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watchmaga · 6 years ago
TOP TEN MEMES: Carpe Donktum Goes to Washington
In this week's countdown: The VoxPocalypse Folk Song celebrates Milo Yiannopoulos and other Free Speech heroes banned from Social Media; Democrat Representative Frederica Wilson demands online meme makers be prosecuted for poking fun and members of congress; The left can't meme but Carpe Donktum pulls the sword from the stone; Donald Trump meets Carpe Donktum; Change my Mind subverts expectations at a Florida Supercon; The citizenship question was always part of the census; Democrats leverage illegals to grab more seats in congress; We look at an alternate timeline where Trump ran as a Democrat; Kim Jong Un is just a lost boy looking for a Father Figure; Donald Trump has so much wang; Betsy Ross had so much wang.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
In this week's countdown: The Donald Reddit is in Quarantine just in time for the Democrat Debates; Pepe looks in a mirror; Trudeau can't seem to make any frens; Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump lookalikes dine in a restaurant in Japan; E Jean Carroll's rape fantasy matches the plot of a special victims unit television show; The Democrats out-pander each other for illegal votes; Donald Trump crashes the Democrat Debate; The Donald Reddit supports the Police; Journalist Andy Ngo is lynched by a mob in Portland; Evil Google alters the search results; The Quarantine is a bunch of liberal bullshit; Donald Trump steps into North Korea.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
(via In this week's countdown: Trump speaks at the D-Day commemorative ceremony; The american flag vs. the rainbow flag; Carlos Maza goes after Steven Crowder; Donald Trump threatens tariffs and sells corn to Mexico; Sadiq Khan visits Buckingham Palace; Jeremy Clarkson gets stabbed; Donald Trump calls Sadiq Khan the smaller twin of de Blasio; No infidels in Europe; Nigel Farage is Superman; A significant anniversary for evants in China.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
(via In this week's countdown: The Deplorables Unite; Nigel Farage leads the Brexit Party to Victory in EU Elections in the UK; Marie Le Pen and Matteo Salvini win big in France and Italy respectively; John Cleese is "Cancelled" for pointing out that London is now a foreign nation within a host country; Japan used robots to increase productivity; Europe imported a slave underclass who will soon become the new ruling class; The Fashtag or Hashtag becomes the new symbol of the Alt-Right; The racist sexist google game; Big Tech censors all opposition but the US government prepares an anti-trust case; WHO makes "Gamng Disorder" a mental illness and declares "Transgender" healthy; Hillary Clinton just can't manage the stairs; Hillary-appointed Chinese spy arrested in the State Department; Bill Bar rides a C-130 with the door open and calls the entire Mueller investigation "bogus"; Joe Biden just can't keep his hands off the little girls; Democrats fake crimes to bring down their political opponents but President Donald Trump escapes the trap.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
(via In this week's TOP 10 MEMES from The Donald Reddit Community: Bill Nye goes full Daenerys Targaryen on the Planet Earth; Morrison celebrates a miracle win for the conservative coalition in Australia; The_Donald is the cure for EDS; Huawei aren't the only ones spying on Americans; Donald Trump vows to evict comfortable illegals; 14 states pass pre-birth restrictions; An unfair sporting advantage; The White House begins collecting evidence against Big Tech censorship; The Democrat Candidates are a Sorry Lot on an Apology Tour; The family of fallen Police officer Ronil Singh expresses thanks to President Trump.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
Ruth Bader Ginsberg is Dead but we can rebuild her: In this week's countdown: See the reaction to the Gillette Razor Commercial; Learn the worth of a woman; Watch street artists appropriate a Bill Maher Billboard in Real Time; See Donald Trump send bricks to Nancy and Chuck; Watch Buzzfeed gets burned again -- and The Donald Reddit Community saw it coming; Get served by President Ronald McDonald Trump; Learn from John and Juan about the true costs of illegal immigration; See Donald Trump turn the congressional bus around; Get a visit from Pepe the Frog who predicts the future of the supreme court; Learn that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is Dead but we bring her back!
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
In this week's LOVE MEME compilation: Hillary isn't saying it's Russians, but it's Russians; A bar graph illustrating the advantages of Socialism; America was build by men in blue jeans; Be careful who you protest with; The wisdom of Harry S. Truman; Nancy Pelosi's Net Worth; Ruth Bader Ginsberg speaks from the grave; The Democratic Response in launches a thousand memes; El Chapo Act; Ted Cruz builds the Wall; Jim Acosta joins the Trump Train and makes a sales pitch for Trump's Wall; Trump takes a line from Malik Obama; "The wealthy build walls because they love the people on the inside."
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
Trump Memes Victory in Border Wall Negotiations: In this week's meme compilation; Donald Trump achieves the highest numbered year on record; Justin Trudeau plays Mr. Dressup; You're not paranoid if the media really is out to get you (even if you do play CNN like a fiddle); Donald Trump negotiates a deal to sell rice to China---and Ice to Eskimos; Democratic Socialists heart you---right before the shoot you---but the funeral is FREE; Mitt Romney beclowns himself---again;  Gandalf the White rescues Lindsey Graham from the seduction of Saruman (I mean, John McCain); BURKA SONG: You give me all your love, you give me all your kisses, but when you touch my burka, you do not know who is this; Amazing health facts about pork; Matteo Salvini explains why Islam is not a religion and cannot be allowed to invade the West; Hermilo Moralez, illegal immigrant and DACA recipient, murders Joshua Wikerson; Chick Shumer and Nancy Pelosi shutdown the government to cuddle with MS13; Donald Trump never makes a threat; THE WALL IS COMING TWEET STORM!
