“I need to stop fantasizing about running away to some other life, and start figuring out the one I have.”
— Holly Black
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it really pisses me off how easy it is to get sad and then how long and hard it is to get happy again like what the fuck man thats not fair
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-,’ types of people ,’-
tea: old souls, loves nature, bookworms, kindness, gardening, believes in old folklore, amazed with the universe, tiny houses, wandering through forests
coffee: loud music, messy hair, denim jackets, dogs, summer nights, making promises, competitive, wants to change the world, free spirits, adventures
water: bright smiles, has faith in humanity, curiosity, staying up late, poetry, nostalgia, the smell of vanilla, mythology, vintage shirts, pretty handwriting
hot chocolate: oversized sweaters, winter, rosy cheeks, cold hands, movie nights, cozy homes, the mom friend, loves their friends more than anything
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i’m so done with the way girls in twenties are treated. i’m so done with people who literally create timetable for us. 20- 24 find a guy, 24-26 make him propose to you, 27-29 get married. i’m so done. i’m do not want to get 2 a.m texts from my best friend who is freaking out that she is gonna die alone. i do not want see my 20 years old friend wasting her time on some guys who are not even interested in her. i do not want see us falling for every nice guy who does not look creepy. i do not want to see girls get sad or paranoid just bcos they do not fill in the schedule. you are ok. you should enjoy your life at its fullest and one day you will find 10/10 so do not pursue 6 just because you do not want to be single. it is ok and one day you will find someone. do not split your love with people who does not deserve it. keep it for yourself and when time will come you will know. i know it hurts. i know you wish u could just open part of yourself and release the buzzing love. but not every kind of love is romantic. show it to your family, friends, plants, yourself.
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You can discover your favourite band when you’re in your late twenties. You can meet your best friend when you’re in your thirties. You can finally accomplish a life goal when you’re in your fifties. Your youth isn’t the only time frame where amazing, life-changing things can happen.
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after dying god informs you that hell is a myth, and “everyone sins, its ok”. instead the dead are sorted into six “houses of heaven” based on the sins they chose.
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back when i was suicidal in high school the tiniest things would make me want to kill myself but also the most trivial things would stop me
i remember looking at a bottle of sleeping pills and going “i’m going to kill myself. i’m not going to get out of this town. i’m not going to be able to get into a good college” and then i would go “but wait! if you die tonight, you won’t be there when they invent time travel. what if you die tonight and aliens land tomorrow and you miss it. the entire world would change and you would miss it.” “ah, yes. good point. i’ll wait until next week to die. once i’m dead i’m dead, so i can wait a little longer to see if something cool happens before then.”
it never did but it brought me back from killing myself until i started seeing a psychologist and got on antidepressants
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“Most of our karma is collective. We suffer for the sins of others, as others suffer for ours. Humanity is one.”
— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (via lazyyogi)
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It’s kinda weird how tomorrow, everything will go back to normal. There will be no evidence of what happened today but our memories. Rumors of the Tumblcoin will emerge here and there. Our dead horse friends will live on in our hearts. Mishapocalypse posts will subside and disappear from our dash. April 2nd will be a new day, a new dawn, a new era.
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how do you know if you're in love???
I honestly asked my friend this same question just hours ago as I was clueless myself but thinking about it now I think it’s when for the first time after what seemed like a dreadful year (or life), you look forward to waking every morning knowing he (let’s use he as it’s me talking) will be there for you. I think it’s just plain seeing him and being happy that’s he’s around. It’s being happy just by hearing his voice. No matter how bad your day is, one message from him would make your entire day. It’s when he makes you want to write long letters and huge poems. It’s not all about “lust”- it’s more of the intimate relationship you have together. It’s when the simplest of things count. It’s when you start to mature and start to plan something with him for the future. It’s when he makes you want to start fixing your life. It’s when he’s always in your head 3 pm or 3 am. It’s when you can’t stop talking or thinking about him. It’s when you just really always miss him even if he’s right beside you. It’s the “I used to like green eyes but now blue eyes are my favorite”. It’s when all love and cheesy stuff just apply for him. It’s when you begin to see nothing but him and you value him like you value yourself. It’s not the “heart pounding, hands sweating” feeling but more of the “I feel home” feeling. It’s more of like talking to yourself- being yourself with someone without worries. It’s when you begin to really trust him with everything and that includes your happiness. It’s when he’s your happiness. It’s when subconsciously you change for the better. It’s when you once again start opening up after a long time. It’s when you are denying it at most cause you are afraid of how strong you feel and last I think while you’re reading this- there’s someone in your head right now and you’re just contemplating whether you’re in love with him or not but hey the fact that he or she is the person (out of billions of people) in your mind while you read this must say a lot.
