wannabe-khr-blog · 6 months
Tsuna is kind. Tsuna is compassionate. Tsuna, unlike many bosses, does not see himself as more than simply because of his station.
The only people who are capable of bringing out the entitled, spoiled, possessive Mafia Prince - the tiny piece of Tsuna's heart that is a stereotypically behaved Vongolian Sky - are his closest family. And even then, they can only manage it in very specific circumstances.
Allow me to clarify:
Imagine Tsuna, in a café filled with rubble and smoke, looking down at Hayato's fallen form. He stares at the blood seeping out from Hayato's chest - the chest that was torn open when Hayato jumped in front of a bullet meant for Tsuna.
(The assassin's corpse is cooling on the other side of the room, dead too late at the edge of Takeshi's blade.)
Tsuna keeps his eyes locked on Hayato. Hayato, who lies limp and motionless, no matter how much sun flame Ryouhei pumps in to him.
It feels like a dream. It feels fake. He feels detached from it all, like he's watching the world from far above and emotions can only reach him after traveling through a mile of cotton.
"Move," he tells his sun, his dying will flaring in the midst of his strange numbness.
His sun yanks his hands back, as instantaneously as if he were following a reflex instead of words.
Tsuna surveys the scene for another second, still through that mile of cotton, and then decides, "No. No, I refuse."
And, after all, does he not have a right to? He, the holder of the Vongola Sky Ring, the Guard of the Vertical Axis, the Sky of Skies. Is it not his birthright to seize hold of, to command, the threads of time?
He reaches out, burning, and undoes it.
An orange glow erupts around the two of them - his Hayato, and the assassin.
And then there is the assassin, alive again, aiming at a spot Tsuna is no longer at.
And there is Hayato, alive again, throwing himself to protect where Tsuna once stood.
Tsuna already has an arm raised, and sends a blast of power at the assassin. The assassin crumples. And then Tsuna is turning around, spinning towards Hayato, and he feels, within him, a hot, violent rage swell up. How dare he. How dare he.
He stalks over to his Right Hand, hands shaking with anger, and he spits, "You."
His Right Hand looks at him, all wide-eyed and taken off guard. As if he's not a fucking thief.
Tsuna snarls up at him, right up in his space, "Sit."
His Right Hand's knees fold. He just barely manages to catch himself against the table directly behind him, and it's not so much sitting as propping himself up, but Tsuna doesn't fucking care.
Tsuna's fists clench, and he stares directly into those green, green eyes. "You," he seethes, "took an oath, Gokudera Hayato." He feels himself burning, dying will an inferno on his skin. "You swore yourself to me, yes? Your life is mine. You do not have the right to take it from me."
His Right Hand, his storm, his Hayato, says nothing, eyes wide and face pale and lips parted ever so slightly in shock.
Tsuna feels incandescent with rage. "You dare-"
And then he finds himself losing the words, swaying in place as exhaustion slams down across him.
The last thing he feels is Hayato's arms coming up around him, warm and alive and oh so gentle, and the last thing he hears is Takeshi, saying - absolutely delighted, Tsuna knows that tone - "Oh, he is going to be so embarrassed when he wakes up."
And then darkness.
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
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Some Reborn fanart I did over the years, I hope we do eventually get an anime adaptation for the final few arcs, or even a reboot
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
KHR reads like a fanfics and I say that in the best way possible.
The hero would he sick on a hospital and his bed neighbor is gonna be one of the villains or antagonist and it'll be funny and chaotic and lighthearted. You'd think it is something made up as filler between canon arcs but no it is real. It's a meaningful event.
Usually the chapters are full of comedy and chaos, but at some points the story starts getting darker between the lines, to the point you cannot ignore it. That's some fucked up mafia shit in there. Human experimentation and war crimes and some grotesque powers that lives you thinking "what changed?!?!?"
The protagonist is being forced to join and lead a mafia family and at firt it is played as "found family" but the story doesn't lie to you doesn't try to erase how fucked up it all is or hide from the protagonist how full of blood his heritage is. In the end he keeps rejecting the idea of becoming a mafia boss! And the mentor promises to keep trying to convince him and train him to be a good leader, but it is not a yes or a no.
Whatever comes after those hard won years of peace and softness, the story doesn't lie and tell it is equally lighthearted. The reader is shown glimpses of that future and even if the characters try to stay goofy and act the same, you see the mess. A sequel wouldn't have the same tone --so it never comes. The story ends where it should end, even if the characters are still growing and changing.
You know how you start certain fanfics and it's all fun and games until it's not? Somehow the fic is now getting a serious plot and you are just waiting for them to go camping and suddenly you have to wait for them to come back from war?
That's khr.
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
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technically one of them think you're cool
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
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Credit:  MPKA
※Permission to upload was given by the artist. Please do not remove the source.
Like and favorite the original art here.
