The fight for you is all I've ever known
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Just a place to collect and express all my thoughts on Louis and Harry.
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
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2021 ✌️✨
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
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“My most important message to all you readers, from me to you as a singer, boils down to one word for encouragement…. Believe”
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
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can’t believe you’re 30 now, what?! happy birthday louis. thanks for these wonderful years♡
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
Harry and Louis between July 17 and July 21 of 2015
So I realize there’s a lot of back and forth on my dash right now about a possible tension between H&L during OTRA, and possibly during babygate. And I think it’s so interesting to analyze their body language during this moment specifically in time because there was obviously a lot going on behind the scenes. Just so we’re clear, I don’t think they broke up (ever), I don’t think there was any kind of cheating, and I fully believe babygate is a stunt and the pregnancy was never real.
There was a shift during this period, and the stunt seemed to have affected their dynamics to a point that it’s quite noticeable from the outside. This analysis has no final conclusion, I’m just interested on trying to contextualize things and trying to understand further the reasons why babygate even happened in first place, and how that affected everything. All extremely subjective, of course, I’m just reading body language here so those are theories and connections I’m trying to make.
Here's just a small timeline of events that might be relevant for this.
March 22: Louis and Eleanor BU
July 11: Louis left syco exactly five years after this date so he could possibly had signed a contract here related to his imprint label.
July 14: Pregnancy announcement
August 4: GMA + pregnancy finally confirmed by Louis
October 20: Belfast
So I actually went down the rabbit hole to understand their behaviour about this day: 
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The famous *piss off* *wanker* moment. Because until this point they were happier than ever, all heart eyes and singing gay anthems around. So something happened and they don’t seem very happy with each other here, which is unusual. The video above took place on July 17th, in Vancouver. Three days after the first article about Briana being pregnant.
This is a huge and heavy post, with many gifs, it continues under the cut.
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
The Mario Kart Interview
So I thought that, given my username, this should be the first thing I look at.
Ah yes, the wonderful Mario Kart Interview, where two ‘platonic friends’ joke about their sex life together.
There are actually a couple of Larry moments in this interview, but I’ll start with the most obvious, so watch the interview (linked above) from 5:36-7:00 and then I’ll get on with the analysis.
Lets begin with how the interviewer introduces the topic of 'Larry Stylinson’
The interviewer says “So Harry and Louis, obviously you guys, you have a special relationship, that people have picked up on” (Might I just add, Louis nods after this) and the atmosphere of the interview immediately changes from joking around, to awkward silence.
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Notice how to boys go from laughing, to looking directly, and very seriously, at the interviewer. As if to say “be very careful with what you say next”
Lets also look at how much Niall and Zayn’s faces change from before and after Larry is mentioned (I say Larry is mentioned, as although the word Larry is not actually used, the idea of a relationship between them is brought up)
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Clearly the topic of Louis and Harry’s 'special relationship’ is a touchy subject.
And yes I can already hear the antis coming at me with “clearly this just shows how uncomfortable the idea of Larry makes them feel” but I think the events to come just disprove that entirely.
( If you ask me it’s more of an ‘oh shit we aren’t really meant to talk about this what do we do now?’ Kinda thing )
Okay, lets move on to what was actually said (this is for the people in public with no earphones, you’re welcome guys):
Int: So who usually is in front and who usually gets behind, when you’re playing Mario
H: So between me and Louis, whose in front and whose behind?
Int: Yeah, in Mario Kart (sure Jan)
L: I think we kind of share that really (insert smirky face here) Yeah sometimes you take the front *pointing to Harry*
H: Sometimes I take the front. You know, sometimes if he’s a bit tired I’ll go behind and push him along *cue the biggest smirk off of Harry EVER*
L: Yeah yeah, but erm, you know you know, we’re both quite generous to each other, so we think that sometimes he should get to do what he wants to do, and go first (Louis I’m done with you)
Int: Its a bit of give and take (I’m leaving, goodbye)
L: Yes (I’ve never been more done with anyone in my life Lewis)
I think its quite clear that Mario Kart is NOT what is being discussed here. But if you are still uncertain, let’s break the video down…
6:02-6:10: LOOK AT HARRY’S SMIRK. Also look at Niall and Zayn who literally have the biggest shit eating grins on their face. What’s so funny about Mario Kart guys, would you care to explain?
6:15-6:20: Niall CANNOT stop laughing, and Zayn takes the absolute piss by hiding in the helmet. We still know you’re laughing Zayn.
If you’re still unsure as to what the boys are talking about (Mario Kart. Obviously…)
Then just listen to 6:35-6:45: The hysterical laughter and Louis’s response of “Not an endurance man” to Liam finishing the course ;) in “Two minutes dead” is not the kind of response you’d get from just being good at a game. Poor Liam just wants his Mario skills to be appreciated. 
Okay but for real if you still need this spelling out, 
1. You’re too innocent for Tumblr, stay pure and be careful 
2. Let’s have the interviewer quite literally spell it out for you on Twitter…
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I just have one question for the Antis… What two, completely straight PLATONIC friends, that supposedly hate gay rumours and are trying to stop them at all costs, would joke so casually (AS IF ITS NORMAL) about having sex with each other, in the middle of an interview, that the whole world is gonna see? 
Ahem, erm, well, now that we’ve got that cleared up, let’s continue to the second moment in this interview, (that deserves more appreciation if I’m honest).
Watch from 0:43-1:35
This isn’t a huge moment so I’ll try and be a quick as possible.
So the boys are being asked about what they did for Valentine’s day and Louis and Liam start talking about how they managed to get home in time to see their beard girlfriends. ( Notice how at 1:05 Louis completely ignores the interviewers question about it being like a rom-com ;) )
Liam and Louis talk a little bit about what they did (and I don’t want to reach but Louis doesn’t sound particularly smitten or excited to talk about Valentine’s Day with his ‘girlfriend’) and Louis says he got home to “sausage and mash” (how romantic, not quite Chicken, stuffed with Mozzarella, wrapped in Parma Ham now is it?) 
At 1:23 Louis finishes talking about his girlfriend and turns round straight away to look at Harry (something I’ve noticed they do a lot after talking about their supposed ‘girlfriends’) 
Then Harry says (whilst looking at Louis) “I came home to a cold and empty bedroom” and Louis STROKES HIS KNEE as if apologising.
Look if Harry was single, surely he would expect to be sleeping alone, and it wouldn’t feel particularly lonely. What he said suggested that he is used to sleeping with someone else. The fact that he looks at Louis suggests who that person might be, and the fact that Louis strokes Harry’s leg in apology pretty much confirms that. 
The interesting thing is that at 1:26 the interview reminds Harry that he “went out on the lash”. Louis turns round with an ‘oh shit’ and Harry then corrects himself ( “me? Oh yeah” ). 
So was Harry literally just lying to make Louis feel bad?? Because Louis was saying he was with Eleanor. 
