31 posts
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wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Ping Pong The Animation
Anime: Ping Pong The Animation Watched in: May 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜‘ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜‘ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜‘ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜‘ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
2 notes ยท View notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Id: Invaded
Anime: Id: Invaded Watched in: May 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜‘ Completely captivated โ˜ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜‘ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜‘ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜‘ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
1 note ยท View note
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Steins;Gate Deja Vu
Anime: Steins;Gate Deja Vu Watched in: March 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜‘ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜ Imagination required for a few things โ˜‘ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜‘ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Shinsekai Yori
Anime: Shinsekai Yori Watched in: May 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜‘ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜‘ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜‘ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜‘ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜‘ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Bocchi the Rock
Anime: Bocchi the Rock Watched in: May 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜‘ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜‘ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜‘ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Madoka: Magia Record (S1 + S2 + S3)
Anime: Madoka: Magia Record (S1 + S2 + S3) Watched in: May 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜‘ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜‘ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜‘ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜‘ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Madoka: Rebellion (Movie)
Anime: Madoka: Rebellion (Movie) Watched in: May 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜‘ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜‘ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜‘ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜‘ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Anime: Madoka Watched in: May 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜‘ Completely captivated โ˜ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜‘ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜‘ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜‘ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜‘ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜‘ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Anime: Erased Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜‘ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜‘ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜‘ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜‘ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜‘ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜‘ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Lycoris Recoil
Anime: Lycoris Recoil Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜‘ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜‘ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜‘ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
1 note ยท View note
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Code Geass Re;surrection (Movie)
Anime: Code Geass Re;surrection (Movie) Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜‘ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Code Geass S2
Anime: Code Geass S2 Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜‘ Completely captivated โ˜ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜‘ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜‘ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent
1 note ยท View note
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Attack on Titan S4 Part 2
Anime: Attack on Titan S4 Part 2 Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜‘ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜‘ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜‘ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Suzume (Movie)
Anime: Suzume (Movie) Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜‘ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ Imagination required for a few things โ˜‘ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜‘ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜‘ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Code Geass S1
Anime: Code Geass S1 Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜‘ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜‘ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Weathering with You (Movie)
Anime: Weathering with You (Movie) Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜‘ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜‘ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜ Imagination required for a few things โ˜‘ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜‘ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜‘ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes
wakuruu ยท 2 years ago
Attack on Titan S4 Part 1
Anime: Attack on Titan S4 Part 1 Watched in: Apr 2023 MAL: link
โ€”{Overall enjoyment}โ€” โ˜ Completely captivated โ˜‘ Highly enjoyable โ˜ Mostly enjoyable โ˜ Somewhat enjoyable โ˜ It made me angry
โ€”{Thematic elements}โ€” โ˜ So good that I thought about it for weeks โ˜‘ Thought provoking โ˜ Weakly suggested themes โ˜ Largely nonexistent themes โ˜ Inconsistent themes
โ€”{World Mechanics}โ€” โ˜ Extremely clear, canonical causality is cleanly established โ˜‘ Imagination required for a few things โ˜ Somewhat clear โ˜ Things often do not have clear canonical explanations โ˜ Things usually happen just because (supernatural)
โ€”{Character Design}โ€” โ˜ Excellent character depth across the entire cast โ˜‘ The characters that matter are well developed โ˜ There are attempts to develop a few characters โ˜ The cast has nonexistent development
โ€”{Visuals}โ€” โ˜‘ Each frame could be a wallpaper โ˜ Beautiful โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent โ˜ Unpleasant
โ€”{Soundtrack}โ€” โ˜‘ I would listen to this OST on repeat โ˜ Enjoyable โ˜ Good โ˜ Decent
0 notes