warriorprincessxo · 6 years
ron didn’t know how the sorting ceremony worked so i am genuinely curious what all these poor first years were thinking like i totally believe there were 11 year olds so desperate to get into ravenclaw or something that they memorized the dictionary and practiced a dozen basic spells only to find out some old hat was gonna recite a poem and read their minds just to tell them “yeah kid you like intelligence and all but damn look at that ambition ur gonna be slytherin” and this kid just looks into the camera like they’re in the office
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warriorprincessxo · 6 years
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Booboo Stewart in a man bun, i know you agree
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warriorprincessxo · 7 years
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warriorprincessxo · 7 years
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warriorprincessxo · 7 years
okay but honestly, i feel like i have to write this out there because there are people that still haven’t grasp the concept on 13 reasons why and why it is so fucking important, and why the characters are shitty as they were are so important. they’re so important because each single one of them teach a reason whether it’s subtle or obvious. 13 reasons why shows that every single little thing can break down a person. it doesn’t have to be a massive thing that pushes someone over the edge, it’s things that compile up. 
let’s break this down by each reason: 
1. justin foley: he let his friends think that he had sex with hannah on their first date in the playground and shamelessly showed the picture to them. he half-arsed trying (saying this loosely here) to stop his friends. when they sent the picture there was no apology no trying to make it up to hannah. he let it be. he let his asshole friends send a picture of a girl (who trusted him) around the school letting them believe the worst of her. if you honestly think that pictures of a girl going around isn’t that bad then i don’t know what you are. 
2.jessica davis: she never ever tried to talk to hannah or ask her about her side of the story. she let her boyfriend practically dictate her choices. she slapped hannah, dropped their friendship like it was nothing because of a list. a list that clearly hurt hannah if jessica tried to fucking talk to her instead of jumping to conclusions. 
3. alex standall: like what hannah said, he practically showed the school that it’s open season for hannah e.g. saying that she’s easy. friends don’t act like that. dickheads act like that. friends don’t make list objectifying other people. dickheads do that. because of alex’s stupid list guys thought that hannah can be verbally and physically be objectified and sexually harassed. a list made someone feel so uncomfortable around her peers that she felt like she had no one. 
4. tyler down: stalker. stalking. taking pictures of people without their consent. all of those are crimes. they made her feel uneasy. they made her feel unsafe in her own fucking home. if you don’t think that what he did was serious re-read the first couple of sentences. 
5. courtney crimson: if there’s a list of the people that i hated in 13rw (and there is), the second person on that list would be courtney. she is honestly one of the fucking worst. she continuously defended bryce saying that he allegedly raped jessica and hannah. she continuously believed that he didn’t do anything wrong and she never even thought that what hannah said on the tape might be fucking true. i get that hannah outed out courtney and honestly that is fucking shitty. but slut-shaming hannah to the whole school after she knows that hannah is being targeted and labelled as a slut in their school is past the line. defending bryce? that’s taking a grenade and blowing up the land that the line is on. 
6. marcus cooley: he’s an asshole. a dick. a person who asked out a girl because he thought that she was an easy lay and got pissy at her because she said no and pushed him away. 
7. zach dempsey: zach. sweet zach. he i believe that he genuinely cared about hannah at least a little bit. but then she rejected him because of course she was wary of what he wanted. i mean look at his friends: justin, marcus. 
8. ryan shaver: ah, another self-righteous dickhead on the list. a person who took someone else’s work (a work they trusted him with) and showed it to the whole school where they mercilessly mocked it. still he never stood up and said ‘hey stop that’, or you know think ‘hey maybe i should ask hannah if she wants this published because it’s her intellectual property’. taking someone else’s things without their permission and parading them to the school to further your agenda is a major fuckwad dick move. 
9.sheri kurtz: sheri. a mistake that you made, a mistake that you got scared of and ran away instead of owning up to it cost a boy’s life. granted, she made up to it to an extent does not give her the right to leave hannah stranded, and took her ages to own up to the mistake that she did. hannah took jeff’s death personally because she thought that it was her fault that he died. a guilt that eventually burdened her so much. she blamed sheri for that. 
10. justin foley: justin…just because someone took you in fed you, clothe you does not justify the horrible criminal act they do to someone. someone that’s your fucking girlfriend. someone that you’re supposed to care about. he made a wrong call, putting his friendship above his relationship with jessica. even if jessica wasn’t his girlfriend he should have put a stop to it no matter what. 
11. clay jensen: clay appeared on the tape because hannah always wanted something more with clay and used the tape to tell him so. to explain the reason about what happened at the party. 
12. bryce walker: i don’t think i have to even explain this one and if i do i don’t get you. i don’t get why you don’t think he’s one of the most horrible people in the book. he’s a guy at high school who thinks that if a girl doesn’t say ‘no’ while trying to have sex with her doesn’t mean that they’re saying no. he’s a guy that doesn’t understand that people can be shut down when in fear, in shock that they don’t know what to say. 