Or were those photos of him just set up? And he completely forgot that he was supposedly out partying on Valentine’s Day. 
Either way, something is up.
Anyway that’s all I’m doing for this interview.
Conclusion: Harry and Louis sleep together, and we’ve learnt the “kind of share that really” when it comes to sex Mario Kart. 
Ps, sorry I literally haven’t posted anything but I did tell you to lower your expectations 😂. Enjoy this post and I’m gonna make one about the tea that was spilled last night (UK time)
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
Babygate Timeline
Not going to lie this timeline with date and stuff actually confused me...which is telling 😂 so i’m sorry if i get some things wrong. (I’m going based off what was reported) also it helps people out who weren’t here at the time or has forgotten.
On March 7th 2015 Louis and Eleanor ‘split’ due to Louis constantly being away and they don’t have time for eachother which after 4 years she would be used to.
Articles from The Sun posted that Louis ‘kissed’ a ‘mystery girl’ in a pool on March 14th 2015 at 6:30am and were kissing on and off for 15 minutes and he thought it was Eleanor until she turned around, they said Louis and Eleanor had split 2 weeks prior, 7-14th that was 1 week. Love how hard they were selling the story with specific times, also who paps someone in an inside pool. Also, what was Louis doing swimming at 6:30am.
22nd March 2015, articles confirm that Louis and Eleanor had split, they said it was following the pictures of Louis ‘kissing’ the ‘mystery’ girl, so cheating, but by this point they would have been split for 2 weeks and 2 days (16 days) before the woman. The same day Harry sang ‘I will suvive’ at the concert he was so happy, Louis didn’t seem miserable either.
5th May 2015, Briana and Louis were seen for the first time, she was an unknown LA stylist, to point out she was the main focus with the paps
11th May 2015, we assume from this, the last night of the papped club walks, was when they ‘slept together’ this was the same night that Briana tried to ‘cosy up’ to Louis after noticing the cameras but he pushed her to the side, the paps were heard saying “this one is for the sun”
12th May 2015, a fan account was made for Briana with her full name and where she lived and her job, nobody knew who she was let alone know she was going to be significant. Nobody sets up a fan account for someone that they would just assume was ‘hanging out’ with Louis or never see again.
27th June 2015, Louis and a ‘Mystery Brunette’ (Tamara Bell) were seen at Glastonbury, holding hands. Funny thing is she is Harry’s childhood friend and would also be friends with Louis, when we picked up on it, the whole situation and Tamara disappeared and Louis wasn’t seen with her again (PR)
14th July 2015, The Sun published the pap photo that was “for The Sun” with the headline ‘One Conception’ Louis and Briana have never spoke about this at the time. Briana isn’t a celebrity they could of kept all this secret like many celebrities are capable of doing.
16th July 2016, After The Sun drops the news, Louis throws a doll off stage and shouts “it’s not real” which many claim was foreshadow because he had no reason to randomly say it wasn’t real, it is a doll we can tell the doll isn’t real. Unless he was hinting at something.
4th August 2015, One Direction was on Good Morning America where Louis confirmed the rumors and said he was ‘excited’ about it. All the boys were quiet and awkward, the interviewers delibrately picked on Harry and asked him if he was okay because he was quiet lol, just before the interview there was pictures of Louis crying and Lottie and Lou Teasdale were seen wiping under his eyes with a tissue and re-applying makeup. There were also pictures of Harry touching Louis’ knee almost like it was for ‘comfort’ and more pictures of Louis seemingly stroking Harry’s cheek which if anything proves that their friendship/relationship hasn’t been affected at all.
August, Briana was seen 3 months pregnant but there wasn’t a bump insight, then later the same month she posted with a bump forgetting she had already got papped.
What i will say is i’m not sure where all of these fit in so i am going to mention it here but i am sure sometime after the article dropped a fan had DM’d Briana and asked about the rumors to which she denied and said she wasn’t pregnant or at least she didn’t think so, after 11 weeks she would know, Especially since the press seemed to know before her. She also had it in her head that she was going to marry Louis, her family created (BrianaTomlinson.com, BabyTomlinson.com etc). It was also reported that Briana was a ‘close friend’ of Louis.
September, she attended a 1D concert and she had a bigger bump.
RBB and SBB (plus Freddie Reign’s name foreshadow)
In 2014, a Rainbow Bear was thrown on stage at a 1D concert. It was kept and it later showed up with electrical tape on him, making it a bondage bear. Josh Devine, the band’s drummer took a selfie with it and was capture around the stage, the bear even got it’s own twitter and it’s twitter handle @bondagebear.1d literally advertised on a sign at the concert telling people to follow it.
The posts were just pictures of the bear partying but then it made a reference to Judy Garland who was a gay icon, (talking about watching a Judy Garland film). She was famous in the 50’s and 60’s as a Gay actress, if you were to say that you were a friend of Judy or a friend of Dorothy (the role that she played in Wizard of Oz) it would be code for being gay.
A few days later the account got suspended and the bears weren’t seen again for the rest of the tour, (people say that management might have discovered it)
In 2015, during the band’s last tour the bears make a reappearance but was this time wearing cute outfits, people thought Josh was behind it due to the fact he was feature with the bears before. Then pictures were posted of the bears dressed up as Freddie Mercury.
The next day, another bear appeared, this one was smaller and given the name Sugar Baby Bear (SBB) and the big one was named Rainbow Bonage Bear (RBB)
RBB is then caught reading a book, it is called ‘all you can get is me’ this book uncovers k.d’s deep emotions, it talks about commitment, animal rights which threatened to ruin her career and coming to terms with her sexuality which made her a poster girl for the gay and lesbian community. The boys never acknowledged the bears but they were right in front of them at every concert.
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Then there was this picture:
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This picture is what made people associate the bears to ‘Larry’, SBB (the small bear) has some Mcdonalds fries while RBB (the bigger bear) has an ice cream, well the day before, Louis was papped at mcdonalds and Harry was papped getting some ice cream. This picture was taken a few days after Louis ‘acknowledged’ the baby for the first time, notice how there is a baby bottle featured in the photo.
The bears them start referencing Judy Garland again, RBB was seen with Blue and Green stickers on it’s boots, they have always been Harry and Louis colours, it’s the ‘larry’ colours.
On the 24th September 2015 bears are dressed up in wedding outfits (brides dress) with a photo of Larry Grayson and it is signed ‘Love Larry’ once the boys came on stage the picture was removed, well, the 28th September is the famous wedding rumors.
October 10th 2015, the bears got a new twitter account with the handle @ rbbsbbofficial, Josh Devine is the first to follow the account but later denies any involvement by this point he is the first person to talk about the bears. Someone then starts taking pictures of the bears in ‘behind the scene’ areas, RBB is stood next to a wall.
October 20th 2015, there is a countdown and the bears then stop coming to the shows.
