wannabe1202-blog · 5 years
reddie & 3 please?
3. teacher/student au
Richie hated this.
He hated this stupid community center with its stupid brick walls and uplifting posters. All the people shuffling around with their kind greetings and welcoming smile. It was a downer, forcing Richie to put his busy schedule on hold just to fulfill a promise he had to his best friend who had a crush on the instructor. Despite his best effort he had been cornered, and now here he was sitting on a chair that put a kink in his back and an headache between his temples.
“Don’t look so happy.” Ben sarcastically said, rolling his eyes and pulling out his notebook. “You’re going to like this, it’s a new skill that you can use all your life and-”
“It’s a sewing class.” Richie cut, leaning back in his chair and eyeing the exit. “You know how to sew, I’ve seen it.”
“It’s the advanced course.”
Before Richie could slap back the classroom door opened, but instead of the lush amazing woman that Ben so fondly described, in stepped a short man with a loosened tie and frowning face. With feather like hair that fell into his eyes-long past due for a cut-and freckles dusted along his cheeks and nose Richie swooned. He was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. It was like looking into the face of an angle and because of that Richie was sure he had died on the spot. Sitting up a little straighter he ignored the slouched disappointment from the friend beside him. With a tightened stomach and focused heart he awaited for the man to speak.
“Miss Marsh is not going to be in today so I will be covering her class.” The man muttered under his breath, clearly not amused with the commitment. “Lucky for her my class ran long and she was able to catch me before I was able escape home so here I am.” There was a small hand gesture, and Richie could feel his lips curl into a smile. “My name is Eddie Kaspbrak and I am your substitute. I was told by Miss Marsh that you all have your assignments and should-”
Richie spaced out, watching the teachers lips move but not hearing a single thing. All that filled his ears was his beating heart, it sepaking all the things he thought had been lost long ago. People moved around him, Ben tugging on his arm and gaining what little attention span Richie possesed.
“We can just go, I’m all caught up with the assignment.”
“What? No.” Richie sputtered, snapping back into place like a rubber band. “We can’t go.”
“Why not? You hate it-” Ben stopped noticing that his friend was still watching the teacher as he took the seat behind Miss Marsh’s desk. “O-Oh, now I get it.” A shit eating grin growing along his face making Richie scowl. “The tables sure have turned huh?”
“Go talk to him and find out if he’s single.” Richie half asked, half demanded earning a snort. “Come on, I came to this class to be your wing man so return the favor!”
“I’ve been asking you to come to class for three weeks, so-” He rapped his fingers on the desk, packing up his notebook and leaving Richie hanging by a thread. “In three weeks.”
“Wow. That’s harsh Hanscom.”
“An eye for an eye Tozier.” He hummed, standing from the table and turing to leave only to be stopped by a firm hand on his wrist.
Richie looked up at him with pleading eyes, “Please. I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” Ben repeated, raising an eyebrow. Gulping down the inevitable guilt that would come from this decision Richie nodded, making his best friend sigh. “Alright, just stay here.”
Richie did as he was told, watching Ben as he walked up to the desk and casually struck up a conversation with Mr. Kaspbrak, who at first looked like he wanted nothing to do with him. After a few back and forths the teacher smiled, extending his hand out for Ben to shake. A nervous itch began to crawl its way up his spine, settling at the base of his skull. Ben pointed to him, and not knowing what to do he awkwardly waved immediately regretting it when Mr. Kaspbrak full on laughed.
Now, Richie had never been the type to have problems with relationship. That was Ben, not the smooth talking trashmouth who once talked a woman into blowing him as he did his daily radio show. And yet there was something different about this teacher, something that made him all giddy and weird like he was thirteen again. After what felt like forever Ben came walking back, a smile curling at the corner of his lips.
“Well?” Richie pressed, glancing back to Mr. Kaspbrak, who now busied himself with a book. “What did he say.”
