watchful-rowan · 1 month
Brain Bleach - Spell to remove unpleasant thoughts
NOTE: This spell is not a substitute for trained therapy or contacting the police. This is just to remove unpleasant thoughts (the old meme “what has been seen cannot be unseen” works here)
SHIT YOU NEED: Black Candle Basil oil (harmony and peace) Cedar oil (balance) Eucalyptus (purification) Peppermint oil (purification and mental energy) Piece of Calcite
Mix up the oil and annoint the forehead with it. Light your candle and charge your calcite with the following:
My mind is clear and my thoughts are pure, I am happy, calm and relaxed.
Carry the calcite when you need to have clear thoughts
Note: Make sure you do not have adverse reactions to the oil by testing on small patch of skin first or contacting a doctor.
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watchful-rowan · 1 month
Trick or Treat???🎃🎃🎃
Bury the Thought spell
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Sand (at least a 2-3 cups)
Ground eggshells
Black or brown ink pen
This spell is ideal when you are dwelling on something you need to forget or trying to break a undesireable habit.
Write the thought or habit down on the paper multiple times, over and over, until you’ve filled the page. Place it in the bowl/pan.
Mix the sand with the ground eggshells. Sprinkle a bit initially right after putting the paper in. Put the bowl in a safe place. Every day add more sand over the course of a week until the paper is completely buried.
Dispose of by burying in your yard or using the sand/eggshells for plants and burning the paper. Be careful not to read the paper when disposing of it.
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watchful-rowan · 1 month
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The aim of this binding spell is to exorcise weakness in denying bad habits, influences, and interactions in your life. This spell provides a framework that the witch/practitioner can manipulate to suit them: quitting self harm, containing self-destructive libidos, stopping yourself from communicating with a toxic person, etc. Ultimately, this sachet/mojo bag is for dealing with psychological addiction. 
Beginning the Ritual
This spell should be done on a Saturday night. The day derives it’s name from the planet Saturn; the planet associated with controlling, cursing, binding, separation, hedonism, money, and death. A Saturday on a New Moon would be the perfect circumstance, for nights of the New Moon are the nights we stop to look inside ourselves; a time when we are our most vulnerable and when rebirth of the soul is the most possible. 
Find your way to a dark room, at a late hour, when/where you will not been seen or disturbed by others. This spell is intensely personal, and privacy is key to it’s success. Turn off all light sources in the room, and sit in the centre of the room, facing south (south is the direction of the element of Fire - the element that represents courage, power, and transformation), and light a single black candle. 
Listen to the quiet of the room around you. Even if there is the sound of traffic on the streets outside, or the humming of insects outside your door, there is always an immediate silence, an immediate silence that is always surrounding you. Listen to that silence. Watch the flame of the candle in front of you, allow yourself to fall into it’s trance and submit to your unconscious for the last time: Breathe in once. Inhale all of your insecurities, your fears, your weakness - and breath out. Release the anxieties of weakness - breathe out - these weaknesses are going to be bound, and you now have power over them.
The Binding
Take one stone or crystal out of these three:
Garnet - (Mars, fire, projective) Enhances bodily strength and  endurance. The garnet deals in the power dynamics of sexual energies and psychological fantasy. An oath sworn over garnet can never be broken. 
Jet - (Saturn, earth, receptive) Exorcism of both human and non-human entities. Known as the “mourning stone”  in Victorian and Edwardian eras, and continues with its association to death. Wards the Evil Eye. Continuously worn, it is thought to absorb a part of the wearer’s soul (thus, this stone must be carefully guarded, for falling into the wrong hands could lead to manipulation of the original wearer). Has the folkname of “Witch’s Amber”. 
Onyx - (Mars+Saturn, fire, projective)  In the past, onyx was seen as the manifestation of a demon imprisoned in stone. The demon wakes at night, and spreads terror and nightmares to any person within its range of influence. Now, onyx is more seen as a protective stone when facing enemies. Onyx can reduce sexual impulses, when taught to. Keep in mind: it will reduce these impulses, but it can never fully contain them. 
Black Tourmaline - (Saturn, earth, receptive) Tourmaline, when black, absorbs the negative energies and, in a way, shields the practitioner because of it.
