follow my new twitter (still figuring the whole thing out) if u want Xxx it’s @ urlocalqueenb
- céline
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first of all : hello ! ✨ my name’s gloria, i’m 16 and as you may have noticed lowkey letters are my aesthetic . anyways, i’ve been vegan for a little over 10 months, and because i’m currently watching cowspiracy with my mom, and she’s still saying that going vegan is not a good thing, i decided to make this blog to .. maybe educate people on the topic and just document my ‘vegan journey’ a little. i’ve been vegetarian for over 6 years, but last year one of my now best friends convinced me to go vegan, which was the best decision i’ve ever made in my life. so basically i just want to use this blog to share the awesomeness that is veganism with non-vegans (and vegans obvs) and kinda show them how great it can be to be vegan.
some blogs that i absolutely adore and have followed for a while : @naturallyessie @canadian-vegan-eh @elephantsarevegan @eternallyvegan @getmad-govegan @justveganthings @thatblackveganguy @the-vegan-elves @vegan-hippie @vegan-recovery @vegan-vibrations @veganette @vegan-ass-bitch (i probs forgot a few)
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15. Just because some students are a Wampus, doesn’t mean they’re heavily masculine. On the contrary, they can be graceful, flourishing, and meticulously delicate with a wand (or battleaxe).
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14. I feel like out of all the houses, Wampus is the most comfortable with themselves and others when it comes to body image. Because even if you aren’t ripped they still love you 100% without another thought.
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13. Wampus girls and boys have an annual prank war that lasts a few weeks and almost always sends at least 20 children to the infirmary. The school officially denounces it but most teachers turn a blind eye unless they catch a dangerous prank. The other houses place bets on whether the girls or boys will win. (it's usually the girls) submitted by anonymous
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any other wampus/slytherins who are vegan out there?
Yes ! Me ! Omg I love you ❤️ Any other Slytherin/Wampus vegans ?
- Céline
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I'm not sure I belong in Wampus 😣 Hopefully this will be a time where I learn more about myself.
I hope this blog will help you a little !
- Céline
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I'm a Wampus-claw, and I was so confused when I got sorted bc I'm not what you'd call a 'warrior', I'm not physically strong, I don't like fighting people, and I shy from conflict. But I realised while that's not what I am It's what I aspire to be. Because I've always admired the badasses, and the people who aren't scared to fight for what they believe in. I think we're sorted into the houses that support us to become who we want to be. Here's to all the Ravenclaws who don't think they fit!
Glad to have you as a housemate ! ❤️
- Céline
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12. 6th and 7th year wampus students teaching no-maj self defence to the younger students (regardless of their house) incase they're in a situation where they can't use magic to protect themselves. Just a thought. submitted by @sushietime
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11 . Wampus is the house of the family that endlessly fights each other but are still so fiercely loyal to one another and they will fight for each other and stuff
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I'm a Hufflepuff Wampus and I feel like all other people in Wampus' Hogwarts house is either Slytherin or Gryffindor
It is true that the house is probably dominated by Slytherins and Gryffindors, but I think the fact that there are also Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws makes the house special, because diversity is important ! I’m sure you’re not the only Hufflepuff in Wampus house, and I’m glad to have you as a housemate ! Also I love wampus/hufflepuff, that’s probably why the aesthetic is one of my favourites ❤️
- Céline
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moodboard: wampus-hufflepuff »sweet as sugar, cold as ice«
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Hi. Love your blog. Could you please make a Wampus + Hufflepuff aesthetic for me?
Sure, it’ll be out in a second, I’ve been working on this for a while ❤️ ( also @ the 2-3 anons who requested hufflepuff/wampus)
- Céline
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moodboard : ravenclaw + wampus { this is for @ravenclaw-headcanons because I love their blog}
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Hello! I've just read your answers about ravenclaws not feeling like they are wampus and it has helped me a lot!! I was wondering if you could make a wampus/ravenclaw mood board?? Thanks and amazing blog!!
Just uploaded it !! ❤️ And I’m glad you like my blog !!
- Céline
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Can you do an aesthetic for my blog, please? I'm @wampusprefect
Sure I can, but what kind of aesthetic do you mean ? Just a regular wampus one or one made up of pictures from your blog ? ❤️
- Céline
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Uhm hi! Can I waste your time for a bit? I am a ravenclaw and was sorted into wampus... but I'm not feeling it. I am not a warrior, if someone gets to argue with me I will cry. I am the friend that gets always pushed around and left following (1)
You can always talk to me !! A lot of people are confused when they get sorted into Wampus, because only a few actually see themselves as warriors. But there are different kinds of warriors, you can physically fight battles sure, but there are a lot of ‘warriors’ that fight emotional/health related/mental/etc. battles !! So maybe you’ll find a way to feel comfortable with your house, or to find something you love about Wampus house after all ❤️
- Céline
(did you send other messages ? because I only got this one)
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