13. mr. porter: he’s horrible at his job. not only does he try and sit down and try to talk to hannah more and try to ask her what’s happening, he practically dismisses her. he tells a rape victim, a young high school girl that practically has to move on. move on from a fucking traumatic event that will quite possibly haunt her and scar her for the rest of her life. he’s a school counsellor. he knows how fragile and how easy it is to break a young persons mind. it never clicked in his mind that something’s going on with hannah and never tries to follow up with her. 
in regards to the graphic rape and suicide scene that appears on the show, it needs to be shown. because it’s real. it happens in the real world. if the show doesn’t show how it truly is how do people know? we would just turn a blind eye. forgetting all about it. we have to feel something, something that makes us want to throw up, something that irks in our stomach so badly that we want it to stop because it’s so horrible. we need to know and we need to educate ourselves. if we’re not feeling anything or we’re not reacting to something then that means we don’t really grasp it. we don’t fully understand it and it will leave our minds, something that shouldn’t happen because this is something that’s so important. 
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
Lily: Remus, do you know where Sev is?
Remus: Oh! I got this. Ahem
Remus: There he is
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
I hope CHRIS is online so he sees all of this shade that I am throwing
“Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn’t fair.”
Snape said to the boy who’s parents died when he was just one. Snape said to the boy who was kept in a cupboard under the stairs, along with spiders. Snape said to the boy who had to eat food thrown away by his cousin. Snape said to the boy who knew nothing of his loving parents for years. Snape said to the boy who had to sneak out of his cupboard at night to have food because he wasn’t fed. Snape said to the boy who was surprised someone would send him Christmas presents. Snape said to the boy who tried to reach out to his deceased mother through a mirror because he had no memory of being loved. Snape said to the boy who was confused by why everyone in the Burrow loved him. Snape said to the boy who wouldn’t eat a chocolate because he assumed it was poisoned. Snape said to the boy who had to hear his mother pleading to leave her son and kill her instead. Snape said to the boy who secretly wanted to keep hearing his mother’s cries because it’s the only way he could hear her. Snape said to the boy who never asked to be enrolled into a competition that would kill a boy in front of him. Snape said to the boy who’s blood was taken against his will by a man his parents trusted. Snape said to the boy who had no experience with dueling whatsover, but had to duel a monster and barely escaped, but took Cedric’s body to his father. Snape said to the boy who had to watch his Godfather die, his Godfather who was his only hope for a loving family. Snape said to Harry who didn’t ask to be the chosen one. Snape said to Harry who was used by Dumbledore as a weapon in the war. Snape said to the boy who had to see the death of his parents through their murderer’s eyes. Snape said to the boy who had to watch everyone he loved die, one by one, but couldn’t grieve because he had to fight a war. Snape said to the boy who had to duel the most powerful wizard all by himself.
He knows better than anyone how unfair life is.
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
James Potter: - Was a bully - Jinxed people when he was bored and laughed at it - Was totally okay with Remus being a werewolf - Became an unregistered animagus so that his werewolf friend wouldn’t have to suffer through the full moon alone - Realized within a few years what a douche he was to people - Changed for the better - Loved his wife and his son with all his heart and wanted only what was best for them - Joined the Order of the Phoenix as soon as he left Hogwarts - Faced Lord Voldemort without a wand, in hope of buying Lily and Harry time, knowing that he stood no chance of surviving
Severus Snape: - Thought muggle-borns were inferior - Called his only friend “mudblood” - Became a Death Eater - Told Voldemort about the prophecy, bc he was 100% okay with killing an infant - When he got to know that it was Lily’s son, he asked Voldemort to spare HER, not caring how she would feel to have her son and husband killed - Bullied Harry simply because he was James’ son - Bullied Neville until he became the poor boy’s WORST FEAR (that same poor boy who witnessed his parents get tortured to insanity by Bellatrix, yet SNAPE was his worst fear.) - Shamed Hermione for her teeth until she cried. And then she permanently changed them. - Threatened to kill Trevor when Neville failed to do a potion - Used his position of power as a teacher to make students’ lives miserable - Told everyone Lupin was a werewolf, and intended to get him fired - Knew that Sirius didn’t tell Voldemort the Potters’ location (I could explain how but I can’t bother now) but still wanted him to get a dementor’s kiss bc of what happened when they were 16 - Helped Harry in the end
But sure, go ahead and tell me Snape was a better person than James.
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
3 years following the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry reluctantly decides the time has come to pay a visit to his aunt and uncle, who have resumed their lives on Privet Drive. His fiancée, Ginny, insists on accompanying him.
