watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
Phil was surprised by the sudden swerve, crashing into the window fairly hard since his seat belt had definitely not been on properly. He blinked, looking out the window then back at Phil. Were they already there? Wherever there was. He wasn’t sure what their destination was honestly. ‘ We.’ He confirmed, nodding and practically leaping from the car. 
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‘ No way am I staying locked up in that car any longer than I have to.’ He huffed. Besides, a hike was something he could get behind. He liked physical activity, something to get the muscles moving. Especially after being cramped up in the car.
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   eita smirked faintly to himself when phil crashed - that was definitely partly intentional. seatbelts were important, after all, but eita phrased from lecturing phil about that. ( again ). rather, he only gave a nod at phils confirmation as he shuffled by to exit the RV.
   “   it’s an motorhome, but fair enough. i just mean’t you didn’t have to come with me.   ”   eita knew he tended to be slow - and that’s not including the time he took to ‘stop and smell the roses’, as they say. ( well, stop and photograph them. )
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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‘ Enjoy it ? Peaceful ? It’s not fuckin’ peaceful it’s boring as shit.’ He continued to complain, turning his head to the side to look out the window. Not that there was anything to see. Just a bunch of nothing. ‘ Yeah because I thought it’d be fuckin’ fun. Like an adventure or somethin’. Not just hours and hours of sitting here drivin’. I’m losing my fuckin’ mind cramped up in here.’
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   “   that was what peaceful was - it certainly wasn’t something that made your heart race and adrenaline pump.   ”   he muttered, half under his breath, hues bouncing to phil then back ahead to the road. eita was quiet as he peered through the wind-shield; certainly seeing a lot more than phil did. freedom being such a bit one.   “   you need to drive in order to get somewhere.   ”  he sighed.
   before he was swerving the car pretty hard off the road entirely, dirt and grass kicked up and vehicle bumping on the uneven terrain before he finally pulled to a stop and turned off the car.   “   we’re going for a bit of a hike - well, i am. you can do whatever.   ”   he mumbled, unbuckling himself and climbing out of his seat.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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Phil shot the other a glare. He wasn’t even doing anything. Well he hadn’t been yet anyway. All he wanted to do was fiddle, was that so bad? He hated this. He hated sitting still for so long. How did Eita do this all the time?? ‘ I’ve got no fuckin’ reception out here in the middle of god damn nowhere.’ He complained, folding his arms over his chest, foot up on the dashboard. ‘ When I where gonna get there ?? We’ve been in here for fuckin’ ages.’
   “   yeah...   ”   though phil said that fact like it was something to despise, eita felt content --- or, he would, if he didn’t have an angry chihuahua barking in his ear.   “   just enjoy that - it’s peaceful.   ”   he hums. being completely off the radar, even if just for a bit.   “   dunno.   ”   he didn’t even know where they were headed, but he did know there was a truck stop along this road somewhere. maybe a days drive away, maybe a few hours. he wasn’t concerned, sitting back in his chair.   “   you were the one who wanted to come... stop complaining   ”
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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   “   don’t touch that -- just... don’t touch anything. sit there.   ”   he has to lean over the dashboard to grab phils hand and pull it away from the thing in question - sure it was no detrimental button, just the AC, but it didn’t matter. phil couldn’t be trusted up by the dash, let alone back in the actual living area of the RV.  but it was clear it was grating on him.   “   just... go back to playing on your phone. we’re almost... well, somewhere. maybe.   ”   why did he ever agree to take phil along ?? this was turning out to be a nightmare and it was only a couple hours in.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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‘ No !!’ He snapped. He wasn’t going to say alright. Well he was. But not in an agreeing way. Just in an alright???? kinda way. Which made sense in Phil’s mind. Phil grit his teeth, joking, of course he was joking, he shouldn’t fall for his shit so easily. He was just joking. Obviously Eita didn’t actually want to go on a date with him. That would just be weird. 
Somehow he felt more annoyed. 
‘ You fuckin’ clean it up, it’s yer fuckin’ fault.’ He growled, stomping towards the kitchen to put the glass back (mostly just to get away). ‘ So fuckin’ annoying.. I wish you would leave and go on a shitty date just so I could get some peace and quiet..!’
   eita watched the other flee,  giving a hum. he knew phil didn’t really mean that - but seriously. if phil didn’t want to be bullied, he really shouldn’t give eita so many opportunities.   “   alright.   ”   he conceded, but not really.