October 22nd 2015, the boys cancel there first ever show, half an hour after they were suppose to be on stage, it was said that Liam was sick but it was doubted as all the boys had performed while sick before, (broken knee, pucking backstage etc) that same night the music video for perfect is dropped at 2am out of nowhere. Louis then tweets and most likely leaked a song called ‘Home’ which didn’t make it to the last album, the song is widely associated in the fandom as a ‘Larry’ song, as it seems to be about someone discovering their sexuality (“so many nights i thought it over, told myself i kind of liked her but there was something missing in her eyes”) and finding someone who understands you (“still high with a little feeling i see the smile as it starts to creep in it was there i saw it in your eyes”)
October 25th 2015, after the countdown ended, a sign was posted which said ‘Danger, bears are coming out of hibernation’ then that same night the bears were wearing football uniform that both Harry and Louis have openly supported, the bears literally had their own security guards and some very intense green and blue lights were focused on them.
The night after RBB had a photo taken with one of Harry’s childhood friends the FBI’s figured out where the bar was that they were at, Sunset boulevard in Newcastle it was a gay bar. Louis was then seen at a gay bar across the road at a gay district in Newcastle, he made sure everyone knew where he was that night and that is something Louis wouldn’t normally do.
The day after the bears tweeted that they were outside the Newcastle football stadium, this picture is then tweeted in B&W signed and initialed just like what Harry does with his IG, ‘Being fabulous, all day everyday makes me exhausted’ RBB 28/10/15 then during the show there is a certificate for the bears that said “To RBB ‘for being fabulous’ from: SBB 29/10/15 it also looked similar to Harry’s handwriting.
The bears would the appear on twitter every few day and there location would change depending on where the boys were.
On December 3rd, one month before the baby is born and by this time Briana’s cousin Ashley has already DM’d a bunch of Briana stan accounts and asked them to post stolen pregnacy photos and say that they are Briana. RBB appears on stage with a microphone dressed as Freddie Mercury, and the picture is old from the last time in 2014. At this point everyone is confused, 1D were scheduled to perform on James Corden’s carpool karaoke so people thought they were going to perform a Queen song.
A few hours later Josh said in an interview that neither him nor the boy have anything to do with the bears and that it’s fun and the fans read into it to much (if that is the case then why is it all so secret and why can’t they tell us who is really behind the bears)
The day before, for the first time the boys were asked about the bears, they all immediatly stopped what they were doing and became silent, they did all brefly glance at Louis and well i think Niall got whiplash with how quickly he turned his head towards Louis, Harry said that he believes the crew kept it and now it is taped to a scaffolding. Harry kept saying he ‘believes so’. Liam said that he didn’t even know the bears existed but with how obvious the bears were on stage, i doubt that very much.
December 8th 2015, the bears twitter location had changed to Home, soon to return. Harry left LA and arrived in London which then had the location change immediatly and Louis was still in LA, but as soon as Louis got home he tweeted 🏠 emoji. Harry was home, Louis was ‘soon to return’ home and when he is home he tweets a home emoji which was the same emoji used in his tweet about the song ‘home’ which is associated with HL and Louis never tweets about where he is coming and going place, (you can’t make this up).
The next day the location had changed to ‘London’ and we caught Louis’ reflection in the glasses of RBB so since then the bears glasses have been blurred, when fans realised the picture was then taken down.
December 12, there was another mention of Judy Garland, everyone thought by this point that Judy Garland was probably just the bears go to icon, until they looked at some of her songs: “i’m just wild about Harry” and “skip to my lou-”
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December 18th 2015, the bears tweeted a photo of them putting a CD into the DVD player. In the top left corner of the photo there is a book by Bette Davis with a library sticker on it that says HCPL (Holmes Chapel Public Library) Harry’s home town. The book is all about Media Manipulation.
The was a picture for christmas of the bears, a christmas card made an appearance where some handwriting on it looks simular to Louis. During this time Briana posted a photo of her baby bump, 2 days later a family member posts a picture from the same day and her belly is completely flat, not a belly in sight, you could even see her arms on the other side when she was sat down which if she had an 8 month pregnacy belly and she was sat down from the side you wouldn’t be able to see her arm on the other side but you could, absolutly flat.
RBB then changed their icon to George Michael in a jacket he wore in 90’s freedom from his album ‘faith’. By now, we should know who George Michael is but if not then he was a singer forced to hide his sexuality most of his life and sued his label SONY due to a contract is said was slavery. Then a photo of RBB was taken outside a pub, with a huge sign behind him saying ‘Freedom’ it was taken at bears house inn, which was 5 minutes away from holmes chapel.
January 21st 2016, Louis ‘son’ is born, Freddie Reign, (Freddie as in Mercury and Reign as in Reign to the throne - Queen) someone DM’d Briana asking when the baby was born and she said 20th January, Louis then tweeted on the 23rd that his son was born ‘yesterday’ meaning the 22nd. The photo that Briana and Austin had of the baby look different to the picture that Ruth Clark (Brett’s mum) posted with the baby one of the babies was tinier. Briana’s nail polish changed colour over night and they stole birthing photos from a mommy blog, there was picture of Brett sneaking around (why sneaking?) with two bouquet of flowers, if this child was acually through IVF and is Brett and Tammi’s (he is) then the two bouquet of flowers could be for, the surrogate and Tammi. Brett and Tammi where having a hug looking super happy, could be that they had become grandparents so they were hugging or it could be that they are the parents, Tammi was the one in sweats while Briana was in make up, ripped jeans and carrying the carrier, (why was she dressed so nice after ‘having a baby’ did she know the cameras were there?)
February 1st 2016 all the boys officially left modest and it is Harry’s 22nd birthday, later the bears tweeted a picture of them with a chocolate cake an the number 22 candles, then they were shown with the cake all over them (like they had eaten it) this was the first time RBB was seen without his glasses (not counting 2014) and the first time SBB wasn’t tide to string. The smashing of the cake could also be a reference to 2011 at the G.A.Y club when Louis had a cake smashed all over him.
Also the bears are now dirty so they would have to be washed, which goes back to 2014 ‘laundry day’ the same year Harry tweeted about it all ‘coming out in the wash’ which is probably what it was referenced.
3rd/4th February 2016, Louis said he doesn’t need to take a paternity test because he believed her (she did say that she slept with someone else around the same time)
February 2016, didn’t seek in custody battle, made arrangements between them
12th February 2016 the bears account was deleted.
Freddie was papped 4 times in his first week of life, walking out of hospital, doctors, the beach everywhere.
4th April 2016, Louis was papped in LA with his mum, stepdad, Freddie, Danielle, his grandad, Ernest and Doris. The twins has there faces blurred but Freddie didn’t.
Throughout the year, they exchanged the kid in a PRIVATE parking lot where they were PAPPED, Briana’s mum Tammi and Stepdad Brett were also at some of these exchanges.