With black ribbon or string, tie a token of yourself or your weakness to the stone. A part of yourself could be: a cutting of hair, a drop of blood, a vial of eyelashes, or tears collected from a broken heart. A token of your weakness could be: a ticket stub to a casino, a cutting of an ex lover’s hair, a square of fabric cut form someone’s clothes, or a razor used for self-harm. Wrap a stone that corresponds to the nature of your addiction and token - wrap it several times, in several directions, and tightly. Bind the token and stone. Knot the ribbon/string several times, when finished. 
The Bag
Drop the bound stone/token into a fabric bag that is black and opaque (you cannot see through the fabric to what’s inside). The bag must have a drawstring, or another way of closing, or it will have to be sewn shut (with black or white thread). Before sealing the bag with the stone/token inside, add one of the following herbs to the bag/sachet:
A Dried Carnation - (masculine, Sun, fire) Carnations are associated with healing, strength, and protection. Including one of these flowers in your bag/sachet will protect you through giving you the strength to heal. A darker blossom is best, for this spell. 
Belladonna - (feminine, Saturn, water) This flower, also known as ‘Deadly Nightshade”  is extremely powerful - and extremely poisonous. Incredible caution must be used when dealing with it. Belladonna has a dark, and mysterious history associated with Hecate, wrath, femininity, death, and revenge against those sickened with lust. 
A Clove of Garlic - (masculine, Mars, fire) Used to guard against disease and absorb sickness (of the body and mind). Extremely protective. Also used to guard against intrusions of evil, and thieves.
A Thistle Head - (masculine, Mars, fire) The sharp bloom of this flower wards off thieves. It fiercely, and loyally, protects its practitioner (and only its practitioner) against evil, great and small.
These herbs will further bind the stone and token, will protect the bag, and the practitioner themselves.
Charging the Bag
Now is the time to load the bag/sachet with your intentions. As you close the bag, imagine finally closing your insecurities, weaknesses, and addictions inside as well. Seal the bag as tightly as you can, physically. Seal the bag further, and magically, by passing it over the heat of the flame from the black candle in front of you. Envision the heat of the flame singeing the bag shut (and you weaknesses within it). 
Understand that this bag has a part of you now, that it has been charged with a small amount of your life force, your soul. Recognize the frailty of its contents, and the power of it’s contents, should they be released again. This bag is now sacred. 
Ending the Ritual - Hiding the Bag
End the ritual by listening to the immediate silence again, understand now that the silence has changed: it is vibrating with your intention. Garner all of that free flowing energy and direct it towards the candle in front of you, and with one breath, blow out the candle, extinguish the flame, and with it extinguish the free flowing energies of the room that would otherwise leave you vulnerable and open to outside energies. Once the flame is extinguished, the room will darken entirely. Allow the darkness to wash over you, the room, and the small bag held in your hands. The only energy left from the ritual will be contained in that single bag. 
The next step is essential. Do not destroy the bag. Do not throw the bag away. This is not an exorcism spell but a binding spell. Whoever possesses that bag, holds power over the energies contained within it. This is a spell of empowerment: as long as you possess this bag, you have power over the weaknesses within it. Never, ever let anyone know of the existence of this bag, even the ones you trust. This bag is powerful - and in the wrong hands can hurt you greatly. Hide this bag. Hide it somewhere only you know, somewhere no one would ever search for or happen on it - but also somewhere that you can have access to if/when you need it. (For exmaple: bury the bag next to a marked tree in a nearby or distant forest, hide it underneath the floorboards in a room no one often frequents, hollow out a dull book and place the bag inside, tape the bag underneath a cabinet or counter that no one would ever reason to look under, etc.)
Remember this bag … It will remember you. 
Blessed Be.   )O(
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watchful-rowan · 1 month
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watchful-rowan · 2 months
Marisol’s Magickal PDF Library Master Post- FIXED!
Ok, kiddies.  Several of you have seen my post about the various resources and books I have in my Pagan/Witchcraft/Magick library and have asked “Where can I download the PDFs from?”
Well, now that things have calmed down a bit…Here it is!  This post will always be growing as I find more PDF books. I did my best to organize them according to category.
Happy reading, loves :)
PS- Please message me if links are wrong or broken!