“He said that Beverly likes me and is currently at the bar across the street hating that she had to miss class.” Excitement seeped out of every pour, making Richie slightly jealous. “I guess he is her wingman. Small world.”
Although happy for his friend he needed to know the rest of the conversation. “Okay but what did he say about me?”
“Oh if you wanted to actually talk to him you need to take his class, he said his time isn’t free.” Ben laughed, “I like him.”
Richie gaped, one hundred percent over this bullshit and already thinking of a way to get the teacher to spend a little one and one time with him. If he had to take a stupid community center class than so be it, it would be worth it in the end.  “Well what the fuck does he teach?”
“Aw fuck.”
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wannabe1202-blog · 5 years
Wolfstar Headcanon Prompt #3
hiii. There was a hc/fanart opportunity to showcase some work on Wolfstarscars Instagram. This is my submission ig, lol. 
- Sirius was always a flirty person
- It was common knowledge that he often referred to James as “My Love.”
- Sirius would also call Lily “Darling” or “Babe”
- Sometimes he’d even call Peter by pet names too
- But for some reason, he never gave Remus a pet name
- He always called him Moony or Re 
- or Remus [insert ridiculous name starting with J] Lupin when he wanted to be dramatic
- which actually doesn’t happen much, considering Sirius loves to make a scene
- But Remus never got an assigned pet name
- And then one night both of them were on the common room couch
- And it was after one of them had a nightmare
- And it was over a cup of perfectly made tea when Remus asked why 
- “I’m sorry Moony. I didn’t know you wanted one.”
- “I mean I don’t need one. I was just wondering-“
- “No. From now on you shall be known as My Sweet Moony Pie.”
- “Pads no that’s not what I meant-“
- “Hush, My Sweet Moony Pie.”
- And of course Remus was redder than the common room couch itself
- And he felt like he was about to melt into the couch
- because he didn’t know that Sirius calling him “My Sweet Moony Pie” would make his heart flutter like that
- And Sirius felt a rush when he said it, and it made him grin like a cat who caught a mouse when he saw Remus blush like that
- Because in all honesty Sirius never called Remus a nickname because he didn’t think he’d be able to handle himself when he did
- because Sirius and Remus were already so close already
- and Sirius might not be able to control himself if he started calling him by couple-y pet names.
- “Well then you need a nickname too, Pads.“
- “What?” 
- and at breakfast next morning, Sirius was greeted by Remus calling him “Cupid.”
- “Cupid, Moony?”
- “Your middle name means Archer, and I thought of Baby Cupid.”
- and Remus is blushing like a madman once again because maybe he put to much thought into the nickname
- and Sirius’ heart is thundering because Moony basically called him “Mine.”
- and from then on they were known as “Moony Pie” and “Stupid Cupid.”
- eventually Sirius stopped using pet names for everyone else
- he only used “My Sweet Moony Pie.”
- and then proceed to lovingly place his hand on Remus’ cheek
- Remus would slap his hand away
- but Sirius would be relentless and he upped the ante
- Cue the cute couple shit
- intertwining hands with Moony
- flirty winks across the Divination classroom
- blowing kisses to him in Charms.
- one time he sent flowers and chocolate to the dorm with a, admittedly, rather sweet, touching, heartfelt note. 
-  Peter, James and Lily teased Remus 
- and Remus ignored them but felt a certain warmness all day as he nibbled at his chocolate
- Sirius would always make an exit by giving Remus an extravagant and exaggerated kiss on the cheek
- Remus secretly loves it, even though he makes a face and wipes his cheek afterwards
- and students (and even staff) started to think they were a couple
- after all, they were always close in the common room all the time and they called each other pet names
- for heavens sake Lily found them spooning on the couch one night after they both fell asleep 
- Which caused Remus to go to Sirius and ask for him to stop
- “What’s wrong Moony Pie? You don’t like my endearing acts of love?” 
- “I’m not your boyfriend, Sirius.”