New year/Jan 2017, Louis and Danielle split
Louis and Eleanor get back together
Louis is papped on exchanges at parking lots again
Last public interation, Brett hugs Oli and they hand Freddie over
Louis sells his LA house
Someone asked one of Louis’ twin sisters how old Freddie is on a live and she said 2 in February (his birthday is January)
Briefly speaks about him during interview for his music in 2018, they ask him what his first words are and he starts by saying “i know he isn’t a dog but...” then he says it was a mix between ‘mummy and daddy’.
On the Xfactor 2018, Simon mentions children and Louis makes an excuse to leave. Louis says “all my friends are getting married and having children and i’m here like what do i do” (in other words he has totally forgot he has a child)
They ask Louis what Freddie went as for halloween last year, he said a pumpkin. No he didn’t he went as a pumpkin when he was one, in 2018 he went as a pirate. They told Louis that Freddie looked like him, Louis said he did when he was a baby (all baby’s look the same) but Freddie doesn’t look like him so much now (his words)
On Freddie’s birthday, Louis was seen in Copenhagan, when asked about this birthday in an interview they asked him about the cake and Louis said he got him a big one (he wasn’t there)
One week before, Father’s day, Joe Jungwirth (Briana’s dad) said that Louis never sees Freddie and he is a ‘deadbeat’ father who starved Briana of money and it was Briana who raised him for the past 4 years (in other words Louis isn’t that childs father) he also said Freddie’s first word was ‘Dada’ (Louis said it was ‘mummy’ and ‘ daddy’) She followed Louis on IG but he didn’t follow Briana back.
Father’s day, Briana mentions it for the first time ever and posts a photoshopped picture the day of the birth, (it is now archived) Louis never said anything, he hasn’t since 2017. Freddie was with the Clarks that day because of a picture posted and Louis might have been in doncaster that day due to a voice that sounded like him in Calvin’s IG.
He hasn’t spoken or mentioned Freddie since Jan/Feb 2020
Things to remember:
Freddie has called Tammi and Brett ‘Mommy’ and ‘daddy’
Family friends have said that Freddie is Brett’s ‘mini me’ and Austin’s twin
Freddie and Austin have been called ‘brothers’ numerous times
Freddie had been photographed and papped for the past 4 years
Louis can’t get facts right about Freddie
Louis has not proper memories of Freddie after 2017
Harry banned Briana and Ashley from his show (why would he do that?)
Louis has NEVER spoken about Briana or her family ever.
Briana has recently unfollowed Louis (and archived that photo)
Brett’s grandma responded to a comment about Louis being gay saying “so? Why does it matter”
Louis’ sister always used very old photos of Freddie the only ‘new’ ones are for Tammi and Briana’s account.
Louis doesn’t follow Briana on IG where pictures are of his kid but recently followed Harry who he “isn’t friends with anymore” because we “ruined” their friendship.
During the bears, they had a phone during a concert with a number on it, fans were texting the bears and they had messages come up on the phone such as ‘larry is real x’
Everything comes back to Harry, Louis was seen holding hands with Harry’s friend, the interviewer aske Harry if he was ok after the baby confirmation, Harry banned B and A from his concert, Louis mentioned about Manchester being the inspiration for “We Made It” because of his girlfriend, Liam said Manchester is Harry’s hometown. Also...
Who did Louis share a single bed with...
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
Larry Evidence Part I: 2017 To 2018
I previously stated that I found it highly unlikely that Harry and Louis are together in 2020. I’ve since changed my stance/opinion on that.
I am not 100 percent certain either way. Aside from H, L, and their inner circle, it is logically impossible for us to know. That being said - I think it’s feasible they’re currently a couple.
This started as a bullet point list and spiraled out of control. Before you read this, I want note:
This post will be followed by 1-2 more posts for 2019/2020.
This installment focuses on more Louis-related evidence than Harry, but that changes in my other post/posts.
Screenshots from my phone are poor quality because of hand tremors. They’re legible but not as nice as the others.
When I say ‘evidence’, I mean this definition: ‘signs or indications of something’.
Unless something presented is an actual fact (i.e. a screenshot of X following Y), I am not claiming it is a fact.
This is solely my perspective and opinion based on evidence.
Larry Evidence Part I: 2017 To 2018
February 2nd, 2017 - Louis Tweeted that he enjoyed a new Devlin album, and fans noticed the lyrics from a song called ‘Cold Blooded’.
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I’ve seen this posted multiple times and confirmed it’s a Tweet still on Louis’ Twitter account. 
This is the most recent post I saw about it, so it reminded me to add this point. (I’m crediting whoever/whenever possible.)
The entire album is only 36 minutes long; the likelihood of him NOT hearing this song is low.
Louis is the one who has (in the past) called ‘Larry Stylinson’ bullshit and said the ship ruined the duo’s friendship. Louis and Harry know the sleuthing/inferences of Larry shippers. This Tweet easily lends itself to Larry evidence. 
May 5th, 2017 - Harry’s notorious ‘Sweet Creature interview’ took place with  Cooper Lawrence on 106.1 BLI radio.
I heard this video when I became a Harry fan in 2019; I’ve seen it mentioned dozens of times since then. 
Harry, Louis and the other members of are very experienced with giving ‘the right answers’ during interviews.
The amount of coaching that entertainers (musicians, actors, etc.) is extensive.
The way Harry fumbles non-stop with his answer is telling.
He was likely aware of the speculation regarding ‘Sweet Creature’; the interviewer mentions it herself.
The question/topic was not blacklisted pre-interview by his team.
Blacklisting topics and questions is a common interview practice.
It could be a heavy lack of preparation on H and his team’s part. That doesn’t seem likely. 
My personal belief is that, after years of giving spoonfed answers and blacklisted topics, Harry was caught off guard by this.
June 22nd, 2017 - Louis made a public post on social media about Harry’s stepfather’s death. 
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I debated whether or not to include this; I don’t intend to do so in poor taste.I want to explain why I view this as proof.
I lost my mother in 2010 and father in 2013.
I would be extremely offended if someone Tweeted about the death of one of my parents UNLESS we were very close.
Having said that, this is why I find it noteworthy:
Louis and Harry are allegedly not close in 2017.
Despite that, Louis still Tweeted this on the same day that Harry’s family asked for privacy (source).
Louis lost his own mother in 2016, so he knows better than most that this would be offensive if they were just acquaintances. 
This evidence really stood out to me. Even if Louis hadn’t lost his mother, he is an adult with common sense. I strongly believe he would never post this if him and Harry weren’t, at the least, very close friends.
July 27th, 2017 - Louis was interviewed about ‘Always You’, and his answers do not add up.
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I was aware of the inconsistency regarding the Amsterdam part, but I hadn’t seen direct sources until I looked today.
I read this post by @sincetheywere16and18 about Louis’ interview with Trax FM. 
Even though I’m directly quoting them, take a moment to read their post; they deserve major credit for this portion I wrote. 
“ Now, Louis also says that his favorite song to record was his song called Always You. When asked what the song was about, he replied ‘um its about my girlfriend, Eleanor.’”
