wandererenthusiast1 · 12 days
Are you a loan? Because you’ve got my interest.
That was smooth, I’ll admit. But what type am I?
Subsidized or Unsubsidized? That’ll really answer things.
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wandererenthusiast1 · 16 days
Hey, could I maybe, maaayyybeee ask for a lil birthday kiss? Pretty please? Spoil me a little today, won't you? 🥰
*he somehow bangs the desk he was working at, don’t ask how*
“K-kiss you say? Well, it is your birthday after all…”
He walks up to her, cradling her face in his somehow warmer-than-usual hands, and plants a kiss on her lips. Several actually. After pulling away, he somehow feels a little awkward. Probably since it’s been some time since the previous encounter. “….was that good enough?”
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wandererenthusiast1 · 16 days
💻Fuck it I’m not waiting. Nero’s blog is getting a makeover and I’ll respond to the asks after I’m done.
Closing the ask box while I renovate.
💻 kind of thinking what to do with this blog, I’ve seen some of my other mutuals do a spin on theirs and I’m over here debating on what to do honestly.
On one hand I could wait until July and see if we get more Nero content because the nerd needs a lot more screen time. Tara too, she has a little more time than Nero in total. For him it’s just an introduction in the early chapters of the story and you can honestly do so much until you can’t anymore.
What is more messed up is that the developers and writers of the game will find a way to write him off. They’ll make it seem like he wasn’t an important part of the story which is stupid?? Because he’s got intel on every wanderer out there?? Why would you do that??
So here’s my options.
-I could just continue on as canon Nero
-I could take a hiatus until July to see what Infold does with him or!!!
-like @flamesque , I could turn this whole blog around and make a canon-divergent Nero, where he still acts like Nero but without all the crippling social anxiety.
…ultimately those are my options for now, I’ll let you state your ideas on what he could be or what I could do for this blog, but at the end of the day, I’m stuck between those options. Something that I think is better to address and gain feedback from online.
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wandererenthusiast1 · 21 days
💻 kind of thinking what to do with this blog, I’ve seen some of my other mutuals do a spin on theirs and I’m over here debating on what to do honestly.
On one hand I could wait until July and see if we get more Nero content because the nerd needs a lot more screen time. Tara too, she has a little more time than Nero in total. For him it’s just an introduction in the early chapters of the story and you can honestly do so much until you can’t anymore.
What is more messed up is that the developers and writers of the game will find a way to write him off. They’ll make it seem like he wasn’t an important part of the story which is stupid?? Because he’s got intel on every wanderer out there?? Why would you do that??
So here’s my options.
-I could just continue on as canon Nero
-I could take a hiatus until July to see what Infold does with him or!!!
-like @flamesque , I could turn this whole blog around and make a canon-divergent Nero, where he still acts like Nero but without all the crippling social anxiety.
…ultimately those are my options for now, I’ll let you state your ideas on what he could be or what I could do for this blog, but at the end of the day, I’m stuck between those options. Something that I think is better to address and gain feedback from online.
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wandererenthusiast1 · 29 days
💻 Go give them some love, that blog is definitely worth it.🩶🩶
announcement ❗
after some consideration and such, i'm going to be retiring this blog entirely (meaning, i will not bring this blog back in the future), you can find me @flamesque if you'd still like to interact with this little shit. fair warning that he is slightly different than full-canon rafayel, if that makes any sense lmfao. well, that's it! thank you again and hope to see you there. 🩶
also feel free to unfollow this blog since i will no longer be using it.
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wandererenthusiast1 · 29 days
Hi hi mun!! If you met your muse, how do you think that convo would go??
Probably spray them with Lysol and hack their computer as payback for certain things.
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
it's just like in the beginning but, she's a little more confident this time around. although she said she wouldn't take his glasses again, that proves to be a lie as she taps his shoulder once approaching him from behind to get his attention and to not entirely startle him.
"nero, darling?" she whispers against his ear before a mischievous smile turns up on her lips as she plucks his glasses from his face gently and before he could flail about, she leans in to steal a quick kiss from him before placing his glasses back onto his face with a triumphant smile on her lips.
"my kiss now, handsome." [ and thus i shall fly away slkdjf ]
^^ (click for the ask game!!)
The data he was working on suddenly became blurry as he tried to figure out where his glasses fell off, but all that stopped as he felt soft lips against his. Trying not to freeze as she pulled away, he could suddenly see again. Turning around in his chair, he had to laugh at himself. It was a harmless kiss, and yet that was enough to retaliate out of simple spite. “You know, that’s a little rude to come up and do that without thinking there’s no consequences in return.” He held onto her hand as he rubbed soft circles with his thumb.
“Consider this threat level F.”
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
💻 pushing the agenda that Nero has rizz + charisma because I’m running on very little crumbs and I’m impatient to see if they feed the 5 other fans of him. He can’t be a recluse forever.
Even if it seems ooc
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
He blinks as he feels a kiss, on his nose this time, trying to fight the blush that might permanently stain his cheeks if he doesn’t compose himself together. Another wave of courage seemed to course through his body as his arm slipped around her waist, bringing her closer as he lands another kiss. Not quite near her lips, but on the corner instead. And with a shaky breath, he whispers in her ear, “I promise I’ll let you do anything you’d like.”