- And then they fell silent. 
- because deep inside, both of them wanted the same thing.
- “But you could be.”
- “What?”
- and at that moment Sirius wanted to test his limits
- because Moony always blushed when he did those coupley things 
- and he had a hunch
- so Sirius learned forward and pressed his lips to Remus’
- and never in his life, idd he think kissing someone would feel like this
- because not to be cocky, but both boys have kissed their fair share of girls (and guys) 
- and never ever did it feel like this
- for Remus, it smelt like hair gel and leather and tasted just a little bit like firewhisky.
- For Sirius, it smelt like old books and tea, and tasted sweet, just like chocolate
- needless to say it was amazing
- and after coming up for air, they just.. stared at each other 
- and then Remus nodded his head
- it was almost unnoticeable, but the slight movement was rather hard to miss
- and both of them knew what it meant
- and before Remus could actually say the word “yes,” Sirius’ tongue was down his throat once again
And for their one year anniversary, they got matching promise rings with the words “My Sweet Moony Pie” and “My Stupid Cupid” engraved into them. 
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wannabe1202-blog · 6 years
NoW iM oBsEsSeD wItH wOlFsTaR, tHaNkS
but seriously, this is one of my favorites <3
It’s been forever guys, hey hey. Just a little quick idea I had about footballer!Sirius.
They had been kissing goodbye all morning, and Remus wasn’t finished.
Sirius’ fingers were hooked into the back of his jeans, thumbs warm against his hips, and his lips were chapped and familiar, slow against his own. They stood in front of Sirius’ half of the closet—or, in it, really. Sirius had pushed at Remus’ thighs until he got the message and allowed himself to be perched atop the dresser there, and now they were kissing between shirt hangers, Remus’ head only barely escaping the bar installed lengthwise.
“How long again?” Remus breathed, thumbs pushing through Sirius’ newly cut hair—he always cut it for training camp.  Remus loved it, but, to be honest, he couldn’t wait for it to be long again in time for the Cup finals. Fingers crossed. He twisted the thick, fresh curls that rested atop his ears, then gripped gently, tugging Sirius’ mouth back in before he could answer.
Sirius grinned into his mouth for a moment before kissing again, warm, so warm, like always, “Three weeks.” He tilted his chin, ducking into the kiss. Remus loved that. Remus would miss that. “You could have come with me, you know.” Sirius shivered as Remus reached for his bare shoulders, trailing his fingertips down along his ribs, “Still can.”
Remus liked that, how he could make Sirius Black, the center of countless fanatic mens’ and crying girls’ fantasies alike, shake and gasp with one brush. It still terrified him that maybe that would change one day.
“Classes,” Remus said, closing his eyes again at the feeling of Sirius tucking a palm behind his neck, like he hated having space between them just as much as Remus did, “Some of us weren’t scouted at eighteen, you know. We have to do more than smolder at a camera to have millions of dollars showered over us.”
Sirius pressed his nose into Remus’ cheek, nuzzling gently, “What’s mine is yours. You know that, Re.” Remus let out a laugh when gentle teeth suddenly dug into his jaw, “Come with me.”
“I happen to like my classes.” Sirius groaned into his neck and Remus resumed his stroking of his hair, “We’re reading Calvino. I like Calvino.”
Sirius’ voice came grumbly but soft with affection, “I like that you like Calvino.” When he blinked down at Remus again, the vulnerability peaking out of his gaze caught in Remus’ chest, “You’ll visit though? It’s not too long a train ride. Five hours, I think.”
It was more around five hours and forty three minutes, but Remus nodded because, of course, of course he would visit, “Can’t miss out on all the opportunities to see you sweaty and shirtless, can I?”
Sirius’ grin was back with that and he looked down at his own bare chest, blinking in mock confusion, “What…What, you…do you like this or something?”