Book of Shadows/Grimoires
The Azoetia: A Grimoire of the Sabbatic Craft by Andrew Chumbley*
Cunningham’s Book of Shadows: The Path of an American Traditionalist by Scott Cunningham*
The Pop Culture Grimoire: A Pop Culture Magic Anthology by Taylor Ellwood*
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows by Gerald Gardner*
A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk: A Practical Guide to Witchcraft on the Crooked Path by Peter Paddon*
Witch’s Master Grimoire by Lady Sabrina*
The Complete Uncut Book of Shadows by Riders of the Crystal Wind*
The Alexandrian Book of Shadows by Sekhet Sophia*
The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley*
The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley*
The Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley*
Book 4 by Aleister Crowley, Frater Perdurabo, and Soror Vira*
Book 4 Part 1: Meditation by Aleister Crowley*
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley by Aleister Crowley*
Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley*
Duty by Aleister Crowley*
Eight Lectures on Yoga by Aleister Crowley*
The Equinox by Aleister Crowley*
The Equinox of the Gods by Aleister Crowley*
Goetia of Solomon the King by Aleister Crowley*
Household Gods by Aleister Crowley*
Invocation of Hecate by Aleister Crowley*
Liber CVI (Book 106): Concerning Death by Aleister Crowley*
Liber 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley by Aleister Crowley*
Liber LXXXIV vel Chanokh by Aleister Crowley*
Little Essays Towards Truth by Aleister Crowley*
Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley*
Magick Without Tears by Aleister Crowley*
Moonchild by Aleister Crowley*
The Necronomicon: The Call of Cthulhu by unknown
Olla by Aleister Crowley*
The Tao The King by Aleister Crowley*
Thoth Tarot Deck by Aleister Crowley*
The Vision & the Voice With Commentary and Other Papers: The Collected Diaries of Aleister Crowley by Aleister Crowley, Victor B Neuburg and Mary Desti*
Godwin’s Cabalistic Encyclopedia:  A Complete Guide to Cabalistic Magic by David Godwin*
Abrahadabra: Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic Magic by Rodney Orpheus and Lon Milo Duquette*
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham*
Dunwich’s Guide to Gemstone Sorcery: Using Stones for Spells, Amulets, Rituals and Divination by Gerina Durwich*
Divination/Psychic Ability
Opening of the Third Eye by Douglas Baker*
Shadow Work Guidebook by Jessica Cross*
Divination for Beginners: Reading the Past, Present, and Future by Scott Cunningham*
The Art of the Pendulum by Cassandra Eason*
The Complete Guide to Psychic Development by Cassandra Eason*
Spiritual Power by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee*
Gods and Goddesses
Dictionary of the Gods and Goddesses by Michael Jordan*
Encountering Kali: In the Margins, At the Center, IN the West by Rachel Fell McDermott and Jeffrey Kripal*
Singing to the Goddess: Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal by Rachel Fell McDermott*
The Magic of Kali: Inner Secrets of a Tantrik Goddess by Michael Magee*
Goddesses and the Divine: A Western Religious History by Rosemary Radford Ruether*
Herb/Nature Magick
Treaties on Occult Medicine & Practical Magic by Samael Aun Weor*
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews by Scott Cunningham*
Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham*
Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham*
The Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham*
Herbal Magick; A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Enchantment, Folklore, and Divination by Gerina Dunwich*
Sea Priestess by Dion Fortune*
A Witch Alone, New Edition: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic by Marian Green*
Earth Divination: A Practice Guide to Geomancy by John Michael Greer*
The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook by Karen Harrison*
The Weiser Concise Guide to Herbal Magick by Judith Hawkins-Tillirson*
The Element Encyclopedia of 1,000 Spells by Judika Illes*
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes*
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs by Richard Allen Miller*
Incense Crafting and Use of Magickal Sense by Carl F. Neal*
The Extremely Large Herbal Grimoire by Que Sage and Midnight Mindi*
Gardening with the Goddess: Creating Gardens of Spirit and Magick by Patricia Telesco*
The Folk-Lore of Plants by T. F. Thiselton- Dyer*
Natural Magic by Doreen Valiente*
Herbs in Magic and Alchemy: Techniques from Ancient Herbal Lore by C. L. Zalewski*
Historical/Classic Reference
Paganism Surviving in Christianity by Abram Herbert Lewis*
The God of Witches by Margaret Alice Murray*
The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger by Heinrich Kramer, James Sprenger and Montague Summers*
