warbcrns-blog · 6 years
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warning for spoilers ahead.
feel free to change pronouns / wording !
“ there was nothing but ash and cold … and death. ”  
“ i’d never seen anything so perfect. ”  
“ it wasn’t always easy. ”  
“ we never stood a chance. ”  
“ they’re gonna kill us ! ”  
“ we need to stick together. ”  
“ everything you have is ours now. ”  
“ are you fucking problem makers ? ”  
“ you never should have come here. ”  
“ what do we have here ? ”  
“ you think we wouldn’t notice ? ”  
“ people either solve problems or make problems. ”  
“ the world’s got too many fuckin’ problems. ”  
“ problem makers need t’ be solved. ”  
“ go fuck yourself. ”  
“ save yourself ! ”  
“ i saw you hit the water and i was able to pull you out before you drowned. ”  
“ i think we’re the only ones who got away. ”  
“ i should’a known better. ”  
“ we’re gonna need some firepower. ”  
“ you breathe this stuff in, it fucks up your lungs. ”  
“ point that thing somewhere else. ”  
“ i was so worried. ”  
“ no one’s coming to help us. we’re on our own. ”  
“ sitting around moping isn’t doing any good. ”  
“ anytime you need a hand, give me a call. i’ll come fight by your side. ”  
“ i know you’ve already been through a lot. ”  
“ see if you can pick ‘em off. ”  
“ you’re supposed to be smart. ”  
“ maybe losing a kneecap will change your mind. ”  
“ you came back for me, you crazy son of a bitch. ”  
“ didn’t think i’d get out of there alive. thanks for risking your neck for me. ”  
“ i am in like the worst real life come-down that’s ever graced the friggin’ planet right now. ”  
“ people die from like the dumbest shit these days. ”  
“ whatever you do, don’t panic. ”  
“ where there’s water, there’s crocodiles. ”  
“ get it while it’s hot. ”  
“ i will take that as a compliment. ”  
“ i’ll drink t’ that. ”  
“ better put those down. ”
“ you’ve become a fucking problem. ”  
“ i think we should just kill ‘em. ”  
“ we don’t want any martyrs here. ”  
“ the only currency in this world is power. ”  
“ if we can’t take it, we’ll break it. ”    
“ we’re gonna make them regret it. ”  
“ wait … is that a joke ? ”  
“ our backs are against the wall. ”  
“ if you see him again you run away as fast as you can. ”          
“ thank you for saving me. ”  
“ if you’re looking for an ally, you’ve found one. ”  
“ where’s the benefit in trying to save people ? ”  
“ you gotta work for your own self. ”  
“ you did good. ”  
“ can you hear my voice ? ”  
“ the only way forward is to live without sin. ”  
“ god has cleansed the world of sin, and yet it remains. ”  
“ sin is in our blood. ”  
“ you aren’t what i was expecting. ”  
“ it should’ve been me. ”  
“ i’ve been trapped here for months. ”  
“ i’ll be honest, i’d nearly given up. ”  
“ you lose somethin’ ? ”  
“ i did everything that i was asked. ”  
“ i admire your fortitude. ”  
“ this is god’s test. ”  
“ sin is a beast we cannot feed. ”  
“ i know what you’re thinkin’. she’s got the body of a thirty year old but a face like a scrotum that got left out in the sun. ”  
“ you don’t get my help for free. ”  
“ nice shootin’ tex ! ”  
“ everyone needs someone lookin’ out for them out here. ”  
“ ahh, you’ll never know if i’m kiddin’. ”  
“ i’m a little overwhelmed, at the moment, TBH. ”  
“ never mind my problems man. ”  
“ i can’t even get mad at you. ”  
“ i had it under control, you didn’t have t’ do that. ”  
“ this is what happens when you fuck with us. ”  
“ you don’t control what happens. ”  
“ this feels real familiar, like we’ve been down this road before. ”  
“ gonna spend all night wipin’ those hopes ‘n’ dreams off my boots. ”  
“ y’ know, before you showed up, everything was fuckin’ great. ”  
“ there’s no hope for you. ”  
“ if you’re not with us, you’re against us. ”  
“ it’s not that simple. ”  
“ you did everything you could. ”  
“ they can’t tell you anything if you cut out their tongues. ”  
“ let me handle this. ”  
“ i know what i’m doin’. ”  
“ the fuck you still doin’ here ? ”  
“ they came and they took it all from me. ”  
“ i’m’a go john wick on their asses. ”  
“ i’m in fuckin’ boss mode. ”  
“ i know we were only goin’ like five miles an hour but my heart is poundin’ and my dick is hard ! ”  
“ if you fuck up, or you’re in over your head, you’ll be able t’ hear me laughin’. ”  
“ any other observations ? ”  
“ a deal’s a deal, man. ”  
“ you just don’t seem t’ wanna die. ”  
“ we could’ve been on the same side. ”  
“ i guess it wasn’t meant to be. ”  
“ hey, you ain’t dyin’ are you ? ”  
“ i’m so fuckin’ sorry i fucked this up. ”  
“ do what you gotta do. ”  
“ i want to be strong like you. ”  
“ there is no redemption for this. no atonement. ”  
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warbcrns-blog · 6 years
mickey & lou: ... and that's what our pops taught us!
josie: well, my mama taught me that y'all are some punk ass little bitches so...