“ This is extremely significant because people have already connected the fact that Louis said in a different interview that he and Eleanor went to Amsterdam together around this time.”
“Now that the song is out, we know that the very first line is ‘I went to Amsterdam without you’. Now how could the song be about her if she was there with him?”
This interview and post show the timeline and untruthful answer(s) about who Louis’ is writing about. 
(Side note: Louis’ answers about many things will be a very common theme in each part of this series.)
December 15th, 2017 - Louis’ friend Calvin Rodgers allegedly followed a Larry Instagram account.
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The first image is from this Tumblr post by @endlesslyhl​. A reblog of the image tagged it with the 12/15/17 I listed. I discovered this when searching ‘Larry proof’ or a similar phrase.
The second image is my own screenshot taken 07/27/20 of the same Instagram account. As you can see, it mentions Calvin followed at one point.
I didn’t even know who Calvin was until today.
After some reading, it’s very clear that Calvin and Louis are/were very good friends.
Ask yourself - why would your close friend follow an account of a so-called fabricated relationship you’re in? 
If it were a topic you found funny or amusing, I could see your friend jokingly following it to playfully tease you. 
However, Louis made his stance on ‘Larry Stylinson’ clear to the public. His close friends would know his stance even better. So, if he was truly so put off by the Larry shipping, I find it highly unlikely his friend would follow this account. 
October 31st, 2018 - Calvin also liked an image of H and L posted on a popular Larry Instagram. 
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Essentially, take my bullet points and conclusion from above. The same logic applies here, and it will in my future installments of this little series.
My Conclusion
The information in this post (and a few other pieces of evidence I opted out of including) show me that Louis and Harry were AT LEAST extremely close friends in 2017/2018. I find it more likely that there was a romantic element though. 
I hope this post lived up to expectations! It’s honestly not as intense as the rest of my ‘evidence collection’. 2019 and 2020 get very loud when it comes to Larry Stylinson. 
Any feedback is welcome, so long as it’s polite! I respect all opinions and perspectives. 
If I’ve made any errors in my post, feel free to tell me. Being completely nonexistent in the fandom during 2017/2018 made this a little more difficult to write concisely.
Late To Larry
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
“I was always the boss”
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I want to talk about Louis and Syco. 
I’ve always said labels will do whatever they believe will profit most. They don’t shelve artists without reason or because of a petty grudge. Money is their only concern. So, why did Louis get trapped by Syco for 5 years? How did that benefit Simon Cowell?
Well, it’s no secret that the X Factor ratings have been falling. They’ve fallen consistently every year since One Direction’s season. Before that point, X factor had seen continuous growth. Likely one of the primary reasons this happened was that competitor shows, like The Voice which debuted in 2011, were offering new judges and new formats which engaged viewers who were used to (and growing bored with) the X Factor’s predictability.  American Idol saw its ultimate decline begin around the same time, with 2011 being its last uptick in viewership after its 2006 peak. X Factor also wasn’t turning out stars.  Shows like X Factor require the allure of becoming the next Kelly Clarkson or One Direction to draw in talent worth watching, and viewers who really believe that the contestants have something to win. 
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Simon knew that Louis was the driving force behind One Direction and a major reason the band stood out from other Syco acts. If Simon couldn’t make a hit again, maybe Louis could do it for him, so Louis was meant to develop a girl band for Syco. This would, in theory provide Syco with the star power they lost with One Direction leaving and make the label more appealing. It would also add to the X Factor pedigree, because X Factor “discovered” Louis. 
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But then something unplanned happened. Louis, one of the biggest stars with James Grant Group management, was paired up with Steve Aoki, one of Deckstar management’s biggest stars, to launch their merger with a collab. And the kind of magic that happens when you put two geniuses together in a studio happened. Just Hold On was born. Because of the circumstances around it, the X Factor performance for the song had a massive impact. 
Seeing a viable solo career, Louis signed to Epic. This didn’t conflict with Syco’s interests because Syco is UK-based and Epic is US based. Syco would only benefit from Louis’ increased profile without having to trouble itself with US promo it was ill-equipped for. This deal was cemented with Back To You ft. Bebe Rexha and Digital Farm Animals - both Epic acts.
Just Like You was then released “just for fans” with no promotion. Clearly, the labels weren’t behind it but didn’t see any real harm in Louis dropping something for his loyal fanbase. Free money, no effort. This isn’t how you treat someone you’re launching as a solo artist. I’d say it’s more how you treat someone who it’s easier to say ‘yes’ to than let them feel trapped. 
Then Louis releases Miss You, which got some promotion and an X factor performance.
There’s a clear pattern emerging: Louis releases songs in time for X Factor performances. The exception is BTY, which cemented his Epic deal by using his 1D clout to support their acts. 
I’m arguing that this was Louis’ situation under Syco: he was only allowed to release solo music to benefit X Factor ratings.  
And this implies that Syco functioned not really as a record label, but as a means of control over former X Factor contestants. It only needed to maintain a few proof-of-concept acts in order to efficiently serve its purpose. Artists were shelved because Syco was not there to invest in them. It was there to support X Factor, where the TV money came in. If this is all true, the entire X Factor + Syco enterprise was about funneling TV money into Simon Cowell’s pocket. Nothing more.
And then Louis agrees to judge the X Factor after holding out for years, despite Simon obviously wanting this. Remember, Simon thinks Louis can get Syco the Next Big Thing.  Louis tells us he agreed to do this because he had ‘assurances it would help with the album.’  In other words, Simon wanted to continue tying Louis to the X Factor to the extent that Louis wouldn’t be able to do his own album launch or tour during the fall, when Simon would need Louis’ support for X Factor.
I won’t claim to know why it was Louis who found himself in this situation. Was it because he was the only member of 1D who signed on to Syco as an adult at 18? Was he somehow in breach of contract and this was his debt to Simon? Did he simply believe his only future was as a label exec and this was his best path forward? Did Simon so greatly believe Louis could save Syco that he wouldn’t allow Louis to sign elsewhere?  Hard to say. If there’s proof any one way, I’d love to know. 
But regardless, Louis became an X Factor judge in order to release his debut album. This was the sweet deal that Simon had desperately wanted, and perhaps believed could save his sinking TV empire. Louis would bring his fans to the X Factor’s viewership ratings. Louis would remind everyone just what you could win as an X Factor contestant. Louis would lend (some of) his fanbase’s support to a future Syco act. Louis would give Simon the benefit of his uncanny knack for finding talent.  Louis would even get Simon Nile Rodgers, who famously had declined to join X Factor up to that point, as a repeat guest judge.
Louis spent a ton of time with his contestants. He really fought for them. This, combined with the ‘won it, got out of there’ quote he gave inclines me to believe he had to win to get the full benefit of his deal for his album. (Which would obviously require Simon to not rig the show against him, possibly as part of that same deal.) 
