My GIF Life #3
Hi everyone, It's the end of the semester! And nearly Christmas time!!! Yeah!!! So I decided today, i was giving you a present you all love, another GIF Life episode ^_^! Yeaaaaaah!!! So take the present, don't mind tearing the paper gift apart, sit down and enjoy!
OK, as I said earlier, it's the end of our first term. Some teachers will be missed... a lot!!!
While we'll be waiting for our final grades to come out and I'm sure you'll agree on having a big fat resting period too...
But rejoice, It' almost Christmas time!!!
I found the perfect solution for Santa Claus to get me a new laptop ;)
What Santa Claus doesn't exist???
So I did all that for... nothing!!!
Anyway I'm having the best party ever for New Year's Eve and I can't wait to get there...
Happy Holidays everyone! Enjoy yourselves but stay sensible, okay?
One final tip for those who might feel depressed about this first semester or those who wonder if they fit their choices...
Hope I get to make you smile one more time with my GIFs. See you around! Bye
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Man is what he hides
One day, a friend of mine bought me a bracelet. I was happy and I thought it would be nice to get her something back.
So I browsed throughout the internet and I found a beautiful bracelet as well on eBay, so I purchased it amongst other little things that pleased me.
When I received the parcel 3 days later, I was so glad to open the box and when I unwrapped the bracelet, I really found it was so cute. So I made up my mind and kept it for me. My friend didn't know it was intended to her in the first place anyway. So I wasn't actually violating any friendship rule or else.
What was just busted about it was the writing on it: "Best Friends Forever". So I decided to wear the bracelet on occasions I was sure she wasn’t around. And I did well for 3 months.
One day, she invited me over for a party and I completely forgot to take the bracelet off. At one point, she noticed it and came to me to watch it closely. I was trapped! When she read the inscription, she asked me who gave it to me. I was totally embarrassed so I had two choices: telling the truth or just lying to her. In a fraction of time, I was telling her the whole story, she was my best friend forever and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I took the bracelet off my wrist and put it on hers.
She was so happy I was honest with her, and she also loved the gift. She was always wearing my gift to her and I cherished her gift to me.
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It's all about Hands
This week's assignment is really confusing because it deals with unrelated topics. I first have to talk about hands and then I must work on a metaphor about some exotic place...
So first of all, I'm about to talk about my mum's hands. You need to know first that my mother is a small person. She doesn't look like a midget but she basically is small. So she has small hands but to my mind, they made great things in the past. if the lines in the palm of her hands could talk, they will tell you hundreds of stories.
Stories about how she took care of her husband and three children. These careful hands which fed us baby bottle, which cuddled us for hours when we were looking for care or affection. These crafty hands which can cook, sew, knit, crochet...
Her hands are wrinkled today but they're still energetic.
Secondly have you ever noticed that Hawaii is like an ant on a map of Earth?
Actually I asked this question to my mum and guess what she answered! So funny, she told me 'Sure! I suppose there are ants in Hawaii too. But aren’t they bigger than the average one in Europe?' I burst into laugh quite instantly and she stared at me asking what made me laugh.
And so I asked her the same question again, and then she was laughing too. We were like two idiots in the kitchen.
I love those awkward moments when they’re shared, it’s like being a child, you know the innocent part of being a child.
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My GIF Life #2
Well hi there. Due to its huge success, today is another GIF Life moment! Yeaaaaaaaaaaah! I've been browsing the web to find the most suitable animations to describe my life lately. I've been through a lot of feelings, thoughts, sensations. Hope you'll enjoy this one as much as the previous one ^_^. So let's start...
First of all, last week's disappointment, the Worst grade ever in English in my entire life (hope it's once and for all). We were asked to learn like thousands of words or expressions on Translation course and I managed to score a sad 9.5/20, after spending days trying to remember the most of it. Basically, I reacted like this...
But deep inside my soul, I took this horrifying grade like this...
And I ended up my evening and weekend like this...
Next test is in 4 weeks, and if it goes on like this, I'm sorry Mrs Amiens but...
But I'm staying focused as much as I can right now concerning this coming test and I will nail it like this...
Oh! While reading this weekend (Library of the Dead by Glenn Cooper), I learnt a new word in French vocabulary: do you know how is called the place which holds the casket during a burial ceremony in the church? A catafalque...
Enough with the vocabulary things lol. Question guys: Do you feel like this when you go to RFI's course on Thursday afternoons? (let me know your opinion on this one please)
or like this?
Last Friday, I went and visited my last job place to check on everyone (I worked in a primary school last year). It was so nice seeing them, they grew up so fast... Basically I was greeted like this...
That was sweet and fun! ^_^
Well it's not a secret for you that next week is GB History test and all I want to do now is...
I need to find motivation! Help me please... Ten chapters to try and learn in a week... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!
Oh and one more thing! We have to prepare with Raphael and Killian, our next week's assignment for Communication course, you know... the skit thing...
Wish me luck for those coming days...
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Yes we can!