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warbcrns-blog · 6 years
                   THERE  IS  A  SHARP  TUG  ON  HER  ARM  .    it  isn’t  enough  to  hurt  ,    but  it  is  enough  to  tell  her  that  mama  is  angry  .    she  just  isn’t  sure  why  ?    that  old  man  had  been  nice  enough  .    a  gentle  voice  ,    telling  her  that  he  knew  who  her  daddy  was  .    GOD  had  shown  him  .    but  mama  showed  up  before  she  could  ask  who  and  dragged  her  away  .    she  had  started  to  cry  and  yell  ,    but  one  cold  look  from  mama  shut  her  up  right  quick  .    the  walk  back  to  the  truck  was  quiet  after  that  .    the  only  sound  in  these  woods  was  coming  from  the  little  girl  trying  to  hold  back  her  sniffles  and  tears  ,    knowing  she  was  in  trouble  but  not  understanding  WHY  .    the  silence  didn’t  last  .    the  moment  they  were  in  the  truck  and  barreling  down  the  dirty  road  mama  spoke  up  ,    her  voice  hard  .
          ❝    i  told  you  to  stay  in  the  truck  .    didn’t  i  ,    josephina  ?    ❞
                                                                                     ❝    yes  ,    mama  ,    but—    ❞
          ❝    no  buts  !    you  didn’t  listen  to  me  !    what  were  you  thinking  ?    ❞
                                            ❝    he  said  he  knew  daddy  !    that  god  showed—    ❞
          ❝    he  says  god  shows  him  a  lot  of  things  ,    josie  .    he’s  a  damn  liar  and  he  don’t  know  shit  about  your  daddy  .    i  don’t  want  you  ever  ,    EVER  going  near  him  again  ,    do  you  understand  me  ?    ❞
                                                                                                 ❝    yes  ,    mama  .    ❞
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warbcrns-blog · 6 years
STARTER CALL .  smash that like button for a starter from JOSIE MONROE ,  it will be set in new dawn .  please specify which muse if applicable !
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warbcrns-blog · 6 years
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“You’ve nothing to be sorry for.”
“Why me? Why now?”
“I just wanted to see what it was like. In case I die.”
“Didn’t die, I see.”
“I won’t see you for a long time, will I? I might never see you again.”
“You knew this. You chose this.”
“Never flinch. Never fear. And never, ever forget.”
“If it’s death you seek, there are easier ways to find it.”
“Not. A. Fucking. Word.”
“When all is blood, blood is all.”
“The brighter the light, the deeper the shadows.”
“It is basically your fault.”
“I can help with that. If you need it.”
“Fuck off. And take your trouble with you when you off with the fuck, _____.”
“I can kiss that better if you like.”
“Something is wrong. This is wrong.”
“That was heartless.”
“I know you not at all. And I trust you even less.”
“Apologies. Did I give the impression I was asking?”
“Shut up, you blackhearted little shit.”
“You should be dead…”
“You don’t owe me thanks.”
“You’d best grow some eyes in the back of your head, _____. You’d best start sleeping light.”
“A traitor’s just a patriot on the wrong side of winning.”
“Nothing is where you start. Own nothing. Know nothing. Be nothing.”
“Not all that is dead truly dies.”
“I can think of no finer torture than to have power absolute over all but your own.”
“Those who call the Dark… well, eventually it calls back.”
“I don’t need you worrying about me, _____. This place has danger enough to kill us both.”
“I can’t say I’m sorry to hear that.”
“You didn’t think I asked you to sneak out just because you seemed like good company, did you?”
“It may be sad. It may be wrong. But it is also true.”
“We both knew it was too good to last.”
“You will learn right and wrong have little meaning here.”
“This place gives much. But it takes more.”
“I know who I am. What I am. I’ll never forget. Never.”
“Never let your face tell a secret your lips should not.”
“… I’m not going to like it, am I?”
“I see they haven’t killed you yet.”
“Sometimes weakness is a weapon. If you’re smart enough to use it.”
“Watch your back. And your front. And the rest of it, too.”
“They will kill you, _____. Unless they break you. And then, they will kill you anyway.”
“I don’t know what to believe. I was hoping you could teach me.”
“It matters not what you are. Only that you are.”
“If you can’t hurt the ones who hurt you, sometimes hurting anyone will do.”
“If you’d like to go somewhere and quietly fuck yourself, I’ll be waiting patiently for your return.”
“Apologies. I appear to have misplaced the fucks I give for what you think…”
“Too many questions. Not enough answers.”
“Fuck you, then. Keep your secrets.”
“We’re the same, you and me.”
“The wolf does not pity the lamb. The storm begs no forgiveness of the drowned.”
“_____, I could kiss you…”
“Love makes fools of us all.”
“I don’t like being used, _____.”
“Know me so well, do you?”
“I know how you feel about me.”
“I don’t need your fucking pity, _____.”
“I want what’s best for you, don’t you see that?”
“You don’t belong here.”
“Don’t tell anyone. I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Sometimes I wonder what you’re doing in a place like this, _____.”
“You never belonged here, _____. You deserve better than this.”
“Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit. You’ve got one chance to live and that’s by telling me what I want to know, understood?”
“Perhaps here is not the best place to speak of it?”
“You owe me answers. I think I’ve earned them by now.”
“I didn’t want it to be like this, _____.”
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warbcrns-blog · 6 years
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warbcrns-blog · 6 years
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                                                       mama didn’t raise                                                              no BITCH .
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