But if Louis was so valuable to Syco, why would Simon agree to let him go? Well, Louis had the power to hold out from being a judge. Louis traded that for his album. Simon would have known that the sooner he could get the X Factor ratings up, the better. Every year he waited was a year he risked losing the show. When Louis’ season still tanked, he switched over to the X Factor Celebrity format - a bid to stall X Factor’s decline and to bring in viewership for more attractive contestants. (Hint: it didn’t work very well) He also launched his k-pop/1D rival show, “the Band”. We know how that went. (It’s like there’s a common denominator!)
Now, I like to imagine Louis has a few ethical bones in his body. Certainly more than Simon. So, delivering young talent into the hungry maw of Syco doesn’t seem very Louis. Perhaps that was part of the big move away from developing a girl band and toward a solo career. Perhaps that was part of the reluctance to be a judge. Or maybe Louis was just really dedicated and ambitious for his solo career and his Louies. I think it’s parts of both.
So he went into this playing the good boy for Simon. Louis knew he could release his album and leave Syco shortly after, but Simon believed he was in complete control. That Louis couldn’t and wouldn’t leave.  But shortly after Louis left Syco, Simon himself got cut out of Syco by Sony .
It’s very transparently a bad deal for Simon. He had to buy out his own failing show and lost the entire music branch of Syco, including every artist he ever signed and their masters - right before the 1D 10 year anniversary that is bound to make the 1D masters even more profitable than they usually are.  My suspicion is that Louis was able to go to Sony and encourage them to leverage impending allegations (some were shared online as part of the Me Too movement) against Simon and his business practices at X Factor to force Simon to leave. If this was his plan, he went into X Factor knowing that any winner had a real chance at a career. He also effectively liberated every Syco act from Simon’s influence if he was the one who set in motion the Sony deal. And the timing sure makes it look like that was the case.
Shortly after his X Factor stint, he switched his Epic deal out for a deal with Arista for the US. This deal made a notable difference for his US promotion (because it existed, finally). Still, Walls launch was designed to overlap with X Factor so that he could perform DLIBYH on X Factor: Celebrity.  Despite the deal for the album, Simon was still apparently controlling Louis’ schedule. 
Obviously what follows is complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic, but Louis released his album, started his first solo world tour, and in July, left Syco. He still hasn’t signed to anyone new and his status with Arista is uncertain. If I’m correct about Louis’ hand in Sony taking control of Syco, I would imagine there’s a Sony label deal waiting for Louis. 
If we map this to the WMI/DLIBYH/KMM, we see that Louis would have had obligations to fulfill with Simon which led him into this situation. He schemed to get out of it and ultimately pulled off his heist: he took Simon’s money and handed it back to the people who were roped in with him. (In the video, that’s the other thieves, and in reality that’s the other Syco artists.) When Joe/past Louis jumps, that’s Louis leaving Syco. Joe/past Louis gets his happy ending as he meets up with his spouse on the beach and they walk into the sunset. Louis then collects his money from a locker, which I would suggest represents his future record deal and solo career. 
Honestly, looking back at everything, I’m really impressed with what Louis managed to pull off. We’ve always known Louis drove negotiations on behalf of 1D. We’ve heard how smart and careful he is. We’ve seen him navigate an awful situation over the years with grace. We’ve heard the receipt that everyone in the industry knows just who he is. Even Louis has told us, and he was right: 
He was always the boss. 
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
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Louis according to tumblr tags
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
Masterpost- Paige Reifler, Harry Styles and Co.
Firstly, i don’t want any messages saying ‘omg get over it it’s in the past’ and ‘why are you bringing it up again’ etc. Trust me i’m just as over it as the rest of you but it’s easier to make a masterpost to link people to when they ask questions about the whole situation rather than repeatedly explaining the same details of what happened.
Ok, so this is longer than expected but i wanted to cover everything that happened. 
It’s unclear how or where Harry and Paige met but it seems to of been on the first or second night of Harry being in NYC so the 27th or 28th of June.
Then on the 29th of June after the One Direction concert at Jones Beach, Harry hung out with Paige, Stephen and some other friends at Stephen’s apartment in New York City.
On this night Paige and Harry exchanged rings.
This is his ring from a vine he took in june 2013 before they met (on his index finger)
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just before they swapped, these photos were taken while they were still wearing their own rings on the index finger of their left hand’s.
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the next day in New York he was wearing her ring but not his 
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and in early August, Paige started wearing his for the first time.
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On the 1st of July Harry left his hotel very late at night and i’m going to assume he was clubbing with Paige and the others because Walter posted a short video: X of them in a club with Harry in a black shirt which is what he was pictured wearing when he left the hotel. The video didn’t come out until October but it was taken in July.
Now this is when the drama started to happen.
On the 2nd of July the day of One Direction’s New Jersey concert, Harry gave tickets to Paige, Stephen, Alec, Walter and a few other model friends of theirs. They all attended, watched the show together and posted photos .
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Alec posted these videos X & X then Stephen posted this X
Fans started posting hate all over these kids social media accounts.
Even though Paige was was not in the video of them leaving and never said a bad word about One Direction she still received a lot of hate for simply being associated with them. 
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Paige went backstage towards the end of the concert and left with Harry
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According to Alec, Harry didn’t care and he obviously didn’t because he hung out with them again for the next two days.
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Alec also confirming Paige wasn’t in that video nor did she leave with them, yet she continued to receive the most hate. 
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At no point in that video did anyone say One Direction sucked. This fan would of seen Alec’s video and the music playing very clearly in the back of the video is ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ which every fan (especially one with an insta account dedicated to them) knows is the last song they played at every concert on that tour. This is just one example of the exaggerated stories that came from that video. The whole thing was totally blown out of proportion if you ask me.
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The day after the concert on July 3rd, Harry hung out with them again and was obviously un-offended by Alec’s video.
They all went to Jay-z’s album release party and Harry’s friend Jonny Harvey flew into New York and joined them. Paige posted a photo: X and Jonny tweeted about it: X
The next morning (July 4th) they all went to breakfast including Jonny and Cal
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After breakfast Harry caught a flight to Montreal, Canada for the One Direction show that night.
Later that afternoon a fan sent this to Cal showing these (click the link) which are some of the gross things Stephen tweeted.
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A few minutes later Harry tweeted this
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and of course, Paige starts getting hate for someone else’s wrong doing not her own and she posted this which i 100% agree with. Whilst i understand ‘you are the company you keep’ to some extent, the amount of hate she got for someone else’s actions was unecessary.
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People then started claiming Harry unfollowed Paige on instagram to make it seem like Harry was ‘mad with Paige so he unfollowed her’ kind of thing but he never followed her to begin with. Paige isn’t responsible for Stephen’s tweets so why should Harry be mad at her? Paige confirmed herself he never followed her.
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this update account is right, everyone would of known if he followed her.
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This twitlonger was posted on the same day soon after Harry tweeted 
It’s completely made up and i couldn’t even imagine how much hate Paige was getting all because a fan created and spread this lie. This was Paige’s friend Madeleine’s response.  
