waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
I only have a 16 gb iPhone, I had no space for any of those apps. I mean, I’ve met some cool people on that site. None that I’ve ended up dating but you know.
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Tragic. It’s 2017, you deserve more space than that. What are you, poor? I’m sure there’s a charity that would be willing to help you out. If not I suppose I can start one. Sounds fake, but alright.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
Sucks. You should try tinder instead. Grindr? Whatever floats your boat. You are a fool, thinking you can find something serious on hello cupid. Even the name sounds stupid.
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So last night was a horrible night. I got stood up by my match from hello cupid. I knew a part time model and musician was too good to be true. What perfect good looking guy like that would be on that site? I looked like a damn fool at the bar. 
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
“Oh, no no no. We are not married anymore. I should not have to suffer these glitter bombs.” Reagan nodded in agreement. “But alright cool.” The two approached the window of the food truck and placed their orders. Within minutes their food was ready. “Do you wanna go to my place? You know it’s only two blocks away. Plus I have a new bearded dragon you should meet. Also a new dog. He’s a rescue.”
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“Then don’t fuckin’ hug me,” she snapped playfully, with a roll of her fuckin patty wackin eyes. She raised an eyebrow at his suggestion. It was risky, given their recent track record, but Aubrey was sure she could keep her hands to herself. Keep it professional. Like he said, they weren’t married anymore. “Yeah, sure. I’d love to meet the fucking creatures.”
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
Reagan chuckled as he realized some glitter got attached to his shit. “Oh how I missed being covered with glitter as well.” He joked. “Do you want to eat here? Or do you want to take it else where. I know you’re not a fan of the whole truck theme, but whatever, you know you have to admit the food is delicious.”
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“Yeah, you’re fucking welcome,” she laughed. “If I have to suffer from the glitter bomb that is my employment, so do you.” She shrugged, observing the truck. Aubrey was never one to turn down food. She could eat and be hungry and ready to go an hour later. She wasn’t a health nut, either. Greasy food was her shit. But did she want to sit around outside and eat it? Not really. “I’m sure the food is fine, but let’s take it to go.”
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
Reagan was mid laugh when he realized Aubrey was there. “Aubrey, please. These are Skip and Jump. They’re cool peeps. I’ll talk to you guys later. Snapchat me.” He gave them both fist bumps then stood up. “Hi.” He greeted and awkwardly gave her a hug. “Did you just leave work?”
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Aubrey shook her head, staring blankly at her ex. “...okay. Anyway.” She stood up, allowing the hug and even the tiniest of smiles. “Yeah, I did. How could you tell?” she laughed, covered head to toe in fucking glitter.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
Aubrey made her way to the food truck, even though it wasn’t exactly her scene. The truck aspect, not the food aspect. She wasn’t exactly a skeezy stoner who needed munchies 24/7...but she was a girl that sometimes got out of work at ungodly hours. And pole dancing burns a lot of calories. She made her way up to Reagan and tapped him on the shoulder before sitting next to him. “Who are these fuckos?” she was referring to Reagan’s new friends, of course.
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Reagan had arrived at the food truck a little too early. It was nine in the evening. Thank goodness this truck was open at the late hours to compensate for stoners. The shaggy hair guy waited patiently for Aubrey, sitting at one of the few tables set out in front of the truck. As usual, Reagan made friends with some random stoners enjoying their late night meal.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
Why not? I want you to buy me things and then I wanna s your d. That’s like, total daddy status. I’m not seeing the problem.
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You look like…thirty-five. But in a totally hot way. You’re practically daddy status. Fuck me hard tbh. But like. That’s still totally rude of your grocer. 
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Don’t call me “daddy”, that’s just odd. 
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
I still have my goofy hair. Does that mean you still like me? I’m just kidding. What have you been up to? I haven’t spoken to you in weeks. That’s pretty crazy. I was just getting used to talking to you again. Kinda unfortunate. We should hang out.
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I’ll always still like you, Ray. I’ve just been working. We should definitely hang out, though. Wanna come over? I just finished a show. 
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
You look like...thirty-five. But in a totally hot way. You’re practically daddy status. Fuck me hard tbh. But like. That’s still totally rude of your grocer. 
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Today, the cashier at the local grocery store in my area said that I don’t look a day over 40. I’m 28. FML. Do I really look that old? Is it because I’m tired and was wearing old timey clothes. I’m confused.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
I meant to say they don’t sell those everywhere. I’ll just cut it so it can grow back! Ugly people will like it? I mean you liked it at some point, I’m sure of it. It’s the reason we got married, let’s be real. You were like “oh, Reagan, I love your short hair that grows eventually…”
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I was never like that, and it definitely wasn’t the reason we got married. But I guess you’re right. I liked everything about you back then. Even your goofy hair.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
You can call me, D. What’s wrong with O?
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Nothing is wrong with it, per say, it’s just not generally a nickname...at all.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
I’ve just been living life. Been keeping busy. Wrote a few songs. See me more? Well come on over, stranger. It’s a two-way street.
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Keeping busy is especially good in your position, but you could be keeping busy with Jacquelyn and I. Doesn’t that sound more fun? Oh, is it? Well, in that case, I’ll be over in five. 
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
I know, you don’t Partake, Rachel. I still don’t understand why. But you do you, boo boo. It does make me feel sleepy when it’s in the mid afternoon. Early mornings and late nights are the times for inspiration, in my opinion. What have you been up to? Are you good?
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I’m fine, but I’d be better if I saw more of you. What have you been up to?
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
Dude, they don’t sell umbrellas. Especially wherever I was. And I know you’re a fucking Harry Potter nerd. Do you not remember the many times we had Harry Potter marathons. That question was more for everyone else but you. Oh, about my hair, I’m gonna cut it again. It’s that time. I’m also gonna grow the el bandito mustache, do you think people will like that?
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What the hell? That makes no sense, but k. Just making sure you didn’t forget, boo. Of course I fucking remember. Don’t be stupid. Please don’t cut it. I love it. Especially now that we’re talking about Harry Potter. Whatever, do what you want I guess. I’m sure ugly people will like it.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
I’m sorry, O. It’s not entirely my choice when it comes to casting. I would have loved to have you on any show of mine.
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O? People call me Liv, D. You know this.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
I love the gloomy rain when I can curl up inside! Or when I don’t forget an umbrella. What deep emotions, though? The rain usually just makes me a bit more sleepy. Weed? Please, Oliver. You know I don’t partake. 
Happy Monday, y’all.  It’s a great day to be out.  Who doesn’t enjoy the gloomy rain? I personally find inspiration in it. It just fuels those deep emotions, don’t you think? Perfect song writing setting. How were everyone’s weekend? Do anything fun? Smoke enough weed to get you through Monday? Have any delicious meals? I don’t know. Just spit balling questions out there.
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 7 years
You don’t know shit about wet hair, chill. You can pull off the shaggy dog look and you know me. Umbrellas are ten bucks, you’re stupid. You left the rain for humidity aka more wetness? Stupider. Me? A Harry Potter nerd? ...Always*
*Snape is still a fuckboi, though.
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I’m like not down for this weather. My hair and hat are all wet now. I guess that was my mistake for not bringing an umbrella or something. On the bright side, I’m finally home from work. It was a long weekend away; took a trip to Florida. Pretty humid. I don’t like. I don’t like. But I did see some alligators at the park. Universal Studios was awesome, though. Got to see the Harry Potter world. Almost like a dream come true. Has anyone else ever been there? Or at least the one in California? Wait…is anyone else a Harry Potter nerd like me?
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