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wardarose2004 · 1 month ago
The sakamaki sister headcanon (TW)
Cordelia version
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Her having a daughter is quite hard to imagine but lets say what if
So this child was born 9 months after a passionate night between Cordelia and Karl in YB Also partially accidentally due to Karl's rewinding time.
Her birth was both joyous and ominous for Cordelia .
Cordelia's behavior with her daughter would depend whether her daughter is vampire or founder.
If Cordelia's daughter is a vampire, Cordelia would let her live at her own will also making sure that she's not led astray
If Cordelia's daughter inherit blood like Cordelia, Cordelia would be more careful raising her.
Regardless the girl is vampire or a founder ,she would have a lot of admirers. These admirers won't leave her alone until Reiji kick these admirers out give the poor girl a lesson for being *cough* promiscuous. Damn it! Reiji it's not her fault These admirers are insufferable 😮‍💨
Won't hesitate to make a fool out of these admirers. High possibility that Kanato and Laito killed these admirers before they got too close
Finds Lord Richter creepy.
She would receive lots of gifts : extremely rare jewelaries, flowers , painting, poems dedicated to her etc.
Cordelia would be extremely strict with her daughter if this child inherits Cordelia's special blood, even if she's a vampire.
Cordelia would forbid her daughter to interact with her brothers and other strangers. Also will forbid her daughter to go to places where does not know what could happen.
Cordelia would give her daughter beauty/survival tips and how to use her charm, blood and beauty as weapon. Also would give her dating advice🌚
This girl would be political target of many Because of her high status and blood.
She would receive better treatment from vampire clan even more than Cordelia because she's the desired princess of the clan and the great Karl's beloved daughter.
Cordelia wouldn't be jealous of her daughter. If her daughter got more attention instead of being jealous or upset or angry, Cordelia would be amused Cordelia will be fine with her daughter as long as she isn't involved with Karl other than father-daughterly way.
God forbid she inherits Cordelia's special blood , she's doomed.
Her brothers would desire her in a twisted way(Shu and triplets:Laito and Kanato are high on list🌚). They won't hesitate to abuse and rape her. Also would be abducted by tsukinamis.
Like her brothers, she won't like the Mukamis much especially Ruki and Kou.
Even if she's a vampire there's no guarantee that she won't be involved with her brothers in other way like Christa and Karlheinz
Christa would hate her because she was like this child before until she got *dirtied*
People would often compare her with Cordelia and the White rose Christa.
She may or may not get title of whore. Even without doing nothing like Yui just called a whore just because of the smell of her blood .
Karl may or may not use her as an expirement depending on situation.
He would spoil his daughter with a lot of gifts.
His daughter won't love him though 😆 but won't disrespect him openly.
Cordelia's daughter would have love-hate relationship with Cordelia.
She would love her mother understanding the situation of the world but would hate Cordelia for being too strict with her. Cordelia would beat the rebel out of her if she dared to cross the line.
This child may grow up to be the most desired , most beautiful, cunning and vicious woman.
Her brothers might either ignore her existence or dump their trauma on her.
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wardarose2004 · 3 months ago
Most funny/odd thing Cordelia's thought/comments about Beatrix and Christa that Cordelia calls Beatrix an 'old hag', 'that woman' , 'other woman' but calls Christa a 'gloomy woman' and most importantly Cordelia mentions Christa as a 'WHORE' like😶🤔as if Christa wasn't praised amongst the vampire society as 'white rose' or 'Purity' and then in LE Maniac 6 in Subaru's route Carla calls Subaru a 'love child' or 'illegitimate child' like🤨🤔
I pity Christa but sometimes she's kinda sus🤔
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wardarose2004 · 4 months ago
Geisbeich's hatred towards Carla isn't because of the fact he's much stronger ,mature and noble than him but he actually thinks Carla isn't his son.
Let me explain:
[Krone: Carla, you're strikingly similar to Giesbach.
Karlheinz: Oh, what a beautiful face... ...Giesbach, he really does resemble Krone, don’t you think?
Giesbach: Ha...you’re just talking nonsense...]
DF Carla Maniac prologue; Translator: infernal iris
[Zweig: This happened even before your Mother got married to Giesbach...Krone was actually supposed to wed my successor, the Demon Lord Burai.That is why she came here. ]
LE shin Maniac epilogue @dialovers-translations
[Azusa: I think he resembles Eve… ...His face takes after her.
Kou: Well well, Ruki-kun. Don’t feel down.There’s always the possibility that he’ll resemble his father when he grows up. It’s something to look forward to in the future.
Ruki: … ...Boys usually do resemble their mothers.
Ruki: … ...When he grows up, I’m sure anyone would be able to tell who he resembles.]
(DF Brute ending Ruki: translator-@akuichansera)
Here Adam is Shin's son
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Translation @dialovers-translations
So Mene was supposed to Marry Geisbeich and Krone was supposed to Marry Burai the demon lord. (DF and LE) Krone often visited the vivora castle, implying that Krone maybe spent time with Burai. (LE) But for some reason marriage between Krone and Burai didn't occur. Probably due to 'blood barrier' among founders and 'healthy' affair between Ebert the wolf king and Krone.(LE Shin) This happened before Carla's birth and Krone and Geisbeich's marriage. Here Karl saying/implying that Carla look like his mother nothing like his father (Karl ! you asshole!)which Geisbeich respond to him that Karl's speaking nonsense (Geis sounded hesitant and irritated as if Geis's doubting the paternity himself.) Meanwhile in Ruki's DF Brute ending we see a similar pattern where Adam looks like yui/MC but nothing like Ruki . In which kou responds that Adam would look like Ruki when he grows up but Adam isn't even Ruki's biological son. Carla has quite amount of supporters , his people admired him(DF) (Founders probably didn't know about Krone and Ebert's affair except felzein,Geis,Viboras.) But for some reason Geis just hated him . He even tried to kill him by sending Carla off to war(DF Carla Maniac epilogue) Geis on other hand loved Shin. That's quite unfair treatment,no?
There's this headcanon/theory that:
Geis thought Carla was Burai's son and the powers he inherited was possibly from burai that's why Geis was so salty about Carla.
Geis thought Shin was his biological son and wanted to use Carla as a tool and probably get rid of Carla legally cause Carla got quite amount of supporters . Wanted Shin as his heir? But Shin was immature
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