Aradia or Gospel of the Witches by Charles G. LeLand*
Persephone’s Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion by R. Gordon Wasson, Stella Kramrisch, Dr. Carl Ruck, and Jonathan Ott*
Household/Kitchen Witchcraft
The Magical Household: Spells & Rituals for the Home by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington*
Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects by Scott Cunningham and David Harrington*
Advanced Candle Magick by Raymond Buckland*
A Little Book of Altar Magic by D.J. Conway*
Creating Magical Entities by David Michael Cunningham*
Candle Power: Using Candle Light for Ritual, Magic, and Self- Discovery by Cassandra Eason* 
The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy by Rosemary Ellen Guiley*
Meta- Magick: The Book of ATEM- Achieving New States of Consciousness through NLP, Neuroscience, and Ritual by Philip Farber*
Fire and Ice: The History, Structure, and Rituals of Germany’s Most Influential Modern Magical Order: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers, PhD.*  
Applied Magic by Dion Fortune*
An Introduction to Ritual Magic by Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight*
High Magic’s Aid by Gerald B. Gardner*
Circles of Power: Ritual Magic in the Western Tradition by John Michael Greer*
Learning Ritual Magic: Fundamental Theory and Practice for the Solitary Apprentice by John Michael Greer, Earl, Jr. King, Clare Vaughn*
E-Witch: Teachings of Magical Mastery by Deborah Gray*
Magic When You Need It by Judika Illes*
Pure Magic by Judika Illes*
The Basics of Magick by Amber K. *
True Magic: A Beginner’s Guide by Amber K.*
Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts, Second Edition by Donald Michael Kraig*
Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller*
The Secrets of High Magic: Vintage Edition: Practical Instruction in the Occult Traditions of High Magic, Including Tree of Life, Astrology, Tarot, Rituals, Alchemic Processes, and Further Advanced Techniques by Francis Melville*
The Mystic Foundation: Understanding & Exploring The Magical Universe by Christopher Penczak*
The Book of Solomon’s Magick by Carroll Runyon*
A Week of Magic by the Sea Witch*
Tactical Magick by Seth*
An Enchanted Life: An Adept’s Guide to Masterful Magic by Patricia Telesco*
Enocian Magic for Beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic by Donald Tyson*
New Millennium Magick: A Complete System of Self- Realization by Donald Tyson*
Magician’s Workbook: Practicing the Rituals of the Western Tradition by Donald Tyson*
Not in Kansas Anymore: Dark Arts, Sex Spells, Money Magic, and Other Things Your Neighbors Aren’t Telling You by Christine Wicker*
Three Books on Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa*
A Manual of Occultism by Sepharial*
Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion by Gregg Braden*
Psychedelic Shamanism: The Cultivation, Preparation, and Shamanic Use of Psychotropic Plants by Jim DeKorne*
Hallucinogens and Shamanism by Michael Harner*
Shamans/Neo-Shamans: Ecstasies, Alterative Archaeologies and Contemporary Pagan by Robert Willis*
In the Shadow of the Shaman: Connecting with Self, Nature & Spirit by Amber Wolfe*
The Ultimate Book of Spells: A Complete Guide to Using Magic to Improve Your Life and the World Around You by Pamela Ball*
Exploring Spellcraft: How to Create and Cast Effective Spells by Gerina Dunwich*
Spells For The Solitary Witch by Eileen Holland*
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Spells: 88 Incantations to Entice Love, Improve a Career, Increase Wealth, Restore Health, and Spread Peace by Michael Johnstone*
Witches’ Potions and Spells by Kathryn Paulsen*
The Cyber Spellbook: Magick In The Virutal World by Patricia Telesco and Sirona Knight*
Crone’s Book of Spells and Charms by Valerie Worth*
Symbols, Amulets, Sigils
Amulets and Magic by E.A. Budge*
A Dictionary of Symbols by J. E. Cirlot and Herbert Read*
Basic Sigil Magic by Philip Cooper*
Practical Sigil Magic: Creating Personal Symbols for Success by Frater U.:D.:*
Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils by Fred Gettings*
The Complete Book of Amulets & Talismans by Migene González-Wippler*
Runic Amulets and Magic Objects by Mindy MacLeod and Bernard Mees*
Symbols, Signs, and Spells by Lolita Perdurabo*
Secrets of Magical Seals: A Modern Grimoire of Amulets, Charms, Symbols and Talismans by Anna Riva*
The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems by William Thomas and Kate Pavitt*
The Power of the Word: The Secret Code of Creation by Donald Tyson*
Crone’s Book of Magical Words by Valerie Worth* 
Spirit/Otherbeing Work
Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communication by Raymond Buckland*
Witch’s Guide to Ghosts and the Supernatural by Gerina Dunwich*
Fabulous Creatures, Mythical Monsters, and Animal Power Symbols by Cassandra Eason*