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Harry’s next trip to New York was on the 22nd of August for a week of ‘This Is Us’ promotional events (interviews, press conference, premiere).
On the 23rd of August, One Direction performed on ‘The Today Show’ and apparently a fan tweeted Paige asking if she would be at the taping and she favourited the tweet, possibly suggesting she was going to be there. 
On August 24th Paige tweeted about having room service and netflix, so she was probably at Harry’s hotel at some point during the day.
That night Paige joined Harry, Ben Winston and Ben’s wife Meredith for dinner at ‘The Soho House’. They took these in the photo booth, she posted the photos on insta and received more hate.
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On August 26th Paige attended the premiere of ‘This Is Us’, she posted this photo on twitter of her dressed up. 
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Presumably she attended both the screening and definitely the after party where she met Hailey Baldwin and tweeted her soon after.
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Harry left New York early the next morning and Paige tweeted this 
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Then on September 29th Walter Martinez posted this photo of Paige and Harry kissing from the night at Stephen’s apartment (June 29th).
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Paige played no part in posting this photo. Something went down with Paige and the rest of that group and they posted it to get back at her for whatever reason.
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Exhibit A: Alec Orso tagging update accounts to spread the photo and have more people hate on Paige
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the thirst is real
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I’m not sure if Alec originally did post this photo but this screenshot including Paige’s comment is photoshopped. You can see the faded colours on the text, icon picture and emoticons.
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This is also photoshopped. Obvious watermarks and the background/writing isn’t colour corrected. Looking at it next to a real screenshot of Paige and Eva comments make’s it even more obvious.
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I would just like to say if you are the person/people that photoshopped these, you SERIOUSLY need to reevaluate your life and need some sort of psychological evaluation because that is not okay to do to anyone ever. It’s called Defamation and it’s actually illegal in many cases.
Eva also posted this. She went to high school with Paige in Upstate NY and doesn’t hang with Paige’s city friends a.k.a. Stephen, Walter, Alec.
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Later in the same day, a video of model Olivia Greenfield throwing a cup of yoghurt at a homeless man was making it’s way around twitter. It simply comes from some fan trolling Stephen/Walter’s insta and linking that video to all the update accounts on twitter and claiming it’s Paige to make her look like a shit person.
The video is now deleted but this is a screenshot from it. You can clearly see Olivia’s hair is very long and Paige’s doesn’t even reach her shoulders yet people still believe it’s Paige in that video. 
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Then a few days later, still desperate for attention, Walter posted that video of Harry clubbing from earlier in the post and Stephen posted a video on instagram saying if he get’s 3,000 followers or something he would post Harry’s phone number on the internet. Cal responded with this and we haven’t heard anymore from those guys since.
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So yeah that pretty much sums up the whole thing.
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
How Cherry is Actually Related to Dylan Rieder
Dylan Rieder was an American model, artist, and professional skateboarder. Camille Rowe and Dylan started dating at the end of 2013.
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In 2014, Dylan took part of a project called Cherry. The project was that of the brand Supreme. Camille Rowe took apart of it as well, along with some of her friends.
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The couple split after being together for nearly three years. Although Dylan began to date other girls, Camille still always wished him happy birthday. She'd say that he was the love of her life. That she always missed him.
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Dylan Rieder passed away due to complications from Leukemia on October 12, 2016. He'd had two bone marrow transplants, which are a painful processs. His friends paid tributes to him on social media, those of which included Camille.
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Camille still hangs out with his friends. She had always said he was her greatest love. In 2018 she posted a photo (now deleted), captioned "Always in my heart".
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It seems that Dylan was the love of her life, does it not?
"It's miserable because things don't turn out the way you want." -Harry Styles, about Cherry
If you browse the internet and articles for a bit and take a closer look, you can see that Dylan's style reflects onto Camille.
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Theorically, Harry wrote Cherry not about Camille, but for her. It's not about her and Harry's story; he's singing about the love she had with Dylan, a story that it's not his. If they're friends, the more likely situation is that he became inspired to write by this relationship.
This may be why there's the voicemail at the end of Cherry. Camille may have been talking with Dylan.
This is not to debunk Hamille. This has nothing to do with Larry (antis, please don't even start because I'm not looking to finish anything). The purpose of this is to say that Cherry is actually a tribute; a show of respect for someone who passed away and was deeply loved.
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
A Timeline of Extra Stunts
December 18th-22nd: Louis stunts, Harry largely MIA.
December 18th: Louis appears in Chicago.
Appears in Danielle’s snapchat video (x).
Goes to the coffee shop and takes photos with fans (x / x / x).
December 19th: Louis is literally everywhere in Chicago (x).
Gets the ass tattoo with Danielle and her family.
Shopping, goes to a show, goes to a bar, goes to a house party.
December 20th: Louis remains in Chicago.
Spotted at a gas station by stalkers (x / x).
Dairy date with Danielle and her family (x).
 December 21st: Louis and Danielle parade around all day (x).
Walking the dogs and walking around holding hands.
Dinner date and a froyo date.
Louis (and Danielle, supposedly) go to a bar.
December 22nd: Louis leaves Chicago.
Spotted in the morning with Danielle (x).
Flies out at night, blows a kiss to the car (x).
Harry is spotted the 20th (x / x / x / x), the 21st, and in Gemma’s snapchat video on the 22nd, but there are very few photos taken of him and almost nothing is known about what he is doing - aka largely MIA.
December 23rd: Louis and Harry both in the UK.
Fans take photos and videos of Louis outside the airport (x).
Louis posts a selfie with Ernest with a tattooed arm behind him, presumably Harry with his new eagle tattoo (x).
Harry is with his friends (x).
December 24th-25th: Louis in Doncaster, Harry MIA (but most likely with Louis).
December 24th: Louis in Doncaster, Harry MIA.
Louis sees his nan (x).
Louis gets takeaway with Jay (x).
Louis posts a selfie with Oli outside the Donny Dome (x).
Harry is MIA all day and seemingly does not attend his traditional Christmas Eve pub visit with his home friends - AKA he was with Louis for his birthday, probably all day.
December 25th: Louis in Doncaster, Harry MIA.
Lottie posts a photo with Louis in it - Fizzy is in the photo when you lighten it, so a mysterious human took it (cough Harry cough) (x).
Anne posts a photo of her and Gemma, but Harry is MIA (x).
Harry presumably spent the 24th and at least part of the 25th with Louis.
December 26th: Louis and Harry are spotted before dropping off the map.
Louis attends a Rovers game and takes a few fan photos (x / x).
Louis is spotted at McDonalds, seemingly on his way back to London (x).
Harry is papped at an airport in Miami with Robin and Anne (x).
December 27th-28th: Both Harry and Louis are MIA.
Most of us assume Louis flew out late on the 26th or early on the 27th to be with Harry, only to fly back late on the 28th or early on the 29th.
December 29th: Louis and Harry are both spotted.