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
As someone who has never watched KHR! it rly sounds like the most unhinged thing whenever I read the asks/aus for it. Like apparently there’s a purple pretty boy (?) that is ideal whump hunting grounds but also has a sentient octopus friend that a man who is not-actually-a-baby hates. The octopus may also be in the purple pretty boys (?) pants????? And this not-baby is apparently like big in the mafia and shoots a middle schooler with his gun just because he can? And this middle schooler somehow doesn’t die from getting shot so he has that and a malewife disposition going for him i guess. Also people can glow with the physical manifestation of their crime a/b/o dynamic???? And somehow this middle schoolers crime a/b/o dynamic got like…heat suppressored by an old man that we Do Not Like (tm). There is also a dinosaur fanatic that likes telling people if theyi eat meat, plants, or both. No I do not know how any of this fits in together.
This managed to be the most unhinged and somehow accurately inaccurate accounting of KHR and I want to thank you for it.
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
Rather than asking what is your favorite khr opening/ending the real question is, are you able to chose a favorite?
Because I can't
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wannabe-khr-blog · 1 year
Tsuna my beloved ♥
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
happy birthday to big sis luss and big sis luss only
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
why have i never seen anyone talk about how tsuna kills byakuran? because he does, he kills him. so like, can we talk about this? and i know he's still alive in his time, but that's literally not the point, it literally doesn't matter here. especially when tyl he still very much stays dead because that's one of the conditions for everything he did to be erased. and tsuna did this, killed him. burned him alive, in fact, and in cold-blood too.
okay, so maybe not in cold-blood, because he was full of rage and hatred and pain and grief when he did it, but like. he was still very much aware that it was what he was doing. that it was what he wanted to do, because he was full of rage and hatred and pain and grief when he did it.
can we just talk about this for a minute? about what happens after when he cools down? when he realizes just what he's done? because he wanted to do it?
byakuran is literally his first kill, can we just acknowledge that? and he burned him alive of all things, like. idk, i just.
tsuna killed him. tsuna killed him. tsuna just killed someone for the first time in his life. and isn't that ironic when the whole point was so they could go back to the past where their hands aren't forced to get bloody? not as much anyway? doesn't that make it even more fucked up?
tsuna kills byakuran.
can we. can someone just talk about this with me for a second?
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
tsuna and gokudera’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth standing by my side no matter what to the very end” and “no one’s ever found me worth accepting me just the way i am, and as i am now in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings”
tsuna and yamamoto’s dynamic is “everyone always makes me pay the price for every single one of my mistakes, no matter how little and insignificant” and “everyone always expects me to be perfect at being who they want me to be, and i’m afraid they’ll find me worthless if i mess up even once”
tsuna and lambo’s dynamic is “no one ever cares that i’m just a child” and “everyone always punishes and rejects me for acting as the child i am”
tsuna and ryohei’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth taking under their wing, looking after, paving the way for me and making sure it’s safe for me to follow after them” and “as the one who needs to be relied on, as the protector, the example, the older one, no one’s ever looked after me and took care of me on the same grounds as i do for them”
tsuna and hibari’s dynamic is “i’ve never had anything to put my faith in, knowing that it wouldn’t so much as shake and would never fail me even in the face of the end of the world” and “i’ve never had to learn that even my strength can fail me, but there can be strength in weakness too, in letting others help me make up for that weakness, and i can grow even stronger for it”
tsuna and mukuro’s dynamic is “no one’s ever thought me worth allowing me my childhood and made me grow up too soon” and “no one ever cared that i was never allowed to be a child, and i’ll never stand for that fate to be allowed to go on unpunished any longer”
tsuna and chrome’s dynamic is “i’ve always been less than what people want me to be, have always been not enough to meet their expectations of me” and “i’ve always been so worthless in everyone’s eyes, no one’s ever expected anything of me”
(tsuna and reborn’s dynamic is “no one’s ever put faith in what i can become, what i can be right now, and in me in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings” and “i’m never going to let anyone inside my heart ever again, and no one will bother trying to get inside anyway being the way i am now”)
do you get it?
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
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🌊 Like a gentle wave 🌊
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
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Destined to live under your shadow
logically speaking, it would make sense for Secondo to be Primo's son but also can you imagine Giotto settling down let alone having sex with anyone and then not taking his wife with him to Japan (there is of course the option that he accidentally knocked someone up but lol. lmao.)
so like. what if i just invent the worst uncle-nephew relationship in the history of weeb sicily.
what if your cool rich popular uncle takes you away from your abusive father and you grow up with all of your needs fulfilled but at some point you realize people are treating you as an extension of your uncle no different from the cape he is wearing and your cool rich popular uncle starts getting upset that you are no longer a child that he needs to hide from the world anymore while simultaneously demanding for you to grow up
the empire your uncle built is in shambles and you think this is it this is your chance except at some point it doesn't feel like you have taken your rightful place at some point it feels like your uncle has handed everything to you just so he can fuck off somewhere else with his guardians
and you wonder if there's ever anything you own that has always been yours to begin with
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
Shoichi really said "we've got a one in 8 trillion chance to save the world and stop Byakuran" and I'm over here like "Have you tried a harem? Have you tried making sure he's too tired and distracted to be evil??"
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wannabe-khr-blog · 2 years
Inside Tsuna is a Tolerance meter. It's extraordinarily huge with an unbelievable level of tolerance... But one day that thing is going to break. And it's going to be glorious
Tsuna's gonna go apeshit one day and Reborn will be there with popcorn
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