Faery Magic: Spells, Potions, and Lore from the Earth Spirits by Sirona Knight*
Summoning Spirits: The Art of Magical Evocation by Konstantinos*
Faerie Way: A Healing Journey to Other Worlds by Hugh Mynne and George A. Russell*
The Necronomicon by Simon*
Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft and Magic by Emma Wilby*
Voodoo/Hoodoo/Root Work
Hoodoo, Voodoo, and Conjure: A Handbook by Jeffrey Anderson*
The Voodoo Doll Spellbook: A Compendium of Ancient and Contemporary Spells and Rituals by Denise Alvarado*
The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook by Denise Alvarado*
Voodoo Dolls in Magick and Ritual by Denise Alvarado*
The Candle and the Crossroads: A Book of Appalachian Conjure and Southern Root-Work by Orion Foxwood*
Charms, Spells, and Formulas : for the Making and Use of Gris Gris Bags, Herb Candles, Doll Magic, Incenses, Oils, and Powders by Ray T. Malbrough and Bill Fugate*
Waters of Return: The Aeonic Flow of Voodoo by Louis Martinie*
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs by Stephanie Rose Bird*
The Super Voodoo Coursework by Unknown*
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca In The Kitchen by Scott Cunningham*
Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham*
Witchcraft: Theory and Practice by Ly de Angeles*
The Goddess Is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch by Deborah Blake*
A Witch’s Dozen: 13 Practical Rituals for the Everyday Witch by Deborah Blake*
Witchcraft on a Shoestring: Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget by Deborah Blake*
Witchcraft: A Concise Guide Or Which Witch Is Which? by Isaac Bonewits*
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland*
Witchcraft From The Inside: Origins of the Fastest Growing Religious Movement in America by Raymond Buckland*
Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to Enlightenment by Laurie Cabot*
The Dark Side of the Moon - A Complete Course in Magic & Witchcraft by Basil Crouch*
Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic by Phyllis Curott*
Every Witch Way: Spells and Advice from Two Very Different Witches by Ellen Dugan and Tess Whitehurst*
A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells by Cassandra Eason*
Old World Witchcraft: Ancient Ways for Modern Days by Raven Grimassi*
The Witch’s Familiar: Spiritual Partnership for Successful Magic by Raven Grimassi*
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley*
Progressive Witchcraft by Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone*
The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald Gardner*
Mastering Witchcraft: A Practical Guide for Witches, Warlocks & Covens by Paul Huson*
Nocturnal Witchcraft: Magick After Dark by Konstantinos*
Witchcraft Today: An Encyclopedia of of Wiccan and Neopagan Traditions by James Lewis*
8 Sabbaths of Witchcraft by Mike Nichols*
The Gates of Witchcraft: Twelve Paths of Power, Trance and Gnosis by Christopher Penczak*
The Living Temple of Witchcraft, Volume 1: The Descent of the Goddess by Christopher Penczak*
The Living Temple of Witchcraft, Volume 2: The Journey of the God by Christopher Penczak*
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk*
The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft: Shadows, Spirits, and the Healing Journey by Christopher Penczak*
The Real Witch’s Handbook by Kate West*
World Pagan Practices
An Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology by James Hampton Belton*
Buckland’s Book of Saxon Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland*
The Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani by E.A. Wallis Budge*
Egyptian Magic by E. A. Wallis Budge*
Witta: An Irish Pagan Tradition by Edain McCoy*
The Practical Pagan Guide: Commonsense Guidelines for Modern Practicioners by Dana Eilers*
Practising the Witch’s Craft: Real Magic Under a Southern Sky by Douglas Ezzy*
Hermetic Magic:The Postmodern Magical Papyrus of Abaris by By Stephen Edred Flowers*
Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune*
The Book of the Holy Strega by Raven Grimassi*
By-Paths of Sicily by Eliza Putnam Heaton*
Germanic Spirituality by Bil Linzie*
The Religion of Ancient Egypt by W. M. Flinders Petrie*=
The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Rituals by Robert Ritner*
Asgard and the Gods: The Tales and Traditions of Our Northern Ancestors by Wilhelm Wägner and M. W. MacDowall*
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watchful-rowan · 3 months
Intro to Channeling
Channeling is one of the basic tools of energy work. There will be spells that will require a larger amount of energy than you currently possess, and learning how to channel other types of energy will help you to not drain yourself too quickly. For now, our lesson will focus on elemental energy.
