The Wandering Bar
118 posts
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
wanderingbar · 6 years ago
Aldrich: Daww~ Does that mean you like lil ol me?~ Heheh~ Anywho, it might mean death for me less you plan on doing a bit of pampering, or have me pamper you my good sir~
Aldrich would hum a bit as he enters a room, spotting the other spider known as Samuel. Smirking and approaching with a hum. "Now what's a handsome devil like you hanging in a place like this?~"
Samuel: I have all the blissful entitlement my friend, for I have an important duty to attend and errands to take care of. And a beautiful crowd to trap in my web of welcoming sin and pleasure.
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
Aldrich: ”Oh? Would it be much trouble if I saw this web myself? Spider to Spider, seeing all sorts of beautiful webs intrigues me in many ways. More so if it’s created by a handsome being such as yourself.~”
Aldrich would hum a bit as he enters a room, spotting the other spider known as Samuel. Smirking and approaching with a hum. "Now what's a handsome devil like you hanging in a place like this?~"
Samuel: I have all the blissful entitlement my friend, for I have an important duty to attend and errands to take care of. And a beautiful crowd to trap in my web of welcoming sin and pleasure.
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
You take care of yourself first! Life is always gonna be rough, but if ya can make it through one day of it with a good attitude and fight back, it means you're winning. We all hope you'll be back soon in a better state <3
Sorry, guys!
I’d wanted to do a bunch of you gifts!
and spend a lot more time here, and with you in general, and doing art interactions etc.etc 
So  I am sorry, for your behalf, and for me, that this has been a hell of a time for me these last couple of months. 
I know this time last year I was doing mistletoe toe asks and all kinds of stuff so I could give a little back to some of the special, and fantastic folk I’ve met and known here. I’m too drained right now, and you can’t pour from an empty cup.
But I will be back very soon, and maybe finish you the gifts, a hell of a lot more art for you all. 
So, again, sorry. But also thank you! For all your support. really, for everyone, every comment I read that makes me smile, and secret tags in your reblogs, and especially all the art you have spoiled me with over this last year or so! It’s all been incredible! Its easy to dwell on the bad and forget the good and I’m certainly not immune to that, as its easy for melancholy to get the better of me at times. Looking back, the good has most certainly outweighed the bad. And despite all my (myriad) flaws it seems your’e still here. 
Merry Christmas my dears♥
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
WELCOME BACK! For those who logged off, this is what you missed.
1. @staff made a post pretty much saying “Your stuff isn’t getting deleted, just hidden from everyone but you” and “Yeah we know you hate the term “female presenting nipples” but we ain’t gonna stop saying it��� 2. If a blog has a pixelated icon that means they got hit by the ban, you cannot view that blog outside the sidebar. You cannot even view their archive. Allegedly if you follow the advice in this post it’ll be fixed but only if it was an accidental flag (aka a real sfw blog) 3. The post Staff made including examples of what was ok to post. It got flagged. 4. Yes, the bots are still here. Yes they are still stealing posts and putting porn links on them. Yes there are still ads with stuff more sexual than they allow in posts. Yes innocent things are still getting flagged. 5. So yes, the site is still here and staff are still morons.
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
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My corrupted angel boi, Teivel~
With....tbh anyone ya can see with him? Haha!
🎄Teivel and Erebos or Eugene?
Mistletoe meme?
I’ve been thinking about it for a while… Just send me a 🎄 Emoji with the characters you want to kiss under the mistletoe :3c
My characters list:
Rose Angel
Angel Hunter
Diane the fallen angel
I’m accepting requests only this weekend. Reblog with the reference of your character.
And… I’m turning anon questions on again… But if you get too rude… 🔪🔪🔪👀
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
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Out of everything, ive forgotten to post his ref!
I’ve gotten him off from BesSeb on DA (Deviantart) for a lovely price~
This is up for anyone to know what he looks like c8
Can ask him questions all day if you’d wish~
But please no stealing qnq If I find him elsewhere, hell will be raised c8
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
-radio static- “H-hello?!” “Hello!” “Please send help!” “Anyone! Please come help us!” “People are dissappearing!” “More toons are appearing!” “We need help!” “Please we-AHHHH!” roar sounds off followed by a crunch -static- …. …. …
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
Entry 2
…SYSTEM REBOOT … …SYSTEM REBOOTED “GAH! I hate these new fangled technology!” “Oh hello again dear reader!” “Tis I! ….I have no clue what to call myself without revealing who I am….” “Ah I got it! Call me Mr. P!” “Now where was I left off last time before I was-” “Ah right!” “The story to tell you about the toon!” “Well…there’s really no true start to it my dear reader!” “I know what you’re thinking. ‘But Mr. P! How can there be no beginning to a story? Every story has one!’ And you are correct!” “However not in this case.” “Our little tale doesn’t begin suddenly with a book, nor with a fancy Narrator telling you about the positives in the beginning.” “Nope. I will be telling it as it should be piece by piece. Giving hints and clues to how the story was ran, and how things will possibly end if it came down to it.” “Now without further ado, I shall tell you one piece that will hopefully give you a sense of calm.” “Ahem….” … … … SYSTEM SHUT DOWN
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
Ideas and Thoughts
..... Bomberman AU? 8′D
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
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Did a revamp on Sheela’s design The cat coats showing her marks and all, was not made by me but rather by BirderCrow on DA. Used it to help better show her fur coat as a whole. https://www.deviantart.com/birdercrow/art/Cat-lineart-BATCH-482926087
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
I’m not leaving tumblr until it’s literally unusable because
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
Reblog if
You are still going to be here after the change. If your characters and relationships you’ve made on this shit storm of a site, is too important to abandon.
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
This goes for AlsaeidaVille as well~
Send me a 🎄for one of my character’s reaction to being under a mistletoe with yours.
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
In case
In case if shit hits the fan, just to let y’all know I do have a Deviantart account :3
However if you want me to show my art on other platforms, let me know!~
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
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Title: Love Coos David boy makes random coo-ing noises when he really likes someone or something >u>; Boi yer making it too easy to read your body language >I
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wanderingbar · 6 years ago
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Ahh! I forgot to put his ref up qwq This is my boy David~ Little bit of info on him: -He stands around 6ft, 3in with a 7ft. Wingspan (The smaller pair being around 5ft -He’s a Chastity Angel; Once a demon of Lust in one of the 9 rings of hell (Think of Dante’s Inferno for this) -He’s Terrified of having a relationship, yet wants someone to be with (Yes he’s single haha!) -Also terrified of demons; Enjoys being around angels and non -Has taken a vow of celibacy -His Halo glows for whatever mood he’s in -His Halo represents his old and new self -His hands are burnt from dragging himself out of hell (Forever burning and in pain; Uses wings as hands) -Has a strange cross-like-key that he holds dear (more on that later) -A sweet boy that just wants friends to cuddle and be close -He's new to being an angel, thus instead of doing angel stuff he's acting like a bird....someone help him please If you have any questions, please do ask cx Whether to me or him it doesn’t matter!~
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