Following Marine’s post, named "Tidy Mess!" I’d like to give my impression on it as well.
But first of all, thank you Marine! What a charming allegory you made there. I’m so pleased you brought this subject on, now I can discuss it with you.
Flying is man’s dream since the beginning of times. Man has always been green with envy birds. Why? Because, as you said Marine, every single human being on earth is longing for freedom, the real deal!
And there’s no perfect symbol for liberty than Wings. Why does it have to be so full of imagery when we talk about freedom? It would be cuter to say, the Wings of the Press, the Wings of Expression, don’t you think so?
OK, I may be talking "newspeak" there, but this word is a perfect match for those ideas.
I found and seen many attempts that man made through time. People built wooden structures, then metal one, resembling like wings. But his best air craft is plane. Yes man can fly, ok without any freedom, but still! And I found this for those who wanted to try and fly freely: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/24/article-2148581-133E6D96000005DC-628_964x568.jpg
So spread your wings Marine, don’t be afraid to fly!
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In my spare time, I’m a music composer. Thanks to my computer and a lot of patience, I try my best to express what’s inside my head. Those melodies running through my brain have to get out otherwise, they drive me crazy day-and-night! Years ago I felt interested in making music and once I acquired a little music theory, I found it quite easy to transcribe my thoughts with the help of my computer.
Like a writer or a painter, you’ll need a great amount of imagination. Because making a good beat isn’t a gift for everyone, sometimes you have to wait for days or weeks before something good enough to exploit crosses your brain. But the result always ends up with self-satisfaction, the impression that what I did is soothing something. It’s such an outlet to me. Every time I feel down and blue, I just grab my laptop, put on my headphones, launch the program and rock on!
But keep in mind that it’s a time-consuming activity. Making music requires a lot of patience. What takes you so long is finding the perfect combination of instruments and a good melody. Every instrument has to find its own place in harmony with one another. This process might be confusing a lot but practice makes perfect. Moreover, by plugging a digital piano to the computer, edition goes faster than assembling bits of music notes in the program but sound libraries can contain up to 10,000 sounds. Now you understand why ^_^ !
So why don’t you try it, Plato used to say “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”
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My GIF Life
I noticed it is difficult to make yourself clear sometimes. And especially when you try to expose what you feel when you write. If only there was a practical way of doing so with my blog posts. Fortunately, animated GIFs have made their big return since 2012, particularly thanks to multiple creative Tumblrs. Today I've decided to have my own GIF life and I'll be sharing it as MTU's assignments from time to time. This is ...
when it's Saturday and I'm still looking for a good topic for my MTU's assignment due for next Monday afternoon
when I finally started writing 150 words about a good idea for my blog post and my computer decided to reboot in order to install updates
when it's 3am on Monday morning and I only have 12 hours left for dealing with Lily's assignment
when it's 10am on Monday morning and Mrs Collinge-Germain is teaching us about The Initiation Story
when I completely forgot we have our next CC in 2 days and I'm working on rearranging my notes and learning them
when Mrs Dhieux exhumes basics in French grammar, souvenirs from Primary School
when Mrs Abelard asked us to make an imaginary letter from Munch's painting to Van Gogh and I have no bloody idea what these characters are supposed to chat about
when I look back at my past and plan my future today
and this one is for when I'll first see my face in the mirror tomorrow morning
To be continued...
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ESF (Empty Space Feeling)
All right people! Right now, I really miss one very important thing in my life...
I miss the sight of your beauty, the warm colour of your body. You never went out in the sun still, you were always tanned, 24/7! When I pulled out that hood of yours, you always hypnotised me, each time! It was a B&W world I was given, and at this precise moment I knew that I was about to be embraced by your monochrome fingers.
If you were made of food ingredients, I would definitely miss your chocolaty and milky taste. But fortunately you were not, because I might have eaten every bit of you or as time goes by, you would have just melted away.
I miss your scent too. The burst of your woody fragrance that came and tickled my nose each time I took a deep breath before you hugged me. Your smell surrounded me to pacify my imagination and I miss this feeling today.
I miss the softness of your skin. My hands used to love caressing your sweet curves. My fingers loved to tickle yours, I would have sold my soul to spend my lifetime in your arms. Together we were an item, when I touched you, wonders were coming out of your mouth.
And your voice!!! God I miss the sound of your voice. I miss that metallic sound in your belly that made me quiver so easily, the warmth of your timbre that wrapped me to cuddle me. Your voice acted on me like a mother comforting her child, without you I feel like I need to be more courageous to face my everyday life.
Big, handsome and strong, you stand there in my mind where I last saw you, where we said goodbye... :'(
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Keeping yourself happy

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi.
Well happiness is what we, human beings, are constantly seeking, like a quest: The Quest For Happiness! Surviving on planet Earth is not a very easy thing to do. And in our every-day-life we have to face ups and downs, well it's a nature we can't resist. No matter how hard the situation can be, it is very important to keep yourself happy.