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   he’d leave, but only to get a towel from the linen closet down the wall - two, since it’d help dry his hair all the faster.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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The fuck was even happening??? ‘ Too much ?? Too much what ?? I didn’t even do anythin’ !’ He complained. He didn’t get it. He hadn’t done anything to be funny. Was Eita making fun of him or something? Ugh he didn’t know. This was dumb. Eita was dumb. But.. he supposed it was kinda nice to see him smile, to see him laughing for once. 
Phil’s already warm cheeks just imploded at that statement. ‘ Alri— N-no !!’ Ouch. Ouch ouch ouch ouch. His chest hurt. It was all tight and hurt and hard to breathe. ‘ D-don’t be fuckin’ stupid !! Ain’t nobody goin’ ona  damn date with you, f-f-fuckin’ homoo, d-don’t be gross !’ He’d barely accept that Eita was… like that, in fact he tried to ignore it as much as possible. But that was just– way too much. 
    phil really didn’t need to do anything - anything special at least. he was just so potently himself. both in good and bad. --- like just then, it sounded like he was about to agree, eitas brow raising as he combed a hand through his dripping lock, flicking water droplets towards phil. thankfully his hair was short, so it’d dry really quickly. the puddle might take a bit longer.
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   “   what was that - were gonna say alright, phil ?? i was joking, but i guess if you want to go on a date with me so much..   ”   he hummed, an amused breath before he was pointing to the distinctly soaking spot.   “   you should probably clean this up... it’ll grow mold, you know.   ”
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
What the fuck? 
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That was…. not the reaction he was expecting. I mean, yeah it was only water but he expected Eita to at least be a little annoyed at him for it. Not to… laugh. Like actually laugh. A thing Eita never did these days. He could probably count all the times Eita had laughed on once hand. Well, discounting when they were kids. Phil felt like dumping another glass of water on himself just to check if he was dreaming. 
He moved back, eyes never leaving Eita’s face, his expression, smiling – actually smiling – and practically fell off the couch as he attempted to get up. ‘ Wha– sto–’ He stammered, brows furrowing and cheeks warming.  ‘ The fuck are you laughin’ for asshole, th-there’s nothin’ funny here…!’
   normally, eita would be a bit irritated, but something about it all was just too funny - and not helping was the way phil fell off the couch; hand slinking around to clutch his waist as he just hand to lean over and hide his face away in his hand; propped up by the couch as he shook his head and willed his laughter to stop.
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   -- he only glanced up; peering past his fingers with a few snickers to round off his fit, smile still gingerly on his features as he rested his chin, ankle crossing over the other down and out of sight.   “   you -- you’re just... ahh, you’re too much, phil.   ”   he sighed, a couple more chuckles escaping him.   “   don’t worry, if i go on a date with anyone, it’ll be you, alright ??   ”   he teased, and the statement would hold true if only because phil was kind of right in that eita wasn’t really on the market. not many people wanted to upturn their lives to travel with him, and even less wanted something perpetually long-distance.
   and eita certainly wouldn’t be able to stand settling down for anyone.   
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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The fuck?? Phil sat up and glanced around a little. Only to squint when he eventually pieced it together. The water?? Was that what he was– wait.. was it all– He fucking knew it was bullshit! He knew he was lying!! 
Phil fucking hated liars. 
And for lying, Eita deserved to be punished. Normally Phil would jsut hit the liar, but he couldn’t hit Eita. So instead, he grabbed the water, and dumped it on his head. ‘ Dickhead.’
   watching the other actually manage to connect the dots had eitas smile curling, amusement as he practically saw the realization then anger on the others features. too easy--- and too fun, phil had such exaggerated reactions to the things eita said and did. there was never a dull moment with him, and frankly the nomad could harass him for days. he did, honestly.
   feeling the water drench him had his eyes flashing wipe and a shudder going through his body; a moment to blink before his lips curled all the more and he couldn’t help the chuckle escaping him --- well, laughter. though with reserved as he was it was more akin to a series of chuckles; hand raising over his lips as he laughed at phil - subtle hiccuping breaking it up.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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Phil didn’t want to hear about that. It was weird. He didn’t want to know about Eita having… urges much less how he fulfilled them. I mean, obviously he got them, everyone did, Phil did. But still, hearing about it so bluntly was… too weird. Phillip decided to ignore those statements though, and the slight flush across his cheeks after hearing them. 