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
Trump Supporter Watches Meltdown at Xhale City Vape Shop:  In this week's meme compilation; Gay People can still be ***holes, especially when they fight for gender equality; a ma'an boycotts a gamestop; Liberals explain how the stock market works while hoping for a crash; Trump visits the troops in iraq at Christmas time; Obama visits Hawaii at vacation time; Saudi Arabia acts responsibly in Syria; Trump leaves the middle-east freeing up funding for the wall; NPCs are reprogrammed by CNN; Bill and Ted explain the Alt-Right; We meet the Virgin Vaper as XHale City loses an employee at the Vape Shop; the killer of Ronil Singh is arrested.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
The Unconstitutional Obamacare Mandate Crashes and Burns:  This week's countdown includes: The drink of choice for members of the Bob Mueler Cult; Woman questioned by police for her hairstyle; SpaceX and Elon Musk go Interstellar; The Hindenburg makes its maiden voyage; The risky business of humor in 2018;  Rebooting the US Government; Do-it-yourself go-fund-me wall-building kit; DONALD THE IMPALER tweets his approved wall design; Wolf Blitzer gets Blitzed; The First Step Act and Van Jones praises Donald Trump.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
Yellow Vest Memes from Paris:  This weeks memes include: Free speech and the rainbow flag; Kevin Hart burned by Hollywood; Martin Luther King deplatformed; Presidential Harassment; Trump Enforcement; Stephan Molyneaux takes a rocket ride; The Left loves the smell of tear-gas in the morning; The deplorables revolt in Paris; Macron unites the entire political spectrum in opposition to the Globalist menace; French Police arrest children; French Police side with the revolutionaries; The Paris Tea Party and the Sons of Liberty; Lady Liberty cries out on the streets of Paris.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
MAGA Memes and Trump Cats:  This week's memes include: Hillary Clinton cat memes; Obama takes the credit for all the things; Poland remains at peace as Minneapolis Somali community institutes Sharia Law, while a Minneapolis school teacher incites a teenage mob to attack a Trump-supporting student;  Laura Loomer wears Twitter Ban Jewelry; New York Proud boys are persecuted by the system while Portland Antifa leader is permitted to molest actual underage boys; a friendly migrant tells a joke; Border Patrol Agent of the Year risks his life to defend the border; POTUS Cat in the Hat makes Mexico pay for the wall; Mexico's migrant caravan brings us the worst parent of the year recipient 2018 (with special guest appearance by Anderson Cooper of CNN).
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
The Donald Reddit Community demonstrates both comedy and wit in this collection of funny, conservative memes from the week of November 25, 2018. Be sure to keep watching for a special guest appearance from William Shatner.
 Memes this week include: The Deep Meme Magic of Narnia; New conservative headgear; Final Boss Feminist; Mexicans who love Donald Trump; Premium Snapchat and IRS audits from the ThotPatrol; Jigsaw asks migrants to play a game; President Trump is photographed Schitt-Posting; A feminist learns about rights and responsibilities; and a final visit to the Kekistani Twilight Zone.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
Donald Trump Fresh Memes November 18, 2018
Fresh Conservative Memes from The Donald Trump Reddit Community. Memes this week include: The Official Battle Flag of the European Army; Bernie Sanders plays chess with capitalism; Kids in Africa notice differences;  Florida election officials can't get it up; Democrats elect a moron, a child-molester, and two antisemites; A man in Melbourne tells the truth about surprising explosions; Michael Avanatti gets arrested for domestic abuse; a male feminist gets called out by a real man; the King of Morocco makes a bad impression; California's fires mean orange man bad.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
Exclusive Trump Meme Compilation (Midterm Election Edition) November 11,... This week, we learn from Monroe County Florida that every vote counts; the NPC Mob comes out again in force in New York to Protect Mueller; a real life NPC---triggered by Dinesh D'Souza---throws an hysterical fit on campus; the crowd at a Trump Rally in Missouri sings Amazing Grace; We celebrate some newly-elected Republican Senators and Congressmen (including the first Korean-American elected to Congress); Dan Crenshaw also gets a nod; A petulant Jim Acosta is denied the microphone (and makes a karate-chop on the arm of a young female White House staffer); 80,000 ballots are willed into existence by Broward County Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes; Joann Knox of the Tim Canova for Congress team, spots a mysterious nighttime shipment of Florida ballots (more ballots later show up in mysterious places #stopthesteal); Project Veritas exposes illegals voting in Texas; Election Integrity is hard to find; Tucker Carlson calls for a Nationwide audit of the election process; Two day's previous, Tucker's home is attacked by a leftist "protest" mob.
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
Donald Trump Meme Compilation, November 2018
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watchmaga · 6 years ago
TOP 5 Fake News Attacks on Donald Trump
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