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“You are your own worst enemy. If you can learn to stop expecting impossible perfection, in yourself and others, you may find the happiness that has always eluded you.”
— Lisa Kleypas, Love in the Afternoon (via meyong)
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self care for when you hit rock bottom
i fucking hate self care posts made by neurotypicals so here’s one from someone who Actually Gets It
-can’t shower or take a bath? me either. dry shampoo can make your hair look and feel cleaner, and baby wipes or makeup wipes work great to get the top layer of grime off your skin.
-can’t wash your sheets and make your bed? i feel you. push your blankets out of the way and shake the crumbs off your sheet. it will at least be a bit more comfortable.
-can’t even change out of your dirty pajamas? been there. hit yourself with some febreeze and a lint roller. if you can, brush your hair. if you can’t, hair ties and bobby pins are fantastic.
-can’t make anything to eat? same. if you can, there’s no shame in ordering food. in fact, it’s probably better you eat something rather than go hungry. if you can’t, try and find something that comes pre-made or takes minimal effort to make. at the very least, drink some water.
can’t respond to messages or reach out for help? yeah, i get that. set an alarm for a few hours from now and respond to any messages you need to once you’ve given yourself time to prepare. if they’re Important Messages that need Professional Responses, you can find fill-in-the-blank format rough drafts on google. as far as personal messages go, don’t feel bad for sending a mass “I’m sorry, I’m in a personal emergency right now. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” response to everyone.
-can’t even sleep because it’s so bad? asmr videos always knock me out, personally, but i also watch a lot of bob ross. just try to find something quiet and soothing to use as background noise and take your mind off it, or at least give you a more peaceful environment to think about it.
-can’t go for a walk/drive? try opening the blinds or curtains. you’re still exposing yourself to the outside world. baby steps. (i also play animal crossing or sims; it may be virtual but fuck it. i went on a walk.)
-can’t go into work/school? let people know. let your coworkers or classmates know it’s an emergency and you can’t make it. give yourself up to two days, but then you have to go back. ask to have your work emailed to you so you know what you missed.
-can’t brush your teeth and wash your face? makeup or baby wipes and gum or mouthwash. don’t let yourself physically rot bc you’re rotting emotionally.
-remember that you’ve been here before. if you survived then you can survive now. that’s what this is about- survival. you don’t have to be living your Best Life. right now, it’s more than enough that you’re alive.
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Creating a Day Worth Living
1. Get up early
2. Express gratitude for what you have
3. Do something productive
4. Do something fun
5. Do something for someone else
6. Get some sunlight
7. Exercise – it doesn’t matter what – just do some exercise
8. Put a smile in someone’s face
9. Express gratitude or compliment someone
10. Learn or do something new.
Source: cornercanyoncounseling.com
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The more disciplined you are,
The more easier your life will be 💋
Self Discipline is a crucial factor for your success, we are living in a world full of distractions bombarded by things that promise us happiness
Self discipline is hard and it will take way longer than you think but know it is worth it!
Define a goal worth fighting for, your life can change if you accomplish this goal
This goal will be the guiding light to the shore, look within yourself and look for the pillars in life: life, family, money, health and power
Money will help you reshape your life and have the biggest impact in your learning,experience, and the elevation of your life
Remove distractions, people who control their environment are the people who control their lives!
The goal comes first! The goal you pick will change your life, it needs to be priority, everything else should fall in 2nd place
Don’t wait for it to feel right, most people are average because they give up, you have to keep going
MOTIVATION is overrated! People talk too much about about trying to lose weight or things that they’re gon do! Don’t be them!
Force yourself, you are not your body, you are your MIND!