Phil was frowning up at the ceiling when he heard someone coming closer, not paying much attention he figured it was Alisha or something, only to squint when Eita appeared. ‘ The fuck are you still doin’ here ?’ He grumbled. ‘ Yer gonna be late for your shitty date.’ Not that Phil cared. Not at all. Had nothing to do with him.
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   “   hm - no i’m not ??   ”   he responded with feigned ignorance.   “   i already did it. i even brought her back to come meet ya.   ”   eita tapped the glass of water before he was offering it down to phil from over the couch.   “   you seem in dire need of a date with her too, here.   ”   though, he’d be impressed if phil got it from just that, entirely expecting the other to throw a fit.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
‘ You could have told me when you came over, dumbass.’ It’s not like this was that sudden of a development. He had to have known before he saw him today at least. It’s not like Phil cared, he was just annoyed Eita didn’t tell him that’s all. 
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Phillip made a point to swat Eita’s hand away a lot harder than the last few times. ‘ Fuck off.’ Maybe Phillip wouldn’t even be here when he got back. Maybe he’d go out. Maybe he’d go steal a car. Maybe he’d go on a date of his own and not tell Eita about it at all. 
But for now he opted to flop back onto the couch, considerable less comfortable without Eita’s lap to lay on, and sulk for a while. 
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   “   isn’t it kind of expected something like this would happen - i’m only human.   ”   he got thirsty -- though he knew exactly what he was doing. eita had quite the sadistic streak in him when it came to phil, evidently.   “   i have urges - you surely can’t expect me to not fulfill them.   ”   it was kind of hard not to laugh as he headed out.
   of the room, it wasn’t like he was actually leaving. he didn’t have anywhere he’d go, after all. and after lingering in the kitchen, cup in hand, he’d wander back in no more than a few moments, sliding his once withdrawn phone back into his pocket as he came up behind the couch to lean over it’s back - silently sipping his water.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
Of course Phillip didn’t stop to consider he meant a male one. This was Phil. He squinted, as if trying to imagine it. ‘ Well… I guess if you were a kid it would be a little better… But–’ He squinted some more and shook his head. ‘ You’d jsut look weird if ya did it now.’ 
Phil was getting impatient. He wasn’t really sure what with. Maybe with Eita’s lie, because it was totally a lie. He just wanted him to hurry up and tell him it was one. He felt all antsy and worked up. And suddenly sitting– or laying– still didn’t feel so comfortable anymore. He listened to his (admittedly convincing) explanation and frowned, teeth gritting a little. 
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‘ No, fuck off.’ He snapped, ‘ I don’t care if you go on some dumb walkabout date. Next time just fuckin’ tell me or somethin’ so I don’t think we’re spending the day together or whatever.’ He growled, sitting up and right over to the very edge of the couch away from Eita. ‘ Better hurry up an’ leave then.’
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   eita gave an amused hum, enjoying this far too much. phil made it way too easy to bully him - so simpleminded and gullible. of course eita was going to take advantage of him from time to time like this.   “   well, it happened so suddenly, phil. one moment all was fine, the next i had a date planned.   ”   with the tap.
   eita pushed himself to his feet, leaning over only to knock the ash off his cigarette before he was heading towards the kitchen; not before patting phil on the head.   “   see you in a little bit.   ”   a really little bit, probably only a minute or two.
   its not like anything he’d said was a lie, in a roundabout way, and phil figuring that out ( or more likely eita telling him ) was going to be quite funny.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
Phil scrunched up his face at the flick, swatting at the other’s hand. ‘ Well just stop carin’.’ Because it was that simple. ‘ I’m not a fuckin’ baby. I can take a few hits.’ If anything he rather enjoyed it.
Phillip snorted, ‘ Gross.’ That’d be weird. Phillip definitely didn’t need to see that. ‘ In that case m’never gonna tell you when I’m playin’.’ 
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No way. Phil refused to believe it. Surely he would have been told if Eita had a date. Or at least Alisha would know, and she’d tell him. ‘ You met us when we were kids that doesn’t count.’ He replied with a stern frown. ‘ Tell me about ‘em then. How’d ya meet huh ? Where ya goin’ ?’ He was calling his bluff. Because he had to be bluffing. Phil didn’t get enough time with Eita as it was, he didn’t need some girlfriend coming on and taking up more of his time. ‘ If you push me off I’ll beat you up.’ He huffed, folding his arms over his chest defiantly. 