There are a couple reasons for this. Elemental energy is generally one of the safest external energies to work with because the human body is naturally tied to it. As long as we are nice to the elements, the elements are nice to us. This type of energy is also the easiest to work with, as most of us have affinities for at least one basic physical element. The secondary physical elements (or sub-elements) probably come second in terms of easiest to cast, but not everyone has an inherent affinity for one (although most everyone can develop one).  
There are a few rules to this:
Never call an element that you don’t vibe with. Elements that don’t respond well to you probably won’t come anyway (and you definitely shouldn’t force it to come), much less work for you.
Never force an element to work with you. Think of it like trying to force a deity that doesn’t want to work with you to do something for you. It’s not good. Moreover, if you somehow do manage to force the element, you probably won’t get the results you want.
Do not abuse the elements. The elements are living, sentient beings. They may not be humanoid, but that doesn’t make them unlike any other human you’ve met in terms of emotions; except they’re even more dangerous. Believe me: you don’t want the elements against you.
That’s it! They’re super simple but really important to follow in order to make sure you stay safe. We’ll be working with the four basic physical elements today: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Some people include the element “Spirit” when we’re talking about these four, but Spirit is not a physical element so we won’t be working with it for now.
If you don’t know what element you “vibe” with, it’s pretty easy to get a good and reasonable guess. First, ask yourself: of these four, which one do you want to work with the most? Then, search your memories. Which element do you have the most impactful memories with? Do you have lots of memories of days at the beach or the pool? How about somewhere up high or a memory where you’re standing outside and the wind is brushing past your cheeks and the clear night sky is directly above you and you feel like you could just reach out and touch the stars? Do you have any memories of the heat of the sun on your face or sitting in front of a roaring fireplace in the dead of winter? Or what about when you’re standing outside barefoot in the garden, letting the dirt you’re digging up to give a new plant a home cover your hands because it feels soft and cool on your skin?
Maybe you don’t have any memories like this, but remember that the elements aren’t just physical. They’re emotional and mental, as well. Calmer or more emotional people tend to vibe with water. Stable, responsible people vibe with earth. Wild and spontaneous people are air people, and intense, driven, passionate people are fire types. Sound like you?
If you’re still not sure what element you vibe with, don’t worry. You’re still testing the waters so it’s not like the elements will lash out at you–they’ll just let you know whether they want to work with you or not by either not showing up or making you feel a little off until you send them away. Just pick an element you think you might get along with and go from there. If it doesn’t work out, you can always do the exercise again with a different one.
Step One
Gather a physical representation of your chosen element. Most energy work can be done without any kind of physical component, but as a beginner, it’s also nice to have something physical as a type of support. In this case, the physical representation of your element will not only help you call it, but it will also hold any energy you can’t handle channeling at the moment. Below is a guide for suggested items that can be used for each element:
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It’s best to choose something that you’re okay with either tossing afterward or that you’re cool with being a permanent representation of your physical element. You can always cleanse the item of energy, but strong energy tends to leave an imprint on any item.
Step Two
Before we channel the energy of your chosen element, we have to call it to our space. Get into a relaxed state and focus on the element you’re trying to call. Think of all it represents for you. What thoughts/feelings/memories do you have associated with it? Call everything forth; immerse yourself in the very life that is your element. Take your time. I can usually stop here if I briefly need the element, but I’ve been doing this for quite some time now. You should speak something aloud or do something that will call your element to you. Find words that feel right (and if you’ve called on a powerful enough connection, the right words will come to you as soon as you call to them). I personally like to sing for air and dance for fire. For water, I have a specific sigil that I draw in water while speaking some words of my own, and for earth, I touch the rock and say some different words. Sometimes I’ll dance or sing for all of the elements… it really depends.