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
I read in the paper that my brothers are being thrown from rooftops blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs for violating sharia law. I heard the crowds stone these fallen men if they move after they hit the ground. I heard it’s in the name of God. I heard my pastor speak for God too, quoting scripture from his book. Words like abomination popped off my skin like hot grease as he went on to describe a lake of fire that God wanted me in. I heard on the news that the aftermath of a hate crime left piles of bodies on a dance floor this month. I heard the gunman feigned dead among all the people he killed. I heard the news say he was one of us. I was six years old when I heard my dad call our transgender waitress a faggot as he dragged me out a neighborhood diner saying we wouldn’t be served because she was dirty. That was the last afternoon I saw my father and the first time I heard that word, I think, although it wouldn’t shock me if it wasn’t. Many hate us and wish we didn’t exist. Many are annoyed by our wanting to be married like everyone else or use the correct restroom like everyone else. Many don’t see anything wrong with passing down the same old values that send thousands of kids into suicidal depression each year. So we say pride and we express love for who and what we are. Because who else will in earnest? I daydream on the idea that maybe all this barbarism and all these transgressions against ourselves is an equal and opposite reaction to something better happening in this world, some great swelling wave of openness and wakefulness out here. Reality by comparison looks grey, as in neither black nor white but also bleak. We are all God’s children, I heard. I left my siblings out of it and spoke with my maker directly and I think he sounds a lot like myself. If I being myself were more awesome at being detached from my own story in a way I being myself never could be. I wanna know what others hear, I’m scared to know but I wanna know what everyone hears when they talk to God. Do the insane hear the voice distorted? Do the indoctrinated hear another voice entirely?
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
I refuse to believe for one second that the Harry Potter we have grown up with, that we know and love, would ever seperate and isolate his son from his only friend, when he knows what it’s like to be an outcast, to have no friends, to be treated as a freak. 
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
I would like to issue a formal thank you to JK Rowling for destroying the “brooding Slytherin” trope and making Scorpius the nicest goofiest boy ever
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
“Those that we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death cannot touch. Paint . . . and memory . . . and love.”
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (via infinitelyangel)
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
I think it’s so important that Renowa Ravenclaw died of a broken heart because it proves that no matter how smart you may be, you cannot convince yourself not to fall for someone. In fact, maybe intelligent people feel things more.
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
Cedric Diggory + Wandlore
So I was on the Universal Studios website just looking at the Harry Potter wands. I noticed that the wands all have quite complex designs like Parvati Patil’s looks like a dragon wing and Luna Lovegood’s looks both like a flower and a paintbrush. I took a closer look and began to examine Cedric Diggory’s. As we all know, the wands represent something about the character. This is the description and meaning behind Harry Potter’s wand:
Harry Potter’s wand was made of holly, with a phoenix feather core. In numerous ancient and modern historical references, the holly tree, an evergreen, represents life and was deemed a guardian and protection against poison, lightning and witchcraft. The phoenix feather represents renewal of life, which Harry accomplished on more than one occasion when others thought he should be dead. His wand wood is also the same as his birth month’s wood in the Celtic calendar, which associated holly with courage and a battle between kings.
We learn that he defied death on multiple occasions, is courageous, and has battled great wizards. So now we begin with Cedric Diggory. On the wikia page (and Goblet of Fire) it states that Cedric’s wand was  12¼" long, made from ash, and contained a Unicorn hair core.  The ash tree symbolises sacrifice, sensitivity, and higher awareness. It shows us that Cedric’s life was sacrificed and his sensitive personality was part of the reason why he helped Harry figure out the clue for the second task. Ash wands are said to be best suited to wizards that are stubborn and steadfast in their beliefs. Cedric Diggory refused to claim the Triwizard Cup at the end of the Third Task even though Harry Potter could not take the cup on his own due to be injured during the course of the task, as he felt Harry had played a more honorable game and deserved to win. So we learn that much about his character just based on his wand. This is his actual wand:
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Cedric Diggory’s wand slowly goes from a rich brown to black. His wand literally looks as if it’s dying.
Then we go onto address his name. I saw another account point out that Cedric Diggory’s name means “lost one” and “war leader”. He died, but many people refer to dead people as lost. Cedric was also the first casualty of the war. His name is Lost War Leader. Now yes, everyone does die and some people believe in “fate”, but if you look at it, Cedric’s fate was to die. His fate/destiny/purpose in the story was tied into his name since birth and was solidified when he was only 11 years old. 
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warriorprincessxo · 8 years
Ron wasn't a jealous best friend. Bless his soul
When I first watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, I was so angry. When Harry tells Ron and Hermione that he has to die, Hermione throws herself at him in a hug while telling him that she’d go with him so he is not alone. Ron just stands there watching. This really bothered me for the longest time. Ron was Harry’s first friend… His first true bit of family. During the TWT, he was the person Harry would miss most. How could someone so important just stare at him and not hug him or say goodbye? I was so angry.
It’s four years later, and I understand now. Ron understood Harry. He understood how hard it was for Harry to leave his whole life and give up everything to defeat Voldemort. But Harry did it because he knew he had to. And Ron knew how hard it was for him. So instead of throwing himself at his best friend and hugging him and crying and making it harder for him to leave (because Ron knew Harry hated making his friends upset), Ron just stood silently and watched as his best friend walked to his death - no matter how hard it was to keep from protesting.
Ron did it because he understood Harry in a much different way than Hermione. They both loved him, but Ron understood Harry needed Ron to give him strength.
And that’s so important in my opinion because it was just a sign of how strong their friendship was.
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