Louis spotted in London.
Heads to a pub and then a comedy club, nobody reports that Danielle was there except Dan Wootton a few days later.
Annas tweets that 1D members will be heading to Project London.
Louis and Danielle are at the club, few photos of Louis are posted and no photos of Danielle are posted until the DM article later.
Harry spotted in Anguilla on the Azoff family vacation.
Takes photos (x / x / x) - fans find out about the eagle tattoo.
Harry has dinner with a group of people and sits next to Kendall. They’re sitting close together and she puts her hand on his back. Photos are taken of them and a video is taken as well, later to be shared on E! News. (x)
Fans find out about songs registered with Harry as a solo performer.
December 30th-January 1st: Harry stunts, Louis is largely MIA.
December 30th: Pap photoshoot of Harry and Kendall on the yacht.
Jeff and Glenne are in some of the photos.
Harry and Kendall are spotting cuddling and (likely) kissing (x).
Definitely aware of the paps.
December 31st: Harry and Kendall continue stunt, Louis largely MIA.
DM article and pap photos/videos of Louis and Danielle from the night of the 29th are dropped (x).
Harry and Kendall continue their pap photoshoot (x).
No word on Louis’ New Years Eve party.
January 1st: Harry and Kendall continue stunt, Harry and Jeff look a bit suspicious, and Louis remains MIA.
Harry and Kendall continue their pap photoshoot (x).
Photos are taken of Jeff and Harry that look quite strange - Jeff is dressed up, photos are being taken of them at three different angles, and they are definitely aware that paps are around. Fans immediately begin speculating that Harry is signing a solo contract under the management of the Azoffs (x / x / x).
Louis tweets about his NYE, but there are no photos of him yet (x).
So I don’t know if this spells it out clearly or not, but there is a pattern here.
The Pattern (spelled out more clearly):
Louis does an extra stunt while Harry is largely MIA (18th-22nd) .
Harry and Louis’ whereabouts are both accounted for (23rd).
Harry and Louis both go MIA for a couple of days and are assumed to be together (24th-25th),
Harry and Louis’s whereabouts are both accounted for (26th).
Harry and Louis both go MIA for a couple of days and are assumed to be together (27th-28th).
Harry and Louis’ whereabouts are both accounted for (29th).
Harry does an extra stunt while Louis is largely MIA (30th-Jan 1st).
My point is basically this - I don’t know exactly what is happening, though I have a few theories, but I don’t buy that whatever Harry is doing with Kendall and the Jeff thing is just for himself (e.g. just his supposed solo career). Harry and Louis are trading off with these over-the-top stunts and there is a pattern here, which suggests to me that they are not only working together, but they are also both working with Azoff to accomplish whatever their end goal is here.
P.S. If there are any mistakes here, blame the wine I’m drinking.
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
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there’s strenght in being vulnerable
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
Two Versions of Louis, Peeling Away to Reveal the True Louis Underneath Public Image, and Leaving Past Self Behind
 A major theme in this lyric video is the separation between the public Louis and private Louis. The video is littered with images of his public self peeling away to reveal his true self underneath and moving forward. This post is collection of frames from the lyric video that fit this theme.
In this frame, the first instance of this in the video, a black-and-white Louis is hiding or obscuring his more colorful self. You can see the hint of another version of himself–an ear and part of his shoulder and arm. A colored version of himself is on the left of the frame, cut off. 
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Keep reading
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warbetweenthevanities · 3 years ago
jfc your tags 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯your head must feel so heavy for having such a big galaxy brain
For context:
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But like think about it! Really keep thinking about it! Those very early days– social media was new, so it wasn’t an expected avenue for fame. The way 1D took off globally, yes, started during X Factor, but the X Factor bosses very likely didn’t have it on their radar as something that was important for their career the way they wouldn’t have considered answering fan letters super important. That might explain why so much was plain-to-see online in the very early days.
So if you’re not like certain contemporary bands expecting your boys to become the worlds first real social media superstars… how do you market them? Well, you’re British and you have the platform of X factor at it’s height - not nothing. You have The S*n and the whole British tabloid complex at your disposal. Historically, especially in London, all of entertainment is deeply entwined with gay subculture… so maybe you’re looking at the spice girls as a model, maybe you’re looking at your gay subculture as an asset. 
So we get 1D doing one of their very first gigs at G-A-Y. 
You have Louis pushed as ‘the gay one’ (yes s*mon, some of us remember that!), 
the one who answers questions about how he very much supports boys putting his poster on their wall (and means it, lol, boy cant lie);
the one who has a very public bromance with the sweet youngest one that all the moms love (the dynamic that would become “I doubt they do laundry”); 
the one who couldn’t and wouldn’t lie for shit about their relationship;
the one who is 18 and socially acceptable (if barely, particularly among a community that is hyper-sensitized to possible perception of pedophilia) for grown men to crush on a little - including the popular, out, gay actor Jon Barrowman;
The Louis who will tell you proudly that he is “The Flamboyant One” 
And then comes Breaking AmericaTM. By the time of 1D a British band finding mainstream success in the US already had a moniker and a formula. And they followed it cleanly. Cookie-cutter good boys on day time TV, in the press dating America’s Sweetheart, even one boy who was The American One so they wouldn’t be too threateningly foreign. Yep, they played their cards by-the-book. 
So what happened to their gay image? Well, an American audience will tolerate quite a bit of queerness from an act if they’re British. This is in part because (high-class) British masculinity itself is “softer” than what Americans consider masculine. But it also comes from the alien-ness of an act from “across the pond”. Historically, being a “gay act” worked well for The Smiths, Bowie, Boy George, and many others. So cutting ties completely with it wasn’t really necessary. In fact, they didn’t totally alienate their gay following and the proof is in the massive rainbow stadiums Harry has pulled on his first solo tour - no matter how hard things got, there was always louis in a rainbow shirt, harry picking up a pride flag, and of course that collective fever dream about gay bears. 
But Middle America TM is famously homophobic and they could easily have flopped if they were too gay. So they were bearded up, paraded around for moms to thirst after, sold as 5 little Justin Beibers to the ‘tweeniebopper’ demographic, and you know the rest. 
Now before I get some wackos in my inbox: I AM NOT SAYING that Larry was fake for pr or any such bullshit which we’ve heard a million times from anti’s. Frankly, Larry being real was a statistical probability more than a stroke of fate. They were always closeted because even while marketed as a ‘gay band’ being explicitly and openly gay would’ve been a nail in their tweeniebopper coffin. I’m just saying that in the very early days, it would’ve been a sensible commercial move to pander a bit to a tight-knit, influential demographic with disposable income. And it probably did help launch 1D into 1D’s unparalleled success. And there’s no dispute that launching into America radically changed their public image.
And listen I’m also not saying “I’ve figured this out, this is exactly what happened” I’m JUST saying that it’s plausible and would explain now blatantly homosexual sweet Louis got to be in the early days.
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