce when she's out with someone who doesn't want to speak up. but she always says please and thank you! she would never, ever channel her inner karen.
though she is sensitive, she doesn't cry very often. she does tear up easily ( for positive reasons, mostly, like at wholesome commercials or videos of babies learning to walk ) but they seldom turn into real tears.
blue is without question her favorite color. most of her wardrobe and decor is blue. her eyeshadow and nails are almost always blue. looking at it makes her think of water and brings her comfort.
sylvie is is "bisexual" but she strongly leans towards women. there's a good chance she's actually not into guys at al l . . . but she's still figuring that out, and not too stressed about putting a label on it. it isn't like she was able to do much dating around in pixie hollow, so it's now or never, right?
she loves the idea of love. it wasn't something she thought of much before this town but after seeing all the romance movies, reading the books . . . swaying to love songs . . . ugh . . . swoon.
she looooves puns. especially and excessively water puns. anyone that hangs out with her for any amount of time is going to have to put up with a few of them. sorry, not sorry. ( maybe a little sorry. )
she likes to think she's tough and merciless, but it's pretty obvious she's as gentle and kind as they come . . . but do not underestimate her if she's mad. she very rarely gets truly mad but when she is, she's not just the rain, she's a whole storm.
she thinks she is very pretty. she wouldn't say she's vain . . . but she's a little vain. in her defense, she also thinks everyone else is pretty, too! she just loves wearing nice dresses, putting mascara on, taking selfies. if she's gonna blend in with the humans, she may as well do all the things she missed out on back home.
out of all the things that she likes here, she is super into partying. she loves getting dressed up, going to clubs, batting her eyelashes at pretty girls and buying them drinks. kissing strangers.
she still slips up and calls humans clumsies sometimes. she's not trying to insult them! she actually quite likes humans, now that she has gotten to know so many up close and personal, unlike the mainland! it's just habit!
things she misses the most ( aside from her friends ) is flying . . . what she wouldn't give to douse herself in pixie dust and take to the skies on a nice, clear night without worrying about who would see or what they would do.
to be fair, though, she isn't quite as careful as the others about keeping her ability or her wings a secret. she's a little too trusting. and a little too bad at being dishonest.
she has a habit of taking things too literally. if you tell her someone blew up, she's going to be shocked and asked if they're okay. if you mention brakes screaming she's going to be incredibly confused. she has gotten some figures of speech down over the years, but she's often caught off guard by hyperboles.
her favorite app is instagram but snapchat is a close second. she loves documenting pictures and posing for them. she's always asking people to get a good "candid" of her looking cute.
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She was just scoping it out, that was all. Not the store, the streets. All Sylvie really wanted to do was fly. And, yes, she had a limited amount of pixie dust and no, she shouldn't be risking it... but goodness, what she wouldn't give to feel the wind in her hair tonight. "Oh! You scared me." She must have looked like a deer in headlights, eyes wide, like she'd been caught breaking into the place rather than just walking by. "It's alright, I'm not looking for anything. I'm totally not up to anything either. Just... out for a stroll. That's all."
location: outside repurposed dreams @evermorehqsstart
She wasn't walking by the antiques store after closing to make sure no one was snooping around, no absolutely not, it was just a coincidence that she was there hours after she'd closed up...wink wink. Normally when she did her unsanctioned rounds, Bea never saw anyone. Until tonight. "Oh, are you lost? The store's closed for the night but you could always tell me what you're looking for."
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*checking my mood ring* it says i love girls
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LOCATION: somewhere outside FOR: open !
Blue mittens lifted to shield her face from the inevitable burst of snow, but her opponent's throw fell just a bit too short. "Uh oh!" Hands dropping by her sides, Sylvie burst into a fit of laughter, already amused by the pun she had yet to voice aloud. "It looks like you might have... mist me!"
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im developing a new app called tender. its tinder but you have to be nice or you get arrested in real life. please invest in my startup
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#Feel sad ? depressed ? Here, just let tahani hug you and everthing will be better.
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silvermist the water-talent fairy༄
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SHIN YE EUN ♡ ↪ Arena Homme+ (June 2023)
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