At this point, you probably feel a large influx of energy that is not yours. What you want to do now is take that energy and put it into the physical representation of your element. This is so you don’t overload yourself by being the host of too much energy. You can, eventually, host the energy on your own but as a beginner, you definitely need the physical representation. Don’t worry—the element is still with you, you just won’t be the direct host of its energy for now.
Step Three
The last step is to actually channel the energy. You did this briefly when you called the energy, but now that you’ve given the element a place to live temporarily you can begin to test your current limits. Take the energy out of the item you’ve chosen a little at a time. Keep pulling until you either feel like you can’t handle any more energy or the element doesn’t give you any more.
From here, you can play with the energy you’re channeling if you’d like. Manipulate the energy in any of the basic ways we’ve talked about so far. It’s very much like controlling your own energy. The only difference here is that you’re A) working with another being and B) you have to work more in order to form a tangible enough connection that you can call upon the energy with. Once you’re done or you get tired, you can gather the element around you and say something like, “Thank you, [element]. I release you.” Its energy should leave, then.
I’d also recommend grounding after channeling energy. It’s a good practice to get into, especially because channeling leaves you feeling completely energized most of the time and you have to learn to bring yourself back down.
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watchful-rowan · 3 years
colour correspondences
red; protection, passion, love, energy, chaos, strength, power
orange; protection, confidence, strength, energy, happiness, inspiration, prosperity, success
yellow; happiness, healing, comfort, kindness, protection, love
green; prosperity, creativity, luck, growth, success, happiness, energy
blue; calming, empathy, happiness, patience, creativity, healing
purple; divine, energy, prosperity, communication
pink; fae, love, empowerment, kindness, growth, creativity, happiness, protection
black; banishment, confidence, protection, strength, power
brown; grounding, stability, protection, strength, balance
white; purity, cleansing, empowerment, strength, peace
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watchful-rowan · 3 years
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A Homemade Spell.... My Commitment Spell helps a practitioner stay true to personal goals and avoids faltering and wavering.
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watchful-rowan · 3 years
This guy!!!!
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jackfalahee: ☀️😃📚
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
To Expose a Liar
At twilight on a Wednesday, take up a piece of paper and write a mispelled version of your target’s name 9 times. For instance, if your target is named John Smith, it could be as simple as writing it Jon Smith. If your target’s name has no known spelling variants, simply misplace or misuse a letter.
Proceed by crossing each mispelled name with the proper spelling of that same name, and then fold the paper in half. Write your own name on the folded paper, before folding it once more, in such a way that your name is folded outward.
Next, massage Compeling Oil into a violet candle (not in glass,) keeping your mind focused on the truth you plan to extract, before sprinkling it with a handful of mixed crossroads dirt and dried primrose.
When you’ve finished with both the written charm and the candle-dressing, set the folded paper on a surface near your bed and place the dressed candle atop it. Light the candle, and recite:
“By the liminal powers of Crossroads and Twilight, I command you (insert name),
and I bind you with threads of Verity.
Engulfing your deceit and smothering your lies, I compel you (insert name):
That you might walk in the harsh light of truth!”
Allow the candle to burn down entirely, and take the remaining wax and paper to a Crossroads at Twilight. If possible, it’s ideal to return to the same crossroads from which you harvested the dirt used to dress the candle. Bury the remains of the ritual and pour libations over the place of burial.
Conclude by standing in the center of the crossroads and giving an offering of blood while you invoke, aloud, the Crossroads Entity most closely associated with your practice.
If properly undertaken, the lies currently being spread by your target should begin to unravel as the spell takes hold. What’s more, your target will find it exceedingly difficult to lie to you (specifically) in the first place, for the next month or so.
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
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A Healing Spell
#healing #spellwork #workandrework #grimoire #spellbook
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
I sketch of another devised spell.... modifying a witches ladder/Nine knots spell with Norse and Celtic magic.... taking inspiration from knot magic, bindings and separation spells.
#witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #bindingspell #seperation #bindings #celticmagic #norsemagic #devisedspell #spellwork
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
Signs of Water entry....
#waterelemental #scorpio #gowiththeflow #magic #witchcraft #wicthesofinstagram
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
Object Cursing.... We all know one situation where this is needed!
#casting #curses #blackarts #karma #practitioner #witchcraft
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
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Check out my Instagram page!
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
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Sleep Charm Bag....
When you require a little help with LD or answers to questions...
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watchful-rowan · 4 years
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My own little take on a sigil and truth incantation.
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