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The Unlikely Duo... Tom Barnaby & Dan Scott
It’s not a great start, with Tom and Scott…
Not at first glance anyway.
Right off the bat, these two rub each other the wrong way. There are mismatched expectations. Differences. Egos. As opposed to Tom and Troy with their attuned partnership. Or Tom and Jones: an immediate great fit… With Tom and Scott, there is friction, right from the start.
And what I love about them is, they just go with it. They work with that friction.
And they build a relationship on that.
Their first ep Bad Tidings really sets the tone. The scene where Tom picks up a half-dressed Scott on an early morning and tells him to get his shit together… and Scott briefly claps back, but then settles on defusing the situation by offering to buy Tom breakfast… that cheeky ironic deference, as well as Tom’s amused acceptance of it… That’s them. That’s their dynamics.
And they keep doing that: messing with each other. Testing each other’s boundaries. Calling each other out on their bullshit.
Tom goes after Scott for his aggressiveness, for his lack of scruples as a cop, for his flirting on the job… while Scott points out Tom’s high-handedness, his old-man-ways and his, uhh, flirting on the job…
And bit by bit, they come to care about each other.
In The Straw Woman, Tom attentively follows the tender stirrings of Scott’s crush. In Dead in the Water, he brings his sergeant tea when Scott is holed up observing a suspect. Likewise, Scott likes to hang around his boss. It’s why he starts mooching dinners off him. Or drinks, like in Hidden Depths, when after a night of being locked away together in a cellar, he still goes to the pub with Tom (partially, to wind him up about his marriage).
They grow close. Against all odds.
We see Tom go from mentoring an admiring assistant, to working with this massively unimpressed, mouthy newbie… and then there is Scott, the hard-boiled city boy finding himself in the middle of nowhere, at a career deadend with a stuffy boss… and they both just go with it?? And end up loving it??
They rub each other the wrong way from day one, and they just make it their thing.
It’s so much fun. And so soft. And there is a point where they both choose their partnership, in Things that Go Bump in the Night. Tom, by asking Scott if he wants to stay, and Scott by telling him he does.
I would have loved to see Scott stick around longer… I know why that didn’t happen.
But this unlikely duo would have deserved more time and much more story.
@midsomer4life I got carried away……
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Midsomer Incorrect Quotes
T. Barnaby: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Troy: Well-
Scott: *kicks in the door*
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I went to watch the new Psycho-Pass movie on Monday. I really liked it, it bridged the gap between the previous movies and PP3 well. It is important to watch it after PP3 and First Inspector though, so you have an idea who is who and why things matter. To be honest I liked the movie more than PP3. I just can't care about the new characters and the Bifrost plot line was just plain stupid. After the movie I can't really feel Shindou's daddy issues either... (Anyway, I would really prefer to move the focus to SAD if there's a season 4...) I think the way Akane became arrested was plausible with regards to the issue at hand, and they even provided a semi-believable reason why Gino lost the manbun for PP3 XD Although there was a lot for Kougami and Akane, Kougami and Gino were not forgotten either. I only wanted to have one more mention of Gino and Sugou transferring to SAD, as we left them still as Enforcers...
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So true:’D