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   “   why not - i actually wore one when i was a kid.   ”   a male uniform, of course, but he knew phil was an idiot and probably wouldn’t think of that.   “   i was damn cute - i think my mom took pictures.   ”   he hummed thoughtfully. 
   “   i met a lot of people when i was a kids, phil. i was an extroverted kid, y’know.   ”   a standout in his family - most were complete introverts. himself, now, included. he finally saw the value in just... being alone. on the road, driving endlessly to who knows where. it was pretty wonderful.   “   you’re awfully nosy, phil.   ”   he raised a brow. sounding pretty needy.   “   but, if you must know... i think we probably met when we were kids. this is new development, though. we’re just going for a walk - i wouldn’t really fit in with any other scene.   ”   
   he doubted he’d get beat up, but he didn’t want to upset phil... just harass him a bit.   “   are you intending to hold me hostage here under the threat of violence because you don’t want me going on my date, phil ??   ”   
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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Phillip rolled his eyes, frowning up at the other. ‘ Yer not my mum, Eita. Stop talkin’ like her. I don’t care if I get a lil’ hurt, I can take it. If someone’s gonna be a dickhead around me I’m not gonna hold back.’ 
Phil raised a brow, then shrugged, looking away, ‘ If ya want, I guess.’ Not like he cared. No big deal. Totally whatever. Although – he’s not sure he wants Eita to hang around his friends. Or see them play actually, now that he thought about it. Phillip frowned, ‘ Liar.’ He snapped immediately, teeth clamped shut tight, ignoring the odd and painful twist in his chest. ‘ You do not.’ Phillip definitely wasn’t moving. ‘ You would’a said something about it before now. An’ who are ya supposed to be goin’ on this date with huh ? Yer not around long enough to meet anyone.’ 
  “   you might not care, but i do.   ”   he sighed; fingers moving to give the other a flick to the forehead.
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   “   tell me next time you play, then. i’ll be sure to wear a cheerleading uniform.   ”   his voice was dull and calm as ever, but of course that was a joke. it was a pretty funny thought, though.   “   i do.   ”   he hummed, keeping it vague even as he ‘explained’.   “   i met you. and alisha.   ”  it had been way back when he was a child, eita didn’t really seek out friends as viciously anymore... if only because he did keep in contact with the vast amounts of people he’d relentlessly bothered as a youth.
   it was cute for a child to run up demanding your friendship, but you’d be a freak to do that as an adult. ( --- not to say he didn’t connect with people, he just didn’t so vigorously pursue it )   “   i’ll push you off.   ”
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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‘ Well if I don’t then who will ? I don’t see why it shouldn’t be me.’ He replied, shrugging. He didn’t care. He liked fighting anyway, even if he got a little hurt. Phillip snorted, smirking. ‘ Stay outta trouble ?? Do you even know me, Eita ?’ 
‘ Friends. I don’t play seriously on a team or nothin’.’ That’d be lame anyway. Too many rules and orders to follow. No thanks. Phillip enjoyed playing with his friends, with little rules and a fair share of foul play. ‘ I don’t want a fuckin’ pillow, yer right here, s’good enough. Besides there’s not enough room to lay with a pillow and you to sit here too.’ Phillip narrowed his eyes, annoyed. ‘ Fuck off, yer not. Ya just sayin’ that to be annoying. Where are ya going then in such a fuckin’ hurry, huh ? Got somewhere you needa be ?’ 
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   “   don’t worry about it. it’s not worth your energy, phil. you can put that to something cooler.   ”  he sighs, giving a couple pats to phils head.   “   i do, that’s why i’m telling you this. i don’t like seeing or hearing about you getting hurt, y’know.   ”   
   “   mm, i kind of want to see you play sometime, then.   ”   he was kind of concerned for what him and his friends dictated as a game, and he just had a general interest in the things people he knew liked.   “   i’ll move. --- mm. i’ve got a date.   ”   he informed, but of course that wasn’t really true. well it was in that he had a date with a glass of water or something, it didn’t matter, he just wanted to bully phil.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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‘ Do not.’ He grumbled, really feeling like he was having a conversation with his mum right about now. ‘ I get into fights because people are fuckin’ dumb and need a good hit. S’not my fault.’ Phillip shrugged, head turning a little more inwards, towards the other’s stomach, definitely not hiding the ever so slight warmth on his cheeks, not at all. ‘ Well I only stole a car. I wouldn’t be in there that long. Just go on an especially long trip an’ ya won’t even miss me.’