The prime thing to keep in mind is to love yourself. Remember that it never means you are selfish. In fact, whenever you feel down and blue, keep this thought in the back of your head and it will boost up your confidence and will help you think positively. If you love yourself, you will be able to believe in yourself!
Next, make yourself your best friend. This idea doesn't mean you don't need help from your friends. In hard times even if you have friends to talk to, sometimes you have to go through it alone. Keep in mind that you will always know what is best for yourself more than anyone else does.
Then it gets times when you have to think about the problems you are facing. Spend some time alone: When you do this, you will ask yourself some questions which will help to solve your problem. What is the problem? How can you solve the problem? What the worst that can happen? How you can handle the situation. Ask these to yourself at that time. You will certainly get the confidence to solve your problem on your own.
According to some psychologists, keeping a journal is like a therapy. Paper diary, blogs, vlogs, whatever means of expression you'll use will do the trick. First, important fact, you can speak about what you can't discuss with anyone! Secondly, it allows you to write about emotions you hold inside. For example you won't keep your anger inside which can explode some other day if you're stuck with this feeling inside. Thirdly, papers never reveal secrets! You can get a real true friend by writing a journal, who will never speak about your secrets to other. Thus you can be happy mentally which is very important.
Finally, do good: No matter how hard the situation is, you can always be happy from heart. It is the good deed which can keep your heart happy. It doesn't matter whether it is just helping an old lady to cross the road or donating an Euro! Do at least one good deed a day!
Well I haven't found the perfect recipe to keep yourself happy, but I did my share of doing good today by giving you those tips ^_^
And that makes me happy :)
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365 days - 524 recipes

Julie & Julia (2009)
Directed & Written by Nora Ephron
"The Story of a Legend who gave one woman the recipe to change her life"
Based on, not one but, two true stories, Julie & Julia is a 2009 comedy-drama film. The film contrasts the life of chef Julia Child (Meryl Streep) in the early years of her culinary career with the life of young New Yorker Julie Powell (Amy Adams), who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child's cookbook in 365 days, a challenge she described on her popular blog that would make her a published author. The film is the first major motion picture based on a blog. And the screenplay is adapted from two books: My Life in France by Julia Child and Julie & Julia by Julie Powell and the coincidence was that these two books were written and published in the same time frame (2004-2006).
In 2002, Julie Powell is a young writer with an unpleasant job so she decided to do something better with her life, she's always dreamt of writing books. Julie is fond of good food too so she decided to ally both activities: cooking every recipe in Julia Child's book in one year; and writing a blog to motivate herself and document her progress.
The film is made of parallel flashbacks of Julia Child's beginnings in cooking French recipes and her collaboration with two French women on a book about French cooking for American housewives. The plot highlights similarities in the women's challenges. Both women receive much support from their husbands, except when Powell's husband becomes fed up with her excessive devotion to her hobby and leaves her for a short time.
Eventually, Powell's blog is featured in a story published in The New York Times, after which her project begins to receive the attention of journalists, literary agents, publishers, and a dismissive response from Child herself. Although Child's book is rejected by Houghton Mifflin, it is accepted and published by Alfred A. Knopf. The last scene shows Powell and her husband visiting Child's kitchen at the Smithsonian Institution and Child in the same kitchen receiving a first print of her cookbook and celebrating the event with her husband.
I loved this film because its topics, success, fame and the middle-class dedication to the achievement of excellence, are really inspiring!
That's all for now, see you next time ^_^
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Welcome Reader aka Bits about myself
All right, first of all, a very scared cheerful welcome to you reader. I'm Marc (duh) and it's my first time blogging! I'm in my early thirties. I usually am shy on first approach, I've always had issues when being immersed in a new environment, but when I get comfy with people, I loosen myself up lol. I'm Aquarius and I really am characterised by this sign: friendly, sensitive, generous but I can be self-sufficient, elusive, clumsy, and utopian as well. Well I'm complex, but who isn't on this planet? Basically, I'm more of a listener than a chatterbox whatever...
Enough with the self-portrait! I live in a tiny, yet practical flat in Angers (in North-West of France). After struggling with my professional life, I decided to move apart from my roots in Vendée to Angers, in order to go back to school and study English to become an English teacher in France. Some people would say I'm brave doing that at my age, I just reply, I'm making myself a better future, I want to do a job I actually love. Last year, I worked in an elementary school as an education assistant, and I was given the opportunity to teach 10-year-olds the basics of English. That was a great experience and today, it explains why I'm in Angers, enrolled for at least 3 years in University.
I chose to entitle my blog "Marc's Corner" because of the warmth and intimacy the word "corner" conveys, like in the fireplace's corner. Imagine yourself in softened light, sitting on a rocking-chair, a nice and warm cuppa tea's on the side table near you (well you have to love tea, like me!), laptop on your knees, reading my blog! Can you picture that? Soooo comfy, isn't it? Nothing written here will be too formal I guess, and I want you to feel as cosy as possible. So...
Have a nice journey on following me on Tumblr!
(Looks like I'm chatty in the end ^_^)
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