traumatized bf and traumatized gf
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Psycho Pass Providence: just another ordinary Shinya jumping on Akane... 🤭 Kougami, please, next time, do it even if there isn't any explosion! 😅😅
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Ko has a habit of shielding Akane’s body from explosions, I can tell you that
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so ive been playing Pathologic Classic HD........
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Daniil expressions to go along with these Artemy ones uwu
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Collaboration with my sempai - @wastelands-knight <3 Old work, but it looking nice!
To draw Sasuke I used the reference from DA, trained to draw simple but spectacular standing posture. I like the result, but ... God, why are all his toes so different from one another? And why I noticed it too late to fix it. Oh, well=\
I hope you enjoy ^^ I have more Naruto’s dragons. Do you want to see it?
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Mi gata nunca ha sido la más cariñosa y siempre duerme en su cama por más que intento que duerma conmigo. Desde que mi novio terminó conmigo se la pasa pegada a mi y sí, duerme en mis piernas, como si supiera lo triste que estoy y lo mucho que me hace bien su cariñito extra
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A little sketch redesign just for fun. Drawing him makes me so happy
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An Analysis of ShinKane in Psycho-Pass: The Movie
After streaming through Psycho Pass S1 and Psycho Pass: The Movie, one cannot deny the fact that there most certainly is a relationship worth bringing up between Kogami Shinya and Tsunemori Akane, be it platonic or romantic. Although the author explicitly said that their relationship is viewed more as one that is grounded by “trust that surpasses romantic love,” their dynamic throughout the series still makes the ship worth the emotional investment, or in fandom jargon: it has the potential to sail.
The interaction between Akane and Kogami in Psycho-Pass: The Movie basically supported, if not confirmed, our suspicion of a romance between the two. The main giveaway was their tension, and how they made the most out of their time together. At this point, Akane’s attachment to Kogami, more than that of seeking justice, is clear as day. She most certainly had intentions of meddling into the matters between the government and SEAUn, but needless to say, she also saw it as a leeway to “catch” Kogami. What I love about the movie is that “catch” could have meant two things – to catch a man who has gone to the other side of the law, or/and simply to see and talk to him after his long absence. Kogami was still the gentleman that he is when they met – recklessly putting his life on the line by shielding her from the drone’s wrath. I’d like to think that he knew it was Akane at the start of their spar, because for a second, you could see his face hit a realization.
I’d also like to think that if his encounter was really a threat, he would have done more. Akane was then firm with her resolve to arrest Kogami, but ended up teaming up with him. Perhaps she sensed, as philosophically close as they were, that Kogami was fighting against her supposed party for greater and more rational reasons. It is important to note that despite having been separated for quite some time, their trust is still bulletproof. Not once have they thought that the other is with malicious intent.
The fan that I am, here are some notable scenes from the movie that screamed ShinKane:
1) Trust without hints of hesitation: he agreed to the team up without any question, saved her from the drone, drove her to their HQ, and lent her his military jacket to hide her involvement with the government.
2) She offers him her pack of Spinel. The over-thinkers that we females are, it would be nice to know what ran into his mind when he saw she had a pack of Spinel. The answers can go a lot of ways, but I love how it implies that she hasn’t forgotten him.
3) They both couldn’t sleep. We don’t exactly know the reason. Yes, it may be due to their predicament; sensing that something ominous was at bay, or perhaps because they had a lot of things in their mind that they wanted to say to each other, but assume that the other is asleep. As Kogami sensed her walk her way to the balcony, he followed soon after. Akane then started talking to him without even looking behind her, also sensing that he couldn’t get the sleep they both needed.

4) Akane’s opinion mattered to him. My favorite conversation between the two was when Akane compared and contrasted him to Makishima. It just means that all throughout the years of trying to understand him, she has come up with a moving analysis. I’d like to think that Kogami, in the momentary calm of the night, may have realized that Akane most certainly is one of the few people who knows him more than he may even know himself.

5) Parting ways. The first thought that crossed his mind was to make her escape. They were rather raw with their camaraderie here – Kogami tells her to escape and do her fair share of investigation, but really, it’s also because the HQ was going to be a warzone, and he wouldn’t want Akane killed in action. Better him than her, the martyr that he is. It’s almost as though the movie wanted us to feel like all these were more than just their superficial and dutiful intentions.
I took the case to solve it but also to see you.
You need to escape to investigate the chairman, and because it’s going to be dangerous here.
Lastly, at that moment, it was as though Kogami sensed the real reason for Akane’s strong disapproval of leaving without him and said “Don’t worry. Do you really think I’ll die that easily? If we both survive this, come try to catch me again.” Because it mattered to her that he would live. Moreover, the last statement played around with their cat and mouse game, be it with the intention of arresting him, or just simply seeing him. Kogami exhausted his reassurance in this scene, because he knew just how much Akane wanted him to stay alive.
6) Smile of relief. Following their last encounter and the dangers he put her into as she went back to Shamballa unattended by him, he smiles when he sees her alive and well. Even after being heavily tortured, it mattered to him that she stays alive as well.
7) Last look at each other. After Kogami fires a bullet to free her from her handcuffs and tells her to go after the Chairman, they paused for a glance at each other, almost as though they knew it would be their last encounter in who knows how long.
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Finally this scene alone is the only thing I need!! x3
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