People only look at end result! Know that you won’t have any audience throughout your journey but remind yourself that the end result will be worth it
Learn to rest not quit
Reward yourself to recharge
Never take failure too deep,
It can take 100 failures
But a single right move/idea can change your life. Keep getting better and try again.
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I honestly believe the whole “adults require less sleep” thing is honest to god probably a myth created by capitalism
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As I get older, I don’t generally like to tell people what they should and should not do. Whether it’s because I know that people will do what their heart tells them to do irregardless of what somebody says or because I believe in trusting the process and letting people choose on their own - there are little things I do still abide by.
You should be kind - not just a knowing of how to be nice - but kind at the end. Even if you’ve somehow found yourself in a place of hate with the person you’re with, know that this is only fueled by anger. And anger never lasts. For some people, it may last years and years (and you can’t do anything about it to speed up the process for them, only they can) but this period will always end. Because humans, I would like to think, don’t work that way. We have compassion. I would like to believe all of us has compassion no matter how much we’ve been hurt. So be kind in the end. Not just for them, but for yourself. You deserve to be the same person they fell in love with - not the person that the process has tarnished you with.
It always always takes two. Even if one person was totally and utterly unfair in the end or left you for somebody else - even if you were an angel. I know that sounds insane. (Okay, with the exception of those god awful stories you read on the internet of domestic abuse and just out right psychopaths.)
Don’t play games if you love/d this person. Why wait 6 hours to tell them you miss them? Why wait for them to call you first so that you seem elusive and ~mYsTeRiOus~? Love is love. If the reason they don’t come back or miss you is because you didn’t give them enough time to realize it - it will never have worked out in the first place. You love somebody even when you are at your angriest. There is no pause in love.
I used to read horoscopes on how to be a better half for my significant others. Don’t do this. This is so stupid. You are you and you have to be compatible being yourself.
Do not worry about them moving on while you are holding on. (With this said, I still do it all the time. I am the worry queen.) But I tell myself that if this person truly loved you, it’s the last thing on their mind to slide into somebody’s DMs or hit up an ex. (This generation of social media truly sucks, I know.) and honestly, if that’s what they end up doing - it makes a little easier knowing their morals and values.
I’m sure there’s much more but take it with a grain of salt as well. That’s another thing. Be in your relationship on your own. Don’t drag your family and friends into it. They will always be biased. You do not need more voices in your head. This relationship consists of you and your significant other. Nobody else’s opinion should matter. Even if your mother is your very best friend or your culture does not condone it. It’s 2018. You are allowed to choose your life as well as who you love.
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10 Things that can Wreck your Life
1. Not living in the moment. Always wishing you were somewhere else, doing something different with other people.
2. Blaming your problems on your past. Although the past affects us, it need not define us. We can choose, decide and act – and take control of our lives. Don’t let the heartache from the past define who you become.
3. Running away from problems. It’s crazy just to bury your head in the sand and act like are fine when you’re dealing with a mess. Face reality, take action and work to turn life round.
4. Being ungrateful. Being thankful sets you free in your heart and mind. It inspires all that’s good - and, also, oils relationships. But an ungrateful person will wear others down. It destroys your spirit, so you feel down and depressed.
5. Being angry and bitter. Refusing to forgive, and bearing grudges against others, will slowly poison your life and your personality. It’s much better to release them and to focus, instead, on living a happy and fulfilling life.
6. Letting your expectations rule your life. Life rarely goes smoothly and according to plan – and people disappoint us and let us down. Accepting this is normal takes some tension out of life.
7. Disrespecting yourself and others. Every single person deserves respect, and every single person is fighting their own battle. So focus on being kind, understanding and forgiving.
8. Neglecting important relationship. A relationship that’s built on unconditional love – where a person accepts us for who and what we are
– is truly a gift and is worth fighting for. Don’t take it for granted
– recognise that it’s a gift.
9. Loving people who are bad for us. Not every person will build into your life. Be aware of those who who’ll use you, or who want to bring you down, or who want to hurt you, or destroy your confidence.
10. Never taking risks. If you always play it safe, you’ll find you end up going nowhere. You must be ready to take risks - or you will miss so much in life.
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