Remus scoffed, which turned into a slight gasp when Sirius suddenly pulled him forward, his butt sliding dangerously towards the edge of the dresser. Sirius pulled Remus’ legs around his hips, pressing forward, “What a stalker—“
“Shut up—“
They laughed and kissed, Sirius mumbling, “My own personal super-fan…” at one point, and laughing until Remus pressed his fingers into his smiling cheeks and crushing their mouths back together. Sirius was laughing, his skin was warm, and he was kissing Remus breathless.
And suddenly Remus was realizing again that Sirius was leaving for three weeks in forty minutes.
“I miss you.” He said after a while, “A lot. Right now.”
Sirius’ hands ran over Remus’ back, hot even through his t-shirt, and big.
“And your hands.” Remus added solemnly.
“You do love those.” Sirius tilted his head, lips in a thoughtful pout, smirk playing at one corner, but eyes earnest and sad. And it was all so much, so Sirius, that Remus had to kiss him again.
“I do.”
Sirius looked good, even when he was preparing for a day-long bus ride. Remus studied—as discretely as possible—the curve of his ass in the light, slim gray sweatpants he wore paired with the team’s sweatshirt—maroon, with his gold number and name across the back. BLACK, 12.
It was a new sweatshirt. Remus had the real one stuffed under his pillow upstairs in the apartment.
Sirius was looking at his phone, checking the time, and looking back to Remus in regular intervals. When they made eye contact, Remus lifted one shoulder mournfully.
Sirius cracked a slanted, sad smile, “Hate this part.”
“Mhm.” Remus looked between Sirius’ eyes, gray, almost translucent looking, against the foggy sky, “Yeah.”
His voice cracked and Sirius’ hand was there on his waist, one palm pressed to his neck for a long, sweet kiss.
“Charge your phone,” Sirius mumbled, “okay? Remember. And…And…”
“I know.” Remus tilted his chin up as far as he could, trying to reach Sirius’ mouth again as Sirius was no longer arching downward, “I know, don’t stay in the apartment, go out with Lily, I know. But…call?” Sirius had gotten the message and crouched back down, letting their lips brush as they talked, “As much as you can.”
There were a rapid fire collection of horn beeps and some hollering. Remus glanced to the side to see the team bus coming slowly down the street. James’ head, along with Finn’s and Mark’s, were poking out the window, whistling at them.
“Always.” Sirius pressed a short kiss to Remus’ lips, palms on his cheeks to hold his full attention, “Always, I love you. I love you, baby.”
“I love you, too.” Remus passed his hands through Sirius’ hair one more time, and stepped back as the bus pulled into a side lane, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Sirius grinned, slinging his gear bag over his shoulder, and handing his suitcase to the driver who had gotten out to open the under storage for him.
“Remus.” The boys drew out his name in greeting, and Remus gave a salute back.
James grinned down at him, “Where’s your stuff, mate?”
Finn looked, to his credit, almost thoroughly offended, “You were suppose to come.”
Remus grinned, always taking a little pleasure in how many people would kill to have James Potter and Finn O’Hara begging them to come along to training camp with them.
“Classes.” He shook his head, “I’ll visit. Maybe week two.”
Sirius brushed his hands off, leaning back from shoving his bags in with the others, “We’ll figure it out. Hey, c’mere.” He held out one arm, and Remus ignored the rise of hollering from within the bus as Sirius pressed another, last, long kiss to Remus’ lips, “Soon?”
Remus nodded, “Soon.”
As the bus pulled away, a third head, familiar and wavy with dark hair, appeared out of the windows, and Remus laughed as Sirius blew him a kiss before they turned the corner.
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wannabe1202-blog · 7 years
Do you ever picture a nice romantic montage of cutesy couple scenes when you listen to a certain song? Or is that just me?
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wannabe1202-blog · 7 years
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wannabe1202-blog · 7 years
Did you ever think that the reason why Snapchat and iMessages show the "typing" icon is so that we know how many times someone is thinking about you? And when it disappears, it's them holding back from saying something?
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