‘ I’m good.’ He concluded with a nod. ‘ I’m just not – professionally good. Those kinda people train all day everyday an’ shit. And have fancy coaches and training schedules and shit. I’m not like that. I just play for fun sometimes.’ Not as much since school stopped though. Phillip frowned (pouted). ‘ No.’ He was comfortable. Why should he move? ‘ It’s more comfortable to lay than sit. Leave me alone. Yer not goin’ anywhere anyway.’
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   “   maybe so, but that doesn’t mean you have to be the one to hit them, phil.   ”   he murmured. phil was very lucky - but eita was pretty concerned for when that luck ran out.   “   just... try to stay outta trouble.   ”   
   eita was quiet as the other spoke, shrugging.   “   i guess. do you have friends you play with - or are you on some sorta team or something ??   ”   when phil pouted like that, it really just made eita want to bully him more.   “   a pillow would be softer - i don’t exactly have much meat on my bones, phil.   ”   he mumbled, taking a drag of his cigarette, smoke once again blown away.   “   well, that’s not really for you to decide, is it ??   ”   
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
‘ Weirdo…’ Phill grumbled, eyes narrowed suspiciously. Was Eita just making shit up then?? Or was he just not telling him why he thought he was supposedly needy. Well whatever, Phillip didn’t particularly care. He knew he wasn’t needy. Not at all. And on a completely unrelated note, he’d began to subtle lean into the other’s hand, almost encouraging him to keep moving through his dark locks. 
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Phillip rolled his eyes dramatically. ‘ I always get in to trouble no matter what I do.’ He scoffed, his whole life it had always been that way, with or without fighting. Though most of the time it was because of fighting. ‘ You’d get over it.’ He shrugged. Phil snorted, a brow raised. ‘ M’not that fuckin’ good, jeezus. Talk about dreamin’ big.’ Phil held his wrist a little tighter, before somewhat realizing what he was doing and letting go entirely, letting his hand rest on his stomach instead. 
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   “   you get into trouble because you antagonize people...   ”   he muttered. or, because people antagonize him and he fed right into it. either way.   “   hardly. hanging out with you is a pretty important part of my life, you know.   ”   he visited the two siblings almost as much as he dropped by his uncles place, definitely more than anyone else he knew.
   “  hm. so are you good at sports or not, phil ??   ”   he muttered as he retreated his arm; extremely tempted to shove phil right onto the floor, but unlike some he didn’t run on impulse and restrained that urge, instead eita pat his head.   “   get up. you call me lazy, but you can’t even sit up.   ”   he sighed, bouncing his thighs a little to disrupt the other.
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watarimcnc-blog · 5 years
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Phillip did not smile, even though the idea of Eita taking time out of his life to come visit him in prison was something very smileable. Instead he just frowned. Needy? He wasn’t needy. Phillip though to himself, laying on the other’s lap, holding onto his wrist, and thoroughly enjoying the hand in his hair – so much so he shut his eyes and sighed. ‘ Nah, I’d be fine. M’tough enough to make it in prison. I dunno where yer gettin’ this needy thing from.’
Phil’s eyes opened again only to roll. This conversation had taken a turn for the dumb, and Phil didn’t like it. Why were they even talking about what he was good at? Who cares. ‘ Well I mean I can kick lots’a people’s asses. In sports or in fighting. Not just weaklings like you.’
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   “   it’s a mystery.   ”   he hummed - he’d laugh if he wasn’t certain phil was completely serious. ...phil made it really easy for people to want to bully him. ( or maybe just eita ) - either way, eita was retracting his hand from the others hair.
   “   i know, but you shouldn’t. it gets you into a lot of trouble, phil. i’ll miss you if you go to jail.   ”   after all, though eita could visit him, it wouldn’t be whenever. it’d be when the guards allowed it, for a limit time. assuming phil wouldn’t get himself killed behind the bars.   “   stick to sports. it’d be pretty cool to see you in the big leagues, don’t you think ??   ”   he hummed, giving his captured wrist a small shake before he was trying to slither it away from phils grasp.
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