"Hey... Nero?" She taps at his desk lightly to get his attention, her voice quiet so as not to be so abrupt in her disturbance. She doesn't like disrupting his concentration, but if she doesn't do this now, she doesn't know when else she'll be able to.
It's slow, almost cautious, the way she takes his hand and brings her lips over to place a gentle kiss over the tips of his fingers. There's a sheepish smile on her face.
"You, um, look cute today. Thought you should know..."
for the ask game : a kiss on the hand <3
He stops typing the moment he feels her soft lips plant a kiss on his hand. It was like the world had stopped for a moment, and all he could focus on was the sensation, how good it felt, and how he wanted more despite his reclusive nature screaming the opposite at him. He interlaces his fingertips with hers, and places a fleeting kiss just as she did to him. And despite the growing blush on his cheeks, his confidence seemed to be taking place as he kept her hand close to his lips.
“Thank you, Roxie. I should be saying that to you more often though..”
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
I would kiss you on the lips right now but only if I have your consent :]
He almost blinked and had to keep a chuckle in at this request. It was almost too sweet for words. He stood up and walked over, and tilted her chin up with his finger. “That’s only if I can kiss yours back…with consent.”
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
"Hey... Nero?" She taps at his desk lightly to get his attention, her voice quiet so as not to be so abrupt in her disturbance. She doesn't like disrupting his concentration, but if she doesn't do this now, she doesn't know when else she'll be able to.
It's slow, almost cautious, the way she takes his hand and brings her lips over to place a gentle kiss over the tips of his fingers. There's a sheepish smile on her face.
"You, um, look cute today. Thought you should know..."
for the ask game : a kiss on the hand <3
He stops typing the moment he feels her soft lips plant a kiss on his hand. It was like the world had stopped for a moment, and all he could focus on was the sensation, how good it felt, and how he wanted more despite his reclusive nature screaming the opposite at him. He interlaces his fingertips with hers, and places a fleeting kiss just as she did to him. And despite the growing blush on his cheeks, his confidence seemed to be taking place as he kept her hand close to his lips.
“Thank you, Roxie. I should be saying that to you more often though..”
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
Give my muse a kiss with a twist! 💋
Kiss cheek: platonic love or general friendship
Kiss hand: asking for courtship or expressing a crush
Kiss forehead: deep love that isn't romantic
Kiss lips: romantic love or confession of love
Bite wrist (teeth kiss): animosity
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
[->Nero (encrypted): Hey it's Q. I have a new protocore for you. Transmitting the data now. I can't meet in person yet, but arrangements can be made. Let me know what you think.]
[Message opened]
[Reply to Q? ✅yes/no]
[That’s fine with me. Send me the coordinates after you give the data. I’ll analyze this in the meantime.
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
whaddup neroooooo!!!! what is your favorite term of endearment for a significant other??
It depends if I have a significant other.
But if I did, here’s a few I’d name them.
- my chargebolt
- plusle
- Princess Leia (if they’re into Star Wars)
- my Muto (Godzilla fans hopefully you know this one)
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
Hey Nero, got a question. If... if maybe I need a hand at the library for wanderer research, could you come with me? I wouldn't even know where to start.
~♦️(Could I have this one?)
Sure, if you have a whole day in your schedule that’s free.
We’ll be starting from the basics, from the weak ones all the way to the currently powerful ones so at the most, it’ll take an entire day to get through everything. Unless there’s a specific one you need to research on.
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
“Ma’am I promise I have alarms set up and I’m going to bed early.”
He looks her square in the eye as he tries to calm down his near frenzied heartbeat because he’s well aware of what this woman is capable of.
“How should I prove it to you? Name a challenge or anything, I can do it.”
Oh, you must be Mr.Nero! Your colleagues visit the hospital quite often but I don't see you around much. Say, you look tired.
Sir I do hope you're getting enough rest. A healthy mind boosts the researching, I'm sure! Stop by if you're ever under the weather and need a little pick-me-up!
(OMG ITS OUR FAV REDDITOR-i mean...researcher ~mun)
o-oh, do I?
I've been busy staying up late researching new things about wanderers so that would probably explain the bags under my eyes but ill be careful not to pull any more all nighters I promise!
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wandererenthusiast1 · 1 month
“No, I appreciate you looking out for me. That’s really kind of you.” He said while adjusting the glasses on his face. He couldn’t shake off all the embarrassment, but at least he could hide most of it behind his blank expression. He notices her hands on her face and realizes something’s off and walks over to her.
“Are you ok? Is your face warm?”
nero, careful!
*immediately moves to help him up*
i'm sorry, i'm sorry, here..
*holds out the glasses for him, frowning*
are you okay?
He couldn’t exactly tell, but there were hands in his field of vision trying to help him get up again. He didn’t mind, except stood quiet as he readjusted himself in front of her.
“It’s just a misstep, I’m always clumsy. Thank you though.” As he reaches for his glasses, he unintentionally brushes his fingertips against hers in the process, whether that was on purpose or not, was up in the air. He reached for his handkerchief to wipe